Minutes of a regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Roch-
ester, Minnesota, held in the Council Chambers in the City Hall, in said City, on
December 1, 1941.
President Lemmon called the meeting to order at 2:00 o'clock P.M., the
(following members being present: President Lemmon,' Aldermen, Ande--rson,-Bowers,
lHan'son, Mrachek, Williams and Yaeger. Absent: none.
Upon motion by Hanson, second by Bowers the minutes of the meeting of
November 24, 1941 were approved.
President Lemmon stated this as being the time and place set for a hear
ling on the laying of a watermain in Eighth Avenue Northwest from Tenth Street to
(Eleventh Street Northwest. There was no one present wishing to be heard.
An agreement between the State of Minnesota, acting by and through its
Commissioner of Highways, and the City of Rochester, Minnesota, concerning the
Imaintenance of trunk highways within the corporate limits of the City, was read,
land same was ordered placed on file.
The City Engineers estimate of cost for the laying of a watermain in
Eighth Avenue Northwest from Tenth Street to Eleventh Street Northwest was read,
and upon motion by Mrachek, second by Hanson the same was accepted and ordered
1placed on file.
A copy -of a resolution passed and adopted by the Commissioners -of the
Sinking Fund of the City of Rochester, Minnesota, appropriating $20,000.00 from
the Sinking Fund for payment of the December 1st, 1941 maturity of Sewage Disposal
1plant Bonds was read, and upon motion by Mrachek, second by Bowers the action of
(the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund was approved.
The report of .the Finance Committee that the loan to -Mr. Ole Olson by
the -Firemen's Relief Association be approved in the sum of $3200.00 was read, and
upon motion by Williams, second by Mrachek the -same was approved provided that the
buildings.on* the farm be given two coats of paint.
The report of the Building, Plumbing and Electrical Inspector for the
month of November, 1941, showing fees for building.permits issued, $90.00, fees
for_plumbing permits issued, $99.25, and fees for electrical permits tLssued, $9.25
were each read and President Lemmon referred the same to the Finance Committee.
A communication from the Board of Park -Commissioners relative to the
payment of $100.00 to the Board.of Education for services of David Mort for super-
vising.and managing baseball activities for the youngsters on the Park diamonds,
Iwas read, and President Lemmon ordered that same be placed on file.
Alderman -Anderson introduced a resolution accepting an agreement between
the State of Minnesota and the City of Rochester, Minnesota, for the maintenance
of trunk highways within the corporate -limits of the City, which was read.
Upon motion.by Williams_, second by Hanson that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Anderson introduced a resolution ordering plans, specifications
and estimate of.cost for laying a watermain in Eighth Avenue Northwest from Tenth
Street to Eleventh Street Northwest,. which was read.
Upon motion by Hanson, second by Mrachek that the said resolution'be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Yaeger introduced.a resolution adopting plans, specifications
and estimate of cost and setting a date for hearing on the laying of a watermain
in Eighth Avenue Northwest from Tenth Street to Eleventh Street Northwest, said
hearing to be held at 7:30 o'clock P.M. December 19, 1941, which was read.
Upon motion by Mrachek, second by Bowers that the'said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Williams introduced a resolution appropriating $179.76 from the
General Fund, $2.00 from the Street .and Alley Fund, and $3829.69 f rom the Lighting
Fund and ordering payment. made, to City of Ro.chester, Public Utilities for. electric
Iity and power used, which was read.
Upon motion by Bowers, second by Hanson that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and gll voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
(said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Mrachek introduced a resolution appropriating $207.00 from the
General Fund and -ordering payment made to City of Rochester, Public Utilities, foz
(steam heat for City Hall, which was read.
Upon motion.by Anderson, second :by Yaeger that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared- the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Bowers .introduced a resolution appropriating $500.00 from the
,Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund and ordering payment made to the -General Fund
Code_19., for the purpose -of -.refunding said.amount,to the General Fund and setting
same up as a deferred special assessment in the P. I._ R'. Fund.
Upon motion by Williams, second by Bowers -that the said resolution be
(adopted as read,. and• -all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the-
Isaid resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman.Williams introduced a resolution appropriating $4000.00 from th
General Fund and ordering payment made to the Park Improvement Fund.for monthly
transfer for November and December, 1941, which was read.
Upon motion by Mrachek, second,by.Yaeger that the said resolution be
47 0
OF THE CITY OF ROCHESTER, MINN.,_ December 1, 1941
jadopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof," President Lemmon declared the
(said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Anderson introduced a resolution appropriating $61g.44 from the
(General Fund, Code 19, and ordering payment made to Theo. H. Tollefson, City Tread
jurer for special assessments against Park property; which was read.
Upon motion by Yaeger, second by Anderson that the said resolution be
jadopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
(said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Anderson introduced'a resolution vacating the alleys in Block
123, Head & McMahon's Addition, which was read.
Upon.motion by Williams, second -by'Anderson that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted, and the City Clerk was instructed not to
record same until the transfer of a certain parcel of land in Block 23, Head and
McMahon's Addition, was completed..
The following claims were read, and upon motion by Williams, second by
jMrachek, the same were allowed and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to
(draw warrants upon the City Treasurer a•nd make payments accordingly:
From the General Fund: H.C.Liepsner & Co., $7.60; Leo N.Herrick, $6.65;
Weber & Judd, $9.06; Hayes Lucas Lumber Co., $1,19; Dorothy Rahbain, $36.94; Jos-
eph Schuster, $26.00; Genevieve Hammond, $19.00; Henry Lindberg, $26.00; General
Fund, Code 20, $3.00; Garnet Spring, $20.00; Gus Bottke, $20.00; Dr. F.H.Powers,
$8.00; Postier & Eggers Co., Inc. $3.00.
Frpm the Street and Alley Fund: Postier & Eggers Co. Inc., $4.15; Mid -
Iway Texaco Service Station, $1.50; Minneapolis Iron Store., $35,.42; Arnold Frank,
1 $13.50.
From the Fire Protection Fund: D. R. Bentzen, $36.00; Pink Supply Co.,
$23. 54; w..S. Darley & Co. , $6. 30.
From the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund: Wm..C.Fraser & Son, $140.166.
From the Sewer Fund: Foster Electric Co., $21..59; _'12he Dorr Company, In
1$29.39; M. C.Lawler, $2.03.
From the Park Improvement Fund: City of Rochester Public Utilities,
$15..30; Fabian Stoppel, $29.56; General Fund, $6.00; Southern Minnesota Supply Co.
$1..39; Ole's Linoleum Shop, $27.00'. Maass & McAndrews, $3.00; People's Natural
Gas Co., $4- 75; Leo N. Herrick, $0.15; Rochester Iron Works, $15.6g; Rochester
(Plumbing & Heating, $102.70; International Harvester Co., $0.76; City of Rochester
Ele,ct•ri c Dept., $7..32.
From the Lighting Fund: City of Rochester Public Utilities, $57.00;
City of Rochester, Electric Dept., $91.90.
OF THE CITY OF ROCHESTER, MINN.,_ December 1, 1941
An Ordinance providing for and regulating the collection of garbage in
the City of Rochester, Minnesota, the disposal thereof and providing for assess-
ments against property benefited thereby, was given its third and final reading.
Upon motion by Williams, second by Mrachek and all voting in favor ther
except Alderman Bowers who voted "No", the Ordinance was adopted as read.
Alderman Bowers stated that owners of private property had in certain
places constructed retaining walls in the street and also buildings., and upon
motion by Bowers, second by Hanson the City Attorney was instructed to notify the
owners of such walls and buildings to vacate the public streets.
Mr. George Wood, the Dog Catcher, had requested permission to cut the
dead wood on the Sewage Disposal Plant property, and upon motion by. Anderson, sec
and by'Williams he was given permission to cut and use'dead wood on the site of
the Sewage Disposal Plant.
Upon motion by And-erson,..second by Hanson, the sum of $25.00 was approp
riated for one year's membership in the National Safety Council.
Upon motion by Williams, second by Yaeger the City Attorney was instruc
to dr.aft an Ordinance for the removal of snow from sidewalks in the Commercial
Districtsof the City of Rochester,. Minnesota.
Upon motion by Mrachek, second by Williams the meeting was adjourned
until 7: 30 o'clock P.M. December 9, ig4l.
City Clerk