Regular Adjourned Meeting No. 16 - October 18, 1g62
- Agenda
A-1 President Postier called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M., the follow-
ing members being present: President Postier, Aldermen Allen, Bluhm,
Powers, Solinger and Strain. Absent: Alderman Duffy.
Bluhm moved, Allen second to approve the minutes of the October 4 and
7th, 1982,meetings. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
B-1 A Hearing on the CY 1983 Application for State Transit Assistance.
Wishing to be heard was Bill Malleris representing the Rochester,
Center for Independent_.Living 1306.7.th St.N. W. and he stated that
he supports the State funding of the Dial -A -Ride ZIPS service. He
stated that consultants are stuffing the needs for Rochester and this
service needs improving. The survey is not complete, but it shows
the need. Having no one:el.se present that wished to be heard, Presid nt
Postier closed the hearing.' Bluhm moved, Strain second to adopt
Resolution No. 473-82 authorizing the submission of the CY 1983 State
Transit Assistance application and the execution of the contract
with the State of Minnesota for said assistance. Ayes (6), Nays (0).
Motion carried.
B-2 A Hearing on the Application for a Planned Unit Development ( Concept
Statement ) on Christian Book and Gift Shop. Having no one present
that wished to be heard, President Postier closed the hearing.
Bluhm moved, Solinger second to approve the application subject to the
following two conditions: 1. Move a driveway 6 feet at Broadway.
2. Make parking lot one - way in at Broadway and exit into alley.
Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
B-3 A Hearing on the Application for Planned Unit Development ( Final
Plan ) on Life Manor to be developed by Rochester Assembly of God
Church. Wishing to be heard was Lloyd Gardner of 1204 21st St. N.E.
and urged the Council to approve this plan. Having no one else present
that wished to be heard, President Postier closed the hearing.
Solinger moved, Bluhm second to adopt Resolution No. 474-82 approving
the plan. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
B-4 A Hearing on the Application for the Final Plat of Rochester Assembly
of God Subdivision. Having no one present that wished to be heard,
President Postier closed the hearing. Bluhm moved, Strain second to
adopt Resolution No. 475-82 approving the plat. Ayes (6), Nays (0).
Motion carried.
B-5 A Hearing on the Petition to Change the Zoning District from R-2
(Low Density Residential ) to M-1 ( Light Industrial ) on the North
41 Feet of the Telex Employee Parking Lot. Having no one present that
wished to be heard, President Postier closed the hearing. Powers
moved, Allen second to instruct the City Attorney to prepare an
Ordinance making the change. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-1 Strain moved, Allen second to.approve the.Request from the Civic
Music Board to amend the Ordinance to expand the size of the board.
Regular Adjourned Meeting No. 16 - October 18, 1
This. would be an addition of six at large members. Solinger moved,
Bluhm second to amend -.the motion to state that the six at large
members be selected from each of the wards. Vote was taken on the
amended motion Ayes (4), Nays (2). Aldermen Allen and Powers voting
nay. Motion carried. The original motion was voted on at this time.
Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried. The City Attorney was instructed
to prepare an ordinance increasing the board from one person represen
ing each ward to two persons. The Council stated that if the Music
Board had strong feelings about the representatives being from the
wards rather then at -large they could inform the Council before the
second reading of the Ordinance.
Powers moved, Bluhm second to approve the following licenses & bonds.
Request received from LeRoy Signs, Inc. of Minneapolis to Erect and
Maintain Signs in the City of Rochester for a period ending Dec. 31,
1982. The bond has been received. Request received from L & R
Construction, Inc. of-Kasson, Minnesota to construct Cement Sidewalks
Curb and Gutter and Driveways in the City of Rochester. Also received
was an application for the same from A.B. Systems, Inc. The fees;
and insurance have been received. The term ends Dec. 31, 1982.
Application received for an Auctioneer's License from Regina A. Marmis
of Rochester. Bond has been received. Term ends Dec. 31, 1982.
Application for a Single Dance License to be held at the Masonic Templ
on November 20, 1982 from the Job's Daughter's Bethel # 13. Applicati
received to move a House from 1213 Fourth Avenue S. E. to 1743 West
Center. This is to be moved Nov. 1, 1982. The Route has been approved
by the Rochester Police Department. Application received to construct
Sewer and Drains received from Peter Murphy of 2722 26th Avenue S. E.
This is pending receipt of the insurance certificate and a $1,000.
bond. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Solinger moved, Strain second to approve the transfer of the On and
Off- Sale. Non Intoxicating Malt Liquor for the East Side Inn.
Mr. Clayton D. Lyke is currently the owner located at 826 Fourth Stree
S.E. and the new owner will be Mr. Michael L. Persinger. The transfer
is to take place November 1, 1982. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried
Strain moved, Bluhm second to approve the application for a Pawnbroker
License received from Mrs. Delores Crawley, Rochester, Minnesota.
After Council discussion, Solinger moved, Bluhm second to table this
for further discussion at a Committee of the Whole. They would like
to have reference checks, and have a potential site for the store.
Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Strain moved, Allen second to approve the Accounts Payable ( semi
montly ) list attached in the amount of $606,050.46. Ayes (6), Nays
(0). Motion carried.
E-6 Strain moved, Bluhm second to adopt Resolution -No. 476-82 authorizing
the sale of General Obligation Improvement Bonds in the amount of
$3,800,000. The Official sale states that bids will be opened in
City Hall at 11:00 A.M. on November 9, 1982. Ayes (6), Nays (0).
Motion carried.
Regular Adjourned Meeting No. 16 - Octohar 18, 1982
E-7 Solinger moved, Allen second to adopt Resolution No. 477-82 authoriz-
ing the City Clerk to advertise for bids to be opened at 11:00 A.M.
on November 9, 1982. This is for furnishing seven 4-door sedans for
the Rochester Police Department. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-8 Strain moved, Bluhm second to approve the application for the
General Development Plan of Baihly Woodlands subject to the following:
1. Street I connected to street A and 2. Loop Watermains at the cul-
de-sacs. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-9 Consideration was requested for the application to vary the provisions)
of paragraph 67.400 to allow an addition to a house to be constructed
below the Flood Protection Elevation. Wishing to be heard was Bob
Suk, Attorney for Jerry Jensen, the owner of the house located at
816 4th Avenue S. E. Mr. Suk stated that Mr. Jensen was given - •
different'elevation levels. He used these levels to determine the
construction of this addition. He was given levels of 1002.5, 1002.1
and 1001.7. He has had to have many variences in order to construct
this addition. Mr. Suk stated that the neighbors all seem to have
different elevations. He urged the Council to approve the variance.
Don Beed of the Planning and Zoning Department stated that on March
31, 1981 a zoning certificate was issued to Mr. Jensen to permit him
to construct an addition to his dwelling as long as the addition was
elevated at or above the flood protection level of 1001.7 feet above
mean sea level. On April 3, 1981 the applicant received a building
permit from the Rochester Building and Safety Department for this
construction. On April 20, 1981,the'applicant.v6ided out the building
permit at the owner's request. On July 23, 1982 the Rochester Buildin
and Safety Department noted that the addition had been constructed
without a building permit and that essentially the job had been
completed. The applicant was notified of the violation. Mr. Beed
further explained that the elevation varied on the block because of
the fall on the property so.that each person may have a different
number. Mr. Beed stated that the elevation of .1001.7 was correct.
The current construction is at an elevation of 1001.05 and is approx.
7 112 inches below the flood protection elevation. Aldermen stated
that this is a beautiful addition, but that certainly Mr. Jensen shoul
have obtained a permit. President Postier stated that Mr. Jensen is
wrong in building without a permit, but that at this time he would
recommend that we go thru the State Flood insurance program and see
if.this project will have an effect on our Flood Insurance program.
Alderman Powers agreed with President Postier. Having no further
discussion, Bluhm moved, Powers second to table this until the City -
receives the answer on the effects on our Flood Insurance Program.
Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-10 Solinger moved, Allen second to instruct the City Attorney to prepare
an Ordinance on the petition to annex by Ordinance 81.4 acres of
unplatted land on the West Side of CSAH 8, Northerly of Baihly Woodlan
Subdivision. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Regular Adjourned Meeting No..16 - October 18, 1982
Allen moved, Bluhm second to adopt Resolution No. 478-82 approving
the Rezoning petition of the Willow Creek Sewer District from AG
( Agriculture ) to R-1 ( Residential ) on 70 acres South and East of
Willow.Creek Golf Course. The Olmsted County Board will be holding
a public hearing on November 2, 1982 ...The:iCouftil recommends that
the City Clerk forward this Resolution to the County Board.
Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Solinger moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 479-82 approvini
a certificate of correction for Oak Cliff First Replat - The descript
was not correct in the original plat. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion
Powers moved, Bluhm second to adopt Resolution No. 480-82 deleting.
the following lands from the Rural Service District and transferring
them to the Urban Service District: 1. Willow Creek Park -Plat 5132
and Parcel 0605. New Office Building North of IBM ( Glatzmaier Land
South)- Plat 5151 - Parcel 1600. Shopko ( North Haven ) Site - Plat
5185 - Parcel 0900. Seehuisen Industrial Park -Plat 3497-100 through
0900. Allen Property along Zumbro River at 37th Street N. W. Plat
5175-Parcel 1700. Ayes (6) Nays (0). Motion carried. A public heari
will be needed in order to add lands to the Rural Service..District.
An Ordinance will also be needed to add these lands. No action was
taken on that part of the request at this time.
Solinger moved, Bluhm second to table the Agreement for Sludge
Application at the Rochester Municipal Airport. Additional
language was needed in the agreement. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion
;train moved, Allen second to adopt Resolution No. 481-82 approving
a contract with Great Lakes Weather Service, Inc. for the 1982-1983
Winter Storm Warri:ing Service at a total cost of $545.00. Ayes (6),
Nays (0). Motion carried.
Bluhm moved, Powers second to adopt Resolution No. 482-82 amending
the Comprehensive Parking Zones to read as follows: I. Add the
following paragraphs to Section B, No Parking Zones: (42.1) First
Avenue S. W. on the east side from a point 56 feet, more or less, sout
of First Street to a point 74 feet, more or less south of Center
Street, at all times. ( 42.2) First Avenue S. W. on the West side of
the street from a point 74 feet more or less, south of First Street to
a point 65 feet, more or less, south of Center Street at all times.
DO M First Street S. W. on the north side from one-half block east
of First Avenue to a point 35 feet, more;!or less, west`of First Avenue
s tre t
from Center Street to a point 65 feet south , more or less, of Center
(Street ( Kahler Hotel)
at all times..
II. Amend the following paragraph .from Section D, Truck Loading
to read: (13) First Avenue S. W. on the east side from the alley
of Second Street to a point 25 feet, more or less, south of said
( Green Parrot). (16) First Avenue S. W. on the west side of the
Regular Adjourned Meeting No. 16 - October 18, 1982
- Agenda
E-16 III. Add the following paragraph of Section D, Truck Loading Zones:
(6) West Center Street on the south side of the street from First
Avenue to a point 49 feet, more or less, west of First Avenue.
IV. Amend the following paragraphs to Section E, Passenger Loading
Zones : (24) First Avenue S.W. on the West side of the street from a
point 74 feet, more or less, south of First Street to the alley entrai
( Zumbro Hotel
V. Delete the following paragraph of Section J, Passenger and Commodi-
Loading Zones: (2.5) Del:ete -,This was the Operations.Bbilding which
was tcxrn down.
VI. Add the following paragraph to Section J, Passenger and Commodity
Loading Zones: (2.8) First St. S. W. on the N Side of the street from
a point 35 feet west of First Avenue to a point 81 feet, more or less
west of First Avenue for the Kahler Hotel. (1.1) First Avenue S. W.
on the east side of the street from Center Street to a point 74 feet,
more or less, south of Center Street.
VII. Amend the following paragraph of Section H, Limited Parking Zone!
( Zone D - 60 minutes ) to read: (10) First Avenue S. W. on both
sides of the street between First Street and Fourth Street.
VIII. Amend the following paragraph of Section I, Parking Meters ( Zor
D - 60 minutes ) to read: (8) First Avenue S. W. on both sides of 1
street between First Street and Fourth Street. Ayes (6), Nays (0).
Motion carried.
E-17 Solinger moved, Bluhm second to adopt Resolution No. 483-82 amending
paragraph (220) of Section B. No Parkin2 Zones of the Comprehehsive
Parking Resolution to read as follows: 220 16th Avenue on both sides
from 2nd Street to 5th Street between the hours of 8:00 A.M. to 9:00
A.M. Monday through Friday and from 3:00 P.M. to 5:30 P.M., Monday
thru Friday. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-18 Strain moved, Allen second to adopt Resolution No. 484-82 and 485-82
declaring the costs to be assessed and ordering a hearing to be held
on November 15,1982 on the Proposed Assessment Project No. 8110 J 8771
Watermain Extension (CSAH # 4 ) from Pace Foods to General Warehouse.
Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-19 Powers moved, Allen second to adopt Resolution No. 486-82 approving
the Supplemental Agreement with Floyd Larson Construction Company for
an additional Amount of $2,141.00 to provide for the construction of
a watermain system to serve the SW area of Neil's Replat of Hillmer's
Highview Acres. This is Project No. 8006-1-82 J 8729. Ayes (6),
Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-20 Strain moved, Powers second to adopt Resolution No. 487-82 approving
the Supplemental Agreement with Road Construction, Inc. for Project
No. 6331-4-80A for an increase of $7,556.25. This is to provide for
the installation of 975 feet of pipe filter aggregate to aid in stab-
ilizing the road. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Regular Adjourned Meeting No. 16 - October 18, 1982
Strain moved, Solinger second to adopt Resolution No. 488-82 approvir
a resolution of the Public Utility Board approving a contract agreeme
with Larson Construction Company for furnishing SLP coal equipment
garage. The amount includes a $10,000 contingency fund and $2,800
deduction for Alternate No. 1 the total amount is $154,200.00.
Resolution No. 489-82 adopting a resolution of the Public Utility
Board to approve a contract agreement with Clappier-Powell-Clark
Tree Service for furnishing tree and brush clearing on 13.8kv dis-
tribution lines. The amount to be $85,000.00.
Resolution No. 490-82 approving a.contract agreement with Floyd Larsc
Construction Company for a pumphouse construction for Well No. 29
Job No. 8006-1-82 J 8729. The amount to be $68,200.00.
Resolution No. 491-82 approving a resolution of the Public Utility
Board to approve a payment to C.O. Brown Insurance Agency for annual
boiler insurance policy premium 8-1-82 to 8-1-83 The amount to be
$56,968.00. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Bluhm moved, Allen second to approve and refer the Land and Assessmer
split against two land parcels. Lots 6 and 7, Block 4 -
Sewer/Water Extension Project No.6202-3-74 J 8518 and Lots 28 and 29
Block 4 Sanitary Sewer and Watermain - Project No. 5402-79 J 8693.
Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Allen moved, Powers second to approve the retaining the firm of SmiV
Schafer and Ferguson to conduct an audit for the City of Rochester's
1982 fiscal year ( January 1, 1982 through December 31, 1982. )
Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Powers moved, Solinger second to change the date of the hearing
on the Proposed (Deferred ) Assessment from September 8, 1982 to
November 15, 1982 on Project No. 6453-67 J 8116 Sanitary Sewer
and Watermain Extension in North Skyline Dr. S. W. abutting Lots 56,!
58, 59, 41 42,.and 44 of North Sunny Slopes Addition. Deferred Assmt,
is on Lot 57. The amount is $6,058.36. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion
Solinger moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 492-82 terminal
in9 its present a9 9 agreement with National Garages, Inc. to manage the
Second Street Parking Ramp, and Statuary Parking Lot owned by the
City. This is to terminate as of December 31, 1982. The Public
Services Department is directed to give written notice on or before
October 29, 1982 of said termination. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion
An Ordinance Relating to Intoxicating Liquor; providing for a Limita-
on the number of licenses issued; amending the Rochester Code of
Ordinances, Section 125.13 was given its first reading. Bluhm moved
Allen second to suspend the rules and give the Ordinance a second
reading. Upon Roll call vote, Aldermen Allen, Bluhm, Powers, Soling(
Strain and President Postier voted aye. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion
carried and the Ordinance as given its second reading. Powers moved,
Bluhm second to adopt the Ordinance as read. Ayes (6), Nays (0).
Motion carried.
Regular Adjourned Meeting No. 16 - October 18, 1982
F-1 An Ordinance Relating to Intoxicating Liquor; defining the term
"Exclusive Liquor Store"; defining the term "Restaurant"; Amending
the Rochester Code of Ordinances, Sections, 125.01, Subd. 5, 125.01,
Subd. 15; 125.08 was presented to the Council for a first reading
on October 7, 1982. Solinger moved, Powers second to suspend the
rules and give the ordinance a second reading. Upon roll call vote,
Aldermen Allen, Bluhm, Powers, Solinger, Strain and President
Postier voted aye. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.and the Ordinan(
was given its second reading. Powers moved, Bluhm second to adopt the
Ordinance as read. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
F-1 An Ordinance Rezoning certain Property.&:amending,. Ordinance No. 1659
known as the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Rochester, Minensota
to M-1 ( Industrial ) in Block 72 of the Original Plat of the City of
Rochester ( Telex Parking lot ) was given its first reading.
F-1 An Ordinance Rezoning Certain Property creating a Planned Unit Dev-
elopment District known as PUD-R-62 - Residential in Lot 2, Block
1 Rochester Assembly of God Subdivision ( Assembly of God Church
Li`femanor ) was given its first reading.
F-1 An Ordinance Annexing 81.4 Acres of Unplatted land situated on the west
side of C.S.A.H. 8 and North of Baihly Woodland Subdivision in Rochester
Township to the City of Rochester, Minnesota ( George Baihly land )
is given its first reading.
F-1 An Ordinance Relating to the Music Board; increasing the number of
members thereof; amending the Rochester Code of Ordinances Section
18.01 ( a total of 25 members two'from each ward and thirteen from th
City at large was given its first reading.
Having no further business, Allen moved, Strain second to adjourn
the meeting. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Information - 19-18-82 City Clerk
1. Notice of Injury - Kenneth L. Roshon Ref.City Attorney & Finance
2. Summons and Complaint - Gerald P. Dubin and National Garages, Inc.
City of Roch. and APCOA, Inc. ref. City Attorney and Finance Dept.
3. Notice of Damage - Craig A. Blomquist - Ref. City Attorney,
Finance Department.and Park and Recreation.