Annual Meeting No. 1 — January 4, 1999
A-1 I No one wished to be heard during the Open Comment Period.
B-1 ICity Clerk Judy Scherr administered the Oath of Office to Councilmembers Dennis
Hanson, Jean McConnell, Mack Evans and Mayor Chuck Canfield.
President John Hunziker called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. with the following
members present: Councilmembers Mack Evans, Dennis Hanson, Marcia
Marcoux, Jean McConnell, David Senjem, Walter Stobaugh. Absent: None.
E-1 I President John Hunziker gave the following Address to the City:
Good evening ladies and gentlemen. It is my pleasure to welcome Dennis Hanson
to the City Council as the new Council Representative from the 1st Ward. We look
forward to working with you in the coming years to address the concerns and
opportunities in the City of Rochester. I also wish to take this opportunity to
express the Council's appreciation to Ed Hruska for his years of service to the
citizens of Rochester. Our association with Ed was enjoyable and productive. We
will miss him and wish him the very best in his future endeavors.
As we begin the final year of the 20th century, we in Rochester are fortunate to live
in a community where the unemployment level is very low, where the
commercial/industrial base is growing, where the interest in downtown development
is very high, and where the overall economy is vibrant.
Rochester is a dynamic community, which offers a variety of opportunities to its
residents. We continue to be a rapidly growing community, and I believe that the
City has met the challenges presented by rapid growth very responsibly.
1999 will present many new growth opportunities and challenges. Thanks to the
efforts of our citizens who participated in the infrastructure task force, the
community will embark on the sales tax funded initiatives that will improve quality of
life opportunities for our citizens and provide the infrastructure needed to carry the
community into the 21st century.
We will beginimplementing the municipal water, sewer and storm water project to
improve and protect our regional ground water quality this month. The first meeting
with township subdivisions is scheduled for January 27tn
The airport sales tax projects also will commence early this year with formulation of
construction and engineering costs for the 2,100 foot extension of runway 2/20.
The installation of the Differential Global Positioning Landing System is also being
looked at.
There are a number of areas that I feel the council and community should give
thought to dealing with this year. As I alluded to previously, the interest in our
downtown is very high, at the same time our downtown tax increment financing
districts are coming to a close. I feel it is incumbent on this community to look at
extending their life, as it is what has allowed us to continue to upgrade our business
I feel the time has come to build a joint vehicle maintenance facility in cooperation
with the county, sited on the Rochester Public Utilities site. We have put this off
long enough. This is a cooperative effort of the city and county that can be
The vibrant economy and the need for workers do create a demand for affordable
housing opportunities for -our citizens. There is a growing concern for the current
shortage of affordable housing opportunities and the critical future need for an
adequate supply of affordable housing opportunities needed to sustain the orderly
growth of our community. Although the State and Federal governments need to
more aggressively address this growing problem, local governments and the
business community must work together to develop methods for the creation of an
adequate supply of affordable housing.
The 21st Century Partnership, another citizen group looking at critical needs to be
dealt with in preparing for the next century, found housing an area of concern in
four of its key issue areas: 1) jobs and economy, 2) neighborhoods, 3) youth,
family and elderly, and 4) diversity and rural areas.
During the upcoming year, I suggest that the City and County governments, private
business interests, neighborhood groups, and non-profit housing groups join
together to discuss this growing concern and design solutions which address the
affordable housing needs of our citizens.
l also wish to express my thanks and appreciation to the Mayor and
Councilmembers for the countless hours which they spend tending to the affairs of
the city, and I look forward to working with you in 1999 in furthering the
development of this very fine community.
Mayor Chuck Canfield gave the following State of the City Address:
The cold will not enter this room tonight. It is my pleasure to bring you warm words
of success, congratulations and encouragement.
We inaugurated a new governor today. Jesse Ventura brings new enthusiasm and
encouragement to those of us in public office to concentrate on service, to serve
with honor and to be proud to be American and Minnesotan. It was my pleasure to
be part of this last election when 70% of Rochester's registered voters did vote.
Thank you for reelecting me as your Mayor. I pledge to you my very best effort to
bring Rochester smoothly and successfully into the next millennium.
We start this year at a very high level. Money magazine in 1998 again named
Rochester, Minnesota as the "best place to live" in cities under 200,000 population.
The economy is setting new records. The new record in building permits is $257
million, surpassing last year's record by nearly 30%. The total number of building
permits is 2695 — another record.
Annual Meeting No. 1 — January 4, 1999
We built 532 new single family homes in 1998 with a record value per home of
$133 thousand, not counting land, landscaping or driveway.
Our airport is a growing economic engine for Southeastern Minnesota. Two new
airfreight terminals are now under construction and in 1999 there will be $2 million
of improvements to our passenger terminal. We will also plan expansion of general
aviation facilities for next year which will be the 40tt' birthday of our airport.
The largest project in Rochester's history will grow into our skyline this summer. It
is Mayo's practice integration. project. Its main building is the Gonda Building and it
will cost about $150 million. All of our largest employment centers are growing.
We are adding new public infrastructure. Last year we built a national volleyball
center at Century High School. This year we will build a $12 million fieldhouse at
University Center Rochester for community use and an exhibit hall as part of a Civic
Center improvement. This exhibit hall will be a great economic boost for downtown
and Rochester business in general. As we grow we must also defend what has
been built here in seven generations. We will continue politically and scientifically
to get the help we need to prevent a negative impact on this city by the DM & E
To be a great city there must be more than economic growth. We must add
kindness, tolerance and respect for the rights of others. I am asking everyone in
Rochester to make a personal pledge "I am the one who will make the peace". Join
with your family or people you care about and consider seven things that will help
make us peaceable people:
1. Respect myself and others
2 Communicate honestly and not with anger
3. To listen and consider the needs of others
4. To forgive
5. To respect nature
6. To play, creatively and not make violence look exciting, funny or acceptable
7. To be courteous enough to stand with others who are treated unfairly
As we enter this new century, we begin the implementation phase of our community
plan, "The 21 st Century Partnership".
My conclusion of this State of the City Address will be to remind you that I will
continue my focus on two of the seven parts of this process: neighborhood support
and organization and youth needs, especially programs of support for kids in the
after school hours. We will bring the strength of all city departments to improve the
quality of life for all our neighbors with new connections. I am not going to bring out
the list of eleven points for helping neighborhoods that I spoke about when I first
declared that I would help neighborhoods to organize. It was a little too lengthy.
My wife, Gloria, mentioned to me that even God only brought out a list of ten!
.5452 ni Meeting No 1— jani� ry 4 1999
E-2 &
Be sure to get a copy of "City Ordinance Highlights for Neighbors". It is a new
booklet for friendly people and active neighbors. Chief Peterson and I will continue
the close connection between the neighborhoods and their special police officers.
If you want to know who is your special contact within the Police Department,
please call me at 285-8080.
have organized a development committee for boys and girls club in Rochester.
This is the kind of organization that can help the many agencies of this city and
county to work effectively with the young people who need their services. I see
evidence every day of our community's commitment to give the young people here
an opportunity to find a successful future. We have great organizations and great
schools and I want to find ways to show them and the young people that they are of
primary importance to Rochester.
It is a privilege for me to serve you tonight with warm words and encouragement on
a cold night in January.
Councilmembers Senjem moved, Stobaugh seconded, to adopt the following
organizational business resolutions:
Resolution No. 001-99 adopting Roberts Rules of Order for the conduct of business
by the Council.
Resolution No. 002-99 adopting the Rules and Regulations for Order of Business of
the Council.
Resolution No. 003-99 adopting the established committees of the Common
Council, prescribing their functions and duties, and providing appointment to
members of subcommittees.
Resolution No. 004-99 designating the Rochester Post Bulletin as the official
newspaper to publish the official printing and advertising of the City of Rochester for
the official year commencing January 4, 1999, at the rate established by the
statutes of the State of Minnesota for legal publications.
Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
E-3 j President John Hunziker made the following appointment of Committees.
Mayor Canfield Evans, Chair Evans
Hanson Marcoux McConnell
Marcoux Stobaugh Stobaugh
Annual Meeting No. 1 — January 4, 1999
Stobaugh Hunziker
Marcoux Senjem
Hanson Hunziker
Stobaugh, Chair Senjem Evans
Marcoux Hanson
Senjem McConnell
E-6-18 Councilmembers Senjem moved, Stobaugh seconded, to approve the following
consent agenda items:
E-6 Approved the minutes of the December 21, 1998 meeting.
E-7 Adopted Resolution No. 005-99 approving Change Order #1 to the Floyd Larson
contract for the construction of the Woolworth to Pavilion Skyway.
E-8 Adopted Resolution No. 006-99 authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for
One (1) New Steel Ten -Unit T-Hanger to be constructed at the Rochester
International Airport.
E-9 Adopted Resolution No. 007-99 entering into a professional services agreement
with Holabird & Root/Reynolds, Smith & Hills for improvement projects in the
Terminal Building at the Rochester International Airport.
E-10 Adopted Resolution No. 008-99 entering into a professional services agreement
with ACSG/McGhie & Betts for a National Pollution Discharge Elimination
System/State Disposal System Permit Application for the Rochester International
E-11 Adopted Resolution No. 009-99 entering into a professional services agreement
with ACSG/McGhie & Betts for a 2100 Foot Extension to Runway 02/20 for the
Rochester International Airport.
E-12 Adopted the following Public Utility Resolutions:
5 4 5 4 ' Anni 1al Meeting No 1 — January 4, 1999
Resolution No. 010-99 approving a 5 percent increase in water revenue rates
effective March 1, 1999.
Resolution No. 011-99 approving an insurance agreement with Hartford Steam
Boiler Company for furnishing all risk property insurance in an amount not to
exceed $150,560.00.
Resolution No. 012-99 approving an insurance agreement with the League of
Minnesota Cities for furnishing commercial automobile and general liability
insurance in an amount not to exceed $96,311.00.
Resolution No. 013-99 approving an insurance agreement with the Associated
Electric and Gas Insurance Services, Ltd. for furnishing excess general liability
insurance in an amount not to exceed $63,316.00.
Resolution No. 014-99 approving a purchase order agreement with SAP America,
Inc. for software maintenance and support from January 1, 1999 through December
31, 1999 in an amount not to exceed $64,233.00.
Resolution No. 015-99 approving an Amendment No.1to the Zumbro Lake Dam
Grant Agreement.
Resolution No. 016-99 approving a Joint Funding Agreement with the U.S.
Geological Survey for the third year of a three-year study of "Assessment of the
Recharge Along the Edge of the Decorah -Platteville -Glenwood Confining Unit near
Rochester, Minnesota, in an amount not to exceed $35,000.00.
Approved Accounts Payable in the amount of $1,128,402.41.
Approved the establishment of a new special revenue fund, Rochester International
Airport Operations and amend the 1998 and 1999 budgets.
Adopted Resolution No. 017-99 approving the closing of tax increment projects
from funds 311 and 319.
Approved the following resolutions dealing with banking items:
Resolution Nos. 018-99 and 019-99 designating the First Bank of Rochester, the
Norwest Bank of Rochester, the Marquette Bank and Trust Company of Rochester
and the Rochester Bank and Trust Company as depositories of the public funds of
the City of Rochester, Minnesota; and while not depositories, the city maintains
accounts with Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Smith, Ltd Inc., Dain Rauscher,
Inc., Primevest Financial Services through Marquette Bank and Trust Company of
Rochester, Miller and Schroeder Financial Inc., Norwest Investment Services, Inc.,
Piper, Jaffray and Hopwood, FBS Investment Services and Morgan Stanley dean
Witter, Inc., for the purpose of investing in direct U.S. Government obligations or
Federal Agency issues, commercial paper, banker acceptance, and repurchase
agreements or other investments authorized by the City's investment policy.
Annual Meeting No. 1 — January 4 1999
Resolution No. 020-99 authorizing facsimile signature and endorsement of
Certificates of Deposits.
Resolution Nos. 021-99, 022-99 and 023-99 pledging sufficient securities as
collateral in lieu of a depository bond by the Marquette Bank & Trust Company,
Rochester, Minnesota, First Bank of Rochester, Minnesota, and Norwest Bank of
Rochester, Minnesota, to meet the security requirements of Minnesota statutes.
E-17 I Adopted Resolution No. 024-99 approving the reimbursable mileage rate at $.31
per mile, effective January 1, 1999.
E-18 1 Approved the NAACP Parade on Martin Luther King Day — January 18, 1999.
Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
D-1 A Continued Hearing on Final Plat #98-34 to be known as Windsor Heights CIC
Wishing to be heard was Roger Carlson, Dakota of Rochester, one of the
developers of the project. Mr. Carlson stated that he had met with Lenora
Anderson about the water drainage problems behind her home and explained the
procedure that was going to be followed to ensure it did not continue. She seemed
to be satisfied with the plan.
Wishing to be heard was Jane Finbraaten, 1416 Kings Run Drive. Ms. Finbraaten
said that Mr. Carlson had not spoken to the other neighbors, including herself,
about he corrective measures. She wanted a guarantee that the problem would not
continue and wanted to know what would be done if it did. Ms. Finbraaten noted
that a bond had been discussed at the prior meeting.
Wishing to be heard was Roger Carlson, Dakota of Rochester. He noted that the
plan had been approved by the City of Rochester. He was sure that if the drainage
problems continued, the City would require him to again correct the issue.
Wishing to be heard was Andy Masterpole, McGhie & Betts, representing the
applicant. Mr. Masterpole said that a swale of two -three feet deep and six -eight
feet wide would be placed on the slope to catch the water and move the drainage to
the street. This would prevent the water from further cascading down the hill to the
Kings Run residents.
Having no one further wishing to be heard, President Hunziker closed the hearing.
Doug Nelson, Public Works Department, stated that the City agreed with the plan
for the drainage as a possible solution but an assurance would be only through a
bond. They would have to look at the issue to come up with a bond dollar amount if
it was decided to require one.
Councilmembers Senjem moved, Evans seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 025-99
approving Final Plat #98-34 to be known as Windsor Heights CIC #157 with the
Ir _
three conditions noted in the RCA and a fourth condition requiring the applicant
toprovide a bond for a period of one year to insure that the drainage is performed
according to the plan submitted and approved by the Department of Public Works
and that the drainage and erosion problems are solved for that one year and that
such bond be in an amount and have such wording as required by the City Attorney
and the Director of Public Works. The fourth condition is needed so as to ensure
the proposed land subdivision will not adversely offet adjacent proportions (R.C.O.
61.225(1) and to ensure that the plan for soil erosion and stormwater drainage
control meets the established standards of the City (R.C.O. 61.226(3)). Ayes (7),
Nays (0). Motion carried.
A Hearing on Type III, Phase II Zoning District Amendment #98-16 by David T.
Bishop to rezone land from R-1 to R-1 x located within the loop of Ponderosa Drive
S.W., immediately east of 18t' Avenue S.W.
The applicant was unable to make the meeting and requested that the hearing be
continued to the January 20'', 1999 Council meeting.
No one wished to be heard at this time.
Councilmembers Evans moved, Marcoux seconded, to continue the hearing on
Type III, Phase II Zoning District Amendment #98-16 by David T. Bishop to the
January 20, 1999 meeting. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
A Hearing on Site Planning Permit by Bouquet Builders to amend General
Development Plan #129 and Variance Request #98-30 to exceed the density on
property located along the north side of Country Club road, east of Cascade Creek
and west of the Mayo Surface Parking Facility.
Wishing to be heard was Bill Tointon, McGhie & Betts, representing the developer.
Mr. Tointon said that the current Mohn General Development Plan called for single
family homes on the property. The current owner, John Bouquet, wants to amend
the GDP and proposes to put up to 180 townhome units on the property. In
discussions with the Mayo Clinic in October 1998, there are no conflicts with them.
There is currently a 44-foot drainage easement that goes under Second Street that
takes runoff into the Interlachen Lake. Olmsted County holds the easement for this
drainage. Mr. Bouquet is proposing to build a man-made lake along Second Street
to serve as a collection and sedimentation pond for this runoff. Such a measure
would insure water quality to Interlachen Lake. However, some City help may be
required to work with Olmsted County in this phase of the operation. It is proposed
to remove the trees on the west side of the property to stabilize the shoreline to
reduce any runoff into the lake. Ownership of the property surrounding the
townhomes, including the lakeshore, would be controlled by the association rather
than individuals thus insuring water quality. Such an action has been discussed
with and approved by the area DNR hydrologist, Bob Bezek.
Brent Svenby, Planning Department, said that the homeowners on Interlachen have
to secure a DNR permit, which is reviewed by the Planning Department, for any
changes to the shoreline which may include sand beaches, retaining walls, etc.
Annual Meeting No. 1 — January 4, 1999
Wishing to be heard was Don Williams, 180 Lachenview Lane N.W. Mr. Williams is
president of the homeowners association for Interlachen. They generally support
the project but have issues with the density of the townhomes, lake access and
water quality. They would like to see a pond connection to the water system and
would like the density lowered to the lowest possible limits.
Wishing to be heard was Brent Larson, 3420 Lachen Crest Lane N.W. Mr. Larson
stated that he has seen the deterioration of the lake over the past six years that he
has been there. He asked that sufficient restraints be placed so that the lake does
not become a sedimentation pond.
Wishing to be heard was Andy Masterpole, McGhie & Betts, who discussed the
probable mining of the shoreline and the infill and backfill along the shoreline to
assure the limitation of erosion into the lake.
Wishing to be heard was Gary Lingbeck, 146 Interlachen Lane N.W. Mr. Lingbeck
was concerned about the water quality. He noted that the homes of Interlachen
would be looking across the lake and see townhomes; they would rather have the
barrier and shoreline preserved and a lower density of townhomes along the
shoreline with more in the interior of the land. He noted that the shoreline has been
there for 30 years and has not moved; it does not need to be mined.
Wishing to be heard was John Bouquet, 827 Woodgate Lane N.W. When he
purchased the property, he was aware that there had been a permit issued in 1993-
94 to fill in the cove area and that it was one of the conditions of the Mohn General
Development Plan. He does not think the density is over -dense; Waterford is 7.6
units per acre and this project is planned for 6.6 units per acre. The creation of the
lake along second street pushes him over the 4 units per acre along the lake but
considers it a win -win situation as it will perserve the water quality in the Interlachen
Having no one further wishing to be heard, President Hunziker closed the hearing.
Councilmember Evans moved, Senjem seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 026-99
approving Site Planning Permit by Bouquet Builders to amend General
Development Plan #129 and Variance Request #98-30. Ayes (6), Nays (1). Motion
carried. Councilmember McConnell voted nay; he is concerned about the density
factor of the development.
D-4 A Hearing on Zoning District Amendment#98-18 by Bouquet Builders to Rezone
Land from R-1 to R-2 located along the north side of Country Club Road, East of
Cascade Creek and West of the Mayo Surface Parking Facility.
Wishing to be heard was Bill Tointon, McGhie & Betts representing the developer.
Mr. Tointon was available for questions.
Wishing to be heard was Gary Lingbeck, 146 Interlachen Lane N.W. Mr. Lingbeck
asked if the project did not occur, would the land remain at R-2 zoning. He was
answered yes, it would.
January 4, 1999
Having no one further wishing to be heard, President Hunziker closed the hearing.
Councilmembers Stobaugh moved, Marcoux seconded, to approve Zoning District
Amendment #98-18 by Bouquet Builders. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion carried.
A Hearing on Amendment to, the Zoning Ordinance and Land Development Manual
— Advertising Signs.
Wishing to be heard was Harris Broin, 1512 16 % Avenue N.W. Mr. Broin told the
Council that they must now look at a "monster of a sign" from their house. The sign
is located by the Hillcrest Shopping Center and advertises a local pizza business.
He asked who controlled the sign being erected there and in such proportions and
what could be done about it. He stated that it was unsightly and produced a large
amount of light.
President Hunziker told Mr. Broin that the fault was that of the Council in not
realizing that the ordinance needed to specify a 360 degree radius and not just 250
feet facing a major road.
Chris Carver, Eller Media, Minneapolis, represents the sign company. Mr. Carver
stated that they had asked for a listing of anyone in the neighborhood who had a
problem with the sign so that solutions could be accomplished; they never received
any information and, therefore, assumed that nothing was wrong with the sign.
They are willing to work with the neighbors to lower the sign, reduce the lighting
and other measures that can be taken. Mr. Carver stated that if the Council adopts
the amendment to the sign ordinance this evening, he cannot change anything on
the Hillcrest sign as it would then be a non -conforming sign and would have to be
Wishing to be heard was Dave Patterson, 4600 18t" Avenue N.W. He noted that he
was at the Planning Commission meeting when the non -conforming issue arose
and what it does overall to the signs in the City and the type of problems caused for
the sign companies and property owners. In finding space to place the particular
sign in question, it was overlooked that this is highway frontage. Mr. Carver had
offered at the meeting to put a 10:00 P.M. curfew on the sign and lower the height
of the sign to help the neighborhood.
John Harford, Planning Commission, stated that 51-57 sign would be non-
conforming with this amendment. About 21 are non -conforming with the existing
ordinance If this amendment is passed, the sign company can only make the
lighting lesser but not touch the height of the sign. To do so would make it non-
Wishing to be heard was Donna Broin, 1512 16'/Z Avenue N.W. Ms. Broin noted
that the neighbors asked her to represent them at the meeting She hoped that the
representative of the sign company would make a concentrated effort to get the
opinions of the residents. A change in the lighting would be somewhat beneficial.
Having no one further wishing to be heard, President Hunziker closed the hearing.
Annual Meeting No. 1 — January 4. 1999
Councilmember Stobaugh moved, Marcoux seconded, to table action on the
Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance and Land Development Manual — Advertising
Signs. Ayes (6), Nays (0), Abstain (1). Motion carried. Councilmember Evans
abstained due to the fact that he has a billboard located on his property which
would be rendered non -conforming should the ordinance be adopted.
Councilmember Marcoux left the meeting ill.
D-6 A Hearing to Consider Local Improvement Project No.6008-99 (J-9520)
"Reconstruction of 16th Street N.W. from 18th Avenue N.W. to 19th Avenue N.W."
Wishing to be heard was Joe Welder, 1802 16th Street N.W. Mr. Welder noted that
they canvassed the neighbors for support of the project. Out of 23 houses, 17 were
for the project, 5 didn't want to sign the petition and 1 was undecided.
Having no one further wishing to be heard, President Hunziker closed the hearing.
Councilmembers McConnell moved, Stobaugh seconded, to adopt Resolution No.
027-99 approving Project No.6008-99 (J-9520) "Reconstruction of 16th Street N.W.
from 18th Avenue N.W. to 19th Avenue N.W." Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
D-7 A Hearing to Consider the Levying of the Proposed Assessments for Project
No.6008-99 (J-9520) "Reconstruction of 16th Street N.W. from 18th Avenue N.W. to
19th Avenue N.W."
Having no one wishing to be heard, President Hunziker closed the hearing.
Councilmembers McConnell moved, Evans seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 028-
99 approving the Levying of the Proposed Assessments for Project No.6008-99 (J-
9520) "Reconstruction of 16th Street N.W. from 18th Avenue N.W. to 19th Avenue
N.W." Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
D-8 I A Hearing on Expansion of Residential Permit Parking Zone #7.
Having no one wishing to be heard, President Hunziker closed the hearing.;
Councilmembers Senjem moved, Evans seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 029-99
amending the Comprehensive Traffic and Parking Resolution by adding paragraphs
5 and 6 to Residential Permit Parking Zone #7 "Cummings Edition", Section L, to
5. Fourth Street N.W. on both sides of the street from Fourth Avenue to Sixth
Avenue; between the hours of 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., Monday through
6. Fifth Avenue N.W. on both sides of the street from Fourth Street to Civic
Center Drive N.W.; between the hours of 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., Monday
through Friday.
5460 Annual Meeting No. 1 januaFy 41900
Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Councilmembers Stobaugh moved, McConnell seconded, to establish the 1999 and
2000 compensation levels for the Mayor, Council President and Councilmembers
and instruct the City Attorney to prepare the required ordinance for adoption. Ayes
(5), Nays (0), Abstain (1). Motion carried. Councilmember Hanson abstained due
to the fact that he is a new member of the Council.
Councilmembers Hanson moved, Evans seconded, to approve the 1999 City
Administrator's compensation at 3 percent plus personal leave days along the
guidelines awarded to the department heads. Ayes (5), Nays (1). Motion carried.
Councilmember McConnell voted nay.
Councilmembers Senjem moved, Stobaugh seconded, to approve a skyway golf
tournament for PossAbilities of Southern Minnesota on February 27, 1999. Ayes
(6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Councilmembers Stobaugh moved, McConnell seconded, to adopt Resolution No.
030-99 expanding its agreement with Freilich, Leitner & Carlisle so as to authorize
the firm to draft the mining ordinance revisions. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
Councilmembers Evans moved, Hanson seconded, to direct the City Attorney to
prepare an ordinance extending the moratorium for an additional 60 days from
January 20, 1999. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
An Ordinance Rezoning Certain Property From the R-1 District to the R-2 District
and Amending Ordinance No. 2785, Known as the Zoning Ordinance and Land
Development Manual of the City of Rochester, Minnesota, was given a first reading.
(North Side of Country Club Road, East of Cascade Creek, West of Mayo Surface
Parking Facility —Avalon Cove)
An Ordinance Establishing the Salaries of the Mayor, Councilmember-At-Large,
and Councilmember, was given a first reading.
An Ordinance Amending and Reenacting Subsection E of Subdivision 5 of Section
63.224 of the Rochester Code of Ordinances, Relating to the Regulation of
Advertising Sign Locations adjacent to Residential Zone Districts in the City of
Rochester, was given a first reading.
An Ordinance Annexing to the City of Rochester Approximately 13. 57 Acres of
Land Located in a part of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 19,
Township 107, North, Range 13 West, Olmsted County, Minnesota, was given a
second reading. Councilmembers Senjem moved, McConnell seconded, to adopt
the Ordinance as read. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried. (Located south of
Rocky Creek Drive, West of East Circle Drive)
An Ordinance Annexing to the City of Rochester Approximately .33 Acres of Land
Located in Lot 18, Block 6, Sunnydale Subdivision, Olmsted County, Minnesota,
was given a second reading. Councilmembers McConnell moved, Stobaugh
Annual Meeting No. 1 — January 4, 1999
seconded, to adopt the Ordinance as read. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried.
(Located on the North Side of Strathmore Lane S.E., West of 40th Avenue S.E.)
G-3c An Ordinance Rezoning Certain Property From the R-1 District to the R-1x district
and Amending Ordinance No. 2785, Known as the Zoning Ordinance and Land
Development Manual of the City of Rochester, Minnesota, was given a second
reading. Councilmembers Senjem moved, Stobaugh seconded, to adopt the
Ordinance as read. Ayes (6), Nays (0). Motion carried. (11 multiple family units)
Having no further business, Councilmembers Evans moved, Stobaugh seconded to
adjourn the meeting. Ayes (7), Nays (0). Motion 'carried.
ity Clerk