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Minutes of an adjourned regular meeting of the Common Coun$il of the City
of Rochester, Minnesota, held in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in said Cit
August 25th, 1941.
President Lemmon.called the meeting to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M., the
following members being present: President Lemmon, Aldermen Anderson, Bowers,
(Hanson, Mrachek, Williams, and Yaeger. Absent: none.
President Lemmon stated this as being the time and place set for a hearing
on the construction of a watermain in Tenth Avenue Southeast.from Twelfth Street
Southeast to Thirteenth Street Southeast and.in Eleventh Avenue Southeast from
Twelfth Street Southeast to Thirteenth Street Southeast. No one present wished to
be heard.
The contract bonds of Wm. C. Fraser &Son in the sums of $900.20 and $7635.06
with the United States Guarantee Company of New York, as surety, and the contract
bond of Universal Motors in the sum.of $971.95 with the Western Surety Company as
surety were each read, and upon motion by Anderson, second by Yaeger the said bon
were approved, the surety thereon accepted and. it was ordered that same be placed
on file.
The reports of the Clerk of Municipal Court for the week ending August 16
1941, showing criminal fines and costs collected $524.80, civil fees received
$19.40, and conciliation court fees $6.00,.and for the week ending August 23, 194+
shooing criminal fines and costs -collected $411.40, civil fees received $11.10,
and conciliation court fees $5.25, were each read and having been previously
approved by the City Attorney, P.resident Lemmon ordered that the same be placed
on file.
The statement of business of the People's Natural Gas Company for the yea,
ending December 31, 1940, was read, and President Lemmon ordered that -same .be
placed -on file.
The applications of the Standard Oil Company and Rabe's Men's Shop for
permits to place and maintain a sign were_each read, and upon motion by Bowers,
second by Hanson the permits were granted.
The Mayor's appointment of Paul Hatch as Special Policeman for duty at
Soldiers Field to serve on August 30 and 31st, 1941, was read and President Lemmoi
ordered that same be placed on file.
The following claims were read, and upon motion by Williams, second by
Bowers, the same were allowed and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized and
directed to draw warrants upon the City Treasurer and make payments accordingly:
From the General Fund: James S. Beatty, $25.00; Owen G. Jones, $3.50;
Joe Waldron, $10900; General Fund, Code 32, $5.36; J. Henry Wiese, $1.50; Bill
,Fox, $2.75; Philip O'Toole, $26.25; General Fund, Code 32, $9.04; Schmidt Print-
ing -Cc., $4.25; George Strifert, $119.00;.Mrs. Emma Hare, $4-75; Ben Zuehlke, $2.QO;
Minnesota Mattress Co., $11:6.0; Municipal Court, $10.92; Miller -Davis Company,
$0..66; William Behnken, $2. 75; R. C. Drips Co., $9. 60; Bert Asplin, $7. 90; Amund-
sen's Paint Store, $59. 35; Baker Motor Co., $2.00. Ij
From the. Street and Alley Fund: Bert As-Dlin, $21.90; P.I.R. Fund, $160.27;
Sinclair Refining Co., $9.00; The Barrett Co., $134- 50; Witte Transportation Co.,
$0. 55; R.W. Huntley Co., $3.10; Firestone Auto Supply, $40.49; Firestone Auto
Supply, $133.42; Peter Lynaugh, $2.00; Northfield Iron Co., $10.93; International
Harvester Co., $0.75; Chicago & North Western Ry Co., $0.55; Minneapolis Iron Stor
$0. 10; Wm. H. Ziegler Co., $77. 67; A-W Co. Inc. , $160.00.
From the Fire Protection Fund: Amundsen's Paint Store, $0.65; National
Fire Protection Assn, $3.00; L. W. Bates Co., $4.00; C.F.Massey Co., $55.32•
From the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund: Bert Asplin, $59.50.
From the Sewer Fund: Bert Asplin; $4.20.
Alderman Anderson introduced•a resolution ordering plans, specifications
and estimate of cost for construction of a watermain in Tenth Avenue Southeast
from Twelfth to Thirteenth Street Southeast and in Eleventh Avenue Southeast from
Twelfth to Thirteenth Street Southeast, which was read.
. Upon motion by Williams, second by Anderson that the said resolution be
adopted as, read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted:
Alderman Anderson introduced a resolution adopting plans, specifications
and estimate of cost, setting the date for a second hearing for the construction
of a watermain in Tenth Avenue Southeast from Twelfth to Thirteenth Street South-
east and in Eleventh Avenue Southeast from Twelfth to Thirteenth Street Southeast,
and ordering bids to be received and opened at 7:30 o'clock P.M. September S, 194+1
which was read.
Upon motion by Mrachek, second by Williams that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof; President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Anderson introduced a•resolution appropriating $355.90 from thel
Street and Alley Fund and,ordering payment made to Wm. C. Fraser & Son for 710
feet of V.C. Pipe, which was read.
Upon motion by Mrachek, second by Hanson that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Anderson introduced a resolution appropriating $1424.77 from th%
Street and Alley Fund and or'derin,g payment made to.the Permanent Improvement Re-
volving Fund for the city's 'share 'of cost of street improvements', which was read.1
Upon motion by Bowers, second by Anderson that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all -voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said.resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Yaeger introduced a resolution appropriating $314- 50 from the
General Fund and ordering payment made to State of Minnesota, Dept. of Taxation,
etroleum Division -,for tax and inspection fee on T/C GATX 2074g, which was read.
• I' .Upon motion by Hanson, second by Yaeger that the said resolution.be
opted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Mrachek introduced a resolution appropriating $41.75 from the
ighting Fund and $715.99 from the Sewer Fund and ordering payment made to the CitS
f Rochester, Public Utilities for light and water used, which was.read.
Upon motion by Yaeger, second by Bowers that the said resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Hanson introduced a resolution appropriating $971.95 from the
General Fund and ordering payment made to Universal Motors for one 1941 Tudor Ford
• with ambulance equipment, which was read.
Upon motion by Bowers, second by Yaeger that the said resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Hanson introduced a resolution appropriating $1072.14 from the
eneral Fund and ordering payment made to Standard Oil Co. for two Tank Cars Road
il, which was read.
Upon motion by Williams, second by Yaeger that the said resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
aid resolution duly passed and adopted.
• II Alderman Bowers introduced a resolution appropriating $130.50 from the
.eneral Fund, $173.87 from the Street and Alley Fund and $186.41 from the Sewer
and and ordering payment made to Morse Bros., for labor, trucking and sand, which
as read.
11 Upon motion by Mrachek, second by Bowers that the said resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly -sussed and adopted.
Alderman Bowers introduced a resolution appropriating $675.00 from the
ire Protection Fund and ordering payment made to The Gamewell Company for 6 fire
larm boxes, which was read.
Upon motion by Anderson, second by Mrachek that the said resolution be
• adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
An order -determining that a road be laid our four rods wide, two rods on
each side of a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east and
west.quarter line in Section No. 26, Township No. 107, North, of Range No. 14 West,
a distance of 0 rods west of the Center of said Section for a place of beginning
and running th(ence East on said quarter line to the West line of the North and
South highway in said Section known as the "West River Road" and there terminating,
a portion of said road lying partly in said City, and partly in said Town," was
signed jointly by the Common Council and the Cascade Township Board and ordered
placed on file as of August 25, 1941.
Mayor Grassle recommended that August Dornack be appointed as Labor In-
spector in place of Harold Woods, whose work takes him out of the City. Upon
motion by Bowers, second by Mrachek the appointment was approved.
Upon motion by Yaeger, second by Bowers, the City Engineer was instructec
to construct a sidewalk on the South side of Sixth Street Southwest between Four-
teenth and Fifteenth Avenue Southwest, the.sidewalk to be laid in line with the
sidewalk on the South side of Sixth Str.eet Southwest between Tenth and Fourteenth
Avenue Southwest.
Upon motion by Williams, second by Yaeger, the matter relating to side-
walks and crossings in Sunnyside Addition was referred to the Street And Alley
Committee and the City Engineer, a report to be made at the meeting of September
2, 1941.
Upon -motion by Williams, second by Bowers, the matter of changing the
course of the water in Cascade Creek at 329 Seventh Avenue Northwest, was referrer
to the Street and Alley Committee, the City Engineer and the Cjty Attorney for
investigation and report, said report to be given at a later date.
Upon motion by Bowers, second by Hanson the meeting adjourned.
City Clerk