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CITY ����
Regular. Meeting No. 25 - February 6, 1984
President Postier called the meeting to order at 2:00 P.M,, the foll
ing members being present: President Postier, Aldermen Allen, Bluhm,
Duffy, Powers, Solinger and Strain. Absent: None.
Powers moved, Bluhm second to approve the mi.nutes of the January 16
and 30, 1984 meetings. Ayes (7), N!dys (0). Motion carried.
Bluhm moved, Allen second to approve.the Mayor's appointment of
Carolyn Richards as the HRA representative to the Downtown Develop-
ment Advisory Board. This term will run to December 31, 1986 and
fills the unexpired term of Frank Iossi who resigned. Ayes (7),
Nays (0). Motion carried.
Powers moved, Strain second to approve the Mayor's reappointment of
Audrey Anderholm of 6009 West River Road to the Library Board.
Term will expire January, 1987. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Duffy moved, Bluhm second to approve the appointments on an ex offici
status to the Music Board as follows: Deborah J. Klosterman of
Route No. 3 and Susan E. Mulroney of 730 5th St. S. W. They will fill
the unexpired terms of E. Jeff Robertson and Carl F. Anderson. The
terms will expire February 6, 1985. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carri d.
Duffy moved, Strain second to approve the appointment of Dick Kaley,
1409 29th St. N. W. to the Committee of Urban Environment. Mr. Kaley
will replace Jon Reid who resigned. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion
Bluhm moved, Solinger second to approve the Mayor's appointment of
John Van Heuklom of 231 9th Avenue N. E. and Jack Waagen of 6506 W.
River Road to the Energy Awareness Committee. They will replace
Tom Dyer and Wayne Ellison who resigned. Ayes (7), Nays (0).
Motion carried.
Duffy moved, Bluhm second to adopt Resolution No. 44-84 referring
the petition for Water and Sewer for Lot 10, Toogood Subdivision
to the Public Services Department for a feasibility report.
Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Powers moved, Solinger second to adopt Resolution No. 45-84 referring
the petition for Sanitary Sewer and Watermain extension in 21st St.
S. 14. from 3rd Ave. to the West Line Lot 3, Neills Subdivision; in
22nd Street S. W. from 1st Ave. S. W. to,5th Ave. S. W.; in West Front
Road T.H. 63 from 21st Street to 22nd Street S. W. at 1st Ave. S. W.;
in 1st Avenue and 2nd Avenue S. W. from 22nd Street to North Line Sha
Run 2nd.; and in 3rd, 4th and:: 5th Avenue , 22nd to 23rd Street'S. W.
to the Public Services Department for a feasibility report. Ayes (7),
Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-1 Solinger moved, Allen second to adopt Resolution No. 46-84 authorizing
the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the proposed contract with
ITSP Engineers to review and provide engineering services in
E- 2
Regular Meeting No. 25 - February 6, 1984
conjunction with a study of requirements for efiectrical service at the
Water Reclamation Plant. The cost of this study is $2,800.00 which
would be paid from,the Sewer Utility Fund. Marvin Skodje, Supt. of
Water Reclamation Plant was present and stated that the Joint Venture
recommended this study. He stated that the study should be cost
effective. He also stated that determination of a power factor in
a plant the.size of this one is hard to determine and is done usually
after the fact. TSP Engineers would s.tudy lthe power factor
corrective measures which may held eliminate:the penalty now being
assessed for the low power factor. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried
This item was held over until the evening.
luhm moved, Strain second to approve the initiation of a floodway
mendment for the Mayo Civic .Center area. This amendment is needed to
llow construction of the Civic Center Improvements. This includes th(
emoval of 46;000 cubic yards of material from the river bank to
ompensate for the placement of fill for the improvements. Ayes (7),
ays (0). Motion carried. -
is was held over until the evening.
Powers moved, Strain second to approve the following licenses & bonds:
Request received from The Ability Building Center, Incorporated, for
Salvage Dealers License for a period ending Dec. 31, 1984. Bonds,
insurance certificates etc. have been submitted. Application received
from Zumbro Valley Chapter of the Sweet Adelines for a Single Gamb-
ling License for March 30, 1984. The bond requirement has been request.
d to be waived. Request received from Rochester Jaycees and Rochester
epeater Society, Incorporated for a Single Gambling License ( each )
hey will be held respectfully on April 5 and RRS on April 7, 1984.
hey both have requested waiver of the $10,000. bond requirement.
he following are renewal licenses: MASTER PLUMBERS- Carter Mechanica'
ervice - Dale Richard Carter - R. # 2 Hayfield, Mn. 55940 and Solo
lumbing and Heating - James Alke r/Damian Ahlstrom of 401 Ninth Ave.
N.E. SEWERS AND DRAINS - M.P. Overend, Rochester, Minnesota and B &
D Construction, Rochester, Minnesota. Bonds and Insurance papers
I and R Construction, Rochester, Minnesota. BINGO - St. Pius X Churc
Rochester, Minnesota. The bond in the amount of $10,000. has been
B C nt�ncto ZE a ��Q�LL"� ani rle°m�is°�aereangni�al a4 SoolonPlmb.
Kgc�: '1n. Ayes 7 , Nays-S): o ion carried.
Bluhm moved, Allen second to approve the transfer in ownership of the
Point After Bar located at 2116 South Broadway from Steve Jacobson
to Michael G.Nelson of Rochester. This should be effective Feb. 6,
1984 and expire April 1, 1984 when a renewal application will be.
put before the Council. Alderman Duffy wanted to know if more
problems have occured .and if the problem with the damage. to the fence
had been taken care of. Mr. Jacobson , current manager stated that
he is working out a solution with the motel owner on this bill.
Regular Meeting No. 25 - February 6, 1984
E-6 Mike Nelson, current owner of 2315 Park Lane S. E. stated that he
intended to work with the Motel and he ' stated that as far as
people staying after hours at the bar, he had no knowledge of this.
Alderman Duffy wished.to have the motion include the following:
1. Taking care of the current problem of people remaining after
hours. 2. Fair compensation with the motel owner for the fence
damages President Postier questioned whether the Council could
get involved with making this a stipulation of the license.
Council decided totransfer .the license and because of the suggestioi
made above and the fact that the license will be coming back for
renewal in April, they would grant the transfer. Ayes (7), Nays
(0). Motion carried.
E-7 Solinger moved, Strain second to approve the transfer in location
of Budget Liquor Store from 15 Second Street S. E. to 200 North
Broadway. This is pending the obtaining of the proper zoning and
building permits and other department approvals. Ayes (7), Nays
(0).Motion carried.
E-8 --Duffy moved, Strain second to approve the Accounts payable ( list
attached)semi.-monthly. in the amount of $1,069,901.77. Ayes (7),
Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-9 Duffy moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 47-84 authorizing
the City Clerk to advertise for bids on a van truck for the City
Poundmaster and a 112 ton pickup for the liter Reclamation Plant.
Bids will be opened at 11:00 A.M. on Feb. 24, 1984. Ayes (7),
Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-10 Duffy moved, Bluhm second to reject the bids submitted for a one
ton truck and chassis and a fiberglass utility truck body for the
Traff-ic Division. The bids for the truck body was rejected because
they did not meet specifications. The low bidder of the one ton
chassis did not meet specifications and the second lower bidder
did meet specs. Aldermen had a motion to reject all bids on the
floor. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried. Bluhm moved, Strain
second to rebid the truck and chassis and open them on February
24, 1984 at 11:00 A.M. The City Clerk is authorized to advertise
for said bids. Resolution No. 48-84 is adopted. Ayes (7), Nays
(0). Motion carried.
E-11 Duffy moved, Allen second to adopt Resolution No.48A:-84 approving
a Contract agreement with the Painters Local #681. The contract
includes the following: 1. Two year agreement. 2. Wage increase
1984 - 4 W hr - 1985 - 5%. 3. Other benefits as provided members
of.the Local # 49. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-12 Bluhm moved, Allen second to instruct the City Attorney and City
staff to prepare the necessary documents to revise the Urbanized
Boundary for the Rochester Urbanized area. ( This is the boundary
of the City of Rochester ). Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Regular Meeting No. 25 - February 6, 1984
E-13 Duffy moved, Strain second to adopt. Resolution No. 49-84 approving a
proposal for Engineering services on Project No. 8401-2-84 J;,8852
on Grading, Base, Concrete Curb and Gutter, Bituminous Paving,
Sanitary Sewer, Watermains Storm Sewers, and Service Connections ii
Cimarron Second. This contract is with McGhie and Betts, Inc. Roch-
ester, Minnesota. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-14 Solinger moved, Allen second to adopt Resolution No. 50-84 approving
Amendment No. 1 to 1984 City/Rochester City Lines Contract. This
amendment allows for more accurate accounting of maintenance costs.
Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-15 Allen moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 51-84 agreeing to
the terms of the Sewer Service Assessment Agreement between Olmsted
County and B & F Distributing Company pursuant to the provisions of
the Willow Creek Sanitary Sewer District, to the County entering intE
an assessment agreement with B & F Distributing, Inc. to provide an
extension of sewer service within the District to a restaurant and sE
station operated by B & F Distributing on the east side of T.H. 63
approx. 270 feet south of the north line of Section 26, Twpl06N
R14W. Ayes (7), Nays (0). MOtion carried.
E-16 Powers moved, Allen second to adopt Resolution No. 52-84 approving
the revised street opening -..charges effective April 1, 1984.They
are as follows: Bituminous Surface $2.00/sw. ft. Min. chg. $150.00.
Deep Strength Bituminous $3.00 /sq. ft. $240.00 Min. chg.
Bituminous Surface over Brick or_Concrete.Base $3.60 sq.ft. $300.00
Min. charge. Oil Coat Surface $0.50 / sq. yd. $50.00 sq. ft.
Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-17 Duffy moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 53-84 approving
the revised sewer tap charge levied by the City for tapping a new
lateral into an existing sanitary sewer be established on or after
April 1, 1984 at a flat fee of $90.00. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion
E-18 Strain moved, Bluhm second to adopt Resolution No. 54-84 which adds
a paragraph to Section D . Truck Loading Zones to read: (27.5)
Fifth Street N. W. on the North side 25 feet, more or less, in
front of the premises known as 501 1st Avenue N. W. ( Mayo Clinic
Warehouse ). Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried. Aldermen Duffy and
Powers abstained.
E-19 Solinger moved, Strain second to ii.nstruct the City Attorney to
prepare the documents amending the.:Rochester Code of Ordinances
Section 2261 relating to Municipal Parking lots and Parking
regulations to, -.reflect the following: 1. Amend Subd. 6 - M.C.
Lawler lot to read "City Hall Lot" and 2. Add Subd. 7 - "Zumbro
Market Lot " Municipal Parking Lot No. 12 which consists of City
of Rochester land in Block 82 of Moe and Olds Addition known as
Plat 2500 Parcel 07700 and lying South of the centerline of
vacated 3rd St. S. E. Ayes (7), Nays (0 ): Motion carried.
!rvi ce
Regular Meeting No. 25 - February 6, 1984
E-20 Solinger moved, Allen second to adopt Resolution No. 55-84 and 56-
84 declaring the costs to be assessed and ordering a hearing on
New Sidewalk Project No. 1,-1983 J 8812. The hearing will be held on
March 5, 1984. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-21 Strain moved, Bluhm second to adopt Resolution No. 57-84 and 58-84
decl'a.ring the costs to be assessed and.ordering a public hearing
on New Sidewalk No. 2 1983 - J 8813. The hearing will be held on
March 5, 1984. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-22 Duffy moved, Bluhm second to adopt Resolution No. 59-84 and 60-84
declaring the costs to be assessed and ordering a public hearing
on Project No. 6301-3-.81 J 2506 Street and Underground Improvments
in lst Avenue S. W. from 1st Street S. W. to Center Street . The
hearing will be held on March 5, 1984. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion
E-23 Bluhm moved, Strain second to adopt the following resolutions of
the Public Utility Board: Resolution No. 61-84 to enter into a
purchase agreement with Northland Electric Co. for furnishing cable
and conductor per specifications and bid opening of 1-17-84. The
.amount to be $79,037.36 plus a ± 10% tolerance.
Resolution No. 62-84 to enter into a purchase order agreement with
Petersen-Wisdorf for cable . The amount of bid $42,328.00f 10%
Resolution No. 63-84 to enter into a purchase order agreement with
WESCO for cable in the amount of $51,948.00+ 10% tolerance.
Resolution No. 64-84 to enter into a purchase order agreement
with Burmeister Electric Co.. for cable and conductor in the amount
of $15,208.65 + 10% tolerance.
Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
F-1 An Ordinance Relating to Municipal Parking Lots and Parking Regulat-
ions; Establishing the boundaries thereof; amending the Rochester
Code of Ordinances, Sec. 133.01 was given its first reading.
F-1 An Ordinance Relating to Prohibited Noise; Providing penalties;
Amending Rochester Code of Ordinances Section 85.10 was given its
first, reading.
F-1 Allen moved, Duffy second to adopt Resolution No. 65-84 accepting
the request from the League of Minnesota Cities to host their
Annual meeting on Sept. 25, 1984 in Rochester. The City Clerk
is designated to coordinate the efforts with the League of Minn.
Cities., Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Having no further business, Bluhm moved, Allen second to adjou:rn
the meeting. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Regular Meeting No. 25 - February 6, 1984
President Postier called .the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. , the
following members being present: -President :Postier, Aldermen
Allen, Bluhm, Duffy, Powers, Solinger and Strain. Absent: None.
A Hearing on the possible Termination of the City Steam System.
( This was a continued hearing. President Postier stated that
the Council would continue this hearing until February 21, 1984.)
Bob Boyd of 1212 1st St. N. W. , Manager of Park Towers was present
and wished to be heard, he was wondering if the County had the
capacity to furnish all the current steam holders with services.
He asked what sort of priority the customers woul:d have if they
were on the County's system. President Postier stated that these
were the sort of questions that the Council is attempting to solve.
That was the main reason'for continuing the hearing.
Having no one else present that wished to be heard, President
Postier closed the hearing. Solinger moved, Powers second to
continue the hearing until February 21, 1984. Ayes (7), Nays
Motion carried.
A Hearing on the Application for Planned Unit Development ( Amended
Final Plan ) on a portion of Homestead Trails (PUD-R-38).. Having
no one present that wished to be heard, President Postier closed the
hearing. Powers moved, Solinger second to adopt Resolution No. 66-8,
approving the Application subject to the following 6 conditions:
1. The new sio_gle family dwellings be regulated for height, bulk,
placement , and intensity by the standards for the R-1 zone found
in Table 6, Sec. 66.400, Location of Accessory Structures per 62.107
Parking Requirements in Sec. 62.200, and Flood Plain regulations of
Zoning Ordinance #1659. 2. Siting standards for the alternative
duplex units -.be the same as those found in the approved.plan.
3. The requested alternate duplex sites be considered as a single
planning unit. Either the alternate plan is followed in its
entirety, or it is not utilized at all. This would insure a
consistency of develpment styles at the entrance to the development.
4. Replat the property creating a lot arrangement for the single
family lots that would accommodate the duplex alternative. 5. Ex-
terior color of all structures in the amendment be consistant with
the pattern in the rest of the PUD. 6. City Engineer comments
on the attached referral be agreed to by the developer. Ayes (7) ,
Nays (0). Motion carried.
A Hearing on the Petition to Amend the Future Land Use Map Design-
ation from "Low Density Residential " to " Commercial" on a 2.96
Acre Area lying along the West Side of River Road Across from 32nd
Street N. E. being the Site of Palmer -Soderberg, Inc. Wishing to
be heard was Dan Soderberg of 1915 18 112 Ave. N. W. and was
present for any questions the Council may have. Having no one else
present that wished to be heard, President Postier closed the hearin
Powers moved, Solinger second to adopt Resolution No. 67-84 approvin
the change. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Regular Meeting No. 25 - February 6, 1984
B-4 A Hearing on the Petition to Change the Zoning District from B-lb
(Neighborhood Business ) to B-4 ( General Business) on the Mobil
Service Station at 37th Street.N.. W. and T.H. 52 North. Having no
one present that wished to be heard, President Postier closed the
hearing. Strain moved, Solinger second to approve the petition and
instruct the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance for adoption.
Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
B-5 A Hearing on the Petitibn..for change to Zoning District from R-1
(Single Family Residential ) to R-2 ( Low DE's'ity Residential )
on Lots 27-29 , Block 4, Highland Addition. Wishing to be heard was
Robert Peterson of 302 23rd Avenue S. W. and wanted to know where this
was going to be built. Planning Department - Jeff Ellerbush showed
Mr. Peterson the plans. Having no one else present that wished to be
heard, President Postier closed the hearing. Duffy moved, Bluhm
second to approve the change and instruct the City Attorney to prepare
an Ordinance for adoption. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
B-6 A Hearing on the Application for a Planned Unit Development Concept
P1-an`on-Lot 11, Block 3, Cascade Ridge Subdivision. Wishing to be
heard was LeRoy Abernathy of 5514 26th Avenue N. W. He stated that
in the PUD plan they had no place to put the snow for removal.
They only provide two trash containers for 24 units. He stated that
the walkway between the garages was small. He does not think enough
planning has gone into this and wants the number of units to be
decreased. He asked Mr. Ellerbush of the Planning Dept. where they
would put the snow. Mr. Ellerbush stated that they have open areas
in the project which would utilize the snow. Mr. Abernathy asked
Mr. Ellerbush about the possibility of losing the trees. Mr. Ellerbus
stated that the trees were back far enough and would not bother the
project. He also stated that the PUD would have a Homeowners Assoc.
and -they would take care of the snow and maintain the common areas.
Wishing to be heard was Don Borcherding of Yaggy Assoc. He stated
that they wanted to build 4 plex�-units and the only wad is with a PUD.
He stated that they would have a Homeowners Assoc. and sidewalks would
run between the garages. Wishing to be heard was David Kulzer of
5523 26th Avenue N. W. and was concerned about the traffic this
project would generate and does not want this PUD in the area.
Having no one else present that wished to .be heard, President Postier
closed the hearing. Powers moved, Bluhm second to approve the
Application also noting that the Planning Commission has waived the
Preliminary plan stage. The Council would however get this back as a
Final Plan. Powers moved ,Bluhm second to approve the Application
for a Planned Un;i.t.. Ayes (6), Nays (1). Alderman'Allen voted nay.
Motion carried.
B-7 A Hearing on the Petition to Designate all of Plaza 41, Northwest
Second and Plaza 41 Northwest less Outlot "A" from "Industrial"
to "Commercial" on the Future land use map. Wishing to be heard was
Don Borcherding of Yaggy Associates, Rochester, Minnesota and
stated that the area is suited for Commercial and he agrees that if
development occurs, they would get another access from the site.
Regular Meeting No. 25 .- February 6, 1984
Wishing -to be heard was Claude Glatzmaier of Rochester, Minnesota
one of the three partners who own the property. He stated that he ha-.
inteirested developers and would like to have this changed for the
future. Having no one else present that wished to be heard, President
Postier closed the hearing. Bluhm moved, Strain second.to adopt Res-
olution No. 68-84 approving the change. Ayes (6), Nays (1). Alderman
Duffy voted nay. Alderman Duffy stated that once a zone change has
been made, the property changes hands and the City would lose
complete control. Motion carried.
I Hearing on the Petition to Change the Zoning District from M-2
( General Industrial ) to B-4 ( General Business ) on the.Plaza
41 Northwest Sub. lying Northerly of the new IBM Office along T.H.
52. Having no one present that wished to be heard, President Postier
closed the hearing. Strain moved, Solinger second to approve the
petition and instruct the City Attorney to prepare an. Ordinance for
adoption. Ayes (6), Nays (1). Alderman Duffy voted nay. Motion
A Hearing on the Final Plat of Meadow Hills Third Subdivison.
Having no one present that wished to be heard, Pres-ident Postier clos.
ed the hearing. Duffy moved, Bluhm second to adopt Resolution No.
69-84 approving the plat. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
A Hearing on the Final Plat of Kottschade's Subdivision. Having no
one present that wished to be heard, President Postier called for a
motion to continue the hearing until the plat is completed. Duffy
moved, Powers second to continue the hearing indefinitely. Ayes (7),
Nays (0) . Motion carried.
Powers moved, Duffy second to approve the request for a parking lease
from Center Partners for the 2nd Street Parking Ramp. Leasing to
them 26 space west side sublevel of the 2nd St. Parking ramp.
Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried. They also recommended that the
City Administrator inform them that the rate will be $40.00 per stall.
Duffy moved, Powers second to approve the designation of Olympus -
Lombard as the developer for the D5 site and authorize the:.negI
otiation of a Phase-- I Agreement; Also authorize staff to secure
appraisals on the affected property. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion
An Ordinance Rezoning certain property to B-4 General Business
on Lot 2, Block 1 of Replat of Lot 4, Block 3, Silver Acres Sub.
was given its first reading.
An Ordinance Rezoning certain property to B-2 ( Low Density Resi denti
on Lots 27, 28 and 29, Block 4, Highland Addition was given its
first reading.
F-1 jAn Ordinance Rezoning property to B-4 General Business in all of
Regular Meeting No. 25 - February 6. 1984
F-1 IPlaza 41 Northwest Second Subdivision , except Outlot "A" thereto,
was given its first reading.
Having no further business, Allen moved, Bluhm second to adjourn the
meeting. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
ty Clerk
Informational Items
1. Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes from 1-16-84 and 1-23-84.
2. Notice of Claim - Fraser Construction Co. vs Aetna Ins. Co.
Ref. to City Attorney and Finance Dept.
3. Notice of Claim - Fraser Construction Co. vs Adolfson and Peterso
Inc. - Ref. to City Attorney and Finance Dept.