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Adjourned Meeting No. 6 - August 20,, 1990
A-l. President Selby called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M., the follow-
ing members being present: President Selby., Aldermen Bluhm, Canfield,
Hunziker, McConnell, Solinger and Strain. ( Strain left at 7:50 P.M.)
Absent:, None.
Hunziker moved, Strain second to approve the minutes of the August
6, 1990 meeting. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
There were no hearings scheduled at this meeting.
D-1 The request by Alvin and Mary Louise Bell to be heard regarding
safety in the neighborhood will be held later in this meeting. They
were not present at this time.
E-1 Solinger moved, Hunziker second to adopt Resolution No. 372-90
certifying the proposed 1991 property tax levy at $14,541,215.00
and certifying the proposed 1991 budget at $70,000,000; and to
establish the 1991 budget hearing for November 19, 1990 with a
possible continuation date of December 10, 1990. Ayes (7), Nays (0).
Motion carried.
E-2 Solinger moved, Canfield second to approve the purchase of property
located at 125 3rd St. S. E. for $56,000 and the property at 201-
209 3rd Street S.E. for $91,000.00 This will be used for the
Flood Control and Government Center. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion
E-3 Strain moved, Canfield second to approve payment of $3,325.79 for
additional services provided by Yaggy Colby associated with the
Peace Plaza. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried. Alderman McConnell
stated that he was not satisfied with the way the water was elevated.
He would like to see all the birds get wet and this way they do not.
He is bitterly disappointed in this project.
E-4 Strain moved, Hunziker second to deny the city's participation in
the repair work on a wall between the Iridescent House and Lawler
property. This came about when the building (Lawler Theatre) was
demolished and thus leaving a poorly constructed and unfinished wall.
The Council urged the owners to finish this wall by themselves.
Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-5 Canfield moved, Bluhm second to adopt Resolution No. 373-90 author-
izing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a letter of agreement
with Northwest Airlines for use of a new passenger loading bridge
and instruct the City Clerk to advertise for bids for a new passenger
loading bridge for Gate # 2. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Alderman Strain left the Council meeting. -7:50 P.M.
E-6 Solinger moved, Canfield second to approve the change order No. 1
to Road Constructors in the amount of $5,230.00. This is for
the Terminal and Hangar Drive Project J. 6946. Water valves were
needed as well as work on them and traffic signage. Ayes (6), Nays
(0).Motion carried.
Adjourned Meeting No. 6 - August 20, 1990
Bluhm moved, McConnell second to adopt the following resolutions
as approved by the Public Utility Board:
Resolution No. 374-90 approving a contract agreement with Keys Well
Drilling Company for construction of Northern Hills Well 34 in the
amount of $174,644.00.
Resolution No. 375-90 approving a contract with JMC Contracting for
Rose Harbor Tower repair/repainting in the amount of $42,000.
Resolution No. 376-90 approving a purchase order agreement with
Rural Electric Supply Company RESCO in the amount of $31,689.00.
Resolution No. 377-90 approving a purchase order with Valmont/Tulsa
for tubular steel structures in the amount of $50,508.00
Resolution No. 378-90 approving a purchase of a 1991 Step Van
in the amount of $27,892.00.
Resolution No. 379-90 approving a purchase order agreement for
1,000 tons of coal - Great Lakes Coal and Dock Co.
Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Solinger moved, McConnell second to cancel the assessments previousl,
levied against the following properties:
Lot 4, Tongen's Sub. Plat 3820, Parcel 00400.
Lot 2, Tongen 2 Sub. Plat 3821, Parcel 00200.
Lot 3, Zongen 2 Sub. Plat 3821, Parcel 00300.
Lot 2, Cavilima Plat 0554- Parcel 00200.
Lot 3, Cavilima Plat 0554-Parcel 00300.
Lot 4, Cavilima Plat 0554-Parcel 00400.
Lot 5, Cavilima Plat 0554-Parcel 00500.
Lot 6, Cavilima Plat 0554-Parcel 00600.
Adopt Resolution No. 380-90 and 381-90 declaring the costs to be
assessed using the new amounts and setting a public hearing.
Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Solinger moved, McConnell second to approve the following licenses
and bonds:
Request received from LaCrosse Sign Company, Inc. LaCrosse, Wisc.
for a license to.Erect and Maintain Signs.
Request received from Bor-Son Construction, Inc. of Mpls, Mn. for
a license to construct Cement Sidewalks, Curb and Gutters and
Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-10 McConnell moved, Canfield second to approve the Accounts Payable
in the amount of $1,052,916.60 - List on file with the City Clerk.
Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Adjourned Meeting No. 6 - August 20, 1990
Bluhm moved, Hunziker second to adopt Resolution No. 382-90 closing
completed local improvement projects and transferring unexpended
balances pursuant to Mn. Statutes Sec. 429.091, Subd. 4 -
Misc. $6,842.58; Series R $187,560.53 and Series S $508,803.63 for
a total of $703,206.74. Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Hunziker moved, Bluhm second to adopt Resolution No. 383-90 authorizi
the sale of General Obligation Revenue Wastewater Treatment Facility
Bonds in the amount of not to exceed $17,700,000. Ayes (6),
Nays (0).Motion carried.
Discussion was held on the General Development Plan for the area
to be known as South Park. Alderman Hunziker wanted to know if the
drainage plan has been done or considered. Mr. Roger Plumb, Public
Services Dir. stated that the size of the culvert could handle
run-off from this development but nothing more. Alderman Hunziker
then asked - who would pay for the improvements at that point, when
more developments is established in the area. Roger Plumb stated
that it would go into an assessment project. Wishing to be heard
was Harvey Ratzlaff of 2040 Viola Road N. E. he stated that on one
of the conditions Pinewood school would be willing to provide them
with easements for a pedestrian and bike access. Roger Plumb,
again stated the need for developments to have a good drainage plan.
He stated that this would eliminate the developer being embarrassed
when backyards flood, etc. Alderman Solinger questioned the use of
a walkway vs a street being built. Mr. Ratzlaff stated that the
traffic would be going the wrong way as 24th is a main street.
Adlerman Solinger stated that he is opposed to walkways. I I ,
i Having no further discussion, Canfield moved, McConnell
second to adopt Resolution No. 384-90 approving the General Dev.
Plan for the area to be known as South Park with the following
eight (8) conditions:
1. A drainage plan should be prepared for this entire area. This
plan should address the need for any additional storm sewers,
retention ponds and so on. The developers should cooperate allowing
adjacent property owners to the west address their drainage needs.
2. A phasing plan for the.General 6evel-opmeritPlan should be included.
3. A pedestrian walkway between 24th and 23 1/2 Street S. E. should
be included and should be located adjacent to the 30' drainage
easement. The remnant parcel of land between the school property
and 23 1/2 Street should either be dedicated as ROW or conveyed to
the school to provide access to the school property.
4. Proposed 22nd Street S. E. should end in a cul-de-sac and a 20 ft.
wide walkway should be provided to the school property. This street
dead -ends at the Pinewood School property and there doesn't seem
to be any reason to extend it to the west property boundary. The
walkway on the other hand, would provide the necessary pedestrian and.
bike access.
5. The cul-de-sac on the east side of 21st Avenue S.E. should be
replaced with a bulb street. It does not appear to be necessary to
provide a connection to the east since this property is already
developed with a single family dwelling.
E-13 6. A second connection to the south property boundary should be
provided on the east side of the property. This could be accomplished
by extending one or both of the streets located on the north side
of 28th Street S. E.
7. That the easement with the school be secured before the platting
procedure is completed.
8. That the house and lot elevation plans be given to the Public
Services Dept. and the Builder follow thru with those instructions.
Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-14 Bluhm moved, McConnell second to approve the Preliminary Plat to be
known as South Park subject to the eight conditions as listed in item
E-13. Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-15 Hunziker moved, Bluhm second to adopt Resolution No. 386-90
authorizing City Project 8215-9-90 - to be advertised for bids to
be opened at 11:00 A.M. on Sept. 12, 1990. This is for Center Street
Ramp Sealcoat and Waterproofing. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-16 Canfield moved, Bluhm second to adopt Resolution No. 386-90
creating Sec. H zone H 6 Hr. Limited Parking. to read 1. Soldiers
Field Dr. on both sides for 400 feet adjacent to the Golf Club House,
Mon. thru Friday. and Angle Parking - S. Soldiers Field Drive on both
sides for 400 Ft. adjacent to the Golf Club House. Ayes (6), Nays
(0).Motion carried.
E-17 Bluhm moved, Hunziker second to adopt Resolution No. 387-90 authoriz-
ing the City Clerk to advertise for bids on Sept. 12, 1990 at 11:00
A.M. for Purchase and Installation of Bus Passenger Shelter.
Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried
E-18 Canfield moved, Solinger second to adopt Resolution No. 388-90 and
389-90 declaring the costs to be assessed and ordering a hearing
to be held on Sept. 17 , 1990. This is for Project 6314-3-87 J 8766
Reconstruction and Widening, Concrete Curb and Gutter, Storm Sewer,
Watermain and Service Connections in 14th Ave.S.W. from South of 2nd
St. S. W. to 6th St. S. W. Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-19 Hunziker moved, McConnell second to adopt Resolution No. 390-90 and
391-90 declaring the costs to be assessed and ordering a hearing to
be held on Sept. 17, 1990 on Project No. 9801 - J 9024 - San. Sewer
Trunkline Plus San. Sewer and Watermain laterals to serve Bamber
Valley School and otehrs in Sec. 9,10,15 and 16 in Rochester Twp.
Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-20 Solinger moved, Bluhm second to adopt Resolution No. 392-90 and
393-90 declaring the costs to be assessed and ordering a public
hearing to be held on Sept. 5, 1990 on Deferred Assments on Project
7804-3-85 J 8918 - San. Sewer Trunkline in Salem Rd. and Co. Rd.
122 S. W. Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Adjourned Meeting No. 6 - August 20, 1990
E-21 Hunziker moved, McConnell second to adopt Resolution No. 394-90
and 395-90 declaring the costs to be assessed and ordering a public
hearing for Sept. 5, 1990 on Project No. 7804 - J 8631 - San.
Sewer Pumping Station and Forcemain in Green Meadows Area. Ayes (6),
Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-22 Canfield moved, Bluhm second to adopt Resolution No. 396-90 and
397-90 declaring the costs to be assessed and ordering a hearing to
be held on Sept 5, 1990 on Project 6706-J 8185 - Apache Water Tower
and Trunk Mains. Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-23 Bluhm moved, Hunziker second to adopt Resolution No. 398-90
approving Change order No. 1 for Project 6206-3-89 6th St. and 4th
Avenue to loth Avenue S. W. This is in the amount of 2,145.00.
Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-24 Solinger moved, McConnell second to adopt Resolution No. 399-90
authorizing payment.: of $1,080.00 for Supplemental Agreement No.
1 for Project 6206-3-89 J 9067. Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-25 Bluhm moved, Hunziker second.to deny the-.'r.e.quest from the West
Rochester Jaycees to hold a project called.-M.D.A. Road block for
Muscular Dystrophy Assoc. The Council did _;not feel that a street
could be blocked for these types of activities. Ayes (6), Nays (0).
Motion carried.
E-26 Canfield moved, Solinger second to reconsider the reconstruction of
a public alley bounded by 13th Avenue Si:-.W., 16th Ave. S. W. and
West Center St. and lst St. S.W. Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-26A Discussion was held on the alley considered in Item E-26. Wishing to
be heard was Kevin Duerstad of 1418 West Center St. He stated that
he is still not in favor of this and.the pooling of the water is
not solved and they do not want this blacktopped. Roger Plumb,
Public Services Dir. stated that it is easier to maintain if this
is blacktopped and if they were to regrade and put crushed rock
on it, then it would come under an assessment project.
Traffic was a concern of the people in the area. David Rossman,
Traffic Eng. stated that if a speed sign was put up for 10 MPH.
this should help.
Wishing to be heard was Diane Danilenko-Dixon of 1407 1st St. S. W.
She brought in another petition containing 19 signatures from house-
holds in the area urging Council to approve this project.
Wishing to be heard was Paul Gorman of S.W. and is against this
Wishing to be heard was Marlene Bomstadt of 1408 West Center St.
and is the lady with the big puddle in her backyard. She would
like to see a little more of neighborhood togetherness in solving
this problem.
Wishing to be heard was Francis Lovejoy of 1404 West Center St. and
stated that the alley in in need of repair, but if gravel is put in
place, more pot holes can be had. Roger Plumb, agreed with Mr.
Lovejoy. Wishing to be heard was Tim Scanlan of 846 7th Avenue S.W.
AdJourned Meeting No. 6 - August 20, 1990
E-26A He stated that speed bumps will make this better if paving is put
Wishing to be heard was Dan Duffel of 1430 West Center St. and
stated that he did not think this was a true representation of this
area. He was informed that this is not a hearing and a hearing will
be held on Sept. 5, 1990. Having no one else present, Hunziker
moved, Canfield second to order a hearing for Sept. 5, 1990.
Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried. Resolution No. 400-90 was adopte
E-27 Solinger moved, Hunziker second to adopt Resolution No. 401-90
awarding the low bid of $68.00 per ton for lime - one years supply
for the Water Reclamation Plant. Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-28 Bluhm moved, McConnell second to adopt Resolution No. 402-90
awarding the low bid for Street Grading Surfacing, San. Sewer ,
Water Main and Service connections in Tudor Ct. S. W. from 6th
St. S.W. to the west. Wishing to be heard was Alfred Anderson of
712 17th Avenue N. W. and urged the Council to approve this bid.
This bid came up to approx. 11% highter then the estimates: Steve
Kvenvold, City Adm. stated that 4 out of the 6 benefitted property
owners signed the petition for the project. Solinger moved, McConnel
second to amend the motion to include a signed agreement of
acceptance from these four homeowners before the bid could be let.
Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried. The original motion was voted on.
Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
F-1 An Ordinance approving the annexation of 11.00 acres in the NW 1/4
of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Sec. 18, Marion Township ( future
site of South Park ) was given its second reading. Bluhm moved,
Canfield second to adopt the Ordinance as read. Ayes (6), Nays (0).
Motion carried.
F-1 An Ordinance approve the Sales Tax Amendments to reflect changes
created by the 1990 Legislative Session was given its second reading.
S_olinger moved, Bluhm second to adopt the Ordinance as read. Ayes
(6), Nays (0).Motion carried.
H-1 Solinger moved, Hunziker second to approve the sales of comparable
property on parkland to determine value and are then applied to
all comparable properties for parkland. Ayes (6), Nays (0).Motion
D-1 Alvin and Mary Louise Bell of 103 llth St. S. E. both wished to
be heard regarding neighborhood safety. Their concern was the noise
that is generated from Rochesterfest and the Fairgrounds. Ms. Bell
also mentioned that the Polka music was interfering, with the
Rock music and these bands should be separated further apart.
Having no further business, Solinger moved, Bluhm s cond to adjourn
the meeting. Ayes (6), Nays, (0). Motion carried.
i y lerk