Adjourned Meeting No. 41 - April 24, 1978
A-1 President Postier called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M., the
following members being present: President Postier, Aldermen Allen,
Gray, Larson, Powers, Solinger and Strain. Absent: None.
Powers moved, Solinger second to approve the minutes of the April 3,
and 17th 1978 meeting. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
B-1 A Hearing on the Renewal of the Refranchise of Teleprompter Cable TV.
Wishing to be heard was Mr. Richard Ehrick, Attorney for Teleprompter.
He mentioned minor changes in the preliminary ordinance drawn up by
City Attorney Gerald Swanson. Mr. Swanson also suggested minor
changes in wording. Mr. Ehrick and Mr. Swanson agreed upon the new
wording. Having no one else present that wished to be heard, this
hearing was continued until after Item B-2 rate structure.
B-2 A Hearing on the rate adjustement for Teleprompter Corporation.
Mr. Ehrick, Attorney for Teleprompter Corporation was present and
urged the Council to adopt a new rate of $6.95. Mr.. Ehrick gave a
brief summary of the history of rates in the past twenty years that
Teleprompter was in existence in Rochester. Having no one else presen
that wished.to be heard, Gray moved, Powers second to approve a $.20
increase over the present rate to a new rate of $6.70. Ayes (6),.
Nays :(1). Alderman Solinger voting nay. Motion carried.
B-1 Continued hearing on the Renewal of the Refranchise of Teleprompter
Cable TV. Having no one else present that wished to be heard, Pres-
ident Postier closed the hearing. Allen moved, Larson second to
proceed with the refranchise and instruct the City Attorney to
prepare an Ordinance for adoption. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion
F-1 nOrdinance Granting a Franchise to Teleprompter Corporation to
onstruct, Operate, and Maintain a Cable Communications System in the
ity.of.Rochester, Minnesota; setting forth -the terms, conditions ,
ules-.and requirements applicable thereto; Establishing the rates to
e charged; establishing a Cable TV Advisory Commission; and providing
enalties for violations; amending Rochester Code of Ordinances;
ections 212.010, 212.020, 212.030, 212.040, 212.050, 212.060, 212.070
12.080, 212.090, 212.100, 212.110;, 212.1210-, 212.13.0., 212.140,212.150;
12.160, 212.170, 212.180, and Adding Sections thereto, was given
is first reading. Powers moved, Allen second to suspend the rules
nd give this Ordinance a second reading. Upon Roll Call vote,
ldermen Allen, Gray, Larson, Powers, Solinger and Strain and Presiden-
ostier voted aye. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried and the Ordinanc(
as given its second reading. Gray moved,Larson-second to approve
nd adopt the Ordinance as read. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion
arried. I
ving no further business.; Allen moved, Strain second.to adjourn the
eting. Ayes (7), s Na l
y (0). Motion carried. rr �
City Clerk.