Adjourned Meeting No. 7 - July 21, 1980
A-1 President Postier called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M., the
following members being present: President Postier, Aldermen Allen,
Powers, Solinger and Strain. Absent: Aldermen Duffy and Larson.
Allen moved, Strain second to approve the minutes of the July 7,
14 and 16, 1980 meeting. Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
5-1 A Hearing on the Proposed Assessment on Project.No. 7703-J 8475 Water
Tower and Trunk Main to serve the low level district of the N. W.
service area lying north of 41st St. N.W. Wishing to be heard was
Roger Plumb, Public Services Director, and Mr. Plumb explained the
project and how i.t was assessed. Mr. Plumb stated that the project
was completed -in four parts and that the price per acres is;$685.00.
back in 1968 when the Apache Mall Water tower was assessed, it was
$650.00 per acre. Mr. Plumb stated that the price per acre,was
reasonable. Wishing to be heard was Mr. Paul Finseth, Attorney on.
behalf of Developers of Cascade Ridge. Mr. Finseth asked the Council
to hold this hearing over until they had a chance to work with the
staff in solving some of their problems. Wishing to be heard was
Bob DeWitt, Developer of Western Subdivision. Mr. DeWitz is not
in favor of paying for this assessment. He.states that he has hooked
up to a main.and does not need another one. Mr. DeWitz also stated
that he purchased land from Pax Christi Church. Since this property
was ►iot:included in the assessment project, Mr. DeWitz did not think
that this land should be included in the assessment charges. Wishing
to be heard was Mr. Fred Suhler, Jr., City Attorney, Mr. Suhler
questioned Mr. DeWitz asking him if Mr. Joseph Dingle, Attorney was
representing him in this matter, Mr. DeWitz answered "yes". Mr. Suhlei
then asked him if he got a chance to talk with Mr. Plumb on this
matter. Mr. DeWitz stated that he had, but Mr. DeWitz stated that
he still questioned assessing a half lot the same as a whole lot.
Mr. DeWitz .still thinks that the land he purchased from Pax Christi
should not be assessed. Mr. Suhler questioned Mr. DeWitz if he had
received proper notice. Mr. Plumb stated that he had. Mr. DeWitz
stated that he did not have a formal notice, but that Mr. DeWitz was
present at a meeting whereby this assessment project was approved.
Mr. Plumb went on to..say that every Watermain-tower project has
two separate assessment charges, one for Watertower and one for -the
watermain. Mr. DeWitz commented that he still did not think he had
to pay twice. Wishing to be heard was Georgia Bertschinger of
57th Street N. W. Ms.. Bertschinger.questioned why she was not notif-
ied. Mr. Plumb stated that a land owner at the time the.project is
proposed would receive.a notice. Wishing to be heard was Bob
Chestnutt of 1915 43rd St. N. W. He was wondering which tower he
was receiving:water and how this'was deteribined.1 Mr. Plumb stated
at Mr. Chestnutt's area was included in the later project. Mr.
Fra cis Brennan, Superintendent of theiWater Department explained
how t - wa-ter__pr-essure was determined -and the number of acres these
towers served. Mr. Brennan stated that on July 8, the 8andel-_Water'
tower was dry. It was also noted that Western III,IV and V were
being assessed currently under Pennington Properties. The Western
Subdivision III , IV, and V are not platted as yet. Mr. DeWitz
Adjourned Meeting No. 7 - July 21, 1980
B-1 questioned the size of this new watertower. He stated if only about
150 homes were serviced by this, how come it went dry already. ( July
8). Mr.Suhler, City Attorney asked Mr. DeWitz - What would have happ-
ened if we did not have -the water tower on July 8th. Mr. DeWitz
stated that more people then.himself would have gone dry. Jenny
Dineen of Cascade Ridge wished to be heard and questioned why she
did not get notified of the project. Glen Amundson, of the Public
Services Department stated that the Engineer's Dept. receives print-
out copies of the owners of the property. Changes take from three
to six months to be put on this list. Notices are sent from this
computer list. Francis Clark of the Public Services Department
went on to tell her how an assessment is determined, and if a title
certificate is secured by the buyer, the information can be had at.
the Public Services Department or at the City Clerk's Office. Mr.
Plumb stated that all developers in the area had complete knowledge
of this assessment and it is a responsibility of them to inform the
buyers of this assessment. Mr.'Fred Suhler,:Jr. City Attorney
asked Mr..Plumb if he would again give the construction cost index
figures to the Council. Mr. Plumb stated that Construction cost
index 1957 was at 7.24- 1977 was at $2,821. That is basically due to
inflation, but using that construction cost increase in 1957-1977,
taking the water tower assessments, in 1957 it was $186.00 per acre,
in 1977 it was $685.00 per acre. Using that construction cost increa&(
from 1957 to 1977, taking.the watertower assessments, you can see the
slope of that line is less then the inflation rates. This clearly
shows that the present day dollar is not worth as much. Strain move(
Allen second to -'continue the hear,ing:until`August 4, 1980 at.7:30
P.M-. Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried. .
B-2 A Hearing on the Conditional Use Permit for a Supervised Living
Facility for the Thomas House, Inc., located at 15 6th Avenue S.E.
Wishing to be heard was,:Bill Canfield of .Thomas House Staff, Lynn.
Haagenson Director of.the Thomas House,,Kathy Sass of 2455 Hwy 52
former resident of the Thomas House and'Attorney KLn Mohn were in
favor of the project and urged the Council to approve this location.
Mr. Mohn reminded the Council that both the Planning Commission and
the staff have given this project their approval. A.W. Dahlberg
of 525 5th St. S. W. spoke on behalf of the residents of the Thomas
House and gave a good report. Wishing to be heard in opposition was
Hulda Nelson of 538 East Center Street, Francis Miller of 19 6th
Avenue S. E. They stated that older people lived in the neighborhood
and the location did not have much open space. Marian Chrysler of
1236 20th St. N. W. stated that the Thomas House only rents 112 of
the third flood of the Parker Hotel, and objects to the residents
being referred to as ""these"people. She stated that the residents
.are no different then any tenant. Having no one else present that
wished to be heard, President Postier closed the hearing. Strain
moved, Allen second to approve the conditional use permit . Ayes
(5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
B-3 A Hearing on the Proposed Project - Project No. 7403-80 J 8730
Extension of the North Front g Road s latte in C sca n strial
Park Subdivision east to 35ti Rvenue �. �I. , an � cons ruc�or�i �i
Adjourned Meeting No..7 - Judy 21, 1980
B-3 J the median crossing Trunk Highway No. 14 to connect 35th Avenue
N. W. Having no one present that wished to be heard, President
Postier closed the hearing. Powers moved, Strain second to adopt
Resolution No. 393-80 ordering the project to be made. Ayes (5),
Nays (0). Motion carried. .
B-4 A.Hearing on the Application for PUD( Final Plan ) by John Bass
to be known as Stone Barn Offices located at 633 16th St. S. W.
Wishing to be heard was John Bass, applicant and was present for any
questions the Council may have Wishing to be heard was Gordon
Moore resident of 16th Street S. W. He is opposed to this development
and thinks the Council should be aware of the nature of the neighbor=
hood as an R-1 zone. Bob Moore, Stonebarn Estates was present and
was opposed to this. He stated that he did not want his backyard to
abutt a parking lot and he would also be getting fumes from the
cars parking in the lot. Alderman Strain asked Bob Moore if he ob-
jected to a professional office such as'a doctor etc. in the barn.
Mr. Moore stated that he would not have any objection to that kind
of occupancy, but would like to see a large green buffer put in.
John Hick of 620.16th.Street S. W. stated that 70% of the resident
population along 16th.Street have signed a petition against the
project. Iva May„Toogood Plaza stated that she is opposed. Walt
Schaefer of 421 17th Street S. W. was opposed. He said he would be
in favor of the site being used as a home. Ken Mohn, Attorney for
local residents of 16th St. S. W. was present and stated that this
was not wanted, he stated that this area should not be considered
for a PUD the size and nature of this proposed PUD. Mr. Mohn stated
that if This PUD is approved, it is against the advice of the
Planning and Zoning Commission and the staff and -the neighborhood,
and they.will probably take this to court based on this reaction.
Mr. Mohn stated that before this is -adopted, he would like to have
this referred to the City Attorney to review the PUD. After discussi
by the Council, Mr. Fred Suhler, Jr. City Attorney stated that this
had an interesting legal argument if it were to go to court, it was
not clear either way. It is a.small parcel of land for a PUD. Alder-
man Strain -stated if we could use a.PUD for a historic site.He was
told we could. Tom Moore, Consolidated -Planning and Zoning Dept.
stated that the City does allow -certain type of commercial happenings
in the neighborhood such as grocery stores, drug stores, clothes
cleaning places etc. This site was exempt from .original proposal of
Stone Barn Estates. Wally Schultz, 596 15th Street S. W. is.opposed
to this. Bill Meske..of 647 16th St. S. W. stated that the only way
you can keep historic buildings is to.restore.them :.Peopl.e cannot
afford any other way of keeping them. Alderman Strain asked Mr.
Meske if he would or could buffer the parking lot. Mr. Meske stated
that when he met with the majority of the Stone Barn Estate residents
they were in favor of the buffering that was proposed. ''Bob Moore
asked if anyone from the'Council has been out to look at the property
They said they had. Walter Paulson of 1620 6th Avenue S. W. was
opposed. Ken Mohn wished to be heard and stated that if this had
been included in the original PUD, the parking lot could have been
put in a different place, at this time it just is not going to work.
Regular Meeting No. 7 - July 21, 1980
B-4 Wishing to be heard was Priscilla White of 502 16th St. S. W. and
is opposed to this- PUD. President Postier stated that at the
beginning the residents wanted the barn and the fence saved, now
they want it torn down. He is confused. At the preliminary plan,
the neighbors did not object to the use of the PUD as a dental office
Joan Moore of 1605 16th Avenue S. W. stated that the neighbors were
trying to find an appropriate use for that barn, but a fire happened
and from that point on, .it was ruined and the residents now want it
removed. The original PUD was stated to be one dental office, now
it is proposed to have.'three offices. Having no one else present
that wished,to be heard, President Postier closed the hearing.
After discussion by the Council Alderman Solinger stated that he
noted a smiliar situation A n 6th Ward, a building was used as.a
dental office ..Later ft was sold .for an insurance claims office.
This use looks nice and fits into the neighborhood. Alderman Solinger
is in favor of limiting the uses for such a structure as the Stone
Barn. Some of the uses he is in favor of .are: Dental Office, Ins.
Office, Beauty Shop, Travel Agency, Telephone answering service,
or photo studio. He thinks the parking could be reduced and the
buffer could be better: Al.dermen discussed this further and Allen
moved, Strain second to table this until .the August 4,.1980 meeting..
Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
H-2 Powers moved, Allen second.to ask Alderman Solinger if he would be
able to go to Washington D.C. and represent.,the City of Rochester
at a Mayor's Convention.°Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
H-3 Powers moved, Strain second to approve the Request for Accounting
Clerk Position in the Finance Department. Th:is position is approved -
for the remainder of 1980 only. This also approves the request to
appropriate a sum of $5,550. from the contingency account to 101-
4050. Ayes (5). Nays (0). Motion carried.
H-4 Powers moved, Solinger second to remove -the Proposed Project No.
6214-2-80 J 8710 Grading and Surfacing, Concrete Curb and Gutter,
Storm Sewer in 14th Street S. E. from 3rd Avenue S. E. to 4th Ave.
S.E. from the table. Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried. Powers
moved, Solinger second to adopt Resolution No. 394-80 ordering the
project to be made. The Driveway to the Donut Hut is to be construct-
ed as approved by the Committee of the Whole on July 14, 1980.
Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
C-1 Powers moved, Strain second to approve the Mayor's Appointment of
City Historian of Mrs. Murilla Muir of 611 5th Avenue S. W. Ayes
(5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
C-2 Powers moved, Strain second to approve the following appointments by
the Mayor for the International Affairs Committee: Edwin.D. Moore
604 1/4 East Center; Kathleen Ramberg 408 15th Avenue S. W.;
Faud Mansour 3939 7th P1. N. W.; Larry Larsen 624 Wooddale Ct. N. W.
Patricia E. Krautkremer 3416 20th Avenue N. W.-, Esam El-Fakahamy
Mayo Clinic; Horst A. Koerner of 2022 Northgate Ct: N. W. Ayes (5),
Nays (0). Motion carried.
Regular. -Meeting No. 7 - July 21, 1980
C-213 Allen moved, Strain second to approve the Mayor's Appointment to
the International Affairs Committee of Geri Critchley Plioplys
of 22 Mayo Park Drive S. E. Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-1 Strain moved:, Allen second to approve the Reprogramming of CD Funds
as follows: Combine the $39,285. for Housing CDB Grant V to project
2015 Site Acquisition for Low Income Housing, which currently has
a balance of.$111,000 to -result in a total balance of $150,285.00 for
project 2015.. .Ayes (5), Nays (0)..Motion carried.
E-2 Strain moved, Solinger second to approve the request for permission
from the Kahler.• Hotel to sell gladiolus on the sidewalk at the
Kahelr East Entrance on First Avenue on August 15 and 16 between
10:00 A.M. and_5:00 P.M. during the Fourth Annual Gladiolus Festival.
Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-3. Powers moved,.Al.len second to approve the request from the Downtown
Retailers to hold their annual Sidewalk Days Sale for July 31 and
August 1 and 2, 1980. Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-4 Strain moved, Powers second to'approve Resolution No. 395-80 authoriz
ing the approval of the.issuance and sale of a $500,000.00 debt
instrument -;.authorizing execution of a sale and assignment agree-
ment, loan agreement, and an arbitrage certificate, all relating to
the debt certificate. This is for REM Industrial Development Bonds.
Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-5 Powers moved, Solinger second to approve the following licenses and
bonds: Ernest A. Roeber; Oronoco, Minnesota for an Auctioneer's
License. .A Bond in the amount of $500.00 has.been submitted. Request
for an On -Sale Non -Intoxicating Beer License received from Norb
C.-Marx, Business Manager for Ace Trucking and Equipment for a
company picnic held in Slaterly Park on August 9, 1980. Request
from Sam's Sign Service for approval of a license.to erect and mainta
signs in the City of Rochester. A bond in the amount of $1,OOO.has
been submitted. Request from Timothy W. McPhee, Byron, Minnesota
requesting approval for a Master Plumber's License. A Bond in the
amount of $2,000. has been submitted. Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion
E-6 Powers moved, Allen second to approve the Accounts Payable ( list
attached ) semi-monthly in the amount of $413,429.33. Ayes (5),
Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-7 Strain moved, Solinger second to approve the Comprehensive Annual
Financial Report for the year ending December•31, 1.979. Ayes (5),
Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-8 Strain moved, Solinger second to adopt Resolution No. 396-80 awarding
the low bid submitted by Hirman Insurors, Rochester, Minnesota to
furnish the City with Fire, Inland Marine, Money and Securities
Employees Blanket Bond and Boiler Insurance in the amount of $16,992.
Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Adjounred Meeting No. 7 - July 21, 1980
Strain moved, Powers second to adopt Resolution No. 397-80 approving
a resolution of the Public Utility Board to reclassify the position
of Director of Logistical Support Services to Supervisor Logistic
Services at a salary range of $19,392. to $25,392. Step E-6 on the
Public Utility Exempt Schedule. Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Solinger moved, Powers second to adopt Resolution No. 398-80
approving the revised Sections 11, 12, 13,.14, 15, 16, 17 and 18
of the City Personnel Policy. Major changes other than administrativ(
are: 1. April 1st accrual date for vacation is changed to Seniority
Date ( Date of Hire ). 2. Maternity Leave - Treated as any other
illness or accident to conform with the laws. 3. Military Leave
More explanation regarding payment of PERA for those employees
affected.as provided by state law. Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carrie(
Powers moved, Strain second to approve the Revised General Developmeni
Plan for Northern Slopes. Ayes;(5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Powers moved, Solinger second to approve the Preliminary Plat, North-
ern Slopes Third Subdivision subject to the following: 1. That the
utility easements requested by the Electric Department are provided
on the final plat. 2. That the surface width of 32nd Court is
widened to provide parking on both sides of the street. 3. That
a no access provision is provided along the north side of Outlots
A through D. Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Allen moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 399-80 authorizing
the City Clerk to advertise for bids on Project No. 7907-J 8698 -
Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Extension to serve the proposed Seehusen
Industrial Park and Project No. 7907-1-80 J 8715 Extension of the
North Frontage Road Trunk Highway No. 14 from the East Line Lot 1,
Block 1, Cascade Industrial Park across the proposed Seehusen Ind-
ustrial Park. Bids will be opened at 11:00 A.M. on August 27, 1980.
-Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
S.train moved, Solinger second to adopt Resolution No. 400-80 authoriz-
ing payment of work on Project No. 6303-2-80 J 2131 Storm Sewer in
3rd Avenue S. E. in the amount of $1,000.00 Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motior
Powers moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 401-80 approving
the awarding of the low bid from Fraser Construction Company in the
amount of $10,994.50 for Project No. 5821-80 J 8725 Watermain
Extension along the west right -Of -way Trunk Highway No. 52 from the
inplace main on 19th Str. N W. to the inplace main located approx.
345 feet north of 19th St. N. W. Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried..
Strain moved, Allen second to adopt Resolution No. 402-80 approving
the Supplemental Agreement No. 1 in the amount of $1,476.00 for
Project No. 8001 J 2128 - Construction of curb and gutter along
portions of the.Project - Access to McQuillan Park at Marion Road.
Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Regular Meeting No. 7 - July 21, 1980
E-17 Powers moved,-Solinger second to adopt Resolution No. 403-80 and 404-
80 declaring the cost to be assessed and ordering a public hearing
on August 18, 1980 on Project No. 5710-78 J 8619 Trunkline Sanitary
Sewer along the South side T.H. 14 West from East Line of -SW 1/4 Sec.
34 to West Line of Section 28 Cascade Township. Ayes (5), Nays (0).
Motion carried.
E-18 Solinger moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 405-80 and 406-
80 declaring the cost to be assessed and ordering a public hearing
to be held on August 18, 1980 on Project No. 7804 J 8631 Sanitary
Sewer pump station and forcemain to serve a portion of Green Meadows
Second Subdivision and other lands along Salem Rd. S..W. in Sections
4 & 9 Rochester Township. Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-19 Powers moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 407-80 request-
ing MnDOT participation in the proposed improvements on Trunk Highway
14 adjacent to.35th Avenue N. W. Ayes (4), Nays (1). Alderman Allen
voting nay. Motion carried.
E-20 Strain moved, Powers second to adopt Resolution No. 408-80 ordering
the project to be made and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise
for bids on Project No. 6306-2-80 J-2124 Sanitary Sewer in Mayo Park
Drive from 3rd Street S. E. to East Center Street. Bids to be opened
on August 27, 1980. Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-21 Powers moved,.Solinger second to adopt Resolution No. 409-80 authoriz
ing the City Clerk to advertise for bids on Project No. 6300-N-80
J 8716 Sanitary Sewer on the east side. of TH Hwy No. 63 from the
inplace main opposite 31st St. N. E. to a point approx. 200 feet
South of the north line of Sec. 24, Cascade Twp. and Project No.
8003- J 8718 Watermain Extension in 6th Avenue N. E. from the inplacd
main 360 feet north.of 31st St. N. E.to and through the SE 1/4 -
NW 1/4 of Sec. 24, Cascade Twp. to the east of Trunk Highway No.
63 and along the.east side of Trunk Highway No. 63 to a point approx.
200 feet southhof the north line Sec. 24, Cascade Township. Bids to
be opened at 11:00 A.M. on August 27, 1980. Ayes (5), Nays (0).
Motion carried.
E-22 Allen moved, Powers second to adopt Resolution No. 410-80 ordering the
project to be made and authorize the City Clerk to advertise for bids
on Project No. 6214-2-80 J 8710 Grading and Surfacing, Concrete Curb
and Gutter and Storm Sewer in 14th Street S. E. from 3rd Avenue S. E.
to 4th Avenue S. E. Bids will be advertised to be opened on August
27,1980. Ayes (5), Nays.(0). Motion carried.
E-23 Powers moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution -No. 411-80 covering
the following changes in parking: 1. Delete Paragraph (3.3) of
Section I, Parking Meters, Zone A (12 minute parking). 2. Add
paragraph (1) of Sec. I, Parking Meters, Zone C (30 minute parking)
to read: (1) North Broadway on the west side 36 feet more or less
in front of the premises known as 223 North Broadway ( The Bath
Boutique ) (2 stalls ). Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Adjourned Meeting No. 7 - July 21, 1980
Powers moved, Strain second to approve the Amendment-Application/Grant
Agreement for Mini -Audit ( Energy Audit ) for Old Garage/ Warehouse
of the Department of Public Utilities and authorize the Mayor and
City Clerk to sign the documents. Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Strain moved,.Powers 'second to adopt Resolution No. 412-80 approving
the following change in Parking: Add Paragraph (3( to Section B -
No Parking Zones as follows (39) First Avenue N.E. on Both Sides from
6th Street to a point one-half block south of 6th St. at all times.
Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Powers moved, Solinger second to approve the employment of Walter
Lorber to the position of Electrical Engineer at Step F Exempt Grid
Grade 8 of the Public Util.ity Department - $25,392. Ayes (5), Nays
(0). Motion carried.
Allen moved, Strain second to remove the petition to vacate the
public right -of - way fro loth and llth Avenue N. W., and 38th
Street N. W. between Robert Gage School and 37th Street Baptist church
from the table. Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried. Allen moved,
Solinger second to adopt Resolution No. 41,3-80 setting a hearing on
the matter for August 18, 1980 at 7:30 P.M. Ayes (5), Nays (0).
Motion carried.
Strain moved, Powers second to remove the Proposed Assessment of
Project No. 6107-78A ( J 8662) Sanitary Sewer and Watermain to serve'
the West one-half of South one-third of Lot 6, Block 15, Golden
Hill Addition from the table. Strain moved, Allen second to adopt
Resolution No. 414-80 accepting the assessments. This matter was
tabled because the cost.of serving Lot 4, Block 21 Golden Hill was
being investigated. This Lot will be assessed $2,262.40 and not the
previously considered assessment of $5,999.80. Ayes (5),.Nays (0).
Motions carried.
Powers moved, Strain second to approve the appointment by Alderman
Strain of Carol Fritz of 3414 15th Avenue N. W. to the Downtown
Traffic Study Committee. Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Strain moved, Allen second to adopt Resolution No. 415-80 approving
resolution of the Public Utility Board approving a purchase order
agreement with Crescent Electric Supply Co. for $84,864.81 Ayes (5),
Nays (0). Motion carried.
Strain moved, Solinger second to adopt Resolution No. 416-80 approving
resolution of the Public Utility Board approving a temporaty
license agreement with Chicago and N.W. Transportation Company for.
Installation of 34.5 KV Aerial Crossing at 4th Avenue and 5th St.
. W. preparation fee not to -exceed $75.00. Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion
n Ordinance Relating to -{the Zoning
Code of the City of Rochester
Adjourned Meeting No. 7 - July 21, 1980
Relating to appropriate locations for single family attached struct-
ures: Amending Table 5;in Chapter 66, Rochester Code of Ordinances
was given its second reading. Solinger moved, Powers second to
adopt the Ordinance as read. Ayes (5 ), Nays (0). Motion carried.
An'Ordinance RQzoning.proper:ty to B74FF and B-4FW General Business
District Lots 23 and 24 Auditor's Plat D ( Prows Motel ) was given
its second reading. Solinger moved, Powers second to adopt the
Ordinance as read. Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
An Ordinance Rd:ating to. -Planned Unit Developments ; Amending.Rocheste
Code`.of.;Or..dinances Sections 64:100;64.202, 64.204, 64.205, 64.302,
64.303, 64.304, 64,401, 64.402, 64.403, 64,404, 64,502, 64,503,
64,504; Repealing Rochester Code of Ordinances Sections 64.305,
64,306, 64,307, 64,308, 64,309, 64,310, 64.311, 64,312. was given
its second reading. Allen moved, Powers second to adopt the Ordinanc
as read. Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Having no further business, Allen moved, Powers second to adjourn
the meeting. Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
City Clerk
Information - July 21, 1980
1. Claim against City - Referred to Attorney, Finance Department
and Public Service.
2. Letter from Delores Benard - Referred to Law and Finance