Updated 2014 105A-1
105A.01. Permit Required. Subdivision 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to give,
hold or conduct a public dance unless the owner or proprietor of the place where the dance
is held, or the person giving the dance or in charge of the dance shall first obtain from the
Common Council a permit to hold, give and conduct the public dance. A permit is not
required if the owner or proprietor of the place where the dance is held has a license issued
pursuant to chapter 125A.
Subd. 2. For purposes of this chapter, the term “public dance” means any
manner of holding a dance in which the public may participate. (4002, 2/7/11)
105A.02. Permits; Single, Annual. Subdivision 1. A permit issued under this
chapter may be a single dance permit or an annual permit. A single dance permit allows
the permittee to give, hold or conduct a public dance, or allows the owner or lessee of a
premises to permit such premises to be used for the purpose of holding a public dance, on
a single occasion. An annual dance permit allows the p ermittee to give, hold or conduct a
public dance, or the owner or lessee of a premises to permit such premises to be used for
the purpose of holding a public dance on an unlimited number of occasions during a
calendar year.
Subd. 2. Any approved dance permit must be provided upon demand of any
law enforcement officer or city official in the performance of their duty. (4002, 2/7/11)
105A.03. Fees. Subd. 1. The fee for issuance of a single dance permit shall be fifteen
dollars ($15.00).
Subd. 2. The fee for issuance of an annual dance permit is two hundred dollars
($200.00). Provided, that if an annual permit is first obtained after January 31 or any calendar
year, the annual fee shall be reduced on a monthly pro rata basis for the balance of said
calendar year.
(2456, 7/1/85; 3216, 12/22/98; 3639, 5/3/04; 4002, 2/7/11)