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r •
Minutes of a regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of
Rochester, Minnesota, held in the Council Chambers in the City Hall, in said Cit
on March 3, 1947.
President Lemmon called the meeting to order at 2:00 o'clock P.M,., the
following members being present: President Lemmon, Aldermen Fryer, Kjerner,
McQuillan, Narveson, and Yaeger. Absent: Alderman Kennedy.
Upon motion by Fryer, second by Kjerner, the minutes of the meeting of
February 3, 1947 were approved.
President Lemmon stated this as being the time and place set for the
second hearing on the construction of a sanitary sewer and wa.termain and the
grading in 14th Avenue Northeast from 9th Street to loth Street Northeast. Mr.
Victor Lovgren and his father were present and urged that the sewer and watermai
be installed and the street be graded. Mr. .Crown was present and protested the
installation of the sewer and watermain in front of three of his lots..
Mrs. Robert Bluhm was present at the meeting and complained of the snow
and ice backing up at the corner of 7th Avenue and loth Street Northwest and also)
that the water did not drain on that corner. President Lemmon referred the matte.
to the Street & Alley Committee and the City Engineer.
William Ulrich was before the Council and requested that a franchise be
granted to himself and seven others for the purpose of starting a taxicab line
in the City of IRIochester. Alderman McQuillan spoke in favor of granting the said
franchise. Upon motion by Fryer, second by Kjerner, the matter was referred to
the License Committee for investigation, all voting in favor thereof except
Alderman McQuillan, who voted "no".
A petition signed by 216 residents of southeast Rochester that the
present plan for reconstructing, repairing and adding to that part of 12th Street
Southeast between 3rd Avenue Southeast and llth Avenue Southeast be abandoned and
that the res:i.dents, businessmen and tax payers of Southeast Rochester be given
further opportunity to be heard before any plan for reconstruction is adopted and
executed, was read. and ordered, placed on file. Mr. Floyd B. Plein recommended
that the traffic on that part of 12th Street Southeast be controlled by stop sign;
Mr. Raymond Kruger representing the Hawthorne's Men's Club, opposed the improveme�
as planned And asked that a, further study be made before any final action was
taken. Mr. Sam DeFosse opposed the plan as had been submitted by the Highway
Department and favored one wide traffic lane and stop signs at 3rd and 4th Avenues
Southeast. Mr. T. H. Johansen spoke in favor of completing the improvement as
planned by the Highway Department. Upon motion by McQuillan, second _by Fryer,
action was deferred on the project until the State Highway could be notified that
the residents of Southeast Rochester wished to be heard on the matter again.
Upon motion by Fryer, second by Yaeger, a meeting of the Common Council
was set for 7:30 o'clock P.M. on March 19, 1947 for the purpose of hearing
O 0
!representatives from the Highway Department and those interested in Southeast
The following communication from the Rochester and Olmsted County Public
Safety Council was read and the same was ordered placed on file:
"Honorable Mayor and Common Council
City of Rochester
City Hall
Rochester,' Minnesota
The adoption of a parking meter program in Rochester at
such time as off street parking facilities are in operation
and a change from angle to parallel parking on Broadway were
endorsed at the February meeting of the Rochester and Olmsted
County Public Safety Council.
Ae are pleased to attach herewith a sufficient number of
copies of the minutes of the meeting so that Council members
may have a complete record of these in attendance and the
action taken.
Respectfully submitted,
Erwin L. Briese, Secretary
Notice of cancellation of hearing in the matter of the application of j
�Yirginia C. Wilson d/bfa Wilson Trucking Company for a certificate of public
-convenience and necessity as an auto transportation company was read and the camel'
,was ordered placed on file.
A notice from the State of Minnesota, Water Pollution Control Commission
,'that plans for sewage treatment facilities at Rochester had been approved and liJ
also a copy of the report of the Division of Sanitation were each read and the
I ,!
same were ordered placed on file.
A letter from the Kruse Company requesting that the sale of a strip of
;land directly adjoining the Chicago Northwestern Railroad spur track on First
jAvenue Northeast from Sixth to Seventh Streets be considered by the Common Councils
';was reed and President Lemmon again referred the matter to the Public Grounds j
Committee, the Board of Park Commissioners, and the Public Utility Board for �!
jreport at the next Council meeting.
A communication from the Rochester Public Schools assuring the Common
(.Council that the School Board is willing to comply with the City Regulation in
shaving contemplated buildings approved by the City Engineer was read and the same'
was ordered placed on file.
The Mayor's emergency order given to the City Clerk for approximately
'9000 gallons of gasoline was read and upon motion by Fryer, second by taeger, theil
same was approved.
The two following resolutions adopted.by the Public Utility Board were
read and the same were ordered placed on file:
"Be it and it is hereby resolved by the Public Utility Board
of the City of Rochester. Minnesota, that the Common Council of
the said City be and is hereby requested to authorize the said
Board to enter into a Contract with the THEIN WELL COMPANY for
the furnishing of all Tools, Equipment, Materials and Labor
Necessary to drill, case and test one (1) Artesian Well in
accordance with specifications on file, the amount of said
Contract to be Eleven Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty -One Dollars
and Fifty Cents ($11, 751. 50) and the. said THEIN WELL COMPANY
BEING.the lowest responsible bidders."
"Be it and it is hereby resolved by the Public Utility
Board of the City of Rochester, Minnesota, that the Common
Council of the said City be and is hereby requested to
authorize the said Board to enter into a contract with the
A. P. SMITH MANUFACTURING COMPANY for the furnishing, in
accordance with specifications on file, of One (1) Smith Valve
Inserting Machine, together with 10-611, 6-4" and.2-8" Valves.
Be it and it is hereby further resolved that the amount of
One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifteen Dollars ($1915.00) shall
be the price of the Valve Inserting Machine and prices of
$76.44, $63.90 and $107.04 each respectively, shall be the
price of -the Valves. Said prices are to be the maximum
prices, but if the Manufacturers Selling Price is less the
prices herein stipulated, such difference will be automatically,
reflected in the final price."
The following communication adopted by the Board of Park Commissioners
was read and the same was ordered placed on file:
"Honorable Mayor and
Members of the Common Council
City of Rochester
Rochester, Minnesota
On February thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth the
Board of Park Commissioners advertised for bids for furnishing
a three -unit riding -type power mower. Sealed bids were opened
at a meeting -of the Board held at 7:15 p.m. February 25th.
We ask your permission to enter into contract with Allen
Lloyd Company for purchase of a Toro Professional Model Mower
which fits our needs admirably. The cost of this mower is
Wm. C. Schacht, Secretary
Board of Park 'Commissioners
City of Rochester, Minnesota"
A notice from the Rochester Police Civ,i.1 Service Commission of the
certification of Guy Barnes to fill the vacancy of desk sergeant on the Rochester
Police Force as of March 1st, 1947, was read and upon motion by Fryer, second by
KJerner, the same was approved.
Mayor Grassle read a letter from Mr. A. F. Hall, Division Freight and
Passenger Agent of the Chicago Great Western Railway Company, in which it was
stated that the Maintenance of Way Department is now making a survey of th.e
materials necessary for repairing crossings and sidewalks on the Great Western
tracks in the City of Rochester and that the repairs would be made as soon as
materials were received and weather permits, and also stated that the blocking of
crossings would be minimized. Alderman Fryer also called attention to the smoke
nuisance from the Chicago Great Western roundhouse and tracks.
The report of the City Weighmaster for the month of February, 1947
Ishowing 293 loads weighed and receipts in the, amount of $29.30 was read and
President Lemmon referred the same to the Finance Committee..
A statement of receipts and disbursements in the Park Improvement Fund
for the month'of January, 1947 was read and the same was ordered placed on file.
March 3,1947
The City Treasurer's report for the month of January, 1947 was read and r
:the same was ordered placed on file.
The City Engineer's trial balance for the month of January, 1947 was •
;'read and the same was ordered placed on file.
The report of the Trustees of the Walter Hurlbut Book Fund for the
calendar year of 1946 showing receipts in the amount of $16,469.90, disbursements
,416,128.57 and balance on hand in the sum of $341.23, which was remitted to the
City Treasurer on January 13, 1947, was read and upor_ motidn by Kjerner, second !I
!by Narveson, the same was approved and ordered placed on file. I,
The reports of the Heating Inspector for the month^. of February, 1947
showing fees received for 12eating permits in the amount of $249. 25; Plumbing
:Inspector for the month of February, 1947 showing fees received for plumbing
(;permits $175.50; Building Inspector for the month of February, 1947 showing fees
!'received for building permits $29.00; and Electrical Inspector for the month of
February, 1947 showing fees received for electrical permits $30.50, were each
I! I
,read and President Lemmon referred the same to the Finance Committee.
The reports of the Clerk of Municipal Court for the week ended February S,
`11947 showing total criminal fines and costs collected $240.50, civil fees received
$5.00, and conciliation court fees $3.50; for the week ended February 15, 1947
I .
Ishowing total criminal fines and costs collected $444.00, civil, fees received,
$8.70; and conciliation court fees $3.50; for the week ended February 22, 1947 I.
!;showing total criminal fines and costs collected $1297.00, civil fees received, !,
$.95 and conciliation court fees $5.00; and for the week ended March 1, 1947
;ishowing total criminal fines and costs collected $490.10. civil fees received,
$.25, and conciliation court fees $4.50, were each read and having previously been
,approved by the City Attorney, President Lemmon ordered that the same be placed on
, I
The applications for journeyman electricians license of Richard A. Stoos;
''A. D. Mills and Arthur Seaman were each read and upon motion by Kjerner, second ;'
i�by Narveson, the licenses were granted.
The application for a permit to place and maintain a sign of Cities
;,Service Oil Company was read and upon motion by Yaeger, second by Fryer, the permit
�Iwas granted.
The application of Harold McGoon for transfer of taxicab license No. 9
from a 7 passenger Plymouth License No. 219-822 to a 5 passenger Packard with
License No. 658-372 was read and upon motion by McQuillan, second by Fryer, the
transfer was granted.
' The following applications for "Off Sale" Liquor Licenses were each readi'
(Ralph M. Graen, Andrew C. Chafoulias, Donald W. McConnell, Norman Wyatt and Edw. �
.C. Livingston, Chris T. Margellos, Isadore Coppe, E. Kostakes, Leo A. Huey, and
i:Iobert Kennedy. Upon motion by Yaeger, second by Narveson,
March 3, 1947
and all pre"sent voting in favor thereof, the licenses were granted subject to the
approval of the State Liquor Control Commissioner and the bonds 'submitted with
each application, were approved.
The application for the transfer of an "Off Sale" Intoxicating Liquor
License from Mrs. Hazel'Kitzman to Michael J. Kitzman for the balance of the
fiscal year ending April 1, 1947 and a surety bond submitted by Michael J. Kitzm
were each read and upon motion by Mcquillan, second by Fryer, the transfer and- II
bond were approved, subject to the approval of the State Liquor Control Commissioner.
Alderman Fryer introdtced a resolution granting 5 public dance permits
to Archie -W. Dieter, which was read.
Upon motion by Yaeger, second by Narveson, that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all votingin favor thereof, Pre.s13.e<mt Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Fryer introduced a resolution appropriating $278.55 from the
General Fund and ordering payment made to quality Printing Company, which was real
Upon motion by Kjerner, .second by Mcquillan, that the said resolution
be adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared thi
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Fryer introduced a resolution appropriating $221.50 from the
General Fund and ordering payment made to Alexander Auto Electric, which was read.
Upon motion by Narveson, second by Kjerner, that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Fryer introduced a resolution appropriating $301.50 from the
General Fund and ordering payment made to City of Rochester, Public Utilities for
steam heat for city hall, which was read.
Upon motion by Yaeger, second by Kjerner, that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Fryer introduced a resolution appropriating $13, 500.00 from the
neral Fund and ordering payment made to 'the Public Utility Fund for first
nstallment on loan from Public Utility Department, which was read.
Upon motion by Fryer, second by Kjerner, that the said resolution be
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
aid resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Kjerner introduced a resolution appropriating $1060.87 fromthe
eneral Fund and ordering payment made to the Street & Alley Fund for transfer of
terns used -for Veterans Housing Project in the fairgrounds, which was read.
Upon motion by Yaeger, second by Mcquillan, that the said resolution be
dopted as read, and all vo"ting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the.
aid resolution duly passed and adopted,
March . 1947
j II
Alderman Kjerner introduced a resolution appropriating $357.50 from the,,
General Fund, $2.00 from the Bridge Fund, $248.00 from the Sewer Fund, and $999.87
I, r
1;from the Street & Alley Fund for use of equipment during January, 1947 which was �.
�r ead.
Upon motion by McQuillan, second by Fryer, that the said resolution be jl
I .
'iadopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
,said resolution duly passed and adopted. jl
Alderman Kjerner introduced a resolution appropriating $220.00 from the,
Park Improvement Fund and ordering payment made to Hayes Lucas Lumber Co., which
,,was read.
Upon motion by Fryer, second by Yaeger, that the said resolution be
:adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Kjerner introduced a resolution appropriating $267.60 from the'.
Park Imporvement Fund and ordering payment made to Stonhard Company, which was
Upon motion by Kjerner, second by Narveson, that the said resolution be,
dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
,said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Kjerner introduced a resolution appropriating $274.95 from the,
;Park Improvement Fund and ordering payment made to Reynolds Wholesale Company,
which was read.
!j Upon motion by McQuillan, second by Narveson, that the said resolution be
;adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
- i
said resolution duly passed and adopted. f
I ;i
Alderman McQuillan introduced a resolution appropriating $495.00 from
the Park Improvement Fund and ordering payment made to City of Rochester, Public
Utilities, which was read. II
Upon motion by Yaeger, second by Fryer, that the said resolution be
ijadopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
,said resolution duly passed and adopted. I'
Alderman McQuillan introduced a resolution appropriating $10,814.94 from
'the Park Improvement Fund and ordering payment made to Mayo Civic Auditorium
(Revolving Fund, which was read.
Upon motion by Yaeger, second by Fryer, that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman McQuillan introduced a resolution appropriating $415- 80 from
;;the Park' Improvement Fund and $174.48 from the Lighting Fund and ordering payment
I,to City of Rochester, Public Utilities, which was read.
March 3,, 1247
Upon motion by Narveson, second by Kjerner, that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Yaeger introduced a resolution appropriating $426.oli from the
Lighting Fund and ordering payment made to City of Rochester, Public Utilities,
which was read.
Upon motion by Yaeger, second by Fryer, that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Yaeger introduced a resolution appropriating $4677.39 from the
Lighting Fund, $36.00 from the General Fund and $2.00 from the Street & Alley
Fund and ordering payment made to City of Rochester, Public Utilities, which was
Upon motion by Kjerner,second by Narveson, that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and e.11 voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Yaeger introduced a. resolution authorizing the Public Utility
Board to enter into contract with Thein Well Company, which was read.
Upon motion by Fryer, second by Narveson, that the said resolution be
adopted as, read, and all voting' in favor thereof, rresident Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Yaeger introduced a resolution authorizing the Public Utility
Board to enter into contract with A. P. Smith Manufacturing Company, which was
Upon motion by Narveson, second by Kjerner, that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Narveson introduced a resolution appropriating $1,341.62 from
the General Fund and ordering payment made to the General Fund to set up balance
for Otto Fittings compensation, which was read.
Uroon motion by McQuillan, second by Narveson, that the said resolution 1
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Narveson introduced a resolution appropriating $220.50 from thi
General Fund and ordering payment made to Kenneth L.Hansen for labor drafting new
city map, which was read.
Upon motion by Yaeger, second by Kjerner, that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Narveson introduced a resolution appropriating $263.51 from th
ire Protection Fund and ordering payment made to the Gamewell Company, which was
March 3, 1947
Upon motion by McQuillan, second by Yaeger, that the said resolution be
l,adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
,;said resolution duly passed and adopted. •
Alderman- Narveson introduced a resolution appropriating $894.75 from the
Fire Protection Fund and ordering payment made to Winona Machine & Foundry Co., 1
which was read.
Upon motion by Kjerner, second by Fryer, that the said resolution be •
- I
'adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Narveson introduced a resolution appropriating $319.00 from
,the Park Improvement Fund and ordering payment made to Globe Poster Corporation,
which was read.
Upon motion by MCQuillan, second by Kjerner, that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Narveson introduced a resolution appropriating $236.25 from the
Park Improvement Fund and ordering payment made to Sullivan Brothers, which was �
Upon motion by Yaeger, second by Fryer, that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon ordered the
:said resolution duly passed and adopted.
i� Alderman McQuillan introduced a resolution appropriating $344.19 from
j;the Park Improvement Fund and ordering payment made to the Mayo Civic Auditorium
Revolving Fund, which was read.
II Upon motion by Narveson, second by +aeger, that the said resolution be �I
� I
adopted as read, * and all voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon ordered the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
I' Alderman McQuillan introduced a resolution authorizing the Board of Parki.
Commissioners to enter into contract with Allen Lloyd Company for purchase of a
power mower, which was read. •
Upon motion by Narveson, second by Kjerner, that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, rresident Lemmon ordered the
'said resolution duly passed and adopted.
� I
l The following claims were read and upon motion by Yaeger, second by
,Fryer, the bills were approved and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized and
directed to draw warrants on the City Treasurer and make payments accordingly: II
:t From the General Fund: Herbert G. Knopp, $93.75. Rochester Ice & Fuel
;Company, $18.40; Whiting Press, Inc. , $27.50; Kee Lox Mfg. Co., $2.92; Metropolitan .
Flag & Decorating Co., $6.30; The Frederick Post Co., $7.72; H. A. Rogers Co.,
March 3, 1947
$6.09.; Keuffel & Esser, $1..66; Blueprint Supply Company, $25..50;. The Frederick
Post Co. , $18.95; Oti.s Elevator Company, $13.00; N.. W. Bell Telephone Co. , $19.00,
• City of Rochester, Minnesota., $6.8.0; Williams Printing Co.., $4..00; Jesse H.
DeWitt, $.95; Municipal Court, .$9.00; Whiting Press, Inc., $3.15; H. A. Rogers
Co., $4.91; The Bobbs Merrill Co., $6.00; The Fred. H. C-.erger Co., $8. 26; Hentges
Glass Company, $6.00; H. A. Rogers. Co. , .$6.50; National Association of Assessing
• Officers, $10.00; Botsford Lumber Co.. $4. 32; Mason Publishing Co.., $12.50; A. C.
Gooding,.$66.15; Ambrose Blake, $112.50; Paul Plantz, $21.05; John A. Marsh,
$19.15; Claude H. McQuillan,. $6.30; Herbert G. Knopp, $132.30; Schmidt Printing
Co., $144.92; Adams, $5.85; F. R. Finch, City Clerk, $69.53;-N. W. Bell Telephoned
Co. , $113. 45; F.. M. Feldman, M. D. , $25. 00; Paper Kalon Corporation, $12. 85;
Gar ne t , Spring, $17. 60; R. C. Drips Gro cer Co. , $4. 50; R. C. Drips Gro cer Co. ,
$95.00; Minnesota._ Mattress & Feather Co., $29.00; R. C. Drips. Grocer Co., $14. 00;
Chicago & N. W. Ry. Co., $1.21; Coast to Coast Store, $1.74; E. A. Knowlton Co.,
$.98; Alvin E. Benike, $53.99; Wm. Behnken, $6.00; H & H Electric Co., $44.95;
LawlerIs Rug Cleaning & Upholstering Dept., $15.00; H. Dorna.ck, $51.80; Theo. B.
Robertson Products Co., $39. 50; J. I. Holcomb Mfg. Co., $8. 70; Ivan Boyd, $36.66;
Harry Loucks, $36.66; Paul Sandberg, $36.66;.Pruetts, $8.45; H. Dornack, $51.50;
H & H.Electric Co., $10.05; Enoch J. Dison, $19.25; Equipment Rental &-Sales
Corp., $3.08; Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc., $2. 36; W. S. Darley & Co., $59..80;
Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co., $19.09; Kruger's Woodwork Shop, $67.10;
R. L. Palm, $2.00; The Rochester Visitor, $8.00; Barbes Cafe, $106.25; Hammersmith
Kortmeyer Co. , $3. 50; Schmidt _Printing Co. , $129.11; Pure Paint Company, p Y. $• 72;
Osco Drug Co., $.33; Railway. Express Company, $5.27; Cranston Typewriters, $9..00;
Theodore 0. Wellner, M.D., $3. 00; Universal Motors, .Inc. , $26. 70; Boynton Hagamanl',
$40.00; Fratzke Brothers, $.63; National Bushing & ,Parts, $9.08; Monte's, .$18.65;
Cooperative Oil Company, $36. 53; Woodhouse Bros., $1.00; Rahester Electric Co.,
$17.97; Pruetts, $14.61; Postier & Eggers, $6.50;. Jensen Hardware, $9.43; Alexandi
Auto Electric, .$19.00.
From the Street &-Alley Fund: Fratzke Brothers, $11.90; Railway Expr.esi
• Agency, .$11a76; Hentges Glass Company, $.70;. Dunn Sand & Gravel, $136.40; Mich-ian�
Products Corporation, $10.69; St.. Paul Front End Spreader, $50.34; Olmsted County
Highway' Department, $22.00; Socony Vacuum Oil Company, $20.10; Big Four Oil Co.,
$6.90; The Pure Oil "Company, p5.50; Rosholt Equipment Co., $7.89; Ell -is Motor Co.,
• $140.98; Rochester Airport, $21.48; Andersen's, $.27.17; Wm. H. Ziegle•r Co., $5.93;
Scharf Auto Su.pply, $8.51; Elmer Giem, $1.50.; Rochester L-eather Store, $3.50;
Postier & Eggers,. $.50; Universal Mot.ors,, $5.06; Clements Chevr.olet Co. �� $1.60; .
National Bushing & Parts, $25. 21;. Gopher Welding Supply Co. ,. $31.35; Alexander Aui
--- Electric, ,$17. 36; Jensen hardware Co., $3. 15.
From the Fire'Protection Fund: Monte's, $11.85; Cooperative 0il Co.,
$1.67; Woodhouse Bros., $6.20; Rochester Electric Go., $8.. 26.; Prue-tts, $30. 70;
March , 1947
I,Postier & Eggers, $.3.5; Midway Texaco Service Co., $6.•45; 0. D. Wheeler, $4. 00;
lThe Rochester Laboratories,. $..75; Fullerton Lumber Co., $99.57; Emerscn's., $7.65;
!;Delta Electric Co., $8.57; Quality Printing Co., $19.85; International Associatioi
''of Fire Chiefs, $4. 00; Minn. Fire Extinguisher Co., $45.01; Nicola, Dean & Gregg,
',$99. 16; Nelson Tire Store, $99. 27; Jensen Hardware Co., $7. 70; Alexander Auto
iElectric, $9.65; Gopher Welding Supply Co., $25.99; National Bushing & Parts,
;'$21. 74.
From the Sewer Fund: City of Rochester, public Utilities,- $75.30;
�,Fratzke Brothers, $8.50; National Bushing & Parts-, $.67.
From the• P. I.R. Fund: The Bond Buyer, - $54.60. r
From the Park Improvement Fund.. Chicago & N.W. Ry. Co., $1.00; Toro
Corporation, $35.32; Woodhouse Bros.-, $1.25; American Florist Supply Co., $1.67;
$5.9 5: 'Ra-Tel Company, $27. 59; Allen -Lloyd, $. 39; Mosing Engraving,Buds s Conoco �I
;;Service, $3.75; Monsanto Chemical Co., $45.00; Stanley Merz Studio; $5.30; Werner li
('Transportation, $11.79; National Bushing & Parts, $15.64; Jensen Hardware, $9.75;
Botsford Lumber Co., $1.60;.quality Print Shop, $4.25; Coca Cola Bottling Co., j
$153.98; Burroughs Adding Machine Co., $2. 51; LeRoy Independent, $1. 50; Pepsi Cola
ICo.,.$1.20; Rochester Bread Co., $27.72;.Baihly's Cash Market, $96.90; Midland
;Popcorn Co., $186.95; R. C. Drips -Grocer Co., $12.90; Velie Ryan Inc., $124. 80;
Marigold Dairies, $8.93; Rochester Hockey Club, $20.00, R. C. Drips Grocer Co., �
"$25. 20; Mary Russell, $4. 50; Evelyn Lawler, $3.00; R. C. Drips Grocer Co., $9.00;
firs. Robert Burch, $10.00; E. A. Knowlton Co., $9.45; Rochester Dairy Co., $81.00j
'I I
Foster Electric Co., $106.32; Lyle Signs, Inc., $29.19; Whiting Press, Inc.,
II$173.48; Auditorium Managers, $50.00; Dr. Theo. 0. Wellner, $4.00; Prest6n Times, ;i
1I$1.75; Spring Grove Herald, $.90; Lake City Graphic, $1.20; Peoples Natural Gas
iCo. ,. $3. 19; Scheidel & Co.. $5.00; N. W. Bell Telephone Co., $58. 10; Walker Larson'
Hardware, $23. 71; Rochester Transfer Co., $20.00; Eagle Drug Store, $1.00; Louis
iCanar, $5.00; Bach Music Co., $6. i6;. Witte Transporation Co.,. $6. 34; U. S. San•itary
'Specialties, $66.13; Hanson Hardware Co., $21.44; Orcutt Signs, $2.50; E. T. Watkins,
'1$5.80; Jensen Hardware, $3.83; Acme Chemical Co., $40.01; Jones & Schmelzer,
j$29.00; Adams Book Store, $8.89; R. C. Drips Grocer Co., $3.12; Globe -Ticket Co.,
;$238.38; Southern Minnesota Broadcasting Co., $18.75; Hayfield Herald, $1.80; B.E.
;Darby &: Son, $1.93; Stewartville Star, $2.35; Sging Grove Herald, $.90; Rochester
sitor, $26.00; Chatfield News, $1.05; R. C. Drips Grocer Co., $15.60; F. Leslie
lWil.liams, $5. 00; Rural Youth, .$9. 60; Schmidt Print.ing Co., $2. 25; Dodge County
Republican, $2.10; Chatfield News, $4.20.; Gateway City Transfer, $6.18; Rochester
Post Bulletin, $63.00; Lake City Graphic, $2.00; Globe Ticket Co., $110. 53; J. I. i
� it
(Holcomb Mfg. Co.,. $24.80; Farnham Stationery, $2.67;- Brandt Au•tomatic Cashier Co.,;,
!$126.75; Gateway City Transfer, $8.30•; Addressograph Sales Agency, $184.01; Joesti'ng
Schilling, $69.50; Weber 2: Judd, $5.70; Nicola, Dean & Gregg, $1.-58; Vaughn's j
Seed Store, $36.20; F. R. Finch, City Clerk, $75•47•
March 3, 1947
From the Lighting Fund: City of Rochester, Public Utilities, $6p.95.
An Ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance granting a franchise to the
hereinafter named grantee for the privilege of operating motor vehicles on the
streets, alleys and highways, of the City of Rochester, for the purpose of
transporting passengers for hire for a period beginning Thirty (30) days .after
the official adoption and publication of this ordinance and terminating five .(5)
years,thereafter, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned, providing
for a regulation of said service.;. providing the .amounts to be charged grantee per
unit for the operation of said motor vehicles; providing for the termination of
the grant; providing for public liability security; providing for the supervision
by the Common Council of the City of Rochester, . and providing repeal of
Ordinance No, 343 and the amendments thereto", was given its third and final
11 Upon rmotion by Fryer, second by Narveson, final action on the said
ordinance was deferred.
An Ordinance authorizing and regulating the issuance of permits by the
Common Council of the City of Rochester, Minnesota, for the drilling of wells,
within the limits of the City of Rochester, for the purpose of protecting the
general health and welfare of the public and for the protection of the water
supply of the City of Rochester, Minnesota, was given its third and final' reading
Upon motion by Mcquillan, second by Kjerner, that the said Ordinance be
adopted as read, and all present voting in favor thereof, .President Lemmon
declared the said ordinance duly passed and adopted.
An Ordinance amending an Ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance regulating
the sale of intoxicating_ liquor within the City of Rochester, providing for such
sales by duly licensed persons, establishing regulations for the operation of
places where such intoxicating liquor is sold, providing regulations for the
granting of such licenses, setting license fees, providing penalties for the
violation thereof, and repealing all inconsistent ordinances", was given its firs
Upon motion by Narveson, second by kcCtuillan, and upon roll call and al;
voting in favor thereof, the rules were suspended and the ordinance was given its
second reading.
Upon motion by Fryer, second by Yaeger, and upon roll call and all
voting in favor thereof, the rules were .suspended and the ordinance was given its
third and final reading.
Upon motion by Fryer, second by'Kjerner, that the said -Ordinance be
adopted as read, and all present voting in favor thereof, President.Lemmon declarE
the said Ordinance duly passed and adopted.
An Ordinance amending an Ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance granting a
franchise to the hereinafter named grantee for the privilege of operating motor
,vehicles on the streets, alleys, and highways of the City of Rochester, for the
purpose of transporting passengers for hire for a period beginning thirty (30)
;(days after the official adoption and publication of this ordinance and teminatingll
Iffive (5) years thereafter, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned,
(providing for a regulation of said service; providing the amounts to be charged
!;grantee per unit for the operation of said motor vehicles; providing for the
;termination of the grant; providing for public liability security; providing for •
,,the supervision by the Common Council of. the City of Rochester; and providing
;'repeal of Ordinance No. 343, and the amendments thereto", was given its first
Upon motion by Narveson, second by Yaeger, and upon roll call and all �
(present voting in favor thereof, the rules were suspended and the said ordinance
was given its second reading.
Upon motion by Fr.e r, second by K jerner, and upon :roll :call _and afil
present voting in favor thereof, the rules were suspended and the said ordinance l
as given its third and final reading.
i� Upon motion by Yaeger, second by Narveson, that the said Ordinance be j
la.dopted as read, and all present voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared
the said ordinance duly passed and adopted.
An Ordinance amending an ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance granting a
franchise to the hereinafter named grantee for the privilege of operating motor
vehicles on the streets, alleys, and highways of the City of. Rochester, for the
urpose of transporting passengers for hire for a period beginning thirty (30)
idays after the official adoption and publication of this ordinance and termi.na.ting
'five (5) years thereafter, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned,
providing for a regulation of said service; providing the amounts to be charged �I1
�rantee per unit for the operation of said motor vehicles; providing for the
Itermina.tion of the grant; providing for public liability security; providing f&r j.
ithe supervision by the Common Council of the City of Rochester; and providing
;repeal of Ordinance No. 343 and the amendments thereto", was given its first reading.
k Upon motion by Fryer, second by Kjerner, and upon roll call and. all
present voting in. favor thereof, the rules were suspended and the said ordinance
was given its second reading li
f Upon motion. by Yaeger, second by Fryer, and upon roll call and all
present voting in favor thereof, the rums were suspended and the said ordinance •
as given its third and final reading.
i� Upon motion by Fryer, second by Narveson, that the said Ordinance be
adopted as read, and all present voting in favor thereof, President Lemmon declared
the said. Ordinance duly passed and adopted. j
City Attorney Hunt read recommendations for
1 7t7
March 3 1947
changes of present ordinates before the new ordinance book be published and reque
that a meeting be held to study the changes further. Upon motion by Fryer,
second by Yaeger, the matter was referred to the License Committee, the City
Attorney, the Building, Electrical and Heating Inspectors, the City Engineer and
the City Clerk.
Mayor Grassle recommended that a. study be made of the Toledo plan of
handling matters between management and labor and President Lemmon referred the
matter to the City Attorney to secure further information on the plan and to
submit same to the Common Council.
City Attorney Hunt stated that he had received a proposed complaint
from the attorneys representing the Hankee Heating Company of Minneapolis. After
discussing the matter a motion was made by Fryer, second by Kjerner, that no
change be made in the ordinance and that the matter be tried out in court if the
Hankee Heating Company wishes to do so.
An additional agreement concerning the operation of the Veterans Housin
Project at the fair grounds was read and upon motion by Fryer, second by Kjerner,
the same was referred to the City Attorney and the Public Grounds Committee with
power to act.
Upon motion by Fryer, second by Yaeger, the meeting was adjourned.
City Clerk