Adjourned Meetinq No. 18 - November 10. 1986
A-1 President Postier called the meeting to order at 4:30 P.M. The said
meeting was held in Room 4 of City Hall. Present: President Postier
Aldermen Allen, Canfield, Hunziker, Solinger and Strain: Absent:
Alderman Bluhm.
Hunziker moved, Allen second to approve the purchase agreement for th,
acquisition of the masonic Temple Association property in
accordance with the following: Purchase Price - Land and Building
$940,000. Fixtures - $62,550. Total $1,002,550.00. The Mason's
would have salvage rights to Masonic fixtures and the right of
first refusal to purchase other salvage in the building. The Mason's
will deliver clear title and closing will be within 60 days of signin
of the purchase agreement. Ayes (6), Nays.(0).Motion carried.
E-2 Strain moved, Canfield second to gran*i a franchise to Continental
Limousine= Service for a three year period ending December 31, 1989
and instruct the City Attorney to prepare the Ordinance making this
effective. Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Wishing to be heard was David Brandt of Rochester Transportation
Service - Limousine Services. ^'He stated that he thinks that
the requirement for a limousine license be abolished. He stated that
limousines are going in and out of Rochester.and some of the limo's
are not getting franchises, etc. He would like to see this de-
regulated and be an open market to everyone IF the franchise is
not policed better by the City. President Postier stated that he
would like to see a letter submitted by Rochester Transporation
Service stating all the problems. President Postier stated that
he did not think the Ordinance would get a second reading at this
meeting and this would give the Council time.to gather more facts in
this matter.
E-3 Solinger moved, Canfield second to.authorize the Mayor and City
Clerk to execute such documents.- as may be necessary to assign the
existing lease with Barbour, Inc.to Donald Zietlow and , consent to
a subordination of the lease to a mortage held by Midwest Federal
Mortgage Corporation . This is in conjunction with the student
housing at the Rcchester Community College. Ayes (6 ), Nays (0).
Motion carried.
F-1 An Ordinance Relating to Limousine Franchises; awarding a Non-Exclus.i
Franchise for a period through December 31, 1989; to Continental
Limousine Service; amending the Rochester Code of Ordinances
by adding a new section 97.21. This was given its first reading.
Having no further business, Allen moved, Strain second to adjourn
the meeting. Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
City�Clerk- - -. - -