Adjourned Meet1ng o F �CH dyTF1R5,, %� ESOTA
President Selby called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M., the follow-
ing members being present: President Selby, Aldermen Canfield,
Hunziker, McConnell and Strain. Absent: Aldermen Bluhm and Solinger.
Canfield moved, Strain second to approve the minutes of the May 1,
1989 meeting. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
B-1 A Hearing on the Final Plat 89-12 known as Bamber Corner. Having
no one present that wished to be heard, President Selby closed the
hearing. Canfield moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No.
284A=89 approving the plat subject to the assessments - Apache Water
Tower and Trunkmain and Sanitary Sewer and Watermain to serve Bamber
Valley School and others planned for 1989 construction. Ayes (5),
Nays (0).Motion carried.
B-2 A Hearing on the Final. -Plat for Willow Hills Third Subdivision.
Wishing to be heard was Bill Tointon from McGhie and Betts rep. the
Developer and approved of the conditions placed on this plat.
Alderman Canfield stated that he thinks that if a private road
goes to 18th Avenue, this would help alleviate the traffic in the
area. He was told that this was planned,in7Phase II of the
development. Having no one else present that wished to be heard,
President Selby closed the hearing. McConnell moved, Strain second
to adopt Resolution No.285A-89 approving the plat with the following
1. 36th St. S. W. was mislabelled on the final plat as 38th St. S.W.
this should be corrected. It should read 36th St. S. W.
2. All necessary easements for utility extensions outside the boundal
of the plat are to be provided to the City before any construction
3. A 40' surface should be placed on 36th St. S. W. rather than the
originally indicated 36' surface.
4. The final plat should be revised to incoroprate the entire
extension of 36th St. S. W'to.18th Avenue S. W.
Since this extension would benefit the entire Willow Hills Dev. as we'
as provide access to the proposed city park, the Council may wish to
consider constructing this road as an assessment project.
Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
B-3 A Hearing on the Final Plat of Salem Point Sub. Wishing to comment
on this plat was Roger Plumb., Public Services Dir. He stated that
a problem had arisen with the dedication of easements. Mr. Penz
made the City pay him for property and now he will be asking for
a vacation of those easements which the City paid for In order to
get this settled, the Council wanted more time before approving this
plat. Canfield moved, McConnell second to table this until the
easements should be settled. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
B-4 A Hearing on the Application for a Planned Unit Development Amended
Final Plat for PUD-B-60 for Barclay Square. Having no one present
that wished to be heard, President Selby closed the hearing.
Strain moved, Canfield second to adopt Resolution No. 286A-89 approvin,
the Amended Plan with the following conditions:
Adjourned Meeting No. 32 - May 15, 1989
1. No part of a wall sign should be closer to an outside building
corner than five feet and to an inside building corner than 3 feet.
2. There should be a minimum separation requirement between wall
business signs of five feet. There should be a greater separation
of wall signs from the Barclay Square Shopping Center on the east
side of the building.
3. Pictographic symbols should be limited in size to no more than
six feet in height. The same as the spearate letters with asenders
or descenders in the business name.
4. The new pylon sign should be located no closer than 20 feet to
either the north or east property lines.
5. The existing PUD signage-standards for the mall signage (Barclay
Square signs ) should remain in effect.
Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
A Hearing on the Final .Plat of Cimarron loth Subdivision. Wishing
to be heard was Bob DeWitz of 602 llth Avenue N. W. He was present
for any questions and went over the conditions as placed on"this
plat. Roger Plumb, Public Services Dir. stated that he was concerned
about the plan to put the storm sewer over the sanitary sewer.
He stated that dramatic erosion can occur. He stated that all. new
subdivisions should consider this so that the City would not have to
come back and clean up a mess that is caused by erosion.. He suggeste
a rip rap of some sort that would be approved by his department.
Mr. DeWitz stated that he would be in favor of a concrete swale.
Council advised Mr. DeWitz to work this out with the Public Services
Dept. Having no one else present that wished to be heard, President
Selby closed the hearing. Strain moved, Canfield second to adopt
Resolution No. 287A-89 approving the plat and amending the conditions
to read as follows: 1. The City agrees to sign the plat and agrees to
the assessment project to build the streets.
2. All necessary easements for utility extension outside the boundary
of the plat are provided to the City before any construction occurs.
3. (amended ) to read that the City of Rochester would put in the
improvements and that an agreement would be made with Mr. DeWitz
that he will pay his share of the improvements at the time of bid
4. The final construction plans show that the 48 inch storm sewer
from this development which runs onto the .City land north of 50th
is extended another 60 feet further to the north, so the surface
discharge point is north of. the trunk sewer line as recommended by
Public Services. Ayes (4), Nays (1) Alderman McConnell voted nay.
Motion carried. Strain moved, Canfield second to approve the origina
plat as recommended. with conditions one thru 4. Ayes (5), Nays (0).
Motion carried.
Adjourned Meeting No. 32 - May.15, 1989.
B-6 A Hearing on the Final Plat of Bell Oaks Subdivision formerly
called Thompson Ridge. Wishing to be heard was Ron Bailey of
Yaggy Colby Assoc. and represented the developer. He went over the
conditions and had no problem with them other then a smallstrip of
land along lot 8 of Baihly Woodland 8th. This thin strip of land
which precludes access to the adjacent lot to the east in Baihly
Woodland 7th is not a good design. It creates a 500 foot long strip o
land which is not in the boulevard since it is private property.
The owner of adjacent lot 8 has no legal requirement to maintain
this strip since it is not boulevard area for that lot.
Wishing to be heard was Dan Berndt of Marquette Bank Building, Attorn
of the purchaser of Lot 8 stated that this was not known as a spite
strip and he is concerned about this problem.
Mr. Steve Holtegard of Rochester stated that this strip of land is
not a strip that could be used for much of anything. The house -
to be built on lot 8 cannot fit into this area in the original
what it was planned.
Wishing to be heard was Tom Hexum and is concerned aboutithe drainage
in the area.
Since the Council wished more information on the above concerns,
and having no one else present that wished to be heard,'President
Selby closed the hearing. Hunziker moved, Strain second to table
this for the above concerns to be settled. Ayes (5), Nays (0).
Motion carried.
B-7 A Hearing on the Final Plat of Foxcroft Fifth. Having no one present
that wished to be heard, President Selby closed the hearing.
Hunziker moved, Canfield second to adopt Resolution No. 288A=89
approving the plat subject to the following three conditions:
1. Submission of a most up=to-date general dev. plan available
showing the future street layout of all new streets.
2. The agreement by the dev. to pay all outstanding assessments on
this land being platted according to City policy.
3. If a road platted at a later date to the north of lot 6, Blk 2
then private convenants should be provided to be recorded with the
final plat. The covenants should require that all buildings to be
erected on Lot 6, Blk 2 must maintain setbacks from the north line
as if this were a sidestreet sideyard, and any future ROW north of
Lot 6 Blk 2 should be graded to the east line of the lot so the
proper grade on the lot can'be set.
Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
B-8 A Hearing on the Conditional Use Permit request by the City to permit
a Free -Standing Parking Lot in B-3 District. Having no one present
that wished to be heard, President Selby closed the hearing.
McConnell moved, Strain second to approve the permit with the
following conditions:.
1. All parking spaces must be at least 162 square feet in size.
2. The parking lot must be maintained in a dust -free condition
at all times.
3. Concrete curb stops or a chain on fence posts should be
provided alg. the E and W edges of.the parking area to delineate the
parking spaces and to prevent parking over the sidewalk and ROW.
Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Adjourned Meeting No. 32 - May 15, 1989
Hunziker moved, McConnell second to approve the appointment of Kenne
Moyer to fill the position of Motor Operator in the Fire Dept.
effective June 1, 1989. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Canfield moved, Strain second to approve the appointment of Timothy
M. Bangert to fill the position of Firefighter in the Fire Dept.
effective June 5, 1989. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Strain moved, Hunziker second to approve the appointment to the
Riverfront Committee as follows:
Philip Thorpe of 20 Second Avenue S. W.
Michael Wong - 2925-5th Avenue N. W.
Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Canfield moved, Hunziker second to approve the request to split
the assessments on Sanitary Sewer Trunkline in River Court III
- plat 5175 parcel 02802 to be divided equally among 22 lots being
platted in River Ct. III containing 5.78 acres.
Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Alvin Bell of 103 llth St. S. E. Rochester, Mn. wished to be heard.
Mr. Bell had concerns about the privacy of his vote while voting
in the City voting booths. He had attached a state law which provid
for doors or -curtains. Carole A. Grimm,.City Clerk advised Mr. Bell
that the law he had was for paper ballot -elections only and that
another state law governed the "electronic system" which the City
is currently on. She stated .that the booths are state approved and
they will be placed further apart but that the election will be
conducted as in the past..
Wishing to be heard was Mary Louise Bel,lof 103 llth St. S. E. and
she stated that she did not feel that her ballot was voted in
complete privacy.
Discussion was held on the proposed Ordinance to allow for the
establishment of Outdoor dining. Alderman Strain stated that he
would like to specify a standard min..width of 5'. sidewalk clearance.
Alderman Strain would like to see this in the Ordinance. Alderman
Hunziker was concerned about the problems the City may have with the
street bars serving food on the street. Having no further discussion
Alderman Hunziker moved, McConnell second to instruct the City
Attorney to prepare an ordinance for adoption. Ayes (4), Nays (1).
Alderman Strain voted nay. Motion carried.
Strain moved, McConnell second to instruct the City Attorney to
prepare an ordinance to prohibit parking in aisles and other non -
designated areas of City parking lots. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion
McConnell moved, Canfield second to adopt Resolution No. 290A-89
awarding the low bid of Schad - Tracy of Oronoco in the amount of
$67,960. for furnishing skyway signages. Ayes (5), Nays (0).M6ti6n
- Strain moved, Canfield second to approve the payment of the following:
TSP/ADG Eng. for the balance on Plans and Specs on Airport Steam
Heating line replacement project in the amount of $978.15 at the
Rochester Municipal Airport J 6939. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried
E-5 Canfield moved, Hunziker second to adopt Resolution No. 291A=89
authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the con -tract
for Eng. Services with McGhie and Betts for plans and specs in a
lump sum of $3,500.00 for J 6930. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-6 Canfield moved, McConnell second to execute the agreement with Mn/DOT
and FAA to install radio control for Runway lighting. Ayes (5),
Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-7 Strain moved, Hunziker second to adopt Resolution No. 292A-89 approv.ing
the Rochester Airport Commission recommendations:
1. Extend under the same terms and conditions leases with:
A. The 934 Tactical Airlift Group Air Force Reserve from
May 1, 1989 until Oct. 31, 1992 at($6,045 per year )
2. American Airlines until Dec. 31, 1989.
1. Jet Loader fee changes from $30.00 to $40. per departure
3. Republic Taylor Parking Co. for parking lot concession -
3 1/2 years beyond present lease to June 20, 1999.
. Air Midwest (DBA Trans -World Express ) until Dec. 31, 1989.
he Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute all
greements on behalf of the City. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-8 McConnell moved, Hunziker second to adopt the following resolutions
s adopted by the Rochester Public Utility Board:
esolution No.293A-89 approving a contract agreement with Lake Area
tility for installation of 37th St. N. W. underground Duct project in
he amount of- $144,688.18.
esolution No.294A-89 approving a purchase order agreement with
irek Hydraulic Service Inc. for a used digger/derrick truck No. 99
n the amount of $35,000.00.
esolution No.295A-89 requesting the City to continue the monthly
aintenance agreement for the System 38 equipment with IBM thru June,
990 in the amount of $25,000.00.
(5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-9 Hunziker moved, Strain second to approve the following licenses &
aster -Installer license from Bruce W. Tointon Eyota, Mn.
Auctioneer License from Sharon Herman of 615 4th St. S. E.
Heat. Vent. and Air Cond. Contractors from Timothy Haubrich of
2700 North Fairview Roseville, Mn.
Cement Sidewalks, Curb and Gutters and Driveways from
Roger D. Peterson of 6803 loth St. S. E: Roch. Minn.
Adjourned Meeting No. 32 - May 15, 1989
Annual Gambling- License for the American Legion.Post 92 - 315 lst Av
N. W. Rochester, Mn.
License to Erect and Maintain Signs from Lee Palmateer of- Universal
Sign Co. of St. Paul, Mn.
Theatre License from Excellence Theatres of Chicago Illinois for the
Galleria at Ill So. Broadway.
Annual Gambling License received from VFW Post 429 for 322 lst
Ave. S. W.
Request for a House moveing permit from Edward:Kurtz of 2505 25th
Avenue S. E. to move a house from 308 Third Avenue N. W. to
Marion Township.
The Item requested for by the American Cancer Society to hold a
raffle off the 4th St. Bridge was not acted on because the Council
wanted more information.
Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
The request to transfer the On -Sale (Exclusive) Intoxicating Liquor
license of Belle Lynn Inc. DBA Hollywood.Bar and.adding- a Sunday
Liquor license to Mr. Joe G. Thomas DBA Hollywood Cocktail
Lounge.was tabled by the Council upon a motion by Hunziker and
second by McConnell. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
It will be brought back to the Council on May 22, 1989 at 4:00
McConnell moved, Hunziker second to approve the transfer of the Club
On -Sale Liquor license for Robb- Wehrs VFW Post 429 from 204 Fourth
Street S. E. to 322 First Ave. S. W. effective June 1, 1989.
Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Strain moved, Hunziker second to.approve the following:
Request from the National Federation of the Blind of Mn. for a Move -
A -thou Fund Raiser for•the blind on Sept. 9, 1989 at Soldiers Field.
Request received from Gaylon Carmack of 205 10 1/4 St. S. E. for a
fund drive for the Diabetes Institute Bldg. on June 16 and 17.
Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
McConnell moved, Hunziker second to adopt Resolution No. 296A=89
setting a hearing to be held on June 5, 1989 on the property owners
who have outstanding snow removal assessments with the City.
Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Hunziker moved, McConnell second to approve the Accounts Payable
in the amount of $896,602.50 - list on file with the City Clerk.
Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Adjourned Meeting No. 32 - May 15, 1989.
E-15 Hunziker moved, Canfield second to adopt Resolution No. 297-89
approving the consolidation of the Rochester Police Relief Assoc.
and PERA Police and Fire under laws 1987, Chapter 296. Ayes (5),
Nays (0).Moti-on carried.
E-16 Strain moved, Hunziker second to approve the out of classification
pay of $250.00 per month for Captain Gerry Loftus of the Fire
Dept. effective 1-1-89. This was because he was performing duties
not in his normal classification. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-17 Strain moved, Hunziker second to adopt Resolution No. 298-89
approving the Employement Procedures revision and approval of Child
Care Leave, Safety recognition program and polices and code of
standards policy. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-18 Canfield moved, McConnell second to,table the request for Metes and
Bounds Conveyance by Jack Prow for further information. Ayes (5),
Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-19 Hunziker moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 299-89 approvin
the metes and bounds conveyance by Denni s Weestrand and A.M.P.I.
Ayes (5) Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-20 Hunziker moved, McConnell second to table the request for a vacation
of a utility easement along Salem Road S. W. adjacent to the Salem
Point PUD. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
McConnell moved, Canfield second to adopt Resolution_ No. 300-89
setting a hearing for June 19, 1989 on the vacation of a 66' roadway
easement which follows the alignment of 23rd St. S. W. west of 5th
Avenue S. W. as being platted in Meadow Hills 6th Sub. Ayes (5),
Nays (0).Motion carried.
Strain moved, McConnell second to adopt Resolution No. 301-89
approving the feasibility report and ordering a hearing to be held
on June 19, 1989 on Project No. 6301-1-88 J 9027 - Reconstruction
of 1st Avenue N. E. from 5th St. N. E to 6th St. N. E.
Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Strain moved, McConnell second to adopt Resolution No. 302-89 and
303-89 ordering a feasibility report and a public hearing to be held
on June 19, 1989 on Project No. 6001-89 J 9066 St. Resurfacing,
Concrete Curb and Gutter, Storm Sewer, Catch Basins on Wilshire Dr.
N. E. from 14th Avenue N. E.to Wilshire Ct. plus Concrete sidewalk
and Driveway approaches on the East Side of Wilshire Dr. N. E.
Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
McConnell moved, Canfield second to adopt Resolution No. 304-89
authorizing the proper City Officials to sign the Maintenance
Agreement with Mn/Dot for Trunk Hwy 63 between 6th St. S. W. and
13th St. N. W. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Hunziker moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 305-89
authori,zi.ng the execution of a lease agreement for property at
Adjourned Meeting -No. 32 - May 15, 1989
910 6th Street S. E. with Ms. Nancy Fitzgerald. The terms of the
lease are $400.00 plus utilities. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
McConnell moved, Hunziker second to adopt Resolution No. 306-89 and
307-89 ordering a hearing to be held on June 19, 1989 on'
Wheelchair Ramps for City Bike Routes - J 4946 and Bikepath
Improvements_access ( wheelchair) ramps. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion
Strain moved, Canfield second to adopt Resolution No. 308-89 and
309-89 ordering a hearing to be held on June 19, 1989 on Sidewalk
Replacement Project No. 1-1989 J 9095. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion
McConnell moved, Hunziker second to adopt Resolution No. 310-89 and
311-89 ordering a hearing on June 19, 1989 for Sidewalk Replacement
Project No. 2-1989 J 9096. Ayes.(5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
McConnell moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 312-89 and
313-89 ordering a public hearing on New-Sidewalk.Project No. 3-1989
J 9097. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
McConnell moved, Canfield second to adopt Resolution No..313A-89
authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids on a Traffic
Signal at 37th St. and East River Road J 6353. Bids to be opened
at 11:00 A.M. on June 1, 1989. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Canfield moved, Hunziker second to adopt Resolution No. 314-89
setting a public hearing on June 19, 1989 adding several streets
to the Permit parking zone No. 1 - J.M. Area. Ayes (5), Nays (0).
Motion carried.
McConnell moved, Hunziker second to adopt Resolution No. 315-89
adding 229.5 to Sec. B No Parking Zones as follows:
23rd St. S. W. on the South side for 900 feet adjacent to Lots 3
thru 13 of Blk 1 of Meadow Hills 6th Sub. Ayes (5), Nays (0).
Motion carried.
Canfield moved, McConnell second to adopt Resolution No. 316-89
awarding the purchase of two buses under Bid J 2091 Federal Project
MN 90-X027 to Bus Industries of America at a cost of $135,375. per
unit.. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Hunziker moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 317-89 and
318-89 declaring the.costs to be assessed and ordering a hearing
to be held on June 19, 1989 on Project No. 6300-S-87 J 8989
Trunkline San. Sewer alga E. side TH 63 S. from inplace Willow
Creek TL to 600 Ft. S. of N.. 'Line Sec. 26 plus Trunk Watermain
on E. side TH 63 from Carlton St. to 600' So. Ayes (5), Nays (0).
Motion carried.
Hunziker moved, McConnell second to set a hearing to be held on
June 5, 1989 on the Reassessment of previously cancelled assessments
on State confiscated properties. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Resol.uti.on No. 319-89.was adopted.
Adjourned Meeting No. 32 - May 15, 1989
E-36 Strain moved, McConnell second to adopt Resolution No. 320-89 and
321-89 declaring the costs to be assessed and ordering a hearing
to be held on June 19, 1989 on Project 6316-4-87 J 8973 - Re-
construction of 16th Avenue N. W. from 14th St. to llth Ave. N. W.
plus Construction of Curb and Gutter from 16th.St. to llth Ave. N. W.
Ayes -(5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-37 McConnell moved, Canfield second to adopt Resolution. No. 322-89 and .
323-89 declaring the costs to be assessed and ordering a public
hearing to be -held on June 19, 1989 on Project No. 6110-87 J
8953 St. Resurfacing, Curb and Gutter on Elton Hills Dr. N. W. from
16th Avenue N. W. to 5th Avenue N. W. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion
E-38 McConnell moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 324-89
awarding the low bid of $119,795.50 to Elcor Construction Co.
for Project No. 8306-88 J 9073 San. Sewer and Watermain to Baihly
Woodlands 8th Sub. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-39 McConnell moved, Canfield. second to adopt Resolution No. 325-89
requesting revocation of -the listed Municipal State Aid Streets
and designation of the listed streets on Res. 325 subject to the
approval of the Commissioner of Transportation - MN Dept. of
Transportation. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-40 Strain moved, Hunziker second to adopt Resolution No. 326-89
approving an amendment to the City's contract with Mn/DOT for 1989
Special Transportation Services to provide capital assistance in
the amount of $56,996._The City agrees to provide up to 20%
matching funds. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-41 Hunziker moved, Canfield second to adopt Resolution No. 327-89
providing signage on the following street:
North side of 12th St. N. W.
West side of 12th Avenue N. W. - No Parking- 6: A.M. to 7:45 A.M.
Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motioncarried.
F-1 An Ordinance Relating to Outdoor Dining Permitsauthorizing- the
issuance of'the same; providing for restrictions.; establishing
fees; amending the RCO by adding chapter 73B was given its first
reading. Canfield moved, McConnell second to suspend the rules and
give this a second reading. Upon roll call vote, Aldermen Canfield,
Hunziker, McConnell, Strain and President Selby voted aye. Ayes (5),
Nays (0).Motion carried. Canfield moved, McConnell second to adopt
the Ordinance as read. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
F-1 An Ordinance prohibiting parking in aisles and other non -designated
areas of City parking lots was given its first reading.
F-1 An Ordinance Relating to annexation of approximately 180 acres of la
situated ,in portions of the SW 1/4 of Sec. 15, and the NE and SE 1/4
of Sec. 16, Rochester Township was given its first reading.
Strain moved, Hunziker second to suspend the rules and give this
Ordinance a second reading. Upon Roll call vote, Aldermen Canfield
Adjourend Meeting No. 32 - May 15, 1989
Hunziker, McConnell, Strain and President Selby voted aye. Ayes
(5), Nays (0).Motion carried. The Ordinance was given its second
reading. Strain moved, McConnell second to adopt the Ordinance
as read. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Strain moved, McConnell second to adopt Resolution No. 328-89
approving an owner contract for Watermain Relocation on Lot 2, Blk
1 Cordul Commercial Park to serve Wallins West; John Wallins; Road
Constructors. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
McConnell moved, Canfield second to adopt Resolution No. 329-89
approving an owner contract for San. Sewer Ext. to serve Wallins West
located on Lot 2, Blk 1 Cordul Comm. Park Curdul Est. Inc. and Road
Constructors. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Strain moved, Canfield second to adopt Resolution No. 330-89
approving an owner contract for Basic Construction in Bamber Corner
Sub. ; Arnold Bomgaars and Elcor Const. Co. Ayes (5), Nays (0).
Motion carried.
Canfield moved, McConnell second to adopt Resolution No. 331-89
approving an owner contract for Basic Construction in Bandel Hills
3rd Sub. ; Schmidt Daley Partnership and Road Constructors, Inc.
Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Strain moved, Canfield second to adopt Resolution No. 332-89 approvini,
an owner contract for Basic Construction in Willow Hills 3rd Sub.
to serve Lots 12 thru 15; Blk 1 Lots 13 thru 25 , Blk 2, Lots 1 thru
11, Blk 2 and Lots 1 thru 8 Blk 4 in Willow Hills Third Sub. Elcor
Enterprises, Inc Lowell Penz and Elcor Construction Co.
Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Canfield moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 333-89
approving an owner contract for Watermain Ext. to serve S & S
Moving and Storage Inc. Tom Senst and Road Constructors, Inc.
Ayes(5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Hunziker moved, McConnell second to remove the Permit Parking and
year end evaluation from the table. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion
carried. Canfield moved, McConnell second to adopt Resolution No.
334-89 authorizing permit parking to be established on a permanent
basis. Ayes (5), Nays (0).Motion carried.
The Reconstruction of 14th Avenue S. W' from 430 Feet So. of 2nd
St. S: W. to 6th St. S. W. was left on the table.
Having no further business, Strain moved, Canfield second to
adjourn the meeting until 4:00 P.M. on May 18, 1989. Ayes (5),
Nays (0).Motion carried.
City Clerk