Minutes of a regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Roch-
ester, Minnesota, held in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in said City on_
October 6, 1941.
President Lemmon called the meeting to order at 2:00 o'clock P.M., the
following members being -present: President Lemmon, Aldermen Anderson, Bowers,
Hanson, Mrachek, Williams and Yaeger. Absent; none.
Upon motion by Mrachek, second by Hanson, the minutes of the meeting of
September 9, 1941 were approved.
A communication from the Rochester Bus Line, Inc. requesting the approv-
al of the Common Council to extend its routes in the City of Rochester as follows,
was read:
On Seventh St. N.W. from Second Ave. N.W. to Sixth Ave. N. W.
On Sixth Ave. N.W. from Seventh St. N.W. to Eighth St. N.W.
On Eighth St. Ld. W. from Sixth Ave. N.W. to Eleventh Ave. N.W.
On Fourth Ave. N. 1�. from Eighth St. N.W. to Tenth St. N.W.
On Tenth St. N.W. from Fourth Ave. N.W. to Second Ave. N.W.
These extensions necessitate the discontinuing of operations
on Second Avenue N. W. from Seventh St. N.W. to Tenth St. N.W.
On Eleventh Ave. N.E. from Center St. to Tenth St. N.E. °
On Tenth St.-N.E. from Eleventh Ave. N.E. to Twelfth Ave. N.E.
On Twelfth Ave. N.E. from Tenth St. N.E. to Ninth St. N.E.
On Ninth St. N.E. from Twelfth Ave. N.E. to Eleventh Ave. N.E.
On Fourth St. N.E. from Eleventh Ave. N.E. to Fourteenth Ave.-N.E.
On Fourteenth Ave. N.E. from Fourth St. N.E. to Third St. N. E.
On Third St. N.E. from F'our•teenth Ave. N.E. to Eleventh Ave. N.E.
Mr. Trenholm,. President of the Rochester Bus Line, Inc., appeared before
the Common Council and requested that the curb on the West side of First Avenue
Southwest be marked to permit bus parking from the alley to Second Street Southwest.
U-oon motion by Bowers, second by Mrachek, the requests for extension of
JBus service and additional narking space were approved.
A communication from the,County Auditor submitting a list of descriptiorils
lof property in the City of Rochester which have been forfeited to the State for
non-payment of taxes, was read. These descriptions have been classified by the
County Board as non -conservation lands, and upon motion by Mrachek, second by,
Williams, 'the action of the County Board was approved.
A communication from the Board of Park Commissioners inviting the Mayor
members of -the Common Council, Chief of Police, -and Building Inspector to join
their Board in making an inspection tour of the Mayo Civic Auditorium on October
10, 1941 at 9:00 o'clock A.M. was read, and the City Clerk was instructed to notii
the Park_Board that the invitation was accepted,- and it was requested if the tour
of the Mayo Civic Auditorium could be made at some later'date at` 5:00 o'clock in
the afternoon.
A letter f-r'om Henrik Shipstead, United States Senator, advising that a
Igr.ant of $4169.00 for the improvement of Silver Lake Park had been approved, was
Ir.ead, and President Lemmon ordered that same be- placed on file. -
A protest by the Olmsted County Public Safety Council against the in-
stallation of angle parking on Second Street Southwest in the St. 14ary's Hospital
area was read, and upon motion by Bowers, second by Mrachek, the matter was re-
ferred to a committee consisting of the Mayor, Common Council and the - Chief of
Police for investigation and report at the ne7-t meeting of the Council.
A -letter from the Rochester Fire -Department Relief Association- asking
or approval by the -Common Council of a loan -to Nordahl Norgaarden in the sum -of
three thousand five hundred dollars $3500.00 was read, and upon motion by Mrache"
second by Bowers, the same was -referred to the Finance -Committee.
A proposed agreement between the State of Minnesota, Department.of High-
ways and the City of Rochester, -for sewage disposal connections at their mainten-
ance shop site on Fourth -Street Southeast -was read, and the -same was ordered place
on file.
The request of the City Engineer that $1000.00 be appropriated from the
General Fund and $5000.00 from the Street and Alley Fund for use of the Street and
Alley Committee leas- read, and same iras ordered placed- on, file.
Copies of -resolutions passed by the Public:Util�ty Board requesting
authority to enter into contract with the McWane Cast Iron Wipe Company in the sum
of $2812.00; - C. F. Walde in the sum of $2946.00; Fairbap+ks, 14orse & Company in the
sum of $4567.00; e.nd the Page &-Hill Company of Minneapolis in the sum of $1249.SO
were read, -and President Lemmon ordered that same be placed on file.
A copy of a resolution passed by the Board of Public Health & Welfare
requesting authority to enter into a contract with the International Harvester
Company for the purchase of, one truck for the sum of $668:00 was read, .and Presi-
ent Lemmon ordered that same be placed on file.
A copy of a resolution passed by the Board of Park Commissioners petttio
ing the Common Council to approve -the changing of the name of Mayo Park to Mayo
emorial Park was read, and the City Attorney was instructed to draft a resolution
changing the name of Mayo Park as petitioned.
The City Clerk requested permission to loan Insurance Policy OT 49644,
ated April 15, 1939, to the Fideli-ty and Casualty Company of New York: Upon
otion by Williams, second by Hanson the matter was referred to the Insurance
Committee, the City Attorney a.nd.the City Clerk.
The petition of Alvin W. Hein and -Edwina 14. Hein that they •be- permitted
o construct a -12'- by 14, a.ddition to their present store and residence building-
n Lot 1, Block 1 of Johnson's Sub -Division, was read and upon motion by Mrachek,
econd by Bowers, .the matter was referred to the Zoning Board.
A petition signed by 19 holders of�3.2 "Off" and "On" Sale non-int6xica-',
ting malt beverage licenses in the City of Rochester, that the present Ordinance
e amended -so as --to restrict the numer .of "Off" and "On" Sale licenses to be issued,
a's -read.- Action on the matter was, deferr-ed and same was referred to 'the Common
council -as a committee of -the whole, for further investigation.
The recommendation of the -Eire Committee that -the Fire Chief, the Fire
Committee *and- as many members of the Common Council as -can do so, go to Waterloo
or Ames, Iowa to inspect new equipment was read,- and -President Lemmon ordered•thati
same be placed on file.
• The recommendation of _the Water Committee that a watermain-be constructer
in Third Avenue Northwest, north of Fourteenth Street Northwest, -to Outlots 5 and 6,
in Northern Addition i-n the -City of Rochester, -and that the expense o-f constructin
same be assessed to the abutting property owners, was read.
Upon motion 'by -Mrachek, •second by Williams the City Clerk was instructed
to prepare a resolution. ordering'a first -hearing on the construct ion of said water,
The recommendation of the Sewer Co.mmitt,ee,that the City of .Rochester
retain Lot 29, Block 7, Sunnyside Addition and' the offer _of Earl Leonard be. not
accepted was read, and upon motion by Williams, second by Anderson the Committee
recommendation was approved.
The following claims were read, and. upon, motion by Williams, s-econd by
Anderson, the same were allowed and the Mayor and_ City Clerk instructed .to draw
warrants upon the City Treasurer and make payments accordingly:
From the General Fund: H. F.Ra.nfranz Agency, $27.05; C.0. Brown Agency,
$149.92; E.Hall-ing Agency, $94.60; Arthur A. Hirman Agency, $69.64; Herbert G.
Knopp, $13.21; Walter C. Heins Agency, $26.36; George Strifert, $91.50; Ben Zuehlk
$2.00; L. J. Skansen, $6. 75; A. G. Baddgor, $2.00; Henry Wiese, $2. 75; Philip O' Too.1,
$2.25; Dorothy Rahbain, $40.90; Marie McQuarrie, $13.60; Genevieve Hammond, $28.00,
Street & Alley Fund, $14.02; Co-op Oil Co., $12.00; Miller Davis Co., $0.99;
Municipal Court, $1.35; General Fund, $9.50; Miller Davis Co., $1.33; Miller Davis,'
Co-, $5. 17; Rochester Plumbing & Htg, $2.05; Chicago Great Western Ry Co., $9.90;
Chicago & Northwestern Ry Co., $5.00; L. A.Nesler, $3.00; Gus Bottke, $20.00; ,Mille:
Davis Co., $9.69; Rochester Post Bulletin, $98.05; Henry Lindberg, $16.50.; Joe
Schuster, $16.50; Witte Transp. Co., $1.9.4; Adams Book Store, $13.61; Schmidt Prin
ing Co., $190.90; Whiting Press, $17.70; Universal Motors, $67. 24; Quality Print
Shop, $23.90; Ernest F. Rahbain, $1.14; Mayo Clinic, $5.00; Postier & Eggers, $2.51
So. Minn. Supply Co-, $3. 36; Drs. Powers & Gore, $21. 00; General Fund, Code 29,
$137.00; Gopher Camera Shop, $5.91; Hercules Powder Co. Inc., $10.00; Fred C. Clar]
$41. 00; Hentges Glass Co., $2. 50; Weber & Judd Co., $17. 59; Dr. H.R. Gore, $12.00;
Community Oil Co., $9. 99; D. Appleton Century Co. Inc.., $2. 50; E.T. Watkins Electric
Motor Service, $12.50; R. C.Drips Grocer, $4.75; Hollands Food Shop, $1.26; Advance
Machine Company Inc., $7. 17; Higley Chemical Co., $90.00; Wm Behnken, $2. 50; West
►isinfecting Co., $40.50; Witte Transp. Co., $0.75; Woodhouse Bros., $5.00;
'rue ttIs Laundry, $4.99; The Sanitary Co., $111.00; Rochester Electric Co.., $'0.50;
chwarz Paint Store,_ $1.10; Tri State Tel & Tel Co., $94.90; Parkhill Bros., $4- 30'
ilway Express Agency, $0.30; Bert Asplin, $7.90;
From the Street and Alley -Fund: Railway Express Agency, $O.46; Parkhill,
ros., $1.10; The Sanitary Co., $0.40; Street & Alley Fund, $79.55; Alexander Auto
lectric, $7.07; quarry Products Co., $171.13 ; Maass & McAndrews, $4.90; Thorman
Rosholt Co., $14.45; Sta-Vis Oil Co., $38.68; Midway Texaco Service, $1.00;
ass & McAndrews, $4.65; Minneapolis Iron Store, $17.23; National Bushing & Parts!
$2S. 53; Wm. H. Ziegler Co. Inc., $0.63; R.W.Huntley Co., $24.95; A.R. Cooke & Son,
39. 33; Peter Lynaugh, $2.00; H. J. Johnston, $1.70; John McDonald, $4. 20; H. T. Earle!
$24- 55; Johanna Byrne, et.al, $3. 39; Witte Transp. Co., $1.10; Botsford Lumber Co.,
$3.15; Fratzke Bros., $9.29; Co-op oil Co., $5.32; Shell oil Co., $59.00; Standard
it Co., $23. 26.
From the Fire Protection Fund: The Sanitary Co., $0.60; Tri State Tel
& Tel, $19.05; Schwarz Paint Store, $9.00; Rochester Electric Co., $0.63; Pruett'sl
Laundry, $42.25; Woodhouse Bros., $3.95; Fratzke Bros., $17.60; Yrank Adair, $33.50;
Dodge Lumber & Fuel, $34.69; Nelson Tire Shop, $0.25; Pruett's Fuel Co., $40.13;
Alexander Auto Electric, $2.15; City of Rochester, Public Utility, $5.63; Wheel
Chair Magazine Agency, $2.50; Hentges Glass Co., $1.35; Rochester Soft Water Ser-
ice, $3. 50; United C;1emical Co., Inc. $30.00; H. V. Smith & Co., $11.63; Filmack
railer Co., $9.40.
From the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund: Bert Asplin, $146.40;
rtin Paulson, $63.24.
From the Sewer Fund: General Fund, Code 28, $1.41; R.C.Drips Grocer Co.
$9•'75; Martin Paulson, $41.43; Bert Asplin, $1.20; Fullerton Lumber Co., $20. 32;
treet & Alley Fund, $59.70; Theo Kranz, $13.10; Tom's Electric Co., $35.30; Stan -
and Oil Co., $7.91; Shell Oil Co., $15.00; Co-op Oil Co., $26.92; Fratzke Bros.,
$11.77; Witte Transp. Go-, $7. 51; Tri State Tel & Tel Co., $5.75-
From the Park Improvement Fund: Rochester Electric Co., $135.49; The
rand Meadow Record, $2.50; Velie-Ryan, Inc., $35.31; Tri State Tel & Tel Co.,
$31.01; Schmidt Printing Co., $47.90; Chicago Great Western Ry Co., $0. 55; City of
Rochester, Public Utility, $76.50; Pruett's Laundry, $49.96; Adam's Book Store,
$21.45; Marigold Dairies, Inc., $7.67; John Williams, $14.00;- Whiting Press, $3.25
Alfred Pekkala, $5.94; Lew Bonn Company, $7.82; Botsford Lumber Co., $9.05; Roddis
Feed Co., $39.00; Parkside Dairy, $15.32; Schwarz Paint, $5.50; George Wood, $20.0
Paul Beeman, $2.50; K & K Exterminating Co., $2.25; City of Rochester, Public
Utility, $12.56; Tri State Tel 45 Tel Co., $16.95; Minn. Dept. of Conservation,
$5.00;: John Mellor, $14.00; Community Oil Co., $1.4o; Woodhouse Bros. $92. 51; Ace
Sign Co., $42.40; Rochester Dairy Co., $66.11; Pepsi Cola Bottling Co., $8.60;
Velie-Ryan Inc., $7.10; People's Natural Gas Co., $41.06; The Kruse Co., $0.33;
BoardmanI s Ice Cream, $13..16; E. A. Knowlton Co. , $2. 56; Weber & Judd Co. , $0: 39;
Queen City Candy Ce., $41.15; Railway Ex -press Agency, $7.10; Fratzke Bros., $95.08;
irst Nat'l Bank, $3..20; Williams & Carr, $15.57; Quarry Products Co., $1.00;
uality Print Shop, $12.50; Rochester Iron Works, $1.30; City of Rochester, Public
Utility, $93. 56; Charles M. Hurd, $17.60; Botsford Lumber Co., $46.90; Co-op Oil
Co. , $0.27; National Bushing & Parts, $14- 32; Alexander Auto Electric, $0..77;
Morse Bros., $4.13; Swarts Bros., $1.35; Jensen Hardware Co., $7.94; Hanson Hard-
ware Co., $5.50; International Harvester Co., $0.12; The Rochester Visitor, $12.00;
Charles Baldwin, $6.00; L.F.Milostan, $2.70; Lyon Gas Appliance Co., $13.60; James
Blake, $11.00; John L. Ahrens, $150.00; Rochester State Hospital, $16..77; Farm
Service Co., $131.75; Nutting Truck & Caster Co., $6.75; Holloway Print Shop, $14.f
ochester Transfer Co., $7.50; Thomas Barnard, $7.00; Rochester'Electric Co.,
34.97.; Parkhill Bros., $0.74; Hack & Goetting, $5.50.
From the Lighting Fund: City of Rochester, Public Utility, $49-.95.
From the Band Fund: Vincent Kling Music Co., $2.40; Botsford Lumber
o. , $2. 34; Rochester Transfer Co. , $24. 50; .Schmidt Printing Co. , $39. 32.
The reports of the Clerk of the Municipal Court for the week ending
eptember 13, 1941, showing criminal fines and costs collected $394.90, civil fees
eceived, $5.90, and conciliation court fees received $11.00, and for the week
nding September 20, 1941, showing criminal fines and costs collected $371.10,
ivil fees received $10.25, and conciliation court fees received, $7.25, and for
he week ending September 27, 1941, showingcriminal fines and costs collected,
436.45, civil fees received $g. 55, and conciliation court fees received, $5.50, .
nd for the week ending October 4, 1941, showing criminal fines and costs collectei
601.25, civil fees received $12.50, and conciliation court fees received, $2.00,
ere each•read, and having been previously approved by the City Attorney, President
emmon ordered that same be -placed on file.
,The reports of the Building and Plumbing Inspector for -the month of
eptemoer, 1941, ehowing fees for building permits -issued $142.00, and fees for
lumbing permits issued $42.00, and the report of the Electrical Inspector for the
onth of September, 1941, showing fees for electrical hermits issued $24- 50, were
ach read and President Lemmon referred the same to the Finance Committee.
The report of th.e City Weighmaster for the month of September, 1941,
howing•246 private loads weighed, and receipts of $24.60 we.s read, and President
emmon referred same to the Finance Committee.
The reports of t-he Board of Park Commissioners of receipts and dis-
ursements for the months of August and September,-1941, were read and President
emmon ordered that same be placed on file.
The City Engineer's trial balance sheets for the months of August 'and
September, 1941, were read and President Lemmon ordered that same be placed on file.
A petition for a S.ewer and Watermain in Fifteenth Avenue Southeast from
Street Southeast to Second Street Southeast was read, and President Lemmon re -
erred the same to the Sewer and Water Committee.
The an-plication of the Rochester Amusement Company for license to sell
soft drinks was read, and upon motion.by Anderson, second by Mrachek the license
was granted.
The applications of the. Rochester Loan Company, Modern Broadway 1'farket,
And Arthur Westphal for permit to -place and maintain a sign .and the applications
Df Phillips Petroleum Company for permits to place and maintain three signs, were
each read and upon motion by Bowers, second by Hanson the permits were granted.
The applications of Dean Atkinson and Harold Dingfelder for Driver's
License were read and upon notion by Hanson, second by Anderson the licenses were
granted. -
The applications of Ross Phill for "Off" and "On" Sale License to sell
non -intoxicating malt beverage were read, and upon motion by Mrachek, second by
Hanson the licenses were granted.
The applications of George Popple, Glen Peterson and Peter Brown for
lumber's license were each read and upon motion by Bowers; second by.Yaeger the
licenses were granted.
The applications of Lyle French for 3.2 Beer "Off" and "On" Sale license
were read and upon motion by Yaeger, second by Williams the same were referred to
the License Committee for report at the meeting of October, 13, 1941.
The applications of Edwin H. Brown for Electrical Contractor's license
and for Master Electrician's license were read, and upon motion by Bowers, second
by Hanson the licenses were granted.
The application of A. C.Yackel .for transfer of "Off" Sale 3.2 Beer licen:
No. 696 to K. E. Christopherson was read, and upon motion by Mrachek, second by
Hanson the transfer _was granted.
The Contract Bonds of Morse Bros., in the sur4 of $1356.60 with the Unite
States Fidelity & Guaranty Co. as surety, 111m. C. Fraser & Son in the sum of $2146..;00
with the.W.C.Heins Agency as surety, and Halvorson Bros., in the sum of $406.25
with the United States Fidelity & Guaranty Co.. as -surety, and the License Bonds of
Chris Margellos in the sum of $1000.00 with the W.C.Heins Agency as surety, George
Popple in the sum of $1000.00 with the W.C.Heins Agency as surety, Glen Peterson
in the sum of $1000.00 with the Fidelity & Casualty Co. of New York as surety,
Peter Brown in the sum of $1000.00 with the Fidelity & Casualty Co. of New York as
surety, Edwin H. Brown in the sum of $1000.00 with the Fidelity & Casualty Co. of
ew York as surely, and the bond of Mrs. Frances.M. Keiter for lost check #10320
OF THE CITY OF ROCHESTER, MINN.,_ . October 6. 1941
in the amount of $1.5.97, were each read, and upon mot.ion by Mrachek, second by
Bowers the said bonds were approved, the surety thereon accepted and it was_ordere
that same be placed on file.
Alderman Anderson introduced a resolution appropriating $6,95.91.from thel
General Fund and ordering payment made to Phillips Petroleum for one Tank Car Gas-1
oline SWLX 6..50, which was read.
Upon motion by Bowers, second by Hanson that the said resolution be
adopted as. read., and all voting in, favor thereof, President_ Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Anderson.introduced a_resolution appropriating $319.0,0 from the
eneral Fund and ordering payment made to the Commissioner of Taxation, Petroleum
ivision for inspection fee and tax on car -of gasoline SWLX 650, which was read.
Upon motion by 4rachek, second by Williams that the said resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, Pre.sident Lemmon declared the
aid resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Anderson introduced a, resolution appropriating $424- 59 from thel
eneral_ Fund and ordering payment made .to Herbert G. Knopp for Premium on policies]
ich was read.
Upon motion by Yaeger, second by Williams that the said resolution be
wdopv,ed as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Anderson introduced a resolution appropriating $350.10•from the)
General Fund and ordering payment made to J.T. Collin Agency for Insurance Po'liciesl
r'r`601615, �¢21�+, and Vr�+0251, which was read.
Upon motion by Anderson, second by Bowers that the said resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
aid resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Anderson introduced a resolution appropriating $334.45 from the
eneral Fund and ordering payment made to Specer M. Knapp for premiums on Insuranc
olicies, which was read.
Upon motion by Mrachek, second by Yaeger that the said resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
aid resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Anderson introduced a resolution appropriating $545.95 from the
eneral Fund and ordering payment made to Col -Tex Refining Company for Emulsified
sphalt, which was read.
Upon motion by Hanson, second by -Bowers that the said resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman.Anderson introduced a resolution appropriating $427.50 from the
eneral Fund and ordering payment made to the Standard Oil Company for one Tank
Car road oil, which was read.
Upon motion by Williams, second by Yaeger, that the said resolution_ be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President, Lemmon declared the
aid resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Anderson introduced a resolution appropriating $2000.00 from th
eneral Fund, Code 18 and ordering payment made to the Park Improvement Fund for
transfer of funds, which was read.
Upon motion by Hanson, second by Williams that the said resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
aid resolution duly sussed and adopted.
Alderman Bowers introduced a resolution appropriating $333.65 from the
General Fund and $254.39 from the Street & Alley Fund and ordering ?ayment made to
rse Bros., for sand, gravel, labor and trucking, which was read.
Upon motion by Mrachek, second by Bowers that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly sussed and adopted.
Alderman Bowers introduced a resolution appropriating $1.19 from the
General Fund, $93.82 from. the Street & Alley Fund and $153.6g from the Sewer Fund
and ordering payment made to Hayes Lucas Lumber Company for brick and lumber, whi
was read.
Upon motion by Yaeger, second by Williams that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor_thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Bowers introduced a resolution appropriating $1658.9.9 from the
General Fund and ordering payment made to the Street & Alley Fund for use of equi
;lent during August, 1941, which was read.
Upon motion by Mrachek, second by Hanson that the said resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Bowers introduced a resolution appropriating $640.49 from the
Street & Alley Fund and ordering payment made to the General Fund, Code 29, for
gasoline from Tank Car GATX 20749, which was read.
Upon motion by Yaeger, second by Anderson that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Bowers introduced a resolution appropriating $709.83 from the
Street & Alley Fund and ordering payment made to the Street & Alley Fund for use
Df equipment during August, 1941, which was read.
OF THE CITY OF , ROCHESTER, MINN.,_ 0 c t o b e r 6, 19 41
Upon motion by Mrachek, second by Hanson that the said. resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, Pres.ident Lemmon declared the
aid resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Bowers introduced a resolution appropriating $71.64.25 from the
ermanent Improvement Revolving Fund and ordering payment made t.o Wm. 0. Fraser &
on for sanitary sewer and watermain in Seventh Avenue Northwest and Fourteenth
treet, Northwest, which was read.
Upon :notion by Bowers, second, by Anderson that the said resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
aid resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Hanson introduced a resolution appropriating $9304.37 from the
ermanent Improvement Revolving Fund and ordering payment made to Roxanda Mines,
nc. for resurfacing of Fourth Street Southwest from First to Tenth Avenue South-
est, which was read.
Upon motion by Ha.nson,.second_by Bowers that the said resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon,declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Hanson introduced a resolution:ai-)propriating $2955.36 from the
ermanent Improvement Revolving Fund and ordering payment made to Roxanda Mines,
nc. for resurfacing Second Avenue Southwest from Fourth to Sixth Street Southwest'
hich was read.
Upon motion by Yaeger, second'by Mrachek :that: the- said resolii.tion be
dopted_.as r.ead, and` -all - voting -in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
aid resolution duly passed and adopted. . -
Alderman Hanson introduced a resolution appropriating $4594.72 from the
ermanent Improvement Revolving Fund and ordering payment made to Roxanda Alines,
ne. for resurfacing Third Street Southwest from Third to Sixth Avenue Southwest,
hich was read. I
Upon motion by Bowers, second by Williams that the said resolution be
dopted as read, and all.voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
aid resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Hanson introduced a resolution appropriating $3445.59 from the
ermanent Improvement Revolving Fund and ordering payment'made to H. T. Carle for
idening of Third Street Southwest from Third to -Sixth Avenue Southwest, which was
Upon motion by Yaeger, second by Anderson that the said"resolution be
dopted as read, and'all voting in favor thereof, -,President Lemmon declared the
aid resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Hanson introduced a resolution appropriating $93.42 from the
ermanent Improvement Revolving Fund, $49143 from the Sewer Fund and ordering
ayment made to Wm. C. Fraser & Son for 5% retained on sewer in Twelfth Avenue
ortheast and South Broadway, which was read.
Upon motion by Anderson, second by Bowers that the said resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof; President Lemmon declared the
aid resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Hanson introduced a resolution a-onropria.ting $259.35.from the
ark Improvement Fund and ordering payment made to- the Lyon Gas Appliance Co., for
ne Sonner Burner installed, which was read.
Upon motion by Mra.chek, second by Hanson that the said resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor th-ereof, President Lemmon declared the
aid resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Yaeger introduced a resolution appropriating $599.66 from the
ark Improvement Fund and ordering payment made to Simon Stensrud_for 3/9 net i.n-
one on F.E.Williams building, which was read.
Upon motion by Anderson, second by Williams that the said resolution be.
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Yaeger -introduced a resolution appropriating $331.00 from the
eneral Fund, $5.40 from the Street & Alley Fund, $13.95 from the Fire Protection
nd and $3056.66 from the Lighting Fund and ordering payment made to City of Roch
ester, Public Utilities for electricity and water used,-rhic1i was read.
Upan motion by Williams, second by Yaeger that the said resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon _declared the
aid resolution duly passed and adopted. -
Alderman Yaeger introduced a resolution appropriating $290.00 from the
ark: Improvement Fund and ordering payment made to Hugh Vincent Feehan for service
endered from January 1, 1941 to August 1, 1941, which was read.
Upon motion by Mrachek, second by Anderson that the said resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Yaeger introduced a resolution appropriating $2150.76 from the
Park Improvement Fund and ordering payment made to the Mayo Trust Fund for payroll
Cor the first half of September, 1941, which was read.
Upon motion by Williams,. second by Bowers,that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and. adopted.
Alderman Yaeger, introduced a resolution appropriating $465. 30 from the
Park Improvement Fund and ordering payment made to Simon Stensrud for 319 of total
et receipts of F.E.Williams estate building, which was read.
OF THE CITY OF, ROC.HESTER, MINN., October 6, 1941
Upon -motion by Yaeger, second by Anderson thatthe said resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President'Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted..
Alderman Yaeger introduced a resolution appropriating $236.25 from the
(Sewer Fund and ordering payment made to the Neenah Foundry Company for 15 basin
(inlets, which was read.
Upon motion by Hanson, -second by Bowers that the said resolution be
:.dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, .President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Williams introduced a resolution appropriating $263.60 from the
Sewer Fund and ordering payment made to the Street & Alley Fund for stock used dur•
ir_g August, 1941, ;which was. read~
Upon motion by Hanson, second by Bowers that the said resolution be
dopted as read, and.all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly Gassed and adopted.
Alderman Williams introduced a resolution appropriating $392.19 from the
ewer Fund and $5.65 from the Lighting Fund. and ordering payment made to City of
ochester, Public Utility, for electricity and water used, which was read.
Upon motion by Mrachek, second bar Yaeger that the said resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
aid -resolution duly -passed and adopted.
Alderman Williams introduced a resolution appropriating $229.46 from the
ighting Fund and $277.50 from the Park Improvement Fund and ordering payment made
o City of Rochester, Public Utilities,,for light and eater used, which was read.
Upon motion by Williams, second by Hanson that the said resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof,, President Lemmon declared the
aid resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Williams introduced a resolution appropriating $6999.24 from th
Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund and ordering payment made to H. T. Earle for
and Eleventh Avenue. Southwest,
(widening First Street Southwest/ which was read.
Upon motion by Mrachek, second by Williams that the said resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
aid resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Williams introduced a resolution appropriating $2995.63 from
epositu fat Licenses & Permits and ordering payment made to the General Fund,
ode 19, for transfer of deposits.far licenses and permits, which was reed.
Upon motion by Hanson, second by Mrachek that the said resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
OF THE CITY OF ROCHESTER, MINN., o en b e r h . 1 G 41
Alderman Anderson introduced a resolution accepting the agreement with
he State Highway Department for sewage disposal facilities, which -was read.
Upon motion by Williams, second by Hanson that the said resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
aid resolution duly massed and adopted. -
Alderman Williams introduced a resolution appropriating $1976.90 from th
ark Improvement Fund and ordering payment made to the Mayo Trust Fund for payroll'+
or last half of September, 1941, which was read.
Upon motion by Hanson, second by-Mrachek that the said resolution be
opted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
aid resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Mrachek introduced a resolution authorizing the Public Utility
oard to enter into contract with C. F. Walde in the sum of $2946.00, which was reed.
Upon motion by Mrachek, second by Williams that the said -resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
aid resolutioin—duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Mrachek introduced a resolution authorizing the Public Utility
oard to -enter- into contract with the McWane Cast Iron Pipe Company for the net
ontract -orice of $2312.00, which was read.
Upon motion by Hanson, second by Yaeger that the said resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
aid resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Mrachek introduced a resolution authorizing the Public Utility
and to enter into contract with Fairbanks, Morse and Company for the net contrac
rice of $4567.00, which was read.
Upon motion by Williams, second by Yaeger that the said resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
aid resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Mrachek introduced a resolution authorizing the Public Utility
a.rd to enter into contract with the Page & Hill Company of Minneapolis fo.r the
net contract price of $1249.90, which was read.
Upon motion by Mrachek, second by Williams that t:ie said resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the.
said resolution duly -passed and adopted.
Alderman Mrachek introduced a resolution authorizing the Board of Public
ealth & 19elfare to enter into contract with the International Harvester Company
Ifor the .net price of $668.00, which was read.
Upon motion by Hanson, second by Anderson that the -said resolution be
jadopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
+said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Mrachek introduced a resolution appropriating $1000.00 from thel
eneral Fund and $5000.00 from the Street &.Alley Fund for use of the Street and
lley Committee, which was read.
Upon motion by Williams, second by Bowers that the said -resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
aid resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Williams introduced a resolution ordering a hearing on the open)
ng of a street.over the North 50 ft of the South 269.66 feet of Lot 13, Auditor's)
lat "A°, which was read.
Upon motion by Williams„ second by Anderson that the said -resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
aid resolution duly gassed and adopted.
Alderman Williams introduced a resolution appropriating $372.79 from the)
ark Improvement Fund and $169.43 from the Lighting Fund and ordering payment made
o City of Rochester; Public Utilities,.which was read.
Upon motion by Mrachek, second by Yaeger that the said resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
aid resolution duly passed and adopted.
Mr. John Young appeared before the Common Council and protested the in-
tallation of any further through traffic streets in the City of Rochester.
Dr. F. M. Feldman, City Health Officer, ,appeared before the Council and
tated that there was a need of a County and City Municipal hospital being loca&ed
n the City of Rochester, as there were no such facilities here at the present time
A motion was made by Mrachek, second by Hanson that the City Clerk be
nstructed to notify the County Board,through the County Auditor, that the Common
ouncil meet with the County Board, if agreeable to them, to discuss the feasibili
f providing a Municipal Hospital in the City of Rochester.
Mr. Peter Bross, Architect, appeared at the Council meeting inregard to
he new proposed building code. It was determined that a minimum fee of $50.00
or a building permit would be charged in the residential district as well as in
the business part of the City.
A motion was made by Williams, second by Mrachek, and all voting in favor
hereof, adopting the State Plumbing Code to go into effect at the time the new
ilding Code is adopted.
Upon motion by Mrachek, second by Williams, the specifications for fire
ose as submitted by the Fire Chief, were approved and the City Clerk was instruct
o prepare a resolution to be presented at the meeting of October 13, 1941, adver-
ising for bids for 500 feet of new fire hose.
Upon motion by Williams, second by Yaeger, the specifications for a new
umper for the Fire Department were accepted, and the City Clerk was instructed to
OF THE CITY OF ROCHESTER, MINN., - 0 c t a b e r 6, 19 41
repare a resolution to be presented at the meeting of October 13, 1941, adver-
tising for bids for the said equipment.
Upon motion by Williams, second by Anderson, the City Clerk was instructled
to request the various Boards and Committees to submit their budgets covering the
period from June 1, 1942 to June 1, 1943-
Mayor Grassle brought u:� the matter of designating West Center Street as
a "through traffic street". After discussing the matter, President Lemmon request,
that the Common Council arrange a meeting with a committee from the Board of Edu-
cation to determine what traffic arrangements could be ma&e to add to the safety
of children on their way to and from the schools.
An Ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance Licensing and regulating the retail
sale of cigarettes and cigarette wrappers",- was given its first reading.
An Ordinance amending an ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance for the pur-
pose of promoting health, safety, order, convenience and the general welfare by
regulating the use of land, -the location, size,*use and heighth of buildings, and
the arrangement of buildings on lots and the density of population, within the Cit
of Rochester, Minnesota, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan," was given ilts
irst reading.
Upon motion by Williams, second by Anderson that the rules be suspended
nd all -voting in favor thero�', the Ordinance was given its second reading.
Upon motion by Mrachek, second by Anderson, and all voting in favor
thereof, the rules were suspended and the Ordinancd was given its third and final
Upon motion by Williams, second by Bowers, the Ordinance was adopted as
Alderman Bowers moved that the matter of employing an Electrical Inspec-
for be deferred one week, the motion being declared out of order for lack of a
Alderman Anderson stated that another child had been struck by an auto-
obile on Twelfth Street Southeast and suggested that some action be taken to pro-
vide crossings for pedestrians on the above mentioned street. President Lemmon
referred the matter to the Mayor, Police Committee, Chief of Police, Alderman Ande
son and Alderman Ranson, to meet with Mr, Brataas, District Maintenance Engineer
of the State highway Department, to determine what steps could be taken for the
safety of pedestrians crossing Twelfth Street Southeast.
Alderman Bowers brought up the matter of an out of town Electrical Con-
tractor furnishing and installing electrical fixtures in a residence in the City
of Rochester, without first obtaining an Electrical Contractor's License.
Upon motion by Bowers, second by Ranson the matter was referred to the
ilding Inspector and the City Attorney to take such steps as they deem necessary
OF THE CITY OF ROCHESTER, MINN., October 6, . 1941
in handling the alleged violation of the City Ordinance covering Electrical on
tractors in the City of Rochester.
• Upon motion by Williams, second by Yaeger the meeting was adjourned un
7: 30 o'clock P.M. October 13, 1941.
City Clerk