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Minutes of a regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Rochester,
Minnesota, held in the Council Chambers, in the City ball, in said City, on
January 6th,1941.
President Lemmon called the meeting to order at 2:00 o'clock P.M., the
jfollowing members being present: President Lemmon, Aldermen, Amundsen, Anderson,
Bowers, Moody, Mrachek, Williams. Absent: None.
Upon motion by Amundsen second by Williams, the minutes of the meeting of
December ilth,1940, were approved.
President Lemmon stated this as being the time and place set'for receiving
and opening bids for the furnishing of chains for use at 'the Sewage Disposal
Plant. The following bids were received and opened at this' time: Moorehead
Machine & Boiler Co., $9211.75, Minnesota Bearing Company $g1L9.s2, Albert C.
Price Co. $924.00. President Lemmon referred the said bids to the Sewer
Committee and the City Engineer for tabulation and recommendation.
A communication from the League of Minnesota. Municipalities regarding
the Police School, was read and Pre�s.ident Lemmon ordered that the'same be
placed on file.
A notice of cance'llati'on by the Western Surety Company of the bond of
Tim Daly, for non-payment of premium, was read, and Upon motion by Moony second
by Mrachek it was ordered that the said communication be placed -on file and'
that the City Clerk notify Tim Daly of th'e said cancell'at'ion.
Copies of 'resolutions passed and adopted by the Commissioners of the
Sinking Fund, Making arrangements"for-and paying the January lst`,19111, maturity
of principal and interest on City of Rochester, Light and Water bonds, were,
read, and upon motion by Mrachek second by Moody.the actions set forth _ther"ein
were approved and it was4 ordered that the same be placed on file.
Communications from the State of Minnesota Department of Public Examiner
together with the reports covering the examination of the books and. records of
the City of "Rochester, for the fiscal year ending March 31,1940, were read
and President Lemmon ordered that the same be placed on file.
The appointment by -the Board of Public Nea.lth and Welfare of Dagna Nordby
as a stenographer half-time was read and upon motion by Amundsen second by
Anderson, the said appointment was approved.
A communication from the 'Rochester Kennel-J.Club regarding a. cnange in the
Dog Ordinance, was read, and President Lemmon referred the same to the License
Committee and the City Attorney.
A copy of a resolution passed and adopted by the Public Utility Board
requesting author'i ty to -purchase the south half of Lot 8, and all of Lots 9 and
10. Block 50, Original Plat, was read and President Lemmon ordered that the same
be placed on file.
OF THE CITY OF ROCHESTER, MINN., January 6 , 1941.
r 1
A copy of a resolution passed by the Board of Park Commissioners requesting
authority to enter into contract with the Recreatinn Equipment Company, for
the purchase of playgr.ound.equipment, was read, and President Lemmon ordered
that th.e s,a.me be placed on file.
The, rep.or,t of the Building and, Pl.umbi.ng Inspector and the Electrical.
Inspector for, the month of December,. 1940, showing building permit.- issued
$234.00, Plumbing permits issued $120.00., and electrical permits issued $10.75,
were each read, and ?resident Lemmon referred the same to the Finance Committee.
The Trial Balance of the City Engineer'.s Department, for the month of
December, 194.0, ,Maas read, and President Lemmon ordered that the ,same be placed
on file,.
The report of the City Engineer for the month of December, icl4a, showing
disbursements from the General Fund for labor $36.60, Street and Alley Fund
$5, 1,06. 52, Sewer Fund $679. 52, and the Bridge Fund $13. 52, was read and
President Lemmon ordered that the same be placed on file..
.The ,surety bend of Frank Springer as Treasurer of the Firemen's •Relief
Association, in the sum of $4500.00 with the.Maryland Casualty Company as
surety was read, and upon motion by Ivioody second by 13owera, the said 'bond vias
a-oproved,,the.surety t.hdreon accepted and it was ordered that the same be
nlaced on file.
The official bonds of alph Kelly in the sum of $3,000.00,.Lucille Sibley
$1,000.00, and Norma Schroeder $1,000.00 with the Commercial Casualty Insurance
Company as surety, were each read, and upon motion.by Doody second by Bowers
the said bonds were approved,the qureties thereon accepted and it wa.s.ordered
that the same be placed on _file.
.The a-o,)lication of the Rochester Atheletic Club for a permit to place and
maintain a gign, was read, and upon motion by Amundsen second by Anderson,
permit was granted.
Applications signed by R.F.Lerais, Sidney. M.Arneson, Walter.Scharnwebe•r, Carl
L.Dionysius, Otto q.Siericks, Stephen K. Tjaden, Arthur A.Beccue, Mifflin Proud,
Harold Waters, Andrew L.Benschoter, Harold G.Koelsch, Alvin Ray, Donald Lukeha.rt,
Earl Stanton, Walter Cords, Harvey O.Brown,.and Harold Sparks, for drivers
licenses, were each read, and upon motion by Mrachek second by Amundsen, licenses
were granted.
The recommendation of the Sewer Commitee and the City Engineer that the
contract for furnishing four strands of N0.720 Promal chain be awarded to the
Minnesota Bearing Company for the,sum of $9119.82,.was read, and upon motion.by
Mrachek second by Williams the , sa.i d -recommendation was accepted. .
The following claims were read, and upon motion by Williams second by
Anderson the same were allowed and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized and
OF THE CITY OF ROCHESTER, MINN.. January -6 ,19 41.
directed to draw warrants upon the City Treasurer and make payments accordingly:
From the General. Fund: Whiting Press $2.00, Geo.E.Rink $3.00, Schmidt
Printing Company $32.00; Burroughs Adding 'Machine Co.$15.02, Keuffel & Esser
$39.18, Corner Flower Shop,$15.00, Gus Bothke $20.00, Harvey Bartz $4.80,
Carl J. & Mildred 11unkholm $6.87, M.E.Se_zl $.41, Donald Randall $::25;:g.H.Helm
$6.00, John J. Kerr $6.00, Joe Schuster $20.00, Henry Lindberg $20.00, ;Helen
A.Jo.hnson $69.02, Wayne Pump Co.$190.00, Spencer Knapp $58.05, Adams Book_ &
.Art Shop $11.04, Hack & Goetti ng $53. 7F, General Fund $8.92, Williams & Carr
$14.35, Foster Electric Company $13.27, Railway Express Agency $.70, Amundsen's
Paint Shop $35. S8, Rubensteins $1. 29, William Behnken $2. 50, R. C. grips Co.
$56.25, Rochester Germicide Co. $4. 50, H. Dornack $4.50, C. C. Gray & Son $5.00,
Acme .Sign Co. $1.00, Bemel Bros. $27.50, ha.nson Hard:,rare $4.36, Western Union
$2.43, Pruett's Laundry $14.70, Jensen Hardware $1.42, Universal Motors $104.57,
Co -Operative Oil Company.$8.44, Home Oil Company $1.90, Gregory Gentling-$9.00,
Drs. Powers & Gore $25-00, City of Rochester, Light Dept. $7.70, Co -Operative
Oil 00.$14.17, Postier & Eggers $5.20, Dodge Lumber & Fuel Co.$1.O.6, H.& H.
Electric 00.$13.70, Nielson Tire Co. $117.64, Sherwin Williams Paint Store $5.10,
Rochester Electric Co. $10.77, Maass & McAndrews $.72, Foster Electrid $.75,
Alexander Auto Electr.ic $7.46, Tri-State Telephone ee Telegraph Co.$89.90,
From the Street and Alley Funk: Bemel Brothers $19.00, A.G:Swanson $6.94,
Morse Bros. $47. 50, .Northwest Associate Store $2. 25, H.E. Swanson $. 35, Street &
Alley Fund $76.03, Minneapolis Iron Store; $52.49, Chicago Northwestern
Railway Co. $3.00, Baker Mfg. Co.$41.10,.Ellis Motor Company $1.75, Shell Oil_
00.$56.50, R.C.Drips $4.00, Cities Service Co- $37.06, Rochester Plumbing
Heating Co.$50.00, International Harvester Co. $3.12, Ring Free Oil Co.$37.40,
Co -Operative Oil Co.$16.54, Postier & Eggers $1.70, Dodge Lumber & Fuel Co.
$25.10, H.& H.Electric Co.$2.30, Jensen Hardware $.10, Fratzke Bros. $10.25,
National Bushing & Parts Co.$190.67, A":aass & McAndrews $3.10, Alexander Auto
Electric Co. $1.46,
From the Fire Protection Fund: The Sanitary Company $7.45, Hayes -Lucas
Lumber Co.$25.85, West Side TeXaco Service $0.7.27, Minnesota Mattress & Feather
Co.$.90, 1,ritte Transportation Co. $.55, National Bushing & Parts 00.$59.61,
Rochester Soft Water
Service $3.50, Onie
Sponge Co.
$68.85, Pink
Supply Co.
$20. 30, Morning Pride
Mfg. Co. $12. 38,
Mine Safety
Aul li ance Co.
$14. 53,
National Fire Protection Association, $1.20, Model Laundry $37.48, Nelson Tire
Service $1.00, Sherwin Williams Paint Store $5.80, Rochester Electric Company
$14.06, Jensen_ hardware $1.21, Fratzke Brothers $9.69, Tri-State Telephone &
Telegraph Co.$16.20, Alexander Auto Electric $14.95.
From the Permanent Im-orovenent Revolving Fund: Wm. C.Fra-ser & Son $84.90;
OF THE CITY OF ROCHESTER, MINN., January 6",_, 1941.
From the Sewer. Fund: Rochester Plumbing & Heating Co.$9.00, Peoples
Natural'Gas Co.$5.90, Street & Alley Fund $40.75, Street a:nd Alley :Fund $20.09,
Chain Belt Company $14.,92, Bruettg Laundry, $3.00, Street & Alley Fund $3.00,
Simolex Valve & ,Meter Co. $2.72, L. T-I. Feller Y35. 75, Haires-Lucas Lumber Co. $30.40,
Robert Orr Jeweler $2.00, Dodge Lumber & Fuel Co. $115.05, Fratzke Bros. $.80,
National Bushing & Parts Co. $5.92, Foster Electric .Co.,$41.00, Tri-State Telephone
& Telegraph Co. $5.75,
From the Bridge Fund: Street & Alley Fund. $1.00, Kruse Company $29.39,
From the Park Improvement Fund: James R.Kelly $9.04, John Williams $4.65,
Peoples Natural Ga.s Co. $6.50, Schmidt Printing $. $7.'00, H.V.-Smith & Co.
$2.85,.-Aochester Dairy $10.08, Aueen City Creamery Co. $93.90, Fratzke Bros.
$3.50, Burr Rug Co. $22.40, Botsford Lumber Co.$6.39,'Post.Bulletin $14.4o,
Model Laundry $1.18, Rochester Grocer Ca.$.60, Coca Cola Bottling Co.$90.59,
Foster Electric .Dompany $.25, Acme Sign Company $6.00, Rochester Shoppers
Nees $10..00, Witte Transportation Company $.62, K.R.O. C.' $18.75, E.A. Knowlton
Co. $9.02,, Austin Herald $3.36, H. & H. Electric Co. $1.80; Williams & Carr-
$'8.00, Woodhouse Bros. $6.60, Clarence Veerling $20.00, City of Rochester,
Light 6. Water Dept. $19.00, Peoples Natural Gas Co.$20.81,.Jensen Hardware
$4.90, Horne Laundry $2.12, Hargesheimer's Pharmacy $1.00, Foster Electric Co.
$10.15, H.Dornack $4-50, Fred Cloutier $4.50, Bach Music Co. $2.60, Amundsen's-
Paint Store $4.80, Adams Book & Art Shop $0.98, Quarry Products $45.00,
Maga.w & Kjerner $1.00, James H.Starkey $14.00, Artcraft Radio Service $23.00,
Hoffman Harrison Inc. $2.00, Wni.• O.Doolittle Secy. $25.00, General Fund $4.91,
National Bushing & Parts Co..$16.46, Foster Electric Co. $1.01, Hugh V. Feehan
$290.00, The Sanitary Sompany $69.55, Woodhouse Brothers $11.25, Universal
Motors $. 50, Vernon 0. Rowland $4.00, Fratzke Bros. .$2.95, Dodge Lumber & Fuel
Community Oil Company $16.30, .Peoples Natural Gas Co. $4.44, Rochester
Ice 8:. Fuel Company- $1.31.75, H.H.Parrott $.67, Rochester Grocer Co.$13.00,
R. L. Palm and J. C. Thom_paon $11.20, Schmidt Printing Co. $7. 75, H.V. Smith & Co.
From the Lighting Fund: City of Rochester, Light Dept. $32.25.
Alderman Mrachek introduced a resolution accenting the bid of the
Minnesota Bearing Company for furnishing 4 strands of T20 Promal chain for use
at the Sewage Disposal Plant, for the sum of-$949.82,,which was read.
Upon motion.by Williams second by Amundsen that t_ie said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Upon motion by Moody second by Amundsen the City Clerk was'instructed to
return the certified checks of the unsuccessful bidders.
Alderman I•irachek, introduced a resolution authorizing the Public Utility
Board to purchase the south half of Lot 8 and all of Lots 9 and 1.0 in Block 50,
Or•igina.d Plat, .for the sum of $12,.000.00, which was read..
Upon motion by Amundsen second by Moody .that th.e said resoliktion be adopted
as, read„ a.nd all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon• declared the said
resolution duly passed and, adopted.
Alderman Mrachek introduced a resolution authorizing the- Board of Park
Commissioners to enter into contract with the Recreation L'qu_pment Company for
the purchase of playground, apparatus and 'equipment for the Park System, for a
total sum of $Sa7.75511, which was read.
Upon motion by Mrachek second by Anderson that the said resolution be
adoptsed ,as read, and all voting ir_ favor -thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopt.ed..
Alderman Mrachek introduced a resolution appropriating $91.L.`3 from the
General Fund,. $2.25 from the Street .and Alley Fund, $1.13 from the Fire Protec-
tion Fund, and '$42p0..69 .from the Lighting Fund and ordering payment made -to the
Light and Water Departments.for electricity and water.furnished at public.
buildings, and for.street lighting, which was read.
, Upon motion by Amundsen second by Anderson that the -said resolution be -
adopted as read,. and all voting in.favor thereof, President Lemmon deolar,ed •the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Moody int.roduced a resolution appropriating . $2L,LL. SO from the
General Fund and ordering payment made to the Rochester Post -Bulletin, for
official .publications and printing, which was read.
Upon motion by Bowers'second by Anderson -that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman.Moody introduced a resolution'appropr_iating $1190.88 from the
Street and Alley.Fund and.ordering payment made to the Street and Alley .Fund,
for use of equipment during December, 1QL!-0, which was read.
Upon motion by Moody second by Williams that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly' -passed and adopted.
Alderman Moody introduced a resolution appropriating $301.0.5 from the Gen-
eral Fund and ordering payment made to the City of Rochester, Steam Department;`:_:
for steam heat furnished at the City, which was read.
Upon motion by IJ!rachek second by Bowers that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all' voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly :gassed and adopted.
OF THE CITY OF ROCHESTER. MINN., January - 6. , 19 41 .
62 0. 3
r �
• .
Alderman Moody introduced a -resolution appropriating $316:80 from the Park
Improvement.Fund and ordering payment made to A.D:Reynolds, Collector of Internal)
Revenue, for amusement tax at the Auditorium, which was read.
Upon motion by Bowers second by Anderson, that the said resolution be-adopte
las read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lennon declared the said reso
Ilution duly passed and ad.opted.-
Alderman Moody -introduced a resolution appropriating $6,127.94 from the StreE
& Alley Fund and ordering payment made to Wm. H. Ziegler & Company, for a
Icaterpilla.r diesel motor grader, purchased under contract, which was read. -
Upon motion by Williams second by Amundsen that the said -resolution be
ladonted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President-Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed -and adopted.
Alderman Moody introduced a resolution- appropriating Y2Z!-9.90 from the
Street and Alley Fund and ordering payment made to Wm. H. Ziegler Company, for
1 Model 115 Bros reversible spring trip blade snow. plow, - which was read.
Upon motion by Mra.che'_: second -by Moody that the> said resolution be adopted
as read, and all voting in -favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the said
resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Bowers introduced a resolution appropriating $1675.82 from- the .
General•Fund and ordering payment made to the State of Minnesota-, Public
Examiners, for services rendered in examining bookd and records for the year
ending March 31, 1940, which was -read.
Upon motion by Anderson second- by Amundsen that the said resolution be.
adopted as read, and all voting in favor. thereof, President Temmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Bowers introduced a- resolution ao-orozoriating $243. 78 from the
General Fund and ordering payment made to the State of Minnesota, Department of
Taxation, for inspection -fee and- state tax- on carload of gasoline,. which 1,,ra.s
-Upon motion by Bowers second by i-irachek that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor. thereof, President- Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Bowers introduced a resolution appropriating, $1689.99 from the Park
Improvement Fund and ordering payment made to the 4,4ayo Trust Fund, f o-r payrolls
for labor during the half month ending December 31,1Q40, which was read.
Upon motion by Moody second by Amundsen that the said resolution be adopted
as read, and all voting in favor thereof-, President Lemmon declared the said
resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Anderson introduced a resolution appropriating $1525.22 from the
Pa:r-_k Improvement Fund and ordering payment made to the Mayo Trust Fund for
OF THE CITY OF ROCHESTER, MINN., January '6 , 1941.
IIpayrojlls for labor, during the half month ending December 16, 1940, which was read.
Upon motion by Amundsen second by Anderson that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Anderson introduced a resolution a-ppropriating $1159.00 from the
General Fund and ordering payment made to Foster Electric Company, for light
fixtures for offices in the City Hall, installed under contract, which was read.
Upon motion by Anderson second.by itirachek that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly ^passed and adopted.
Alderman Anderson introduced a. resolution appropriating $1797.98 from the
Police Relief -Fund a.nd ordering payment made to Theo.H.Tollefson, Treasurer of
the Rochester Police Relief Association, for transfer of funds received in the
December;=_1940,tax settlement for police releif purposes, which was read..
Upon motion by Williams second_ by Anderson that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Anderson introduced a resolution appropriating $985.53 from the
Firemen's Relief Fund and ordering payment made to Frank Springer, Treasurer of
the Rochester Firemen's Relief Association.., for transfer of funds received in
the December, 1940, tax settlement, which was read.
Upon motion by Mra.chek second by Bowery that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all votinL; in favor thereof, Pres-ident Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and.adopted.
Alderman Anderson introduced a resolution appropriating $4,000.00 from the
General Fund and.ordering payment made to the Park Improvement Fund, for
transfer of funds to make the same available for park purposes, for the months
of December 1940, and January,1941, which was read.
Upon motion by Anderson second by Amundsen that the said resolution be.
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Anderson introduced a resolution appropriating $648.14 from the
General Fund, and ordering payment made to the Public Health and Welfare Fund,
for transfer of funds received in the December 1940, tax settlement for garbage
service.collection assessments received, which was read.
Upon motion by 14rachek second by Bowers that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Anderson introduced a resolution appropriating $5323.17 from the
General Fund, and ordering payment made to the Public -Health and Welfare Fund,
OF THE CITY OF ROCHESTER, MINN., January _6 , 1941.
for transfer of funds received in the December 1940 tax settlement for public
health and welfare purposes, which was read.
Upon motion by Amundsen second by Mrachek that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Anderson introduced a resolution appropriating $5,725.00 from the
Interest Fund and ordering payment made to the First National Bank of Rochester,
Minnesota, for the January.1st,191+1 maturity -of -interest on City of Rochester
Light and Water Bonds, which was read.
Upon motion by Williams second by Boners that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemir_on declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted-.
Alderman Anderson introduced a resolution appropriating $763.00 from the
Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund and ordering payment made to the First
National Bank of Rochester, Minnesota, for the January 1st,19111 maturit-J of
City of Rochester, P.I.P.FundsBonds $7,000.00 and Interest $630.00, which was
Upon motion by 14rachek second- by moody that the said resolution be adopted
as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the said
resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Amundsen introduced a resolution appropriating $245.17 from the Fix
Protection Fund and ordering payment -made to the Graybar Electric Company for
5000 ft. 112 2 cond. etc.` for outdoor aerial fire alarm wire, .-!hich was read.
Upon motion by Moody second by Bowers that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman_ Amundsen introduced a resolution appropriating $729.00 from the
Lighting Fund and ordering payment made to the Peterson Electric Company, for C
Christmas street lighting, which was read.
Upon motion by Bowers second by Amundsen that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Amundsen introduced a resolution granting -oublic dance permit to
the Board of Public Health and Welfare for the Masonic Temple January 4th,1941,
and fixing the fee at $3.00, which was read.
Upon motion by Anderson second by Bowers that the said resolution be adopte
as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the said
resolution duly passed and adopted
OF THE CITY OF ROCHESTER, MINN., January r6'..1941
Alderman Amundsen introduced a resolution_ granting public dance permit to
George C. Ramme for the National Guard Armory December 25,1940, and fixing the
fee at $3.00, which was read.
Upon motion by Mrachek second by Amundsen that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Amuhdsen introduced a resolution granting public dance permit to
the Southern Minnesota Broadcasting Company for the Armory December "21, a.nd 29th
191'0, and January 4th and llth,1941, and fixing the fee at $12.00, which was
Upon motion by Moody second by Williams that the said resolution be adopted
as read, -and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declaredthe said
resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Williams presented a communication from the Rochester Chamber of
Commerce regarding the printing and furnishing of 6,600 City of Rochester
bookletsand ricquesting an appropriation of $400.00 by the City teward the cost
of printing said booklets.
Alder_an Williams introduced a resolution_ authorizing the Purchasing
Committee to arrange for the printing of said boo'.�:lets with 'the Chamber of
Commerce in accordance with the said communication, which was read.
- Upon motion by Moody second by Amundsen that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
The Chairman of the -Fire Committee recon.-imended that the Seagrave fire
rig be equipped with standard wheels with hydraulic brakes, andupon motion
by Moody second by Amundsen the matter teas referred to the Fire Committee and.
the Fire Chief for further investigation and report, including an estimate of
the cost for said change. -
Upon_ motion by Anderson second by Bowers the City Clerk i,7as instructed to
notify any one who might be interested in the new building code that the said
new code would be considered at a meeting to be held January 20th,1.941, and
that copies of said proposed building code could be procured from his office.
Upon motion by Bowers second by Anderson the -Common Council adjourned
until 7: 30 o'clock P. i•i. , on January 20th, 1941.
City C1Erk.