OF THE CITY OF ROCHESTER, MINN., Jun a 1? t h , 1 !� 41_
Minutes of an adjourned regular meeting of the Common Council. of the City
of Rachester, Minnesota, held in'the Council Chambers, in the City Hall, in said
City, on June ll th, 19111.
President Lemmon called the meeting to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M., the
following members being present: President Lemmon, Aldermen,Anderson, Bowers,
Hanson, Mrachek, Williams, Yaeger. Absent: None.
Upon motion by Anderson, second by Hanson, the minutes of the adjourned
regular meeting of May 26th,1941, the yegular meeting of June 2nd,-and the adjourn
regular meeting of June 9th, 1941, were approved.
President Lemmon stated this as being the time and place set for a hearing
on the construction of curb and gutter and paving on Seventh Street Southwest
from Lot 106 Belmont Addition west to Fourteenth Avenue Southwest, and asked if
any one present wished to be heard concerniri'g this improvement.
Mr. William H. Lloyd and Mr. Helm appeared at the Council meeting and pro—
tested the paving of part of Seventh Street Southwest with concrete foundation
and brick surfac6, and stated that they thought this type of construction was too III
expensive and asked if crushed rock and black top/bye used instead.
After further discussion, a motion was made by Williams, second by Hanson
to abandon any further proceedings on this project.
President Lemmon stated this as being the time and place set for a hearing
on the widening of Second Avenue Southwest from Fourth Street Southwest, to
Sixth Street Southwest, and asked if any one present wished to be heard concerning
this improvement. No one present wished to be heard.
President Lemmon stated this as being the time and place set for a hearing
on the widening of Third Street Southwest,from Third Avenue Southwest, to Sixth
Avenue Southwest, and asked if any one present wished to be heard concerning this
improvement. No one present wished to be heard.
President Lemmon stated this as being the time and place set fora hearing
on the construction of curb and gutter on Tkelfth Avenue Northwest, and Southwest,
from Second Street Southwest, t-o First Street Northwest, and asked if any one
present wished to be heard concerning this improvement. No one present wished to
be heard.
President Lemmon stated this as being the time and place set for receiving
and opening bids for the widening of Second Avenue Southwest, from Fourth Street
Southwest, to Sixth Street Southwest. The following bids were received and opened
at this time: H.T. Earle, $3475.20 and Fred -Carlson Company, $3500.29.
President Lemmon referred the above bids to the Street and Alley Committee
nd the City Engineer for tabulation and recommendation.
President Lemmon stated this as being the time and place set for receiving
OF THE CITY OF ROCHESTER, MINN., June llth, - 1941
land opening bids for widening Third Street Southwest, from Third Avenue Southwest,
to Sixth Avenue Southwest. The following bids were received and opened at this
time: Fred Carlson Company, $4927.20 and H.T. Earle, $4459.50.
President Lemmon referred the above bids to the Street and Alley Committee
land the City Engineer for tabulation and recommendation.
President Lemmon stated this as being the'time and place set for receiving
and opening bids for the construction of curb and gutter on Twelfth Avenue North-
west and Southwest, from Second Street Southwest,'to First -Street Northwest. The
following bids were received and opened at this time: H.T. Earle, $1539.20 and
Fred Carlson Company, $1653.90.
President Lemmon referred the above bids to the Street and Alley Committee
land the City Engineer for 'tabulation and recommendation.
President Lerhmon stated this. as being the time and place set for receiving
afid opening bids for the construction of a transmitter house on the observation
latform of the water tower at St. Marys Park. The City Clerk reported that no
bids had been received.
President 'Lemmon stated this as being the time and -place set for the
earing on the widening of Fifth Street Southwest, between First Avenue Southwest,
nd Second Avenue Southwest, and asked if any one present wished to be heard.con-
erasing this improvement. No one present wished to be heard.
President Lemmon stated this as being the time and place set for a hearing
�on the installation of parking meters, and asked if any one present wished to be
comprised of Clarence E. Knowlton, L. N. Ekstrand, and George Thula:
A group/representing the Retail Division of the Rochester Chamber of
ommerce appeared at the meeting for the"purpose of protesting the installation
f.parking meters. Ernest Schlitgus, representing the Automobile Club,protested
he installation of parking metiers.
Mayor Paul Grassle spoke in favor of parking meters and urged that they be
iven a trial.
President J.T. Lemmon advanced three points which he believed would help
he parking situation_. He recommended the cooperation of the businessmen and-
lerks in not -_narking their cars during working hours on the main streets; that
for each block
welvem fifteen minute parking spaces/be marked off in the business area; and that
Pour additional policemen be employed to assist in enforcing the parking rules.
A communication from the Rochester Chamber of Commerce, which was read,
stated that'the committee of businessmen from the*Chamber desired to meet with
!fir. Byson of the Minnesota. State Highway Department, who had stated that a suryey
being made by his department would not be completed until June 23rd. The repre-
sentatives from the Chambers requested that the hearing be continued until June 23,
A motion was made by Williams, second by Anderson to adjourn the -hearing
that it
and/be continued until 7:30 o'clock'P.M., on June 23rd, 1941',
A report from the .Sanitary Inspector of the Public Health & Welfare -Depart-
ment stating that twenty-two individuals had been notified to clean up their
premiees and that thirty-three toilets and cesspools were cleaned by the. City
Scavenger was read. President Lemmon ordered that same be placed on file.
The reports of the Street & Alley Committee and the City .Engineer that the
contracts for the widening of Third Street Southwest and Second Avenue Southwest,
and the construction of curb and gutter in Twelfth Avenue Northwest and Southwest,
be awarded to H.T. Earle, were read.
Upon motion by Mrachek, second by Yaeger the recommendations were accepted.
The communication from Druar and Milinowski Consulting E'ngineerb urgthg
that a complete survey be made on the local conditions together with estimates of
cost and a complete application to the WPA for the furnishing of the necessary
labor and a share of the material cost for the construction of a Sewage Dispoal
Plant, was read. President Lemmon ordered that same be placed on file for future
of erence.
The City Engineer's approximate estimate of cost and specifications for one
three ton truck to be used by the Street and Alley. Department, were read. Upon
motion by Williams, second by Mrachek the report was accepted and ordered placed
on file.
The City Engineer's approximate estimate of cost for the construction of a
curb and gutter in Twblfth Avenue Northwest, from First Street Northwest, to
Second Street Northwest, was read. Upon motion by Mrachek, aecond by Anderson the
• report was accepted and ordered placed on file.
The recommendation of the Sewer Committee and t-he City Engineer that a
anitary sewer be constructed in Sixth Street Northeast, in front of the west 42.5'
f.Lots 13 & 14 and Lots 15 & 16 in Block 31, Northern Addition, was read.
Upon motion by, Williams, second by Anderson the recommendation was approved,
A letter from Harley J. Miller, requesting a change in the zoning of his
roperty at 627 Fourth Street Northwest, was read.
Upon motion by Mrachek, second by Bowers the matter was referred to the
oard of Zoning.
An addition -Al -protest to the widening of Fourth Atreet Southwest, was read,
• and President Lemmon ordered that same be placed on file.
A petition for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Eleventh'Av.enue
Northeast, from Tenth Street Northeast, to Fourteenth Street Northeast, was read.
Upon motion by Williams, second by Hanson the same was referred to the
Sewer Committee.
An invitation issued by the Rochester Elks Lodge No.1091 to the Mayor,
(Aldermen, and all City Officials to participate in their annual Flag Day parade
and exercises was read, and those who wished to attenc? were requested to inform -
the Mayor's secretary.
A statement of receipts and expenditures from the Park Improvement Fund
land the F.E. Williams Estate Trust Fund, from Anril 1, 1941 to May 31,1941, was
Iread, and President Lemmon ordered that. -same be placed on file.
The report of the Clerh of the Municipal Court for the week ending.June
I7th, 1941, showing criminal fines and costs collected $356.20, civil fees received
I$12.55, and conciliation court fees $1.50., was read, and having been previously
lapproved by the City Attorney, President Lemmon ordered that the -same be placed
Ion file.
The report of the City Weighmaster for the month of May, 1941 showing total
receipts for the month of $17.00, was read, and President Lemmon referred same to
the Finance Committee.
The application of Martin Paulson for a license to connect with sewers and
drains was read. Upon motion by Bowers, second by Hanson the license was granted.
The application of Buttrey's Store for a permit to place and maintain a
Isign was read. Upon motion by Mrachek,.second by Yaeger the permit was granted.
The license bonds of William Hagadorn in the sum of $1,000.00.with the New
msterdam Casualty Company as surety; Martin Paulson in the sum of $1,000.00 with
Ithe Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York as surety; and F.F. Hilmer iri the
(sum of $1,000.00 with the National Surety Company as surety, were each 'read.
Upon motion by Williams, second by Bowers the said bonds were approved, the
(surety thereon accepted and it was ordered that the same be placed on file.
The bond for duplicate of warrant of tlthel?Sta.te�:of Minneso.ta in:,ith(Dr..sum,?of
$5-:10''for check #A-6427 dated October 15th,1940, was read, and upon motion by
Williams, second by Bowers, said bond was approved.
A.communication from the Academy of Our Lady of Lourdes presenting a peti-
tion for annexation to the City of Rochester, a portion of St.Marys Hospital
property, and an agreement which they are willing to•ente-r into with the City of
Rochester, for the settlement and, adjustment of various points previously dis-
cussed, were read,_and also a letter explaining the agreement in detail written
by Fletcher, Dorsey, Barker, Colman & Barber, attorn&ys for the Adademey, was read
On motion by Williams, second by Bowers the City Attorney was instructed
to request the attorneys representing the Sisters to meet with the Common Council
on Monday, June 16th,1941, at 7:30 o'clock.
After further discussion, a motion was made by Bowers, second by Hanson
authorizing the City Attorney to employ an attorney to assist him in representing
the city in the matter of the agreement as proposed by St.Marys and'the annexation
�of real estate as petitioned for.
The following claims were read, and upon motion by Williams, second by
(Anderson the same were allowed and the Mayor and City Clerk instruct-ed to draw
warrants upon the City Treasurer and make payments accordingly:
From the General Fund: Home Oil Co., $8.98; Postier & Eggers, $3.00;
Community Oil Co., $2.30; Fred C. Clarke, '$25.00; Joy Brothers Motor Co. , $1.50;
Universal motors, $79.69; Dr. J/A. Paulson, $10.00; Bernhard Westgard, $91.00;
Chicago Great Western Railway Co., $3.24; K. & K. Exterminating Co., $45.00; J.S.
Morrison, $2�.00; H.A. Schendel, $25.00; James S.'Beatty, $25.00; H.A. Rogers,
$3.61; M. Auguston, $161.00; Williams & Carr, $13.50; Street & Alley Fund, $5.95;
Twin City Testing & Engineering Laboratory, $40.00; Co-operative Oil Co., $27.30;
George Boisvert, $0.25; H. & H. Electric Cb., $12.70; C.O. Brown Agency, $94.57;
P.F. Kelly,-$1.34; Herbert G. Knopp, $59.00; O.W. Schroeder, Agt.,$1.67; Franklin
D.L.`Smith, Agt., $1.34; Adams Book & Art' Shop, $13.80; Western Union, $1.20;'
Chicago Great Western Railway Co., $5.00; Whiting Press, Inc., $16.05; Morse,Bros.
$39.25; Pruetts Laundry & Cleaners, $3.90.
From the Street & Alley Fund: H.J. Johnston, $9.50; Wm. H.'Ziegler Co.Inc.
$7.44; H.T. Earle, $128.40; Nelean Tire Service, $4.24; Street & Alley Fund, $128.
Chicago Great'Western Railway Co., $15.00; Northfield Iron Co., $9.31; Maass &
McAndrews, $6.23; Minneapolis Moline Power Implement Co., $5.85; Universal Motor
Co., $17.47; Alexander Auto Electric Co., $40.55; Wm. H. Zieglergo., $42.34;
Ellis Motors, $19.55; Midway Texaco Service Station, $6.42; Street & Alley Fund,
$47.20; Morse Bros. $6.00; Fratzke Bros.,'$1.90; Quarry Products, $106.06;
Rochester Cylinder Grinding Works, $4.75; Rochester Plumbing and Heating, $17.45;
Dodge Lumber &•Fuel Co., $0.70.
From the Sewer Fund: Street & Alley Fund, $74.13; Street & Alley Fund,
$123.25; Pruetts Laundry & Cleaners, $3.00; Fratzke Bros:, $3.96; Quarry Products,
$89.39; Rochester Cylinder Grinding Works, $5.50; Rochester Plumbing & HeatingCo.,
$5.35; Dodge Lumber & Fuel Co., $40.38.
From the Park Improvement Fund: Hentges,�:Gjbts, 4"16.45; E.A. Knowlton Co.,
$4.86; L.F. Milostan, $7.45; Queen City Candy Co., $10.05; Stephen Flynn,.$75.00;
Chicago Northwestern Railway Co:, $2.33; Ace Sign Co., $23.65; Jensen -Hardware Co.
$99,28; Minnesota'Milogranite Co., $6.11; City of Rochester Steam Department,
$12.15; Tri-State Telephon & '91blegraph Co., $30.54; Fratzke Bros, $0.20; Roches -ter
Shoppers News, $2.70; Pepsi -Cola Bottling Co., $12.50; Whiting Press, $9.55;
Rochester Dairy Co., $25.62; Fratzke Bros,"$8.05; Adams Book & Art Shop, $0.35;
Maass & Mc Andrews, $2.15; Rochester Ice & Fuel Co., $10.00; J.I.-Holcomb, $35.00;
Pruetts Laundry & Cleaners $3.90; K.R.O.C., $18.75; First National Bank, $34.65;
City of Rochester Public Utilities $59;0.
From the Lighting Fund; City of Rochester Public utilities, $102.60.
of H.T. Earle
Alderman Williams introduced a resolution accepting the bid/for the widening
of Second Avenue Southwest, from Fourth Street Southwest, to Sixth Street South- 11
west, which was read.
Upon motion by Hanson, second by Mrackaek that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Williams introduced a resolution accepting the bid of H.T. Earle
for -,the widening of Third Street Southwes't, from Third A-genue Southwest, to Sixth
Avenue Southwest, which was read.
Upon motion by Williams, second by Hanson that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Mrachek introduced a resolution accepting the bid of H.T. Earle
and Southwest
for the construction of curb and gutter in Twelfth Avenue Northwest/from First
Second Street Southwest, to First Street Northwest, which was read.
Upon motion by Mrachek, second by Williams that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Mrachekk-introduced a resolution appropriating $2,000.00 from the
General Fund and ordering payment made to the Park Improvement Fund for the June
transfer, which was read.
Upon motion by Yaeger, second by Bowers that the said resoltuion be adopted'
as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the said
resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Mrachek introduced a resolution appropriating $1395.40 from the
General Fund and ordering payment made to the Street & Alley Fund for use of equip -
ment during May,/was read.
Upon motion by Bowers, second by Hanson that the said resolution be ado-oted
as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the said
resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Hanson introduced a resolution appropriating $91.00 from the
General Fund, $294.63 from the Street & Alley Fund, and $97.20 from the Sewer
Fund and ordering Payment made to Morse Brothers, which was read.
Upon motion by Hanson, second by Williams that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Hanson introduced a resolution appropriating $710.00 from the
Street & Alley Fund and ordering payment made to the Street & Alley Fund for
use of equipment during May, which was read.
Upon motion by Yaeger, second by Bowers that the said resolution be adopted'
' !1
as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the sa-id reso-'I
lution duly passed and adopted.
• Alderman Hanson introduced a resolution granting public dance permit to
the Southern.Minnesota Broadcasting Co., for the Mayo Civic AuditoriurA, June 7th,
194,1, and fixing the fee at $3.00, which was read.
Upon motion by Mrachek, second by Williams that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the it
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Yaeger introduced a resolution levying special assessments fof a
sanitary sewer in Nine and one-half Street Southeast from Ninth Avenue Southeast.,
to 500' East, which was read.
Upon motion by Hanson, second by Anderson that the said resolution_ be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
•'said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Yaeger introduced a resolution levying special assessments for a
sanitary sewer in Fourth Street Northeast, from State Hospital sewer to Lot 56,
Section 36, which was read.
Upon motion by Mrachek, second by Bowers that the said resolution be adopted
as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the said reso-1
lution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Yaeger introduced a resolution ordering a hearing on the construc-'I
tion of sanitary sewer in Sixth Street Northeast, in front of the west ?�2.5' of
Lots 13 & 14, and Lots 15 & 16 in Block 31, Northern Additio#,, which was read.
Upon motion by Williams, second by Yaeger that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Yaeger introduced a resolution adopting.specifications and ordering
bids for one, three ton truck for the Engineer's Department, which was read.
Upon motion by Hanson, second by Mrachek that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
A motion was made by Anderson, second by Williams instructing the City
Clerk to prepare a resolution ordering a hearing for all additionlpetitions for
oilinf; or flushing of streets, avenues, and alleys. i
Upon motion by Williams, second by Yaeger a lease spa$ given to the Community
Oil Company, omitting the.six months' sales clause, was approved.
Upon motion by Williams, second by Hanson the meeting was adjourned.
City Clerk