Adjourned Meeting No. 10 - April 22, 1996 4663
A-1 President Hunziker called the meeting to order at 4:00 P.M. with the following
members being present: Councilmembers Evans, Hruska, McConnell, Senjem.
Absent: Marcoux and Stobaugh.
E-1 Councilmembers Evans moved, Hruska seconded, to reject the Depot
Restoration Bids, authorize staff to proceed with the removal of the asbestos
roof, and authorize staff to proceed with the re -design and re -bidding of the
project and bring the project back to the Council for approval. Discussion.
Councilmember McConnell stated that this was a restoration project sought by
volunteers and is and should have been from the start a private venture by
volunteers. He did not feel that local government should be involved and/or
spending the kind of dollars that have been bid or projected to be spent.
Councilmember Senjem felt that perhaps another facility along the trail could be
erected with less dollars. If the basement is removed from the Depot project, we
will not be able to include the railroad museum which was to be a major part of
the restoration.
Mayor Canfield also stated that the Flood Control story was to be housed in the
building for future generations to appreciate what the present generation gave to
the community.
It was noted that the plans for the project will be brought back to the Council and
at that time they can decide the fate of the Depot Restoration project.
Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-2 Councilmembers Mcconnell moved, Senjem seconded, to adopt Resolution No.
206-96 awarding the contract to Road Constructors for $108,532.34 for Project
No. 6200-E-95 (J-6376) 'Reconstruct Intersection of East Center Street and 19th
Avenue S.E.". Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-3 President Hunziker noted an error on the Request for Council Action which
stated that the contract be awarded to Road Constructors but should have read
awarding the contract to the low bid of Elcor Construction.
Councilmembers Hruska moved, Evans seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 207-
96 awarding the contract to Elcor Construction in the amount of $144,181.90 for
Project 7503-14-94 (J-4946) "Construction of a Bikepath Along the DM&E
Railroad from the Zumbro River to Quarry Hill Park". Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion
Having no further business, Councilmembers Hruska moved, Evans seconded, to
adjourn the meeting. Ayes (5), Nays (0). Motion carried.
cting City Clerk