Regular Meeting No. 31 - May 2, 1988
President Postier called the meeting to order at 2:00 P.M., the
following members being present: President Postier, Aldermen Bluhm,
Canfield, Hunziker, McConnell, Solinger and:Strain. Absent: None.
Strain moved, McConnell second to approve the minutes from the
following meetings: March 23, 1988 , April 18 and 25, 1988.
Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Hunziker moved, Bluhm second to adopt Resolution No. 261-88 referrinc
the -petition for local improvement - Sanitary Sewer and Watermain to
serve Kline Parcel and others in Oil City to the Public Services Depi
for a feasibility report. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Bluhm moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 262-88 referring
the petition for Sanitary Sewer Ext. from the vicinity of 32nd
Avenue N. W. along RR Right-of-way to serve the General Warehouse
complex - Parcels 5160 - 01500 and 3176-OO100,to'the Public Service!
Dept. for a feasibility report. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Solinger moved, Hunziker second to set a public hearing to be held
on May 16, 1988 on the proposed approval of an application to the
State for Economic Recovery funding for Microline Technologies
Inc. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Strain moved, Hunziker second to adopt Resolution No. 263-88 approvii
the Development Agreement with Carpenter Transfer, Inc./Wilson
Refrigerated Express contingent upon the project being consistent wi
recent State of Mn. TIF legislation and execution of the Dev.
Agreement by Carpenter Transfer, Inc./ Wilson Refrigerated Express.
Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Strain moved, Canfield second to adopt Resolution No. 264-88
approving the retention of Aesthetic Consultant Services Corps of
Eng. Project Stages 213, 3 , and 4 for $30,500.00. Ayes (7), Nays (0)
Motion carried.
.Bluhm moved, Solinger second to adopt Resolution No.264A-88 relating
to the Chicago Great Western Depot and Save the Depot, Inc. Ayes
(7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Solinger moved, Canfield second to approve the following approvals
of the Rochester Airport Commission:
1. Pay Est. No. 5 to Larson Const. Co. for Terminal Bldg. remodelin
in the amount of $19,617.50.
2. Pay Estimate No. 4 - J 6923 - Miller Dunwiddie (Final for
Architect ) Hangars A & B improvements. The amount is $2,100.87.
Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-6 McConnell moved, Bluhm second to approve the following Licenses::&_Bo ds:
Request for a Master Installers License received from Thomas Ward
Haley, R # 4 Roch. Mn.
Regular Meeting No. 31 - May 2, 1988
E-6 Request received from Eagle Sign and Adv.- Co. of 5130 Park Ave. Des
Moines Iowa for a Sign License for the period of May 2, 1988 thru
Dec. 31, 1988.
Request from The Excavators of Rochester, Mn..for a cement sidewalk
license for a period of May 2 thur Dec. 31, 1988.
Request received from Lourdes Dev.Fund for a vending machine cigarett
license for 1605 North Broadway . This is for Bingo -Rama.
Request received from Weber and Judd for a over-the-counter cigarette
license for the Clinic View Inn at 9 3rd Avenue N. W.
Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-7 Strain moved, Hunziker second to approve the issuance of an On -Sale
Beer license to Beier Company DBA Golden Hill Country Kitchen
and John Hardy's Bar-B-Que ( South ). Ayes (7),Nays (0).Motion
E-8 Council discussion was held -on the request received from Steve
Barlow to transfer the Off -Sale Liquor license from his name located
at Cub Foods Plaza to OhioCubCo which is part of the Super Value
chain. The Off -Sale establishment would remain in its present locatio
and remain under the name of "Bear Creek Liquor". Alderman Hunziker
was concerned about the huge corporation owning a liquor license
in Rochester.. He -feels that we would lose local control.
Wishing to response to that comment was Steve Barlow and upon
Council consent stated that he had tried to find local owners or
local control and found it was not feasible for anyone local to
operate this store. He would like to sell this store as a package
grocery/liquor store to Super Value ( Ohiocubco ) and urged the
Council to approve this transfer. He stated that he would like to
have action on this soon as he had to sign the papers with Ohiocubco.
Alderman Strain wondered what problems Alderman Hunziker is referring
to? Alderman Hunziker stated that he feels the loss of control
was the major factor in his decision.
Alderman Canfield also stated that he is worried about local control.
"What happens -if a problem arises at 2 A.M. " "Who do you call?"
Alderman McConnell stated that this is our City and we can do what
we want to do with this transfer. He urged Mr. Barlow to find local
buyers. He also stated that he is in favor of the license being
turned back to the City when the current owner has no need for it.
He feels this would control the price that is being put on this
license at present.
Mr. Barlow stated that he had the Vineyard up for sale and not a
single local resident wanted to buy this store.
Alderman Bluhm wondered if a local manager or buyer could be found?
Mr. Barlow stated that not at this -time. Ohiocubco was in charge and
they would have to find the manager, etc.
Regular Meeting No. 31 - May 2, 1988
he Council stated that they would- like to -.see. a- l i:st� Cf- the Off -Sale
i quor' Li censes and =the; appl i cants and" where they'1 i ve. Thi s 1 i st
an ' be_ proy-i de,d -at the' evening meeting. Based on this request Bluhm
oved, Solinger second,to'table this--item-until the-evening.meeting..
y ,s. (7) :,Nays (0).Mo.tion carried:
Solinger moved, Canfield second to table the Change of corporate
ownership presently listed for the Vineyard at Barlow Plaza to
Steve Barlow. This was tabled until a decision is made on E-8.
Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Strain moved, Hunziker second to approve the following Misc. Activit.
Paul R. Anderson of Rochester approval of a Running Road Race
for the Rochester Track Club to be held May 21, 1999 at Essex Park.
Jeanne Block of Rochester for a Women's running race for the
Rochester Track Club to be held July 23, 1988 at Silver Lake Park.
Amy Schultz of Norwest Bank wishes to hold Community Concerts on
July 1, 8, 15 and 22 and 29 and Aug. 5 to be held at the corner
of lst St. and lst Ave. S. W. during the lunch hour from 11:15 A.M.
until 1:45 P.M.
Jan Bailey of Rochester requested a Move-A-Thon Fundraiser for the
National Federation of the Blind of Mn. to be held on Sept.
17, 1988 at Soldiers Field Bike Trail.
Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Alderman Canfield moved, McConnell second to approve the Accounts
Payable in the amount of $2,423,812.62 - list in the City Clerk's
Office. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Bluhm moved, Solinger second to reject the bids submitted for
a tanker fire truck. The bid had been submitted with a different
type of pump that was not recommended in the specs. Ayes (7),
Nays (0).Motion carried.
Solinger moved, Hunziker second to rebid the project. Ayes (7),
Nays (0).Motion carried.
Hunziker moved, Strain second to table the acquisition of parkland
in North Park Sub. This was to be purchased for $3,000. per acre.
Council wished more information and would discuss this at a Committe(
of the Whole. Ayes (6), Nays (1). Alderman Bluhm voted nay.
Motion carried.
Reqular Meetinq No. 31 - May 2, 1988
E-14 Solinger moved, McConnell second to adopt Resolution No. 265-88
approving the labor agreement with Local 319 of the American Fed-
eration of State, County and Municipal Employees - AFSCME. Ayes
(7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E=15 Strain moved, Hunziker second to adopt Resolution No. 266-88 approving
a Meet and Confer agreement with the Parking Control Officers for
the_ years 1988-1989. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-16 Strain moved, Bluhm second to adopt Resolution No. 267-88 authorizing
the following recommendations by the Personnel Advisory Committee:
1. Reclassify a Clerk Typist position to Senior Clerk Typist and
Clerk Steno to Sec. I effective Jan. 1, 1988 - These are positions
in the Police Dept.
2. Reclassify Stage Manager position to Events Coordinator at the
Mayo Civic Center effective Sept. 1, 1988.
3. Establish the position of Maint. Supervisor-y at the Water
Reclamation Plant effective May 1, 1988.
4. Establish the difference in salary between the City Clerk and
Deputy City Clerk to be 7.5% effective Jan. 1, 1988 and that
same difference should be:established effective Jan. 1, 1989.
Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-17 Bluhm moved, Solinger second to adopt Resolution No. 268-88 approving
the Leave of Absence for Becky Grubb, Legal Tech. from May 1, 1988
to July 29, 1988. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-18 Solinger moved., Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 269-88 approv-
ing a Leave of absence for Coleen Mogen, Parking Control Officer
from March 29, 1988 to July 29, 1988. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion
E-19 Strain moved, Bluhm second to instruct the City Attorney to prepare
an Ordinance to annex 77.8 acres of vacant land located on the East
side of 18th Avenue S. W'. 1/4 mile North of 40th Street S. W.
Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-20 IThis will be held at the evening meeting.
E-21 Discussion was held on the Final Plat of Tyrol Hills located in the
Willow Creek Sewer Dist. Hans Peters of Lake City was present and
stated that a'public watermain was not feasible at this time.
He stated that the assessments were too high and they could get a
well or wells put in at''this time.
Roger Plumb, Public Services Dir. recommended that the watermain be
put in and would not approve the project without the watermain.
Alderman Strain
to the airport
Alderman Strain
doing this with
watermain even
this way.
stated that the sewer line was put in all the way
and the Willow Creek Sewer agreement was established.
stated that when the City leap frogged lines by
the sewer line, we'should be able to do this with the
tho Mr. Plumb stated that he would rather not do it
Reqular Meeting No. 31 - May 2, 1988
E-21 Alderman Solinger stated that the City would be making a mistake
by not putting in the watermain. He wondered how they hope to serve
other developers or people in the future. Having a motion made by
Alderman Strain second by Alderman Bluhm, this would allow the
developer to construct two private wells with no city 6" watermains
or fire hydrants, etc. Ayes (2). Nays (5). Aldermen Strain and
Bluhm voting aye. Motion did not carry.
Solinger moved, Hunziker second to allow the construction of two
wells with laterals put out to City standards. Ayes (5), Nays (2).
Alderman Bluhm and Strain voting nay. Motion carried.
Alderman Bluhm asked how long pipes last in the ground without being
used. Robert Pawelski, Public Utility Manager stated that they last
over 100 years even with nothing running thru them.
E-22 Strain moved, Bluhm second to adopt Resolution No. 270-88 setting
a hearing to be held on June 6, 1988 on the vacation of the northerly
5' wide utility easement located on the north side of Lot 20, Block
7, Cimarron 6. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-23 Hunziker moved, Canfield second to adopt Resolution No. 271-88 setting
a hearing to be held on June 6, 1988 on the vacation of the public
street ROW and utility easements platted in the Arborglen Sub.
Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E=24- Solinger moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 272-88 ordering
a hearing to be held on June 6, 1988 on Project 8712 J 9019 -
Reconstruct San. .Sewer in East-West Alley in Block 6 of Kat2ky's Sub.
Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-25 Strain moved, Bluhm second to adopt Resolution No. 273-88 ordering
a hearing to be held on June 6, 1988 on Project No. 6302-2-88
J 9016 - Reline the San. Sewer in 2nd Ave. S. E. from East Center
Street to 1st St. S. E. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-26 Bluhm moved, Hunziker second to set a hearing date in the future
for the 5th Street Extension - 4th Avenue N. W. to 2nd Avenue N. E.
Ayes"(7), Nays (0)'.Mot.ion carried.
E-27 Strain moved, Canfield second to adopt Resolution No. 274-88 authorizi
the Mn. Dept. of Public Safety to maintain a Motorcycle Testing area
on Schuster Lane N. W./ 2500 Block. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-28 Solinger moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 275-88 and 276-
8 declaring the costs to be assessed and ordering a public hearing
o be held on June 6, 1988 on Project No. 6210 1/4 -2-87 J 8990 -
Curb and Gutter and Street Grading and Surfacing of 10 1/4 St. S. E.
from 1st Avenue S. E. to approx. 245 feet West. Ayes (7), Nays (0).
otion carried.
Regular Meeting No. 31 - May 2, 1988
E-29 Strain moved, Hunziker second to adopt Resolution No. 277-88 author-
izing the City Clerk to advertise for bids to be opened at 11:00 A.M.
on June 15, 1988 on Project No. 6240-3-87 J 9000 - San. Sewer Ext.
Alg 40th St. S. W. from Willow Court S. W. to the SW Cor of the SW
1/4, Sec. 23, Twp 106N, R14W. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion-carried.
E-30 Canfield moved, Bluhm second to adopt Resolution No. 278-88 awarding
a bid submitted by Pompeii Painting in the amount of $57,780.00 to
paint mechanical and structural steel in four final clarifiers at
the Water Reclamation Plant. Ayes (6), Nay.s (1). Alderman Solinger
voting nay. Motion carried.
E-31 ISolinger moved, Strain second to adopt the following resolutions as
approved by the Pdblic Utility Board:
Resolution No. 279-88 approving a purchase order with Meyer Industries
for steel poles with anchor bolts and clips in the amount of $40,022.
Resolution No. 280-88 approving a purchase order with Cretex Companies
Inc. for concrete poles with clips and gains in the amount of $84,808.
Resolution No. 281-88 approving a purchase.order with Meyer Industries
Inc..for Line W7 relocation tubular pole modifications in the amount
of $22,257.00.
(7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
H-1 McConnell moved, Hunziker second to approve a request received from
the Rochesterfest Committee to perform the Daylight fireworks on
June 25, 1988 at the Foster-Arends park. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion
Having no further business Strain moved, Hunziker second to adjourn
the meeting. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
A-1 President Postier called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M., the
following members being present: President Postier, Aldermen Bluhm,
Canfield, Hunziker, McConnell, Solinger.and Strain. Absent: None.
B-1 A Hearing on the Proposed Assessment on Project No. 6303-1-80 J 8741
Ext. of San. Sew. and Watermain i.n 3rd Avenue N. E.' to serve Lots 7
& 8 Morris 1st ; Lot 2, Morris 2hd and Ext. and Service Conn. in 31st
St. and 32nd St. N.E. Having no one present that wished to be heard,
President Postier closed the hearing. Bl.uhm moved, Canfield second
to adopt Resolution No. 282-88 approving the assessment. Ayes (7),
Nays (0).Motion carried.
B-2 A Hearing on the Proposed Assessment on Project No. 6303-1-83 J 8808
San. Sewer and Watermain Ext plus Service Connections on 3rd Ave.
N. E 'from Center of 32nd St. N. E.to a point 218 Feet North.
Having no one present that wished to be heard, President Postier
closed the hearing. Canfield moved, McConnell second to adopt Res-
olution No. 283-88 approving the assessment. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion
-Regular Meeting No 21-- May 2- 1988
B-3 A Hearinq on the Conditional Use No. 88-3 by Marigold Foods to permit
the proposed expansion of the Marigold Foods plant on the property
located east of North Broadway and West of 1st Avenue N. E. between
the railroad tracks and just north of 5th St. N. E. zoned M-1
Light Ind. and a part of Dev. Dist No. 3. Having no one present that
wished to be heard, President Postier closed the hearing. A letter
as received in opposition from Leo F. Murphy; Jr. of Streater,
Murphy, Gernander and Forsythe P.A. representing -Mr. Greenheck owner
of property North of 5th St. N. E. Solinger moved, Hunziker second
to adopt Resolution No. 284-88 approving the request subject to the
following six conditions:
1. The applicant must obtain the necessary revocable permits for the
proposed encroachments into the right-of-way.
2. The applicant should provide a truck circulation plan showing the
truck traffic patterns on the site.
3. Landscaping must be planted along the north side of the proposed
tanks in order to screen them from the southbound traffic on North
Broadway. In addition, the tanks should be painted the same color as
the building.
4. Parking must be provided as shown on the site plan. All parking
areas must be paved and striped.
5. Landscaping must be provided along 6th St. N. E. in front of the
parking lot.
6. Approval is conditioned on the successful acquisition of the
reenheck property.
yes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
B-4 A Hearing on the Proposed Project - 6212-1-88 J 9035 - Street
Reconstruction, Concrete Curb and Gutter.on 12th St N. E2 North Bdwy
o Silver Lake Drive. Having no one present that wished to be
heard, President Postier closed the hearing. McConnell moved, Bluhm,
second to adopt Resolution.No. 285-88 approving the project. Ayes
(7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
B-5 A Hearing on the Proposed Project No. 8805-J 9036 Street Construction
o serve Wimbledon Hills and Aspens P.U.D.'s. Wishing to be'heard
as Randy Schacht of 305 Highland Court. Mr. Schacht was wondering
if the turn -around that is adjacent to this lot would be a city street
and if so, could he use this as an access. Mr. Roger Plumb, Public
Services Dir. stated that if this was a public street then he could
use this also. Alderman Hunziker questioned the cost to Mr. Schacht
and Mr. Plumb stated that the street is proposed to be paid for by
he developers of Aspens and Wimbledon. (If this plan is approved by
he Council ). Mr. Schacht also wondered about the width of the
street. He was told it would be a standard city street of 36' wide.
Wishing to be heard was Hal Henderson of 1134 7th St. S. W. He
represents the Aspens Dev. He is concerned about access to the
Aspens property. He was told several years ago that he would need two
accesses. -Now with this street being proposed he is not sure of the
costs and if only a stub of the street is built to serve Wimbledon, th
spens area would not have access nor would they be able to afford it
hen they would need it when they developed Aspens.
Regular Meeting No. 31 - May 2, 1988
B-5 14r. Henderson stated that of the three alternative streets being
proposed he preferred alternate No. 5. He stated that the Dev. of
imbledon would prefer No. 7. Two weeks ago he had conversed with
he Wimbledon Dev. and they agreed to share the street construction
ith Aspens, but he understands that as of this date Wimbledon wants
o build the street only to their dev. and thus not pay for any
further street. President Postier reminded Mr. Henderson that the
County staff had been dealing with them on the accesses of Aspens
and the regulations that was handed Mr. Henderson came down from
he county, not the City. Mr. Henderson agreed that it was the county
regulations up to this point.
fishing to be heard was Dennis Peterson, Dev. of Wimbledon PUD.
e stated that indeed he did talk with Mr. Henderson about the propose,
street, but at this time he would be forced to go ahead with the stree
eing built as a private street - but up to city standards - because
f the time limit. It would take the better part of a year before
11 the land could be acquired to build the proposed street and he
cannot wait that long. He urged the Council to approve just a part
f the street to serve his PUD.
lderman Solinger questioned Mr.. Peterson that if he made an agreement
two weeks ago, " Is it good yet". Mr. Peterson stated that two weeks
go he did not know the costs or the various alternative costs. He
tated that he could not afford this kind of money to build an entire
street at this time.
lderman Canfield was concerned about the cut off the hill that would
ave to be made in order to construct the street. He did not like the
sound of a cut off hill.with no grass, etc.
red Suhler, Jr., City Attorney stated that if this is turned down in
some form, Mr. Peterson can come in with an owner contract and he coul
o ahead with this at that time.
ennis Peterson stated that he would appreciate the Council allowing
im to go ahead at this time and if Mr. Henderson wanted to develop.
�spens at a later date, he would consider Alternate No. 5 and he
ould consider this.
lderman Canfield stated that a private road is not the entire answer,
hey can't use 23rd Ave. and the City and the projects need 25th Ave.
nyway. He feels that this should be looked into while we could get
oney from the developers to help build this street.
lderman McConnell agreed with Alderman Canfield and thinks we shoul.d
ursue 25th Ave. construction and use the help we can get from the
r. Peterson reminded the Council that it would be 1989 before any of
his could get going and he needs this now.
lderman Canfield stated that if the City build 25th Avenue S. W. at
later date could the assessments be levied against the development
t that time to help pay for it. Mr. Suhler stated that he doubted
t because it would have to be a benefit to the property and if he
as this road already built the City would have to prove otherwise.
Regular Meeting No. 31 - May 2, 1988
B-5 Mr. Peterson stated that in the future he would cooperate with the
City as much as feasible.in order to get this other street put in,
however, he would not be in a position to state that he would be able
to pay for the assessments because it would depend on how much value tl
street would be to his PUD.
Mr. Suhler asked Mr. Peterson " Would you be willing tp pay for the
assessments as proposed by the Public Services Dept. when this road
is built?, Mr. Peterson stated that he would be able to provide the
ROW to Aspens and within reason would.cooperate if somewhere down the
line they would need a second access.
lderman Strain wanted to know if they were going to plant something
n the hillside that would be torn up. Mr. Peterson stated that he
eally never looked at it, but he could take a look at that. Alderman
anfield stated that this is really kind of raw looking without green
hings growing on it.
r. Henderson stated that if this road was allowed to be put in for
imbledon his Aspens project could not handle the other alternatives
fishing to be heard was Charles Gagnon of 24th Street S. W. and is
oncerned about the use of 4th Street as an access to be used by
spens should it ever be built. He stated that he knows that Mr.
enderson doesn't want to use this now, but he feels that it will
e used in the future for hauling construction material, etc. as well
s cars. This street is not wide enough and he is opposed to using
th street as an alternate ever.
Wishing to be heard.was Tony Paddock of 2412 4th Street S. W. and
is opposed to this traffic or use at all being put on 4th Street.
aving no one else present that wished to be heard, President Postier
losed the hearing.
,fter Council discussion, President Postier stated that Mr. Peterson
ould go ahead with the stub street with or without Council approval
nd he could come in with an owner -contract. Alderman Strain stated
,hat Mr. Peterson did state that he would cooperate with Mr. Henderson
he wanted the road extended.
')train moved McConnell second to proceed with Alternate No. 7
Privately financed street ) only to his PUD and authorize the study
.)f Alternate No. 5 in actual benefits and services to this Wimbledon
'UD in the future as well' as the area that it may benefit. The
)eveloper will pay for the street as it is needed for the PUD and be
i public dedicated street. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Regular Meeting No. 31 - May 2, 1988
Solinger moved, Bluhm second to approve the Rochester Centerplace
Changes with the exception of the Marquee signage is not approved.
The following changes were approved:
1200 seat 6 screen theater ; Skylite out replaced with stained glass;
Food Court to third floor; Exit stairs increase number and size;
Building height increased; Facades changed Elevator and escalator
floor to floor; Roof equipment; Concourse - no tie-in to Breckenridge
and no retail below ; Caissons; Special lighting for atrium.
Penthouse met walls changed from green to antique bronze (grey);
Vibration roof curbs to standard curbs; Fiberglass duct as approved
by inspections; Water conditioning equipment leased; Lightening prote
ion deleted; Perimeter radiant heating on three floors changed air
supply and baseboard where required.; Plumbing fixture manufacturer -
changed to Eljer; Change hot water for janitor sinks to electric
booster heaters; Steam boilers to hot water boilers and conventional
expansion tanks and modified temperature; Relief air changed to sheet
rock shafts; Change to internal vibration isolation in air handlers;
R•tary screw shillers in lieu of specified reciprocating; Accept
Kawneer seamless windows; Possible link to Plummer at level 1 -
Extension of Skyway node to basement.
Mechanical system changed from rooftop boilers to air to air heat
pumps at each guest room; Remove mechanical penthouse and add window
wall louvers; Change window mullions and delete operators; Increase
lower roof equipment ; Parking guests route changed via garage lobby
configuration; Lighting changes in corridors; Stone coursing reduced
1 112" in height; Roof dog houses; Electrical generator against Broad-
way Hall; Extension of drop lane; Street level window mullions; 10 an
llth floor suites and lounge.
Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Strain moved, Bluhm second to approve the PUD No. 87-8 Preliminary
Plan Phase for the Projec known as Auburn Place II subject to the
following 10 conditions. Alderman McConnell was concerned about the
water problem. He was assured that this was addressed in No. 10.
1. The drainage plan being reviewed by the developer with the City
Eng. to determine its adequacy.
2. Additional fencing and landscape screening be provided along the
east line of the property.
3. A construction schedule should be provided with the final plan.
4. The entry signs should be designed to include an identifying
name and the address range for each townhouse unit cluster. Address
numbers should be clearly placed on each unit in a lighted area. The
addressing system provided should be OK'd by Public Services.
5. Written approval from the County Eng. should be provided if the
two parking spaces shown on the north side of the site in the
Valleyhigh Drive ROW if they are to remain.
6. The utility plan should be updated to reflect fire hydrant locati
that are acceptable to the Water Dept.
7. The storm sewer alignment should be set in the Valleyhigh Bouleva
and the project constructed before any walks are built. The develope
_Regular MPPting No. 31 - Mayes. 1988
should work with the City Eng. to get the alignment set and have the
public improvement project for the storm sewer extension timed to go
in with this development.
. All necessary permits for approaches and sidewalks must be acquire(
9. Complete plans of the storm shelter must be provided with the fina'
plan. The shelter should have earth berming at least 5 feet high
long the wall sections of the structure itself. The size should be
t least 190 square feet and the plans approved by the Rochester
Building and Safety Dept. for such a space.
10. A final plat creating the townhouse lots and dedicating the
ecessary easements will be required when the final plan is approved.
Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
It was noted that the 1989 Storm sewer project should relieve some of
he water problem that is experienced now.
Strain moved, Canfield second to remove the request received from
Steve Barlow to transfer the Off -Sale Liquor license from his name to
hiocubco a Div. of Super Value. Location of this license is at
he Cub Food Store complex and is known as Bear Creek Liquor Store.
his is removed from the table. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Olinger moved, Bluhm second to approve the transfer. Aldermen
luhm, Solinger and Strain voted aye. Ayes (3), Aldermen Hunziker
cConnell, and President Postier voted nay. Nays (3). Alderman Canfiell
abstained. Because of the abstaining vote, this motion did not carry
and thus the transfer did not happen.
This remained on the table.
An Ordinance Relcating to Annexation; annexing approx. 77.8 acres of
and in the North half of the SE 1/4 of Sec. 22, Rochester Township
as given its first reading.
An Ordinance approving a Taxicab Franchise and Ordinance amendments
or Top Hat Partners was given its second reading. Strain moved,
luhm second to adopt the Ordinance as read. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motioi
n Ordinance annexing 11.38 acres of land in Rochester Township was
given its second reading. Solinger moved, Canfield second to adopt
he Ordinance as read. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
n Ordinance relating to truck routes amending the Rochester Code
f ordinances Sec. 135..07 was given its second reading. Bluhm moved,
1cConnell second to adopt the Ordinance as read. Ayes (7), Nays (0).
Motion carried.
An Ordinance annexing of 53 acres in Rochester Township was given
itssecond reading. Strain moved, Canfield second to adopt the Ordinan
s read. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motioncarried.
An Ordinance Relating to the Auctions and Auctioneers; and requiring
that persons licensed shall be of good moral character; amend. the
CO Sec. 100.04 was given its second reading. Strain moved, Bluhm seco
o adopt the Ord. as read. Aves (7). Nays (0).Motion carried.
Regular Meeting No. 31 - May 2, 1988
F-1 Bluhm moved, McConnell second to adopt Resolution No. 286-88 approvini
an owner contract for Basic Construction in Northern Heights East
Fourth Sub. contingent on the annexation of the property. Ayes (7),
Nays (0).Motion carried.
F-1 Strain moved, Bluhm second to adopt Resolution No. 287-88 approving
an owners contract for Public Improvements in Apple.RidgeII, Phase
II. Ayes (7), Nays (0)..Motion carried.
F-1 Solinger moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 288-88 approvinc
an Owner contract for Basic Construction in Parkwood Hills Fourth.
Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
F-1 S rain moved, Canfield second to.adopt Resolution No. 289-88 approving
an owner contract for Public Improvements in Baihly Woodland 7th
Sub. Ayes (7). Nays (!0). Motion carried.
F-1 Bluhm moved, Solinger second to adopt Resolution No. 290-88 approving
an owners contract for Basic.Construction to serve a part of North
Park Sec. Sub. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
F-1 S rain moved, Canfield second to adopt Resolution No. 291-88 approving
an Owner Contract for Public Improvements in Apple.Ri.dgeII, Phases II
and IV. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Having no further business, Bluhm moved, Canfield second to adjourn t1je
meeting until 4:00 P.M. on May 9, 1988. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion
City Clerk
Information -
Notice of Claim from ATA % cations - and Andre L. Kubista - Referred
to City Attorney, Finance and Park Dept.