Regular Adjourned Meeting No. 5 - February 19, 1997 4995
A-1 President John Hunziker called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. with the
following members present: Councilmembers Evans, Hruska, Marcoux,
McConnell, Senjem and Stobaugh. Absent: None.
B-1 A Hearing on Type III, Phase III Conditional Use Permit #97-2 by Marigold
Foods, Inc. to permit the expansion of a non -conforming use in the M-1 (Mixed
Commercial Industrial) District; to construct a 1700 square foot addition to the
north side of the existing AMPI facility located at 700 First Avenue S.E.
Having no one wishing to be heard, President Hunziker closed the hearing.
Councilmembers Hruska moved, Senjem seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 090-
97 approving Conditional Use Permit #97-2 with one condition. Discussion.
Councilmember Marcoux asked to amend the original motion to include a second
condition requesting discussions with Marigold on sharing the costs for widening
the intersection at 3rd Avenue and 6th Street. Consensus of the Council was to
include the amendment as a second condition.
Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
B-2 A Hearing on Annexation by Ordinance Petition #97-1 by The Greens of
Rochester Partnership to annex 5 acres of land located along the south side of
55th Street N.W., east of 50th Avenue N.W., and north of the Northern Hills Golf
Course in a part of the NW 1/4, NW 1/4, Section 17, Cascade Township.
Wishing to be heard was Louis Yockui, McGhie & Betts, representing the
applicant. Mr. Yockui asked the Council for their approval and was available in
the event of questions.
Having no one further wishing to be heard, President Hunziker closed the
Councilmembers McConnell moved, Senjem seconded, to approve the
annexation by Ordinance Petition #97-1 by The Greens of Rochester and
instructed the City Attorney to prepare the required Ordinance for adoption. Ayes
(7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
C-1 - Councilmembers Senjem moved, Stobaugh seconded, to approve the following
C-14 consent agenda items.
C-1 Approval of the minutes of the February 3rd and February 10th, 1997 Common
Council meetings. Councilmember Senjem was told that the Viola Road Plan
approved at the February 10th Council meeting covered only the construction
project recommended by the Olmsted County. The options talked about at the
earlier Committee -of -the -Whole meeting will be dealt with at a later date.
C-2 IApproval of $3000 from the 1997 Contingency Account to fund the Youth
Employment Project's clean up program request. Councilmember Hruska asked
Regular Adjourned Meeting No. 5 - February 19, 1997
if the YEP was not funded by the United Way. He was told that basic costs,
such as staff and office costs, were funded by the United Way but that programs
within the YEP structure were many times funded separately.
Adopt Resolution No. 091-97 to amend a resolution adopted on November 18th,
1996 to correct an error on the Homestead Trails vacation.
Adopt Resolution No. 092-97 approving a revocable permit for a sign projection
for Broadway Antiques, 324 South Broadway.
Adopt Resolution No. 093-97 approving Change Order #7 to the
Schroeder/Leverington contract for the Civic Center Expansion - Phase I - for
Approval of the following licenses and miscellaneous activities:
Bingo - Annual Renewal
Circus World Bingo, Rochester
Cigarettes - Over the Counter
Deanna, Inc. DBA Apollo Wine & Spirits, Rochester
Gambling - Premise Permit
Dover Fire Relief Association at Mugzee's TLB and Clubhaus Brew Pub
Mn. Jaycee Charitable Foundation at Kathy's Pub
Heating Contractor
Knutson Plumbing, Kasson
Master Installer
Paul Knutson, Kasson
Master Plumber
Knutson Plumbing, Kasson
Sign Installation
Crosstown Sign, Blaine
Universal Outdoor, Inc., Minneapolis
Miscellaneous Street Use
Knights of Columbus, Annual Tootsie Roll Fundraiser, April 25, 26, & 27,
UNITY & CYVIC Peace March/Walk, February 26, 1997, pending
approval of all arrangements with Rochester Police Department
1997 Renewal Licenses
Sidewalk - Cement
Sewer & Drain
Sign Installation
Regular Adjourned Meeting No. 5 - February 19, 1997 4887
C-7 Approval of Accounts Payable in the amount of $972,758.73.
C-8 Approval of William T. Eckles, David J. Metz, Thomas J. Williams and Eric J.
Strop to the position of Police Officer in the Rochester Police Department.
C-9 Approval for the addition of one additional Police Officer position for the period of
April 1, 1997 to April 30, 1997.
C-10 Approval of Sherry L. Stoltenberg to the position of Police Officer in the
Rochester Police Department.
C-11 Acceptance of the donation from Rochester Towing of $150.00 to the Police
Department to be used in offsetting the cost of printing educational materials
used for teaching children about the E911 system.
C-12 Adopt Resolution No. 094-97 scheduling a hearing at 7:00 P.M. on March 17,
1997 to consider changes to the definition of eligibility and determination process
for half -fare benefits on Rochester City Lines.
C-13 Adopt Resolution No. 095-97 authorizing bids to be received at 11:00 A.M. on
March 19, 1997 for City Project No. 9501 (J-2205) "Remodel the Traffic
Operations Building" and City Project No. 9501A (J-2005) "Reroofing the Traffic
Operation Building".
C-14 Adopt Resolution No. 096-97 authorizing payment for Supplemental Agreement
No. 1 in the amount of $4,879.55 for Project No. 5815-95 (J-9331) "Construction
of Northern Heights Drive N.E.".
Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
D-1 Norm Nelson, 5618 26th Avenue N.W., representing United We Stand America,
gave the City of Rochester 1997 budget an overall rating of 2.61 compared with -
4.4 for 1996. Mr. Nelson also urged the Council to approve the decrease in
rates for businesses proposed by Rochester Public Utilities. He noted the tax
increases that businesses were subjected to during the past year and also the
possibility of private enterprises coming in with competing rates.
Ann Curtis, Central Towers, and Ruth Fondhamm, Fontaine Towers, Presidents
of the respective Residents' Associations, asked for the Council's support for a
six month trial City Bus Lines shopper service. They felt that it would give the
residents, including handicapped, a chance to shop at different locations and
would allow them to get out into the community.
E-1 Councilmembers Stobaugh moved, Senjem seconded, to approve accepting the
CDBG funding request award of $625,000 from the Department of Housing and
Urban Development and approve the Grant Agreement for 1997. Ayes (7), Nays
(0). Motion carried.
.4888 Regular Adjourned Meeting No. 5 - February 19, 1997
E-2 Councilmembers Evans moved, Hruska seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 097-
97 approving the recommended decreases in electric rates for the business
community effective March 1, 1997. Discussion.
Councilmember McConnell expressed his disappointment that some of the rate
decrease was not passed along to the residential user. He stated that one-half
of the people were below the median income with many below that and could not
afford the current electrical usage rates. He stated that he would abstain in
voting as a protest against favoritism.
Ayes (6), Nays (0), Abstain (1). Motion carried. Councilmember McConnell
E-3 Councilmembers McConnnell moved, Stobaugh seconded, to approve the
transfer of the Off -Sale Intoxicating Liquor License from Larry Wood DBA
Woody's Liquors to Andy's Warehouse, Incorporated DBA Andy's Warehouse,
308-A Elton Hills Drive N.W., pending investigation and departmental approvals.
Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-4 Councilmembers Senjem moved, McConnell seconded, to adopt Resolution No.
098-97 approving a Sound Amplification Permit and waiver of time from 8:00
P.M. for TGI Friday's St. Patrick Celebration on March 16th and 17th, 1997.
Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-5 Councilmembers Senjem moved, Stobaugh seconded, to adopt Resolution No.
099-97 approving the labor agreement with the Inspector's Association
employees of the Building and Safety Department for the years 1997 and 1998.
Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-6 Councilmembers Evans moved, Hruska seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 100-
97 approving the labor agreement AFSCME-Local #319 representing clerical
employees for the years of 1997, 1998, and 1999. Discussion.
It was noted that the contract will allow for time and one-half for Sunday and will
allow the Library to remain open on Sunday if the Library Board agrees.
Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-7 Councilmembers Senjem moved, Stobaugh seconded, to adopt Resolution No.
101-97 receiving the feasibility report and ordering a hearing at 7:00 P.M. on
March 17, 1997 for Project No. 9702 (J-2262) "Construction of a Temporary
Right -In, Right -Out from 7th Street N.W. to TH 14 Due to the Closing of the
Current 7th Street N.W. Access". Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-8 Councilmembers Marcoux moved, Stobaugh seconded, to adopt Resolution No.
102-97 awarding the contract for Project No. 9502 (J-2171) "Construct Sanitary
Sewer Relief Trunkline Along DM&E RR from 1500 Feet West of TH 52 to in
place Cascade Trunkline on West Side of Cascade Creek at 7th Street N.W.".
Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Regular Adjourned Meeting No. 5 - February 19, 1997 4889
E-9 Councilmembers Evans moved, Stobaugh seconded, to adopt Resolution No.
103-97 approving the implementation of a shopper circulator bus route servicing
downtown residents and outlying shopping centers for a six-month period. Ayes
(7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-10 Councilmembers Hruska moved, Evans seconded, to approve the solicitation of
bids for the purchase of up to four buses under Federal Project MN-90-XO94 with
the City of Duluth, Minnesota. Ayes (7), Nays '(0). Motion carried.
E-11 Councilmembers Senjem moved, Marcoux seconded, to reconsider the action
taken at the February 3, 1997 Council meeting for Permit Parking on First Street
S.W./1300 Block. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Councilmember Marcoux explained after talking with the residents, it was
decided to try permit parking for the area would be on a first -come, first -serve
basis with no restriction on the number of permits given out.
Councilmembers Marcoux moved, Stobaugh seconded, to adopt Resolution No.
104-97 approving Residential Permit Parking No. 5 for First Street S.W./1300
Block with three conditions: (1) no restriction on the number of permits given out,
(2) no guarantee of parking space availability, and (3) 90-day trial period after the
signs are installed. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried. -
F-2 An Ordinance Annexing to the City of Rochester Approximately 5 Acres of Land
Located in the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 17,
Township 107 North, Range 14 West, Olmsted County, Minnesota, was given a
first reading. (South side of 55th Street N.W., East of 50th Avenue N.W., North
of Northern Hills Golf Course)
F-3a An Ordinance Amending Official Street Map Number 3 So As To Eliminate That
Portion of Cascade Street Northwest Between 19th Avenue Northwest and the
Trunk Highway 52 East Frontage Road in the City of Rochester, Minnesota, was
given a second reading. Councilmembers McConnell moved, Evans seconded,
to adopt the Ordinance as read. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Having no further business, Councilmembers Senjem moved, Evans seconded,
to adjourn the meeting. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
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y Clerk