Adjourned Meeting No. 1•-2- October 21,1991
A-1 President Selby called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M., the follow-
ing members being present: President Selby, Aldermen Canfield,
Crawford, Hunziker, McConnell, Petersson and Solinger. Absent:None.
McConnell moved, Petersson second to approve the minutes of the
October 7, 1991 meeting. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
B-1 A Hearing on the Proposed Assessment against property owners who
did not remove the following from their property and will be
assessed against the property tax. Weeds, Trees and Debris Removal.
Having no one present that wished to be heard, President Selby closed
the hearing. Petersson moved, Crawford second to adopt Resolution
No.'s 518-91, 519-91 and 520-91 approving the assessments. Ayes (7),
Nays (0).Motion carried.
B-2 A Hearing on the Planned Unit Development ( Final Plan ) to be known
as Pinewood Manor. Wishing to be heard was Frank Kottschade of 2613
5thAvenue N. W. He stated that the recommendations as listed by the
Planning staff were O.K. with him and was present for any questions
the Council may have. Alderman Crawford questioned the size of the
street and if parking will be allowed on only one side. She was
informed by Mr. Kottschade that parking will be on one side and that
the street is wide enough at 24 feet. Public Services stated that
snow removal will be done by the Homeowners Assoc. and the City will
not plow that area. Alderman Solinger stated that he thought it is
simply squeezing to many homes in a small area. Alderman Petersson
agreed with Alderman Solinger. Mr. Kottschade stated that his
motive was to provide affordable housing and other lots in town are
the same size. He is within the law to build these houses on the lot
size. Alderman Hunziker stated that he is concerned about the traffil
and congestion if a 24 unit apt. complex is built.Alderman McConnell
is also concerned about the density, but anyone who buys a house
can see the smaller lots to begin with.
Alderman Crawford asked to see the plans on how the houses would be
built. Alderman Solinger, after viewing the plans again still was
not in favor of the number of houses to be put in that small a space.
Alderman Canfield was concerned about the drainage in the area.
He was informed of the plan by the Planning Dept. Having no one
else present that wished to be heard, President Selby closed the
hearing. Hunziker moved, McConnell second to adopt Resolution No.
521-91 approving the Final Plan. Upon Roll call vote, Aldermen
Crawford,Hunziker, McConnell, and President Selby voted aye. Ayes (4)
Aldermen Canfield, Petersson and Solinger voted nay. Nays (3). Motion
B-3 A Hearing on the Final Plat to be known as Pinewood Manor. Wishing ti
be heard was Frank Kottschade of 2613 5th Avenue N. W. He is present
for any questions that the Council may have. McConnell moved, Hunziki
second to adopt Resolution No. 522-91 approving the plat. Upon Roll
Call vote, Aldermen Canfield, Crawford, Hunziker, McConnell, and
President Selby voted aye. Ayes (5), Aldermen Petersson and Solinger
voted nay. Nays (2). Motion carried.
Adjourned Meeting No. 12-- October 21, 1991
B-4 A Hearing on the Postponed Assessment Project No. 7703- Parts 1,2,3,
and 4 J 8475 - Construction of Water Reservoir and Connecting Trunk
mains to serve the low Dist. of N. W. Service area lying North of 41-'I
St. N.W. ( Def. against Essex Park Dev.- No. American Realty property'
Having no one present that wished to be heard, President Selby closed
the hearing. Canfield moved, Petersson second to adopt Resolution
No. 523-91 accepting the assessments. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion
B-5 A Hearing on the Postponed Assessment Project No. 7301-J 8476 -
NW Dist. Trunkline San. Sewer Pumping Station, Forcemain and 0utfall
Sewer. This is Def. against Essex Park Dev. - No. American Realty
property). Having no one present that wished to be heard, President
Selby closed the hearing. Petersson moved, Crawford second to
adopt Resolution No. 524-91 accepting the assessment. Ayes (7),
Nays (0).Motion carried.
B-6 A Hearing on the Postponed Assessment Project No. 5622 J 8059 -
IBM Trunkline San. Sewer. Having no one present that wished to be
heard, President Selby closed the hearing. Solinger moved, Canfield
second to adopt Resolution No. 525-91 accepting the assessments.
Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
B-7 A Hearing on the Previously Postponed Assessments 6241-4-77 J 8591 -
Watermain in 41st St. N. W. from West Line of Replat # 2 Sunrise Est.
to a point 660 Ft. East of the NW Corner Sec. 23, Cascade Township.
Having no one present that wished to be heard, President Selby closed
the hearing. McConnell moved, Hunziker second to adopt Resolution
No. 526-91 accpeting the assessments. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion
D-1 Wishing to be heard was Alvin and Mary Bell regarding correction
of the minutes of the Sept. 17, 1991 Council meeting.
Wishing to be heard was Alvin Bell of 103 llth St. S,.E. He stated
that the party referred to in the minutes was three houses away and
not in his back yard. His wife was not followed by a car, but by a
person walking. He did not pull out a wrench, but a screwdriver.
Wishing to be heard was Mary Louise Bell of 103 llth St. S. E.
She stated a desire to be referred to as Mrs. not Ms. as is stated
in the minutes of Sept. 17, 1991.
D-2 Wishing to be heard was Paula Britson of 4415 Manchester Lane N. W.
Ms. Britson stated that the elevation of back yards were changed in
the subdivision to allow for walkout lower levels instead of full
basements. Because of this change, flooding occurs and drainage
problems are evident. Public Services Director , Roger Plumb stated
that the developer did not grade the area in the manner that was
on the original plan. He stated that it is not practical at this time
to go back to that original plan. He did encourage the developer,
'.Scott Lampland and the consultant McGhie and Betts to go back and
prepare plans to improve the back yard drainage in the block. Also
Mr. Plumb stated that a sewer line with two catch basins was
installed. Mrs. Britson said that her yard was worse as a result of
the new work. She says in some instances, her yard is a foot deep and
three feet wide at times. She said that she didn't cause the problem
Adjourned Meeting No. 1*--- October 21, 1991
and that she feels the solutions are the responsibility of the
developer. Mr. Plumb stated that the problems should not be that of
the City but the responsibility of the Developer and consultant.
Mr. Plumb stated that in many cases the developer changes the grading
plans and the City does not have staff to inspect each and every
house to see that the grading is the same as stated on the plan that
the City has. Ms. Britson stated that she is considering hiring an
attorney in this case.
Discussion was held on the Charitable Gambling Ordinance.
Alderman Canfield stated that he would like to see this Ord.be-restri
to only Private Clubs and Mayo Civic Center activities and private
groups to rent public space from hotels or auditoriums and be allowed
Within their own organization conduct their own gambling activities.
Alderman Canfield asked if each request would come to the Council
for approval. Terry Adkins, City Attorney said that they would, but
they do now - for a premise approval. We have control over the site.
The license will have to be issued thru the City Clerk's Office and
they would enforce the standards that is agreed upon with this Ord.
Having no further discussion, Canfield moved,McConnel.l' second to
instruct the City Attorney to draft an Ordinance stating the
items as listed above by Alderman Canfield. Alderman Petersson
agreed with Alderman Canfield. but she would like to see the
proceeds from gambling stay in the trade area. Alderman Petersson
moved, Solinger second to amend the motion to have the proceeds
of gambling stay in Olmsted County.
Alderman McConnell wondered how the City can extend this to the Count,
Mr. Adkins, City Attorney stated that State Law allows us to extend
this to the County if the Council so chooses.
Alderman Petersson stated that lots of groups come from the County
and City spends gambling money in the County too. So that is why
she included the County as "trade area".
Mark Chapdelaine of the Bureau of Conv. and Tourism was present and
urged the Council to consider allowing gambling in hotels, Civic
Center, Etc. otherwise it would hurt the promotion of conventions,
etc. in the City of Rochester.
Alderman Hunziker was concerned about groups that conduct gambling
and the funds raised would be donated to some scholarship in
the State of Mn. and by stating that the monies would be spent in
a "trade area " or County, this could be a problem.
Alderman McConnell wanted to clarify what types of gaming can happen.
Terry Adkins, City Attorney stated that you cannot determine what
kinds of games are played - that is control,led.by the State. You can
determine the place in which you want them to occur.
Solinger removed his second and Petersson withdrew her motion to the
Amendment - Original Motion was on the -floor. This is because
of limitation of the monies spent and where the boundaries should
be for such distribution.
Alderman Hunziker would like to have more input into the actual
distribution of the funds and staff will have this information
at the next meeting. Terry Adkins, City Attorney will have the
Ordinance read for the 1st time at the Nov. 4, 1991 meeting and
this can be added at that time. Vote was taken on the original
motion . Ayes (7),Nays (0).Motion carried.(Correction 11-4-91 min.)
Adjourned Meeting No. 12-- October 21, 1991
E-2 McConnell moved, Crawford second to amend the Ordinance setting
a fee of $50.00 for over the counter cigarette sales area.
Petersson moved, Solinger second to amend the motion to raise
the cigarette sales area over the counter to $30.00. Upon Roll
call vote, Aldermen Canfield, Hunziker, McConnell, Petersson and
Solinger. voted aye. Ayes (5), Alderman Crawford and President
Selby voted nay. Nays (2). Amendment approved.
The City Attorney was instructed to prepare an Ordinance making this
change. (See correction 11-4-91 min.)
E-3 Petersson moved, Hunziker second to adopt Resolution No.527-91
rescheduling a 1992 budget hearing to be held on December 18, 1991
at 7:30 P.M. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-4 Solinger moved, Hunziker second to adopt Resolution No. 528-91
approving a contract with TSP in the amount of $23,500. for a skyway
feasibility and site planning study. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion
E-5 Hunziker moved, Crawford second to adopt Resolution No. 529-91
authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids on AIP 3-27-0084-02
Snow Plow Truck - Four -Wheel Dr. 42,000 lb G.V.W. for the
Rochester Airport. Bids will be opened at 11:00 A.M. on Nov. 26,199'
in the office of -the -City Clerk. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-6 Solinger moved, Crawford second to adopt Resolution No. 530-91
approving the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a lease agreement
for space at the National Weather Service -/Rochester Airport.
This is from 11-1-91 to 10-31-96. Ayes (7),Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-7 Petersson moved, Crawford second to adopt Resolution No. 531-91
approving a resolution by the Public Utility Board approving a
purchase order agreement with Nott Company for the Trackmobile over-
haul 1991 in the amount of $49,651.00. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion
E-8 Solinger moved, Petersson second to approve the following licenses
and bonds:
Cigarettes - over the Counter - Soldiers Field Motel, Roch.Mn.
Gambling - ARC Olmsted Co. and Waive the 30 day waiting period.
Sidewalk -Cement - Hicks Concrete Const. Inc. Medina, Mn.
Misc. - Perinatal Death Support Group - Family Mem. Walk - Silver Lal
on Oct. 27, 1991.
Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-9 Hunziker moved, McConnell second to approve the -issuance of an On -
Sale Intoxicating Liquor and Sunday License to Wongs Cafe Westside,
Inc. DBA The Willows located at 1915 Hwy 52 North (formerly Gulliver
Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-10 McConnell moved, Petersson second to approve the issuance of an On
Sale Wine License to Michael Wees and Jennifer Lynn Huffman for
Adjourned Meeting No. 12-- October 21, 1991
E-10 Deli Peppers of 10 2 South Broadway pending approvals from department!
and payments and certificates.
Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-11 Crawford moved, Petersson second to approve the Accounts Payable
in the amount of $1,407,061.05 - The file -is' -in the.City Clerk's
Office. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-12 Petersson moved, Hunziker second to adopt Resolution No. 532-91
authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for proposals on furnishing
gasoline and diesel fuel at a pump for one year for the Police and
Fire Dept. Bids to be opened at 11:00 A.M. on Nov. 7, 1991.
Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-13 Hunziker moved, Crawford second to ihstruct�the City'Attorney to
prepare a new ordinances using the correct numerical references to
Planned Unit Dev. Ordinances. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-14 McConnell moved, Solinger second to adopt Resolution No..533-91
approving the purchase of a part of Lot 8, Blk 2, Apache Mall
Shopping Center Sub. necessary for the construction of Stage 2-13 , US
Army Corps of Eng. flood control project at the price of $22,260.00.
Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-15 Solinger moved, Crawford second to adopt Resolution No. 534-91
authorizing the payment for work covered gy Supplemental Agreement
No. 1 J 2577 in the amount of $2,760.00. This is for Project No.
6301-1 and 2 - 91 1st Avenue NE -SE - 1st St. S.E. to 1st St. N. E.
Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
E-16 Petersson moved, Crawford second to adopt Resolution No. 535-91
approving the agreement with ADS of Eagan, Mn. whi-ch specifies that
the flow monitoring shall be done between March 15, 1992 and May 15,
1992. The amount to be paid them is $193,000.00.
Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
F-1 An Ordinance Rezoning certain property to PUD-R-102 correcting the
identity of PUD numbers - This is in Sec. 23 T 107N, R14W. This was
given its first reading.
F-1 An Ordinance rezoning certain property to PUD-R-16 correcting the
identity of PUD numbers - Blk 22, Northern Addn. This was given its
first reading.
F-1 An Ordinance Rezoning property to PUD-R-103 located on Lot 1, Blk 1
Pinewood Second Sub. ( Frank Kottschade. This was given its first
reading. Mr. Frank Kottschade requested that this Ordinance be
considered for a second reading. Hunziker moved, Crawford second
to suspend the rules and give this Ordinance a second reading. Upon
Roll call vote, Aldermen Canfield, Crawford, Hunziker, McConnell,
Petersson and Solinger and President Selby voted aye. Ayes (7),
Nays (0).Motion carried and the Ordinance was given its second readini.
Hunziker moved, McConnell second to adopt the Ordinance as read.
Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion carried.
Adjourned Meeting No. 11— - October 21, 1991
An Ordinance Amanding and Reenacting Chapter 103 of the Rochester
Code of Ordinances realting to the sale and dispensing of Cigarettes
within the City of Rochester was given its first reading.
An Ordinance amending Sec. 28.04 of the RCO relating to the Water
Service Availability Fee was given its second reading. Hunziker
moved, Petersson second to adopt the Ordinance as read. Ayes (7),
Nays (0).Motion carried.
Petersson moved, Crawford second to adopt Resolution No. 536-91
approving an owner contract in Willowridge Sub. for Basic Construct-
ion Phase V and VI - Lowell Penz and Fraser Const. Co. Ayes (7),
Nays (0).Motion carried.
Hunziker moved, Petersson second to remove the Request to Increase
Building Permit Fees from the table. Ayes (7), Nays,(0):Motion
carried. Petersson moved, Hunziker second to instruct the City
Attorney to prepare an Ordinance reflecting Schedule "A" ( the min.
recommended ) as contained in the memo from Don Wees of the Building
and Safety Dept. This would include the addition of three additional
inspector positions with the assumption of the current building
activity. Alderman McConnell is opposed to this because he cannot
justify the figures as presented. Alderman Solinger is also opposed
as`it would seem more then adequate monies are being proposed in this
schedule. Alderman Hunziker stated that he felt comfortable with
this schedule. Some other administrative costs were not even
included in the schedule "A" and so it would in a long run break
even. Upon roll call vote, Aldermen Canfield, Crawford, Hunziker,
Petersson and President Selby voted aye. Ayes (5), Aldermen McConnell
and Solinger voted nay. Nays (2). Motion carried.
An Ordinance amending Sub. 4 and 5 of the Sec. 50.02 of the RCO
relating to Building Permit Fees was given its first reading.
President Selby appointed the following two people to the
Highway 52 Corridor Study Committee: Aldermen Ruth Crawford and
Chuck Canfield.
Having no further business, Canfield moved, Solinger second to
adjourn the meeting. Ayes (7), Nays (0).Motion arried.
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City Clerk i