Adjourned Meeting No. 10 - September 18, 1989
A-1 President Selby called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M., the
following members being present: President Selby, Aldermen Bluhm,
Canfield, Hunziker, McConnell and Strain. Absent: Alderman Solinger.
McConnell moved, Bluhm second to approve the minutes of the
September 6, 1989 meeting. Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
B-1 A Hearing on the Rochester Police Relief Association Consolidation
with PERA Police and Fire under Laws 1987, Chapter 296. Having no
one present that wished to be heard, President Selby closed the
hearing. Mr. Paul Utesch, Finance Director stated that Mr. Larry
Martin , Executive Dir. of State of Mn. Leglislative Commission
on Pensions and Retirement was present if the Council had any
questions about this.
Bluhm moved, Canfield second to approve this consolidation. Ayes (6)
Nays (0).Motion carried.
B-2 A Hearing on the Proposed assessment - 6505-71 J 8358 - San.Sewer
and Watermain Ext. to serve R.E.A. ( Peoples Coop Power) site.
Having no one present that wished to be heard, President Selby
closed the hearing. Strain moved, Bluhm second to adopt Resolution
No. 571-89 accepting the assessments. Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion
B-3 A Hearing on the Proposed assessment Project 6505-88 J 9053 -
Sanitary Sewer and Watermain in 36th Avenue S. E. from Center Section
5 to 400 Ft. North. Having no one present that wished to be heard,
President Selby closed the hearing. McConnell moved, Hunziker second
to adopt Resolution No. 572-89 accepting the assessments. Ayes (6),
Nays (0).Motion carried.
B-4 A Hearing on the Proposed assessment on New Sidewalk Project No. 4-
and 5 J 9043. Having no one present that wished to be heard,
President Selby closed the hearing. Canfield moved, Strain second
to adopt Resolution No. 573-89 accepting the assessments. Ayes (6),
Nays (0).Motion carried.
D-1 Strain moved, Hunziker second to adopt Resolution No. 574-89
referring the petition for Sanitary Sewer extension up the valley
across from Barclay Square to serve Baihly Heights Fifth and Sixth
Sub. to the Public Services Dept. for a feasibility report. Ayes (6),
Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-1 Bluhm moved, Canfield second to approve the purchase of the Baihly
Estate and Schmidt/Daley properties for future parkland as recommend-
ed by the Rochester Park Board. The cost is approx $78,000.00.
Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Adjourned Meeting No. 10 - September 18, 1989
E-2 Strain moved, McConnell second to adopt.Resolution No. 575-89
authorizing initiation of eminent domain proceedings to acquire
the property needed for Stage 1B3 from.Utili,corp ( Peoples Natural
Gas.) This is needed for Flood Control Project. Ayes (6), Nays (0).
Motion carried.
E-3 Strain moved, Bluhm second to approve the scheduling of a public
hearing ( not a formal hearing ) to be held October 16, 1989
on the potential City/County Government Center project with the
Riverbend.property owners. Alderman McConnell is not in favor of
this he says it is premature of the potential project and this is
a waste of time. Alderman Strain stated that it is good for the
people of the community to have knowledge as to what is going on
in the City with a potential of this site becoming a government
center. Alderman Hunziker stated that he too was in favor of the
hearing. This sits in the middle of his ward and he wants his
people informed. Alderman Canfield thinks we owe the people this
information and a hearing is a good idea. Alderman McConnell is
still not in favor of this because he thinks it is useless information
if the center is not built or chooses another place to build.
Alderman Bluhm stated that he is surprised that Alderman McConnell
took that kind of attitude about informing the people of what is
going on. Alderman Bluhm is in favor of the hearing. Alderman
McConnell stated that he is in favor of keeping people informed
when it came down to an issue, but this is not decided and is really
no issue at all. He wonders what will be given out at the hearing.
No one has anything concrete to give the people.
Having no further discussion vote was taken. Ayes (5),Nays (0).
Alderman McConnell abstained. Motion carried.
E-4 Bluhm moved, McConnell second to deny the request for a revocable
permit to allow a chain link fence to remain in City street Right -
of Way. This is requested by Gene and Kathy Mattson of 1020
24th Street N. W. This fence encroaches 12 1/2 feet into the ROW.
Wishing to speak was Gene Mattson of 1020 24th St. N. W. and present-
ed a petition signed by 17 neighbors in favor of this fence remaining
and 1 against. He stated that he asked the person that put up the
fence if this was O.K. and they said it was. Mr. Mattson
stated that he found approx 5 or 6 fences in the area that are in
ROW also. Alderman McConnell questioned Mr. Plumb where these other
fences are. Mr. Plumb stated that he did not know specifically, but
if this fence was allowed in ROW, then everyone else would put a
fence in ROW too.
Mr. Mattson questioned Mr. Plumb, "can this fence be in ROW, but
maybe 1/2 the distance. Mr. Plumb stated " No, a fence in ROW is
in ROW and still would be a precedent for everyone else.
Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-5 McConnell moved, Bluhm second to approve the following request
as approved by the Rochester Airport Commission:
Pay Estimate No. 2 to HIMEC, Inc. for $21,650.50.-The total
contract is $69,240.00. Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Adjourned Meeting No. 10 - September 18, 1989.
Bluhm moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 576-89 approving
the contract agreement with Oshkosh Truck, Inc. for the low bid
meeting specs for a 3,000 gallon Airport Fire -Fighting Vehicle.
This is in the amount of $349,569.00. The Mayor and the City Clerk
are authorized to sign all documents for this bid. The Commissioner
of Transportation, State of Mn. will act as agent in this matter
and is designated to receive any monies on behalf of the City and
to pay such monies to said City. This is pending approval of the
FAA. Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
McConnell moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 577-89
approving a lease for the Airport Gift Shop with Connie GIlk
DBA Sky Shop in the Terminal Building at the Rochester Municipal
Airport. This is a five year lease at $200.00 per month.
Approve the request to retain R.S.P. Eng. of Rochester to study
once through cooling water demand in response to a new Mn. State
Law for conservation of underground water supply. This is in the
amount of $900.00. Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Strain moved, Hunziker second to adopt Resolution No. 578-89 authori
ing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the two grant offers
FAA AIP 3-27-0084-03 - for the Service Building
Addition and Airfield Lighting Impts in the amount of $740,286.00.
Est. total cost is $822,540.00 with 90% Fed. and 10% Local.
The other grant offer is FAA AIP 3-27-0084-04 Grant Offer for the
purchase of a 3,OOO.gallon Airport Fire Fighting, Vehicle in the
amount of $314,612. Total cost is $249,569. This is with 90%
being federal funds and 10% local funds.
Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Hunziker moved, Bluhm second to adopt the following Resolution as
approved by the Rochester Public Utility Board:
Resolution No. 579-89 approving a laboratory services agreement with
Twin City Testing for the Olmsted Co. Groundwater and Wellhead Protec
ion Project in the amount of $37,000.00.
Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
McConnell moved, Hunziker second to approve the following request
for Licenses and bonds:
Reuqest for a license to erect and maintain signs from Mohr Adv.
Service at 422 4th St. N. W. Brainerd, Mn.
Request received for an auction to be held on October 14, 1989 at
Lourdes High School.
Request received from St. Francis Church for a Temporary Dance Permi
and an On -Sale 3.2 beer license for October 28, 1989 for the parish
social event.
Adjourned Meeting No. 10 - September 18, 1989
E-10 Request has been received from Church of St. John of Rochester. Mn.
for a temporary gambling permit to hold a raffle on Oct. 29,
Request for a Temporary Gambling permit received from the Rochester
Chapter of American Assoc. of Critical Care Nurses for a raffle at
the Rochester Golf and Country Club on November 3, 1989.
Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried. The 60 days waiting period was
waived for the request of St. John's Church.
E-11 Canfield moved, Bluhm second to approve the following miscellaneous
Request from Sarah Brinkman of John Marshall Student Council for the
annual parade.( Homecoming ) on October 6, 1989. The route has been
approved by the Police Dept.
Request received from Rochester Track Club for a Stride and Fitness
Race on Sept. 23, 1989.
Request received from the Knights of Columbus to hold an Marathon
for Non-public employees on October 7, 1989. The route has been
approved by the Police Dpet.
Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-12 Canfield moved, McConnell second to approve the Accounts Payable
in the amount of $1,560,597.67. List on file with the City Clerk.
Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-13 Strain moved, Hunziker second to adopt Resolution No. 580-89 authoriz-
ing the City Clerk to advertise for bids on one year's supply of
liquid aluminum sulphate for the Water Reclamation Plant. Bids to be
opened at 11:00 A.M. on October 10, 1989. Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion
E-14 Strain moved, Canfield second to adopt Resolution No. 581-89 approvinc
the child care leave for Susan K. Hanson, Librarian II at the Rochest(
Public Library from 10-16-89 to 1-7-90. Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion
E-15 Bluhm moved, McConnell second to adopt Resolution No. 582-89 setting
a hearing date for October 16, 1989 at 7:30 P.M. on the proposed
vacation of a 20 foot walkway located between 2302 and 2222 llth
Avenue N. W. ( Arvid and Colleen Nass of 2302 llth Avenue N. W. )
Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-16 Strain moved, Hunziker second to adopt Resolution No. 583-89
authorizing the initiation of Eminent Domain Proceedings for 5th
St. N. W. extension project. This also gives the City Attorney
authority to proceed with eminent domain for properties and other
business pertaining to this project. Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion
Adjourned Meeting No. 10 - September 18, 1989
E-17 Canfield moved, McConnell second to adopt Resolution No. 584-89
approving the Parking Management Agreement with the terms being
for three years with a three year option to renew the agreement.
The Staff would give present operator a 60 day notice of expiration
contract and the staff will advertise for proposals to provide
Parking ManaTment services. Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-18 Bluhm moved, Hunziker second to adopt Resolution No. 585-89
approving the Parking Study adding.Para (222.4) to Section B No Park-
ing Zones to read - 18th St. S. E. on the North side from Broadway
to First Avenue S. E. at all times. Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried
E-19 Bluhm moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 586-89 and 587-89
declaring the costs to be assessed and ordering a public hearing
for October 2, 1989 on Project 6107-87 J 8952 - San. Sewer and
Watermain to serve Golden Hill, Toogood Plaza and Hilmer's Highview
Acres. - Plat 1295 Parcel 23600. Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-20 Strain moved, Hunziker second to adopt Resolution No. 588-89 and
589-89 declaring the costs to be assessed and ordering a public hearii
on Project No. 6300-N-S-84 J 8859 - Broadway Reconstruction from 4th
Street South to 4th Street North. Date of hearing is October 2, 1989
Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-21 McConnell moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 590-89 and
591-89 declaring the costs to be assessed and ordering a public
hearing to be held on October 2, 1989 on Project 8508-89 J 9082
San. Sewer Ext. in Service Ct. N. E. from 3rd Avenue N. E. to the
West Line of'Lincoln Mercury Dealership at 37th St. and TH 63 North.
Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-22 McConnell moved, Strain second to adopt Resolution No. 592-89
approving the Supplemental Agreement No. 1 for Traffic Signal
at TH 14 and 7th St. N. W. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
The amount is $1,920.00.
E-23 Strain moved, Hunziker second to adopt Resolution No. 593-89 and
594-89 declaring the costs to be assessed and ordering a public hear-
ing to be held.on October 2, 1989 on Project 5402-88 J 9012 - Street
Reconstruction on 21st Avenue S. W. from 2nd St. to 5th St. S. W.
Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-24 Bluhm moved, McConnell second to approve the initiating of an
annexation of property located at the SE Corner of the Intersection
of 2nd St. S. W. and 21st Avenue S. W. and referr this to the
Planning and Zoning Commission for their review. This is primarily
a township island at the SE Corner of 2nd St. S. W. and 21st Ave.
S. W. Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
F-1 An Ordinance Rezoning from Floodway to Flood Fringe; portion of lands
adjacent to the Water Reclamation Plant was given its second reading.
Bluhm moved, Hunziker second to adopt the Oridnance as read. Ayes
(6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Adjourned Meeting No. 10 - September 18, 1989.
An Ordinance Rezoning certain property creating a Planned Unit Dev.
PUD-R-97 ( Country Club Estates Second) was given its second reading.
Strain moved, McConnell second to adopt the Ordinance as read. Ayes
(6),Nays (0).Motion carried.
An Ordinance Annexing to the City of Rochester Approx 18.83 acres
in SW 1/4 of Sec. 9 and the NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 and NE 1/4 of NW 1/4
of Sec. 10, Roch. Township was presented to the Council. Canfield
moved, Bluhm second to suspend the rules and give this Ordinance a
second reading. Upon roll call vote, Aldermen Bluhm, Canfield,
Hunziker, McConnell, Strain and President Selby voted aye. Ayes (6),
Nays (0).Motion carried and the Ordinance was given its second readi
McConnell moved, Canfield second to adopt the Ordinance as read.
Ayes (6),Nays (0).Motion carried.
An Ordinance annexing to the City of ROchester Mn. Approx. 17.53
acres of land in the W 1/2 of SW 1/4 of Sec. 3, Roch. Twp. was
presented to the Council. Canfield moved, Bluhm second to suspend the
rules and give this Ordinance a second reading. Upon roll call vote,
AldermenBluhm, Canfield, McConnell, Strain and President Selby voted
aye. Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried and the Ordinance was given it!
second reading. McConnell moved, Canfield second to adopt the Ordinal
as read. Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Hunziker moved, Strain second to remove the proposed project 6305-
4-89 J 9081 - Grad. and Paving, St. Widening and Resurfacing,
Con. Curb and Gutter and Storm Sewer on lst St. N. W. and 4th Avenue
to 6th'Avenue N. W. and on 5th Ave. N. W. from Center St. to lst
St. N. W. from the table. Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Bluhm moved, Canfield second to adopt Resolution No. 595-89
ordering the project to be made. Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Strain moved, McConnell second to approve the purchse of 4 acres
of parkland to be used as sports complex.
Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Having no further business, Hunziker moved, Strain second to adjourn
the meeting. Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried. 117
1. Committee of the Whole minutes of 9-11-89.