Special Meeting No. 23 - September 30, 1996 4785
A-1 President Hunziker called the meeting to order at 4:00 P.M. with the following
members being present: Councilmembers Evans, Hruska, Marcoux, McConnell,
Senjem and Stobaugh. Absent: None.
E-1 The Mayor called the special meeting as per Section 5.04 of the Rochester City
Charter to discuss the depot bids and his purpose in vetoing the resolution
calling for rejection of the bids and no further action at the September 16th
meeting. The Mayor was out of town for the meeting; therefore, President
Hunziker read a prepared letter from the Mayor on the reasoning for his veto.
The State of Minnesota decided to accept the low bid of A.E. Benike if the City
would provide a hold harmless agreement protecting the State from any lawsuits
from the other bidders. The three other bidders agreed to provide a letter to the
City indicating that they will not object to the bids being awarded to Benike. To
date, only a letter from Floyd Larson Construction Company has been received
with the rest coming.
Councilmembers McConnell moved, Stobaugh seconded, to adopt the resolution
rejecting all bids and having no further action on the Depot. Discussion.
Councilmember Stobaugh withdrew his second. Councilmember Senjem
seconded the motion. Terry Adkins, City Attorney, pointed out that the motion
must pass by a 5/7ths majority.
Upon roll call, Councilmembers Evans, Hruska, McConnell and Senjem voted
aye; Councilmembers Marcoux and Stobaugh and President Hunziker voted nay.
Ayes (4), Nays (3). Motion failed for lack of a 5/7ths majority.
Councilmembers Marcoux moved, Stobaugh seconded, to adopt a resolution
recommending to the Commissioner of Transportation to accept the A.E. Benike
bid and award a contract to A.E. Benike and to authorize the Mayor and City
Clerk to enter into an indemnification agreement with MNDOT contingent upon
the receipt from the other bidders of letters indicating that they would not
challenge the bid. Upon roll call, Councilmembers Marcoux and Stobaugh and
President Hunziker voted aye; Councilmembers Evans, Hruska, McConnell and
Senjem voted nay. Ayes (3), Nays (4). Motion failed.
Having no further business, Councilmembers Evans moved, Hruska seconded, to
adjourn the meeting. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Cit Clerk