Adjourned Meeting No. 2.71 February 21, 1984
President Postier called the meeting.to order at 7:30 P.11., the
following members being present : President Postier, Aldermen Allen,
Bluhm, Duffy, Solinger and Strain. Absent: Alderman Powers.
Duffy moved, Allen second to approve the minutes of the February 6,
1984 meeting. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Hearing on the Termination of the City Steam System. This wasa
ontinued.`hearing from Dec. 5, 1983. Wishing to be heard was Bob
f 1212 lst St. N. W. and is the manager of Park Towers: He would
he Council to put a safeguard on the potential increase of steam
ates for the remaining customers after the City decides to shut
own the steam system. He stated that he would remain on the system
nd fears that after customers drop from the service, the rates would
ave to be paid by the remaining customers. He urges the Council not
o let this happen.
dishing to be heard was Lauren Dison, Co-owner of Disons Cleaners and
Launderers, Rochester, Minnesota. Mr. Dison questioned the Council
if an impact study, had ever been made on hbw this would effect the
individual steam user, President Postier stated that studies have
been made and it proved to be very costly for the City to convert
to a different system. Mr. Dison questioned the cost to each individ.
ual and President Postier stated that the studies did not indicate
each individual cost. Alderman Solinger reminded Mr. Dison that
John Miner of the Public Utility Dept. stated that it would take
three years to pay back for a self-supporting system. Mr. Dison
stated that he brought figures to the Council at the last meeting
showing various alternatives to the present system. He wondered if
alternatives had been sought. Mr. Dison thinks the present system
should be upgraded. Mr. Dison recommends that the Council have an
impact statement done on converting to a differenct source of steam.
Alderman Bluhm stated that customer charge may double because the
customers have dropped the steam with the City. Alderman Duffy
(stated that the aging system is a problem and asked Mr.'Dison if
he would enter into a 20 year contract with the City to furnish him
steam. Mr. Dison stated that he would look at the possibility. Alder-
man Duffy asked Mr. Dison " Then you would not say you would enter
into a contract?" Mr. Dison stated " I would look at it ". Mr.
Dison also said that no more meters are available at the Utility
Dept. He has asked for some and they are no longer in stock. Mr.
Dison stated that he does not feel that the steam users should suffer
because of mismanagement of the system. Alderman Strain stated that
the HDR Study %4as.made and is available and anyone who wants to see
it can ask the Utility Dept. for it. Also, the present system is
over 50 years old. Alderman Strain also stated that the Public
Utility Board, staff and the Common Council has been working on the
solution of the steam system's existence. He also stated that he
would advise each individual to invest in a separate system.
Adjourned Meeting No. 27 - February 21, 1984
B-1 Alderman Solinger agreed with the comments of Alderman Strain. He was
concerned about the statement regarding the mismanagement of our
system. He wanted Mr. Dison to be more specific. Alderman Solinger
also mentioned that the Council conti.nued'this.hearing so that they
could get more information. Mr. Dison stated that he feels the
present system has an excellent day to day contact. What he was
saying was when the total cost is cheaper than half in another city,
he feels that something is wrong. Alderman Solinger stated that
if a new system were to be brought in by the City would Mr. Dison
participate. Mr. Dison stated that he would do so. Having no one
else present that wished to be heard, President Postier closed the
hearing. After discussion by the Council, President Postier suggestec
that this matter be studied and both of the reports presented should
be looked at by the City Council and this matter be brought back to
the Council within a few weeks. Alderman Duffy stated that he thinks
we have been fair in dealing with the steam system and is not in
favor of bailing out the steam system at this time. He would not
object to a few weeks delay in the decision in order to seek alter-
natives.Having no further discussion, Bluhm moved, Solinger second
to table the termination of the Steam system for two weeks and
direct -.staff to get information from the County Board on the
feasibility of the system they are proposing. Ayes (6),Nays (0).
Motion carried.
B-2 A Hearing on the Application for a Planned Unit Development ( Amend-
ded Final Plan ) for Barclay Square. Wishing to be heard was Mike
Bloom, representing the Developers - American Redevelopers, Inc.
6600 France Avenue Edina, Mn. He was present for any questions the
Council may have regarding the developement.. Alderman Duffy was
concerned about the control of the Flood waters. Staff from the
Planning Department°told Alderman Duffy that they had taken care of
this problem in the original plan and it was still included. Having
no one else present that wished to be heard, President Postier closed
the hearing. Solinger moved, Duffy second to approve the plan and
adopt .Resolution 71-84. This Resolution is subject to the following
conditions: 1. A final plat shall be submitted prior to the issuance
of any zoning certificate for the project. 2. A sidewalk should be.
installed along Greenview Drive S.W. 3. Any grading permit request
shall incorporate the soils report and include the stormwater
drainage design previously worked out for the site. 4. The following
access and circulation provisions:'a. Access to the site from Greenvie
Drive. b. CSAH 8 right of way and access control reimbursement to th
County.c. Relocation of west frontage road connection to CSAH 8
presently opposite Greenview Drive to 16th Street S. W. d. Extend
existing frontage road to northeast to connect to existing frontage
road along US 52, and close existing frontage road opening at Hwy
52 bridge. e. Provide bicycle path along CSAH 8. f. Reconstruct
median on CSAH 8 between Greenview Drive and 16th Street. g. Close,
median opening on CSAH 8 opposite existing frontage road connection.
h. Install traffic signals when necessary and construct turn
lanes at west entrance to shopping center. Ayes (6))Nays (0). Motion
Adjourned Meeting No. 27' - February 21, 1984
A Hearing on the Application for a Planned Unit Development ( Amend-
ed Concept ) for Stone Barn Estates. Wishing to be heard was Randy
Laue of 1445 6th Avenue S. W. He lives eas.t of the PUD and is
concerned about the impact of flood waters if this should PUD.is
allowed in the area. He stated that they would have to bring in
extra fill if the standards of PUD were to be met. He is opposed
to the PUD being in the area. Phil Wheeler of the Planning Dept.
stated that it would be O.K. to fill in the area. Alderman Duffy
commented that only the buildings should be elevated, not the entire
area. Mr. Laue stated that the flood waters came very close during
the last flood and this PUD could make a difference. Mr. Wheeler
stated that the area would have low density only 2.4 units per
acre and that they would use as much fill from the same area.
Wishing to be heard was John Bass of 1122 8th Street S. W. He is
the applicant for the PUD. Mr. Bass stated that he had concerns
about the extension of the waterline from the SW part of the
property to the NE corner of the property. He does not think that
the loop is necessary. Alderman Allen questioned Mr. Bass. He
was wondering if the fill could be taken out of the property site.
Mr. Bass stated that he would need a better fill for under the
houses. He would use as much as he could from the site. Roger Plumb,
Public Services Director stated that he would like to see the
watermain extended at this time. He stated that this would be needed
in the future. Mr. Bass stated that they would receive no benefits
from this main. Mr. Plumb stated that if a line broke, they would
be able to tie into this watermain. Mr. Plumb also stated that he
would hope the Water Dept. would pay for some of the cost. Mr.
Laue, who spoke earlier questioned Mr. Plumb on the assessment
procedure. Mr. Plumb explained this to him. Having no one else
present that wished to be heard, President.Postier closed the hearing
Bluhm moved, Allen second to approve the'applidation with the
following conditions: 1. A final plat is submitted for approval
prior to any zoning certificate being approved for any construction,
establishing lot lines and dedicating necessary easements. 2. The
watermain extension requested by the Water Department is provided.
3. The Final plan shall indicate type and size of proposed lands-,
caping materials. 4. That if a new homeowners' association is
created, a copy of the necessary documents establishing the
association, along with any protective covenants, are submitted along
with the final plat. 5. That all codes pertaining to construction
in the Flood Fringe are adhered to. The motion made particular
mention that the Water Department be given permission to extend the
watermain loop to 6th Avenue. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Duffy moved,Strain second to amend th6r!moti!on to include that 90%
of the fill be used from the property itself or from the immediate
area. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Adjourned Meeting No. 27_-- February 21, 1984
B- 4 A Hearing on the Petition to Change the Zoning District from B-lb
(Neighborhood Business) to R-3 ( Medium Density Residential ) in
a portion of Outlot "A", Westway Manor First,;Subdivision. Having
no one present that wished to be heard, President Postier closed the
hearing. Alderman Allen reaffirmed the fact that this would be
funded by the HRA. Alderman Solinger stated that it was. Having
no further discussion,'Bluhm moved, Duffy second to instruct the
City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance for adoption. Ayes ( 6),
Nays (0). Motion carried.
B-5 A Hearing on the Official Street Map No. 9. Having noone present -
that wished to be heard,President Postier closed the hearing. Solingi
moved, Bluhm second to approve the map. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion
carried. Alderman Solinger questioned the Planning Department on
whether this was cleared with the ROCOG. Alderman Strain stated that
it had. After Council discussion, President Postier recommended that
the 33rd Street from the Thoroughfare Plan and direct ROCOG to
remove 33rd Street from their records also. Winger moved;, Strain
second to:del.ete 33rd Street,from'.the,Thoroughfare_Plan'.and direct
ROCOG to also delete it. The City Attorney was also instructed to
prepare an Ordinance for adoption. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion
B-6 A Hearing on the Proposed Improvement on Project No. 8318 J 8849
Sanitary Sewer to serve all of Baihly Woodland Third Subdivision.
Having no one present that wished to be heard, President Postier
closed the hearing. Duffy moved , Strain second to adopt Resolution
No. 72-84 ordering the project to be made. Ayes(6), Nays (0). Motion.
._B-7 A Hearing on the Final Plat of Homestead Trails 2nd Replat.
Having no one present that wished to be heard, President Postier
closed the hearing. Solinger moved, Allen second to adopt Resolution
No. 73-84 approving the plat. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
C-1 Duffy moved, Solinger second to approve the appointment of Kenneth Be
to the position of Assistant Mechanic for the Fire Department. Mr.
Bee replaces Robert Fanning who retired. Mr. Bee will be employed
as of March 1, 1984. Also The appointment of Steven Richardt
to the position of Motor Operator. Mr. Richardt replaces Mr.
Bee who was promoted to the position of Assistant Mechanic. His
appointment is effective March 1, 1984. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion
E-1 Strain moved, Duffy second to retain the Minneapolis law firm of
Lefevre, Lefler, Kennedy, O'Brien and Prawy to review the Environment.
al Impact Statement for the proposed Federal prison at the former Sta-
Hospital site and make recommendations on its suffiency and on the
procedures the Federal Board of Prisons used to establish their
proposal. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Adjourned Meeting No. .97- Februa
,v 21. 1984.
E-2 ffy moved, Strain second to approve the request for an On -Sale
Intoxicating Liquor License for Alfredo's Restaurant to be located on
the lower level of the Riverside Building. This is contingent upon
receipt of the necessary bond and insurance information, and payment
of the fee, issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy and department
approvals. The application was received from Gordon Schutte and Lucil'
Smith. Ayes (5), Nays (1). Alderman Al.len -voted nay. Motion carried.'
E-3 ;Bluhm moved, Strain second to approve the Solid Waste Association requ.
est for a rate increase of 5W.This would increase the collection
charge to $8.50 per month. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-4 Solinger moved, Bluhm second to adopt Resolution No. 74-83 approving
he execution of a revocable permit for the footing adjacent to the
alley platted to Block 10 of Original Plat. This is the Henderson-,
hisius property. This allows them to encroach 18 inches of Third Stre(
P.W. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-5 uffy moved, Strain second to approve the final payment to Alpek Sheet
etal in the amount of $3,488.60 for the Rochester Airport Termibal
oof atithe Rochester Municipal Airport. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion
E-6 llen moved, Bluhm second to adopt Resolution No. 75-84 amending the
greement and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute
he agreement between the Rochester Airport and the 934th Tactical
irlift Group. The amendment increases the rate to $6,045 per
ear and extends this through September 30, 1986. Ayes (6), Nays (0).
otion carried.
E-7 uffy moved, Strain second to approve the following licenses and bonds
equest received from the'Olmsted Developmental Achievement Center for
heir application for a Single Gambling License for a raffle to be
held on March 24, 1984. The required bond has been requested to be
waived. The following are renewal applications: Sidewalks, Curb and
utter and Driveways (cement) received from: Hargrove Cement Cont-
actors of 1503 20th Avenue N. E.; Signs: Schad -Tracy Advertising
From Oronoco, Minnesota ; Salvage Dealers received from: United
esource Recovery Box 513 St. Peter, Minnesota. Requested from
Oren M. Elness of Mitchell Elness Heating for a Heating Contractor's
nd Master Installer License. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-8 Bluhm moved, Strain second to approve the request from.•the American
Cancer Society, Olmsted County Unit, to sell daffodils on the streets
And sidewalks of Rochester for its annual Daffodil Fund Raising Act-
vity on Friday, March 30 and Saturday, March 31, from 8 to 5:00.
Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-9 Ifluhm moved, Allen second to approve the Assessment Split received
rom Robert T. Ward, President of Cordul Establishment, Inc. that the
urrent and deferred assessments against Plat 3804, Parcel 100 be
plit from Plat 5151, Parcel 600. This matter was referred to the
ub.lic Services. Dept. for calcul,a.tion. Ayes (6), Nays (0).Moti.on carri_ d.
Adjourned Meeting No. 27`- February 21. 1984
E-10 Duffy moved, Strain second to approve the Accounts Payable (semi-
monthly) in.the amount of $391,950.21. List attached. Ayes (6),
Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-11 Solinger moved, Allen second to adopt Resolutions No. 76-84, 77-84
and 7.8-84 authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids on
Washed Sand and Gravel and Crushed Rock; Liquid Cutbac-k Asphalt and
Cationic Emulsion and Plant Mixed Bituminous. Bids to be opened at
11:00 A.M. on March 12, 1984. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-12 Allen moved, Bluhm second to. adopt Resolution No. 79-84 authorizing
the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign an Agreement between the
Rochester Inspec;tor's Association and the City of Rochester for the
years 1984-1985. This includes : 1. 2 year agreement. 2. Wages 1984-
4.5% - Wages 1985 - 5%. 3. Safety Shoe Allowance-$50.00/yr.
4. Letter of agreement making Christmas Eve and New Years Eve full
day holidays for 1984 only. 5. Letter of agreement establishing
Labor -Management Committee. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-13 Duffy moved, Allen second to adopt Resolution No. 80-84 approving
a Meet.and Confer Agreement with the Police Civilian Dispatchers for
the years 1984-1985. This includes: 1. Two Year Agreement. 2. Wag
1984-4.5% and 1985 - 5%. 3. Shift Differential Increase - 1984-
10� per hr. and 1985 10¢ per hr. 4. Vacation schedule revision and
5. Uniform allowance. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-14 Solinger moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 81-84 approving
the initiating of the proceedings in accordance with the Orderly
Anne.xa.tIlon- agreement with Cascade Township for vacant land along the
West side of 18th Avenue N.W.,'between 48th and 50th Streets. N. W.
(Western Walls, Inc.). Aldermen wanted to know the status of the
Willow Creek Annex. status. Mr. Kvenvold, City Administrator was
asked to schedule a meeting to discuss this. Ayes (6),Nays (0).
Motion carried.
E-15 Duffy moved, Bluhm second to adopt Resolution No. 82-84 setting a
hearing date for April 2, 1984 on the proposed Petition to Vacate.
a portion of the Right-of-way for 20th Street N. E.as it lies adjacent
to the back of the Dr. Gordon Martin property at 807 Sierra Lane N. E:
and across from 665 and 673 20th Street N. E. Ayes (6), Nays (0).
Motion carried.
E-16 Bluhm moved, Allen second to approve the Preliminary Plat of Cimmarro
Second Subdivision. This is subject to the following conditions.
1. That the utility easements requested by the Electric Dept. and
the access control requested by the County Public Works Dept. are
provided on the final plat. 2. That changes in the street design
suggested by the City Eng. as spelled out in their referral , pertaini g
to surface width, radius of horizontal curve, and percent of slope
on 48th Ave. are included in the final construction design plans
submitted to Public Services. 3. That Lots 2-11, Block 3 are not Platte
as residential lots and`are reverved for park/school purposes. unless.
Adjourned Meeting No.27!- - February 21, 1984
the Park Department reaches an agreement with adjacent property owner,,
for a relocated park site further west prior to submittal of the
final plat. ( Addendum ) - An enlarged neighborhood park area of abou
10 acres would be located along the Kings Run drainageway north of
50th Street and a school site would preferab.ly be reserved along 18th
Avenue North of the drainageway. This results in a modification to
the plat and the need for the .council action. Ayes (6), Nays (0).
Motion carried.
Bluhm moved, Duffy second to adopt Resolution No. 83-84 approving
a proposal by Yaggy Associates, Inc. for Engineering Services
- Sanitary Sewer to serve Baihly Woodland 3rd - Project No. 8318
J 8849. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
huffy moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 84-84 holding the
State of Minnesota harmless from any claims or actions resulting from
the granting of the variance from 46 ft. to 44 ft. for the width of
West Center Street between 4th Avenue West and 7th Avenue West.
Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried. .
Strain moved, Allen second to adopt Resolution No. 85-84 authorizing
the City Clerk to advertise for bids on Project No. 8318 J 8849 -
Sanitary Sewer to serve all of Baihly Woodland Third Subdivision.
Bids to be opened at 11:00 A.M. on March 28, 1984. Ayes (6), Nays (0).
Motion carried.
Bluhm moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 86-84 authorizing
the City Clerk to advertise for bids on Project 6257-83 Part I, J 85
Water Tower; Booster Station, and Connecting Main in the S. W. Servi
Area North of Salem Road and East of. CSAH No. 122, Part I, Elevated
Water Storage Tank. Bids to be opened at 11:00 A.M. On March 28,
1984. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-21 Allen moved, Solinger second to adopt Resolution No. 87-84 authorizing
the City Clerk to advertise for bids on Project 6257-83 Part II,
J 8569 - Water Tower Booster Station and Connecting Main in the S. W.
Service Area North of Salem Road and East of CSAH No. 122; Part II
Booster Station plus Watermain Trunkline.from Salem Road to Tower
Site. Bids to be opened at 11:00 A.M. on March 28, 1984. Ayes (6),
Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-22 Duffy moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 88-84 and 89-84
declaring the cost to be assessed and ordering a public hearing to
be held on April 2, 1984 on the following project: Project 6200-W-82
J 8794. Sidewalk Beautification of West Center Street - Broadway to
First Avenue S. W. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-23 Allen moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 90-84 and 91-84
declaring the cost to be assessed and ordering a public hearing
to be held on April 2, 1984 on the following project: Project No.
7301, 7301A ( J 8476 ) - deferred assessment - on Northwest District
San. Sewer Trunkline Pumping Station, forcemain and outfall sewer.
Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Adjourned Meeting No. 21,'- February 21, 1984
E-24 Solinger moved, Allen second to adopt Resolution No. 92-84 and 93-84
declaring the cost to be assessed and ordering a public hearing to
be held on April 2, 1984 on deferred assessment for Project No.
7703, I, II, III and IV J 8475 Construction of a water reservoir
and connecting trunk watdrmains to serve the low district of N. W.
service area lying north of 41st Street N. W. Ayes (6), Nays (0).
Motion carried.
E-25 IDuffy moved, Strain second to adopt the following resolutions of the
Public Utility Board:
IResolution No. 94-84 approving a purchase with WESCO for pad mounted
transformers - Amount $69,036.00.
Resolution No. 95-84 approving a purchase with RTE Corporation for
overhead type pole mounted transformers . Amount $24,345.00.
Resolution 96-84 approving a purchase order with Burmeister Electric
for pole mounted distribution transformers. Amount $29,318.00.
Resolution No. 97-84 approving a purchase.with Lanick and Liljegren
for overhead pole type mounted and pad mounted transformers
in the amount of $214,237.00.
Resolution No. 98-84 with R. W. Beck and Assoc. for a study for analy-
zing retail electric rates. Amount to be $8,560.00. This is an amende(
agreement. Total amended amount is $41,560.00. .
Resolution No. 99-84 for a contract agreement with Bergerson-Caswell
Inc. for redevelopment of Well No. 23. Amount to be $28,980. The
contract cannot exceed $35,000.
Resolution No.:100-84 authorizing a leave of absence (medical)
for Robert A: Lewis commencing January 18, 1984.
Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
F-1 IAn Ordiannce Relating to an Official Street Map; Adopting Official
Street Map Number 9-, for the Right -of -Way of T.H. 52 from 55th Street
N. W. TO 37TH Street N. W. was given its first reading.
F-1 An Ordinance Rezoning certain property to R-3 Medium Density Resident"
in Outlot A. Westway Manor First Sub. was given its first reading..
F-1 An Ordinance Realting to Rubbish Collection ; Providing for a maximum
fee for certain services; amending the Rochester Code of Ordinances
Section 141.28 was given its first reading. Allen moved, Bluhm
second to suspend the rules and giveggthis ordinance a second reading .
Upon Roll call vote, Alderman Allen, Bluhm, Duffy, Solinger, Strain
and President Postier voted .. Ayes (6), NayS (p). Motion carried.
Adjourned Meeting No. '?7-84 - February 21, 1984.
F-1 The Ordinance was read for the second time. Allen moved, Strain
second to adopt the Ordinance. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
F-1 Ordinance-Relat°ingto the Rural- and Urban Service Districts; De-
signating certain land to be made a part of the Rural Service District
Amending Ordinance No. 1466, Section 4 and 6; to provide for a new
taxing ratio and for future additions thereto. This was given its
second reading. Solinger moved, Bluhm second to adopt the Ordinance
as read. byes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
F-1 Allen moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 101-84 approving
the poling places and the election; judges for the year 1984.
Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
H-1 111uhm moved, Duffy second to instruct the President of the Common
Council to present written communication with the County Board to
consider further deliberation with them on the Federal Prison issue.
Ayes (5), Nays (1). Alderman Solinger voting.nay. Motion carried.
aving no further business, Allen moved, Strain second to adjourn
he meeting. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Ci ty Cl erk
(Information - 2-21-84
Committee of the Whole Minutes - Meetings 1-30-84 and 2-6-84.
Request to Initiate annexation received from William Fitzgerald
Ref. to Consolidated Planning Dept.