OF THE CITY OF ROCHESTER, MINN., October 27, 1942:
Minutes of an adjourned regular meeting of the Common Council of the Cit
of Rochester, Minnesota, held in the Council Chamber in the City Hall, in said Cit
on October 27, 1941.
President Lemmon called the meeting .to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M., the
following members being present: President Lemmon, Aldermen Anderson, Hanson,
Mrachek, Williams and Yaeger. Absent: /Bowers.
Upon motion by Mrachek, second by Yaeger, the minutes of the meeting of
October 20, 1941, were approved.
President Lemmon stated this as being the time and place set for a hea
ing'on-the levying of special assessments for the construction of a sanitary sew
in Sixth Street Northeast in front of the West 42.5 feet of Lots ' 13 and 14_ and
Lots 15 and 16 in Block 31, Northern Addition. There was no one present wishing
to be heard.
President Lemmon stated this as being the time and place set for 'a he
ing on the levying of special assessments for the widening of Fifth Street South-
west from First Avenue Southwest to Second Avenue Southwest. There was no-one
present wishing to be heard.
President Lemmon stated this as being the time and place set for a hea
Bing on the levying of special assessments for the construction of a sanitary sewe
lin Eleventh Avenue Northeast from Tenth Street Northeast to Fourteenth Street
(Northeast. There was no one present wishing to be heard.
President Lemmon stated this as being the time and place set for a hea
ding on the levying of special assessments for the construction of a sanitary sewe
and watermain in Seventh Avenue Northwest from Tenth Street Northwest to Fourteen
Street Northwest, and in Fourteenth Street Northwest from Seventh Avenue North wes
to 250 feet West of Ninth Avenue Northwest. There was no one present wishing to
be heard.
President Lemmon stated this as being the time and place set for recei
ling and opening bids for the furnishing of 500 feet of Fire Hose. The following.
named firms submitted unit prices on 500 feet of Fire Hose: Manhattan Rubber
Manufacturing Division, Eureka Fire Hose Co., Hewitt Rubber Corporation, American-
ILaFrance-Yoamite Corporation, Quaker Rubber Corporation and W. S. Nott Company.
The proposal of the Quaker Rubber Corporation in the amount of $450.00 was the
lowest bid.
The recommendation of the Fire Committee that the bid of the Quaker Rubb.,Ier
Company in the sum of $450.00 be accepted was read, and upon motion by Mrachek,
second by Yaeger the same was approved.
Upon motion by Anderson, second by Hanson, the City Clerk was instructed
to return the bids of the unsuccessful bidders.
Alderman Anderson reported verbally on the filling of Fifteenth Aveinue
Northeast between Fourth and Fifth Streets Northeast and that at the present time
the Engineer'.s Department had no culverts in stock large enough for proper drain-
age and same would have to be ordered. He also stated that considerable fill woul
e required to bring the street up to the proper grade and that same would have tot
e hauled in, and President Lemmon referred the matter to the Street and Alley
Committee for report at the next meeting of the Common Council.
A communication from Frances L. Underleak, County Auditor, setting Nov-
ember 12, 1941, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. as the date of a joint meeting between the
County Board and the Common Council to consider the recommendation of Dr. F. M.
Feldman, was read, and upon motion by Williams, second by Mrachek, the City Clerk
was instructed to notify the County Board through the County Auditor that the abov
date was agreeable with them for the said joint meeting.
A petition that angle parking be installed on the South side of Second
treet Southwest after the widening of the street is completed, was read, and
resident Lemmon ordered that same be placed on file.
A petition that a watermain be laid in Eighth Avenue Northwest between
Tenth Street and Eleventh Street Northwest was read, and upon motion by Mrachek,
second by Williams, the matter was referred to the Water Committee to confer with
the Public Utility Board in regard to construction of said watermain.
A copy of a resolution passed by the Public Utility Board requesting the
Common Council to authorize said Board to enter into contract with the Rochester
lumbing and Heating Company was read, and President Lemmon ordered that same be
laced on file.
The report of the Clerk of the Minicipal Court for the week ending
ctober 25, 1941, showing criminal fines and costs collected $412.40, civil fees
eceived $6.05, and conciliation court fees $7.50, was read, and having been previ-
ously approved by the City Attorney, President Lemmon ordered that the same be
laced on file.
Communications from G. Howard Spaeth, Commissioner of, Taatation, and the
eagae of Minnesota Municipalities announcing the third short course for Assessors
o be held at the University of Minnesota on November 13, 14, and 15, 1941 were
Gad, and upon motion by.Mraehak, second by Yaeger, the City Assessor was author -
zed to attend at City expense.
The applications of Victor Hilstad and Donald Kujath for Driver's Licensl
were each read and upon motion by Anderson, second by Hanson the Licenses were
The application of Lawrence A. Lentz for a license to operate two vend-
ng machines was read, and upon motion by Hanson, second by Anderson the license
as granted.
OF THE CITY OF ROCHESTER, MINN.,_ October 2-7, 1941
The application of George Wiltgen to transfer "Off" Sale License #694
and "On" Sale License -.Non -intoxicating Malt Liquor to J. W. Finn was read, and
upon motion by Mrachek, second by Yaeger the transfer was granted.
The application of John F. Miller for an Electrical Contractor's Licens
was read, and upon motion by Hanson, second by Yaeger the license was granted.
The license bond of the Hankee Heating Company in the sum of $1000.00
with the St. Paul Mercury Indemnity Company as surety was read, and upon motion t
(Hanson, second by Yaeger the bond was approved, the surety thereon accepted and i
was ordered that same be placed on file.
A communication from Owen G. Jones asking that his name be added to the
petition on file for the grading and filling of a portion of Fifteenth Avenue North-
east wasnead, and President Lemmon ordered that same be placed on file.
The following budgets were read and ordered placed on file:
Fire Protection Fund .................... $95,542 00
Band Fund............. ................... 6,572.50
Police Department ....................... 69,760.00
Public Health & Welfare Fund....:....... 19,650.00
.Park Improvement Fund...., .............. 45,024.40
Library Fund.. .......................... 22,840.00
Street and Alley Fund .................... 55,650.00
Sewer Fund..................... 32,500.00
Bridge Fund...........:....... ..... .. 13,000.00
School District$8........ :............. 450#169.50
The following claims were read, and upon motion.by Williams, second by
Hanson, the•same were allowed and the Mayor and City Clerk instructed to draw
(warrants upon the City Treasurer and make payments'accordingly:
From the General Fund: Colonial Hospital, $3.00; Leo Cronin's Men's
Shop, $17.90; Theo.. B. Robertson Produce Co., Inc., $19.9..2; Municipal Court, $12.1
General Fund, Code 22, $18. 7.5; 0. W. Schroeder, $31.50.
From the Street and Alley Fund: Linda Randall, $21.60; Ruggles & Rade-
maker Salt Co., $70.00; Oscar Dornack, $33:0.0; Earl Hall, $11.05; John McDonald,
$121.55; Chicago Great Western Ry Co., $32.73; Minneapolis Iron Store, $16.97;
Witte Transp. Co., $0.550'
'From the Fire Protection Fund: Witte Transp.. Co., $1.69; Janesville
Apparel Co., $9.82; Little Bear Specialties Co. Inc., $3.00; Mayo Clinic, $1.50;
Sinclair •Refining Go., $73.94.
From the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund:_ The -Barrett 00.,'$60.30;
The Barrett Co., $121.. 75; The Barrett Go., $61.22.
From the Sewer Fund: Wm. C. Fraser &'Son, $79.35-
From the Park Improvement Fund: J.I.Holcomb Mfg Co., $18.70; Martin
Paulson, $153.70; Toro Mfg Corp., $5.141; C. C:Pagenhart, $193.0.0; Swarts Bros.,
$3.00; Morse Bros., $23.75; Southern Minnesota Supply Co., $3.36; Midland Popcorn
Co., $55.25; Globe Ticket Co., $13.50; Rochester Bread Co., $5.00; Independent
School District #8, $8.50; R.C.Drips, $6.05; Dubois Soap -Co., $27.37; G. Schwartz
OF THE CITY OF .ROCHEST'ER, MINN., oc-tober 27, 1941
& Co., $18.50; The Rochester Visitor, $5.00; Rochester Shoppers News, $5.40;
Carey Transfer, $15.60:" Zumbrota News, $2.50; Wabasha County Herald Standard,
$2. 50; Caledonia Argus, $2. 50; Coca Cola Co. , $136.66; Dr. Ralph G. Fleming, $3.
From the Lighting Fund: City of Rochester, Public Utilities, $1.00.
From the Sinking Fund: First National Bank, $43.10.
Alderman Mrachek introduced a resolution appropriating $219.00 from the
General Fund, $3.60 from the Street and Alley Fund, $7.4 from the Fire Protectioi
Fund, and $3407.66 from the Lighting Fund and ordering payment made to City of
Rochester, Public Utility, which was read.
Upon motion by Hanson, second by Mrachek that the said resolution be
ladopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
(said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Mrachek introduced a resolution appropriating $396.0.o from the
Street and Alley Fund and ordering payment made to the Roxanda Mines, Inc., for
54 tons of Skidno, 'which was read.
Upon motion by Mrachek, second by Anderson that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President 1emmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman.Mrachek introduced a resolution appropriating $489.40 from the
Street and Alley Fund and ordering payment made to Roxanda Mines, Inc., for.47*
jtons of Skidno, which was read.
Upon motion by Williams, second by Yaeger that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting_in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Mrachek introduced a resolution appropriating $45,293.88 from
Ithe Street and Alley Fund and ordering.payment made to the Permanent Improvement'
Revolving Fund for City's share of cost of street improvements, which was -read.
Upon::moti6n•.by Yaeger, second by Williams that.tho said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
Isaid resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Mrachek introduced a resolution 4ppropriating $20,000.00 from.
Ithe General Fund Code 18 and ordering payment made to the Street and Alley Fund
Code 1, for transfer of funds, which was read.
Upon motion by Anderson, second by Mrachek that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Yaeger introduced a resolution levying special assessments for
the cost and expense of constructing a sanitary sewer and watermain in Seventh.
Avenue Northwest, from Tenth to Fourteenth Streets North.wes,t, and in Fourteenth
OF THE CITY OF ROCHESTER, MINN., October 2 7, 1941
Street Northwest from Seventh Avenue Northwest to 250 feet West of Ninth Avenue
Northwest, which was read.
Upon motion by Hanson, second by Williams that the said.resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Yaeger introduced a resolution levying special assessments for
the cost and expense of construction of a.sanitary sewer in Eleventh Avenue Nort
east from Tenth to fourteenth Street Northeast, which was read.
Upon motion by Williams, second by Yaeger that the said resolution be
Adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.,
Alderman Yaeger introduced a resolution levying special assessments for
the cost and expense of constructing a sanitary sewer in Sixth Street Northeast
in front of the West 42.5 feet of Lots 13,14.15 and 16 in Block 31, Northern Addit
ion, which was read.
Upon motion by Mrachek, second by Hanson that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Yaeger introduced a resolution levying special assessments for
Ithe cost and expense of widening Fifth Street Southwest from first Avenue South-
jwest to Second Avenue Southwest, which was read.
.Upon motion by Hanson, second by Williams that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Yaeger introduced a resolution levying special assessments for
(copper water connections on North Broadway, which was read.
Upon motion by Anderson, second by Yaeger that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adoibted.
Alderman Yaeger introduced a resolution levying special assessments for
the cost and expense of constructing and rebuilding sidewalks in 1941, which was
II r ead.
Upon -motion by Hanson, second by Yaeger that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
Jjsaid resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Yaeger introduced a resolution authorizing the Public Utility
IIBoard to enter into contract with the Rochester Plumbing & Heating Company, which
Ilwas read.
Upon motion by Williams, second by Hanson that the said resolution be
OF THE CITY .OF ROCHESTER, MINN., October 27, 1941 .
Iladopted as read, and all voting in favor -thereof, President Lemmon declared the
{+said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Anderson introduced a resolution accepting the bid of the
for 500 feet Fire Hose
Quaker Rubber Corporation in the sum of $450.00,/which was read.
Upon motion by Anderson, second -by Williams that the said resolution be
11adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
iisaid resolution duly passed and adopted.
A represantative from the American Lafrance Company appeared before the
Council and requested that the Mayor, Council members, and the Fire Chief go to
(Mankato on Thursday October 30, 1941,-to inspect a new pumper and hose car which
jihad been recently purchased by that City.,
An Ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance Requiring Persons Convicted of
1I0rimes, Other Than Misdemeanors, Who Shall Come Into or be Within the City of
(Rochester, Minnesota, to Register in the Office of the Chief of Police of said
City, and Providing a Penalty for the Violation of This Ordiawnce,s was given its
(first reading.
Upon motion by Williams, second by Anderson the rules were suspended ani
ithe Ordinance was given its second readin&.
Mr. Carl .Types appeared before the Council and stated -that he was not
satisfied with the grade of the new sidewalk which had been constructed in front
of his property, and requested that the Council -make some provision to provide fox
Ithe drainage of water, to the street or otherwise, to keep same from flooding the
After discussing the matter, a motion was made by Williams, second by
Yaeger that the City Engineer be instructed to grade Eighth Street,Southwest from
Sixth Avenue to Seventh Avenue Southwest to the established grade of said street.
Alderman Yaeger, Chairman of the Lighting Committee, reported that he
had .inspected the fixtures used in 1940 and that it would cost approximately
$300.00 to put the Christmas Lighting fixtures in proper condition and purchase
new lights for same before they could be used this season.
Upon motion by Williams, second by Mrachek the City Clerk was instructed
to advertise for bids for the erection of Christmas Street Lighting, the same- to
be received by the Common Council at 700 o'clock P.M. November 10, 1941.
Upon motion by Williams, second by Anderson the meeting was adjourned.
City Clerk