Adjourned Meeting No. 3 - June 26, 1978
A=1 President Postier called the meeting to order at 4:45 P.M., the
following members being present : President Postier, Aldermen Duffy
Larson, Powers,Solinger and Strain. Absent: Alderman Allen.
C-1 Larson moved, Strain second to approve the following appointments -to
the Rochester Police Department: seven lieutenants as follows:,
Ronald Thompson, James Miller, Alan Fritsche, Edward Johnston,
Arthur Magruder, Val Stevens and Albert Sisson. To the Rank- of
Police Detective 1. Roger Westra and Kenneth Chase. to the rank of
Captain 1. Ronald Johnston and to the rank of Police Lieutenant to
fill the vacancy created by the promotion to Captain - William Gordon.)
The above appointments will be effective July 1, 1978. Ayes (6),
Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-1 Strain moved, Duffy second to adopt the prepared Resolution No. 458-78
authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids to be opened on
July 26, 1978 at 11:00 A.M. for Project No. 7703-Part IV J 8475
Water Reservoir and Trunkmains to serve the low level District of
the Northwest Service Area lying North of 41st Street N. W. Part IV
20" Diameter Watermain Trunkline from Cascade Ridge Sub. to Reservoir
Site. This will also appear in the Construction Bulletin. Ayes (6),
Nays (0)..Motion carried.
G-1 Strain moved, Powers second to remove the Final Plat of Bel Air Fourth
Subdivision from the table. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried. Solin er
moved, Powers second to adopt Resolution No. 459-78 approving the
Final Plat of Bel Air Fourth Subdivision following the normal procedure
f upgrading the revi:en. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-2 Powers moved, Strain second to approve the following licenses and bond
Request received from James A. Mitchell of -Mitchell Welding and Trench
Company for permission to hold an Auction of quipment , tools , and
roperty to be held on Thursday July 13 at 1245 Marion Road. Fee has
een paid, and this is granted pending receipt of the bond. Request
received from the Rochester Post Bulletin to be granted permission to
old the annual 4th of July fireworks display at Silver Lake. Ayes (6)
ays (0). Motion carried.
H-1 Several citizens were present and requested the Council to make a
notion to reconsider the making of the sidewalk project on Third
venue N. W. Duffy moved,to reconsider this matter. Due to lack of a
econd the motion died. No action was taken.
H-2 arson moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 460-78 setting a
Baring for August 7, 1978 at 7:30 P.M. to consider the making of
ew sidewalk on the Northern portion of the East side of the Road
n New Sidewalk Project No. 2-1978 J 8638. Ayes (5), Nays (1). Motion
arried. Alderman Duffy voted nay.
ving no further business, Powers moved, Larson secopq to adjourn
e meeting
City Clerk