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Minutes of a regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of
Rochester, Minnesota, -held in the Council Chambers, in the City Hall, in said
City, on September 5, 19229 at 2 o'clock P .M i
Meeting called to order by President Weeks
Y Roll . Call: PresbhntrWeeks, Cook, Erickson, Frank, Lemmon, Miner.
Absent: Witzkei
Motion by Frank second by Lemmon carried that the minutes of the
meeting held on August 21, 1922, be approved.
President Weeks announced that this was the time and place fixed
;for a hearing on the proposed grading of Second Avenue Northwest from the
north line of Fifth Street Northwest to the north rail of the main track of
the Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company, and asked if there was any one
present who wished to be heard in regard to said grading:
There was no one present who wished to be heard in regard to the
t y
,,proposed grading of a part of Second Avenue Northwest, as above described*
Alderman Witzke came in at this time and took his Chair.
President Peeks announced that this was the time and place fixed
for a hearing on the .proposed construction, of sanitary sewers in parts of
,Eighth Avenue Southwest and Eighth Street Southeast, and asked if there was
.any one present who wished to be heard in any matter concerning either or any
' o f the said proposed sanitary sewers.
There was no one present who wished to be heard.
President Peeks announced that this was the time and place fixed
for a hearing on the levying of special assessments for the cost and expense
of the construction of a sanitary sewer in parts of Fourth Avenue Southwest,
Ninth ,Street Southwest and Seventh Avenue Southwest, also known as Project
No: 5, and asked if there was anyone present who wished to be heard in any
matter concerning the said sanitary sewers
There was no person present who wished to be heard.
Alderman Witzke introduced a resolution accepting the construction
of a sanitary sewer in parts of Fourth Avenue Southwest, Ninth Street South-
west and Seventh Avenue Southwest, also known as Project No. 5, as being
completed according to contract, which was read:
Upon motion by Lemmon second by Frank, and all voting in favor
-thereof, President Peeks declared said resolution duly passed and adopted.
The following communication was read, and President Weeks referred
the same to the Street and Alley Committee:
"Rochester, Minnesota
Sept. 5, 1922
To the City Council of
Rochester, Minne sot a .
Gent 1 amen: -
The Rochester Telephone Company desire to increase their facil-
ities in the vacinity of 8th Street S.@P: and 9th Ave: SOW.. by placing cable,
which will necessitate setting poles on these streetsa
Therefore the Rochester Telephone Company hereby petitions the City Council
for permission to set 11 poles and to string cable on the south side of 8th Street S.W
from 8t.
h Ave. S.W., west to the city limits, to set two poles on the east side of 9th
Ave. S.71. from Sth Street S.W. to 7th Street S.W. and three poles on the east side of
9th Ave. S.W., one south and two north of 5th Street south with the necessary anchors
and cable also for permission to place conduit underground in `the boulevard on the
north side of 4th Street S.W. from the east side "of 2nd Ave*W to the alley west of 4th
Ave. West+ $
Respectfully yours,
H.G. Mulbarger,
Local Com. Mgr .
Rochester Telephone Cod"
Motion by Lemmoin second by Cook carried that the City Attorney be instruct-
ed to draft an ordinance that will allow the Common Council to avail themselves of
powers provided for in'Section 291 of the Charter of said City.
The following report of costs was read, and motion by Witzke second by Frank
carried that the same be accepted and placed on filer Y
` "September 5,.1922.
Honorable Mayor and Common Council,
City of Rochester, Minne sot ai
Gentlemen: r
I respectfully report the following as being the cost , for the construction
of the s4nitary sewer in Fourth Avenue Southwest, Ninth Street Southwest and Seventh
Avenue Southwest, also known .as Project Nor 5:
inal estimate, as prepared by Charles H. Armstrong, in favor of Wm. Co Fusser,
Contractor: s
23593 fti of 12" Pipe Sewer at $1:50 per foot, $353895
89 pieces 6" on 12", Y's, at $2000 each 178.00
7 Manholes at $6000 each 42000
525.4 ft: of 8" Pipe Sewer at $lild per ft 57794
11 cue yds. Sand Rock excavated at $5 00 per cu. yda 55000 $4769.89
Stakes, blue prints, etc., lN55
Surveying, making plans, etc., -
Total, 484 -83
Respectfully, submitted,
A. F. Wright,
City Clerk."
_ I
The following communication was read: j
J "Ro chest er, Minne sot a,
September 5th, 1922: ►,
To the Honorable Mayor and the Common Council
of the City of Rochester:
Dear Sirs:- '
About a year ago this Company applied to you for and by you was granted I
permission .to retain in effect the schedule o frrates . authorized in September, 1920.
In its previous communication to you, the Company has called attention to.
the condition of the coal market making this request necessary, and we believe that
you are familiar with the general coal situation at this time, so as to make repetition
Jupt at present the coal situation is fully as bad, if not worse, than at
any time during the war period: There is a possibility of the Company being unable to
get coal at any price or to obtain delivery of coal purchased by its At present,♦,. the
Company has on hand a supply, which will not last .to' exceed three weeks,
and at that the Company is operating its water gas set to quite an extent.
There are only three cars of coal in transitand the time of their arrival
.is uncertain.
It is impossible'td predict how long the present railroad'strike
Will continue, or what its ultimate effect will be upon the delivery'of
coals One thing is certain, and that is, that if -coal cannot be moved
under present ireather conditions, it will, be' practically impossible to
secure a supply during the severe winter weather.
The Coal Companies have also adopted the policy of requiring
cash payments for coal and that means that the gas Companies must maintain
their credit and be in position to pay bills promptly and to buy coal
wherever it can be founds The Company is making every effort possible to
secure coal to keep its plant in operation :and wishes to assure y.ou that
it will continue in its efforts.
The Company has always paid the going prices for labor and there
has been no material change in its pay roll during, the last year, although
during that period there were wage reductions in many other lines:
In every other respect the operating costs are higher now than
they were a year aEroa There was a reduction in freight in the early sum-
mer from $$6.00 to U5440 per ton, but before it became effective the coal
strike caused.an increase in the cost of coal, which more than offset the
freight reduction of sixty cents (60 cents) per ton..
The Companies contract for coal ran out in June, and since that'
time it has had to .buy on the open market; The' average cost of coal in
August was $10431. Some of this coal cost as high as $$12@50, and it was
quite probable that the prices may go even higheri The Present rate is
based on S10:00 coal. The Company is not asking for any increase, al-
though the cost of coal is likely to .exceed $$10.00. It is however, will-
ing to reduce the price of gas, if the cost of coal falls below $10400.
The Company ,.can hardly get along on the present rates and. cannot
.,afford to go bank to the . old schedule, until coal costs are reduced and
Any reductions at this time would seriously cripple it, so as to make
proper service for the Community impossible@
In view of 'these eiPcumstances, "the Company finds itself' obliged
to request the Council to authorize it to continue the present rate for a
period of another year ending August 31st, 1923, and trusts that proper
.action can be taken by this Council authorizing the Company so to dow
The Company wishes to express.its appreciation of the courtesies
which have been extended to it, from time to time, by the City and its
Officials and to assure the Council that it will be only too glad to re-
duce gas rates at any time productions costs will permit.
Very Respectfully,
By R. C: Beebe
Alderman Witzke introduced an ordinance autHorizing the Rochest-
• er Utility Company, its successors and assigns to charge a higher rate for
gas than provided for, in the ordinance now held by said Company, which was
given its first reading@
Motion by Miner second by Frank carried that the rules be sus-
pended and that the said ordinance be given its second reading and it was
given its second reading accordingly.
�j Motion by Frank second by Erickson carried that the rules be
suspended and that the said ordinance be given its third and final read-
ing and it was given its third and final reading accordingly:
Upon motion by Witzke second by Miner, and all voting in favor
thereof, President Weeks declared the said ordinance duly passed and adopted.
This being the. time and place fixed for tAe opening of proposals for the
/ /collection and disposal of garbage within the City of Rochester, Minnesota, the follow-
ing proposal was opened and read:
"September 5, 1922*
To the Common Council of the City of Rochester, Minnesota:
.In consideration of the sum of thirty five hundred dollars (#3500.00) per year
• E
I hereby agree to collect and dispose of the garbage .of the City of Rochester, Minn.,
in accordance with the City Ordinance providing for and regulating the collection of
garbage in the City of Rochester, Minn.,. and the disposal thereof..
Enclosed find certified.check•for $350:00
T J. -Costello.
Thomas J. Costello
R.F*De Rochester, Minn*"
Motion by Witzke second by Miner carried that the said proposal for the
collection and. disposal of garbage be rejected, and that the certified check which
accompanied it be returned to the bidder*
Alderman Witzke introduced a .resolution levying special assessments for the t
cost and expense of the construction of a sanitary sewer in pests of Fourth Avenue
Southwest, Ninth Street Southwest and Seventh Avenue Southwest, also known as Project 1
No, 5, which was read. -
Upon motion by Frank second by Witzke, and all voting in favor thereof,
President Weeks declared said resolution duly passed and adopted.
At 3:45 P.M* motion by Witzke second by Erickson carried that this Common
Council take a recess for one hour for the purpose of inspection of completed surface
drainage and sanitary sewers.
At 4:45 P.M* September 5, 1922, pursuant to recess taken, the Common Council
again convened and were called to order by President Weeks:
e Roll Call: Present: Weeks, Cook, Erickson, Frank, Lemmon, Miner, Witzke:
Absent: None6
Dr. Charles H. Mayo, Health Officer, asked for financial assistance in the
operation of the City Farm to the extent of the cost of collection of residence gar-
bage, as he considers the collection of such garbage a health measure and as duch
should come under Health Department expenses; this collection cost being Ivhollyan
item of expense in the operation of the City Farm as none can be used for hog feed
owing to its condition when collected and to the danger from broken glass,: etc.,which is
always found in it:
He estimated that $350000 per year was the additional expense to the cost
of City Farm operation by having to make these collections and requested an appropriati
of that amount a '
In the consideration of the matter, the Common Council advised him that at
this time, due to the financial condition of the City' of Rochester, it would be out of
the question to make such an appropriation, but the Common Council did unofficially
allow him to personally secure a loan of 01000*00 which money would be placed in City
R 0
Farm Funds for use in the collection ,of residence garbage within the City of
Rochester, the said $1000 00 to berefunded to him after the November, 1922,
tax settlement, and the Common Council further unofficially agreed that an
amount will be included and budgeted in the 1922 tax levy for such purpose.
• The application of Jens Madsen for a license to operate two pool
tables in the building known as 328 Broadway Street South, was read, and
motion -by Frank second by Miner carried that the said license be granted.
Alderman Erickson, as Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee,
orally recommended that the Rochester Telephone Company be granted permission
to occupy with their line electric light poles on Eighth Street Southwest
between Eighth Avenue Southwest and -the City limits; that they be allowed to
lay underground telephone conduit in the boulevard along the north side of
Fourth Street Southwest between Second Avenue Southwest -and Fourth Avenue
Southwest; that they be allowed to place two more telephone poles in Ninth
Avenue Southwest between Fourth Street Southwest and Fifth Street Southwest;
that they be allowed to place two more telephone poles in Ninth Avenue South-
west between Seventh Street Southwest and Eighth Street Southwest, all of
which be granted with the provision that they allow their telephone poles
now in Fourth Street Southwest between Second Avenue Southwest and Fourth
Avenue Southwest to remain for use of the ornamental street lighting circuit.
Motion by Miner second by Frank carried that the said recommenda-
tion be accepted. and that the said permissions be, granted with the provision
that the construction be made and done under the supervision of the City
The applications of Ivan Owen for a taxi license axed _for a sight-
seeing automobile license, were each separately read, and President Weeks
referred the same to the License Committee.
The report of the Milk Inspector for the weeks ending August 19,
1922, and August 26, 1922, was read, and President Weeks ordered that the
same .be placed on filei
The report of the City Engineer for the month of August, 1922, was
and President Weeks referred the same to the Street and Alley Committee
The report of the Clerk of the Municipal Court for the week ending
August 21, 1922, showing fines collected in the amount of 457:00; and the
report of the Clerk of the Municipal Court for the week ending August 28,
r 1922, showing fines collected in the amount of $125.00, were each separately
read, and President Weeks referred the same to the City Attorney.
The report of the Health Officer for the City Farm for the month
of August, 1922, showing receipts in the amount of 83,33869, and disburse-
ments in the amount of $3,381 76, and a balance on hand. of $430:40, was read,
and President Weeks ordered that the same be placed on file.
The City CL erk submitted the offer of John J. Kerr to pay' $7.i50
for the old lumber realized from the removal of the shelving in the vault of
Lhe City Clerk and City Enginee-r, which was considered by the Common Council, and
motion by Erickson second -by Cook carried that the offer be accepted.
A petition asking that Seventh Street Southwest be gravelled between Tenth
Avenue Southwest and 'the west line of Lot 1 in Altona Heights, was read, and President.'
Weeks referred .the same to the Street and Alley Committee:,
Seventh Street Southwest, Fourth Avenue South -
A petition asking that parts of
west, Fifth Avenue Southwest and Sixth Avenue Southwest be gravelled, was read, and '
President Weeks referred the same to the Street and Alley Committee.
The following communication was read, and President Weeks ordered that the
same be placed on file:
"Rochester,.Minn: August 24, 1922:
Mr. A. F. Wright,
City Clerk,
t t
Rochester, Minnesota.
Dear Sir:
Your communication dated August 229 1922, with the request that the Common
Council be permitted to maintain the team sheds as a`,temporary structure until June 1,
19239 is hereby grantedz
Yours truly,
Don E: Posher
Building and Electrical Inspectors"
The following copy of a resolution passed and adopted by the Commissioners
of the Sinking Fund of said City, was read, and motion by Miner second by Erickson
carried that the action as set forth therein be approved and that the said copy of
resolution be placed on file:
"Be it resolved by, the. Commissioners of the Sinking Fund of the City of
Rochester, Minnesota: .
That the sum of $29, 562a60 be and the said sum is hereby appropriated from
the Sinking Fund of said City and ordered paid to the Olmsted County State Bank of
Rochester, Minnesota, in payment for State of Minnesota, University of Minnesota
Certificates of Indebtedness, hereinafter described, which have been purchased from
the Minnesota Loan and Trust Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and forwarded through '
the said Olmsted County State Bank of Rochester, Minnesota, viz.:
Twenty-nine (29) State of Minnesota Certificates of Indebtedness of the
t t
University of Minnesota of One Thousand (1,000.00) Dollars each, dated July 1st, 1922,;
and due December let, 19289 numbered 162 to 190 inclusive, each with all interest
coupons attached, and the interest rate on said bonds being 4 - per cent per annum,
payable January first and July first each year at the office of the Treasurer of the
State of Minnesota:
Passed by the Commissioners of.the Sinking Fund of said.City this 29th day
of June, 1922 r
C. D. Brown,
Mayor of said City.
W. M. Weeks
President of Common Council of said City.
( Seal of' City of Rochester,, Minn.) John Miner
Chairman of Finance Committee of Common Council
of said City;.
Attest: A. F. Wright,'
City Clerks"
A communication from H. T. Banks, Agent of the C.& N.Wii Ry Co., in.
regard to the Railway crossings of the said Company, was read, and President
j Weeks referred the same to the Street and Alley Committee and the City Engine-
Motion by Miner second by Lemmon carried that the Mayor and City
Clerk be authorized and directed to execute a license contract with the
C•& N.W. Railway Company covering permission to construct a surface drainage
sewer outlet onto their right-of-way near the Rochester State Hospital.
Final estimate in favor of Wm. C. Fraser. nrenared by Charles R.
Armstrong, City Engineer, for the construction of a' sanitary sewer in parts
of Fourth Avenue Southwest, Ninth Street Southwest and Seventh Avenue South-
.- west, also known as Project No, 5, showing the sum of $1383.67 as being due
the said contractor,, was read, and motion by Miner second by Lemmon~ carried
that the said estimate be accepted and placed on file. '
Dinal estimate in favor of the IItton Construction Company, prepared
by Charles H. Armstrong, City Engineer, for the surface treating of the creo-
soted wood block paving in said City, showing the sum of $704&N as being
.due the
contractor, was read,
and motion by Erickson second by Cook
the said estimate be
accepted and placed on filei
Final estimate in favor of the Utton Construction Company, prepared
by Charles H. Armstrong, City Engineer, for the re -surfacing of the Tarvia
pavement on Broadway Street North, showing the sum of $2735i81 as being due
the said contractor, was read, and motion by Erickson second by Cook carried
that the said estimate be accepted and placed on files
Estimate Noi 1 in favor of Ormond and Feller, prepared by Charles
H. Armstrong, City Engineer, for the construction of a steel reinforced -con-
crete bridge over Cascades Creek in Seventh Street Northwest, showing the sum -
of S5695,i0O as` being due .the said contractors, was read, and motion by Frank
second by Lemmon carried that' the said estimate be accepted and placed on file
Estimate Noi 1 in favor of Wm. Co Fraserand Son, prepared by Char-
les H. Armstrong, City. Engind r, for the construction of a sanitary sewer in
Eighth Street Northwest from the center of Fifth Avenue Northwest to a point
800 feet East, showing the sum of $614,25 as being due the said contractors,
was read, and motion by Cook second by Miner carried that the said estimate
be accepted and placed on filer '
Estimate No: 2 in favor of Ormond and Feller, prepared by Charles
H. Armstrong,, City Engineer, for the paving and curbing of Ninth .Avenue
Southwest from 'the south line of Eighth Street Southwest to the center line
f Ninth Street Southwest, showing the sum of $1635479 as. being due the said
7-2 1
contractors, was read, and motion by Miner second by Prank carried th.at the said
estimate be accepted and tplaced on files
Alderman Witzke introduced a resolution accepting the sanitary sewer as
constructed by Wm. C. Fraser and Son in Eleventh Avenue Southeast from the center of
Fourth 5`treet Southeast to a point 239 feet south of the south line of Seventh Street
Southeast as being completed according to contract, which was read.
Upon motion by Miner second by Cookt, and -all voting in favor thereof, Pres-
ident Meeks declared said resolution duly passed and adopted:
Alderman Witzke introduced a resolution accepting the sanitary sewer as con-'
structed by Wm. C. Fraser in Ninth Street Southeast from the center of Fifth Avenue
Southeast to a point 105,j2 feet .west of the center of Seventh Avenue Southeast as be-
ing completed, according to contract, which was ready
Upon motion by Cook second -by Frank, and all voting in favor thereof, Pres-
ident Weeks declared said resolution duly passed and adopted: F
Final estimate in favor of +Wm. Co Fraser and Son, prepared by Charles He
Armstrong, City Engineer, for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Eleventh Avenue j
Southeast, as above described, showing the sum of y01873.87 as being due the said con-
tractor, was read, and motion by Erickson second by Miner carried that the same be
accepted and,placed on file:
Final estimate in favor of Wm: C. Fraser and Son, prepared by Charles He j
Armstrong, City Engineer, for the construction of a sanitary sewer in part of Ninth
Street Southeast, as above. described, showing the sum of $593.75 as being due the said!
contractors, was read, and motion by Miner second by Erickson carried that the same be
accepted and placed on filew
Final estimate in favor of Wm. C. Fraser .and Son, prepared by Charles H.
Armstrong, City Engineer, for the construction of a surface drainage sewer in Fifteen—
th Avenue Southeast, Center Street East, etc., showing: the sum of $3087.87 as being
due the said contractors, was,read, and motion by Erickson second by Miner carried !
that the same be accepted and placed on file -
Alderman Witzke introduced a resolution appropriating $3087.87 from the
Sewer Fund and ordering payment made to WM. C. Fraser and Son as final estimate for
the construction of surface drainage sewer in Fifteenth Avenue tSoutheast, Center Street
East, etc., which'was ready `
Upon motion by Cdok second by Erickson, and all voting in favor thereof,
President Weeks declared said resolution duly passed and adopted. `
Alderman Witzke introduced a resolution appropriating $593.75 from the
Permanent. Improvement Revolving Fund and ordering payment made to Wm. C. Fraser and
Son as final estimate for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Ninth Street South-
east, as above described, which was read& `
Upon motion by Erickson second by Witzke, and all voting in favor thereof,
President Weeks declared said+ resolution duly passed and adopted. '
Alderman Witzke introduced a resolution appropriating $1873 87 from the
Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund and ordering payment made to Wm. C. Fraser and
;Son as final estimate for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Eleventh
Avenue Southeast, as above described, ,which was read:
Upon motion •by Frank second by Miner, and all voting in favor
thereof, President Weeks declared said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Erickson introduced a resolution appropriating $163579
from the Pdrmanent Improvement Revolving Fund ' and ordering payment made to
t'Ormond and Feller as Estimate Noi 2 for the paving and curbing of Ninth Ave-
nue Southwest, as above described, which was read
Upon motion by'Miner second by Erickson,.and all voting in favor
thereof, President Weeks declared said resolution duly passed and adopted:
Alderman Erickson introduced a resolution appropriating $2735 81
from the Street and Alley Fund and ordering payment made to Utt on Construct-
ion Company as final estimate for the re -surfacing of the Tarvia pavement on
Broadway Street North,- which was read*
Upon motion by Miner second by Witzke, and all voting in favor
'thereof, President Weeks declared said resolution duly passed and adopted:
Alderman Miner introduced a resolution appropriating
the Street and Alley' Fund and ordering payment made to Utton Construction Co.
as final estimate for the surface treating of credsoted wood block paving,
which was read:
Upon motion by grickson second by Cook, and all voting in ,favor
thereof, President Weeks declared said resolution duly passed and adoptedi
Alderman Witzke introduced a resolution appropriating $1383.67 from
the Sewer Fund and ordering payment made to Wm. C4 Fraser as payment of final
estimate for the construction of a•sanitary sewer in parts of Fourth Avenue
;Southwest, Ninth Street Southwest and Seventh Avenue ,Southwest, also known
as Project No 5, which was read.
Upon motion by Miner second. by Witzke, and all voting in favor
thereof, President Weeks declared said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman. Witzke introduced a resolution , appropriating $614.125 from
;the Permanent Improvement Revolvin& Fund and ordering payment made to. Wm: C.
Traser and .Son, as Estimate Noi 1 for the construction of a sanitary sewer in
Eighth Street Northwestp as above described, which was readi
Upon motion by Lemmon second by Erickson, and all voting in favor
thereof, President Weeks declared said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Witzke introduced a resolution appropriating $5695,00 from
the Bridge Fund and ordering payment made to Ormond and Feller as Estimate Ng
1 fD.r the construction of a steel reinforced concrete bridge over Cascade
Creek in Seventh Street Northwest, which was read.
Upon motion by Cook second by Miner, and all voting in favor there-
of, President Weeks declared said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Miner introduced the following resolution which was read:
Be it Resolved by the Common Council of the City of Rochester:
That the sum of *65000 be and the said sum is hereby appropriated.
Fire Protection Fund of
said City and ordered paid to W.
S. Nott Company,
Minn. as payment 'for
500 feet wax and gum treated double
@ $1jo30 per foot, with
couplings, under invoices dated
July 20th, 21st, ;
24th, 19221
Mayor and • City Clerk are
hereby authorized and directed
to draw a warrant:
sum upon'the City Treasurer in accordance herewith, and
cause said pay-
went to be made:
Upon motion by Miner second by Cook.,and all. voting in favor thereof, Presi-
dent Weeks declared.said resolution duly passed and adopted. t
Alderman Miner introduced the following resolution which was read:
Be it Resolved by the Common Council of the City of Rochester:
That the sum of $5100 00 be and the said sum is hereby appropriated from the
General Fund of said City and temporarily transferred to the Fire Protection Fund
of said City for use in that funds,.
The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant
for said sum upon the City Treasurer in -accordance herewith,and cause said trans-
fer.to be made:
Upon motion by Lp=pn second by Frank, and all voting in favor thereof, Pr-es-
ident Weeks declared said resolution -duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Lemmon introduced the following resolution which was read:
Be it Resolved by the Common. Council of the City of Rochester: i
That the sum of $451e81 be and the said sum is hereby appropriated from the
Bridge Fund of said City and ordered paid to Republic Creosotipg Company of Indi-
dnapolis, Indiana, for 394 square yards of 3" creosoted wood blocks ® $105 per
sq. Yd, amounting to $728o90 and after deducting the freight Of $M 09 totals
-the sum of $451*811 Car Noi P:RZii- 515727, shipped August 9th, 1922, under con-
triact with said Company.
The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant
for said sum upon the CAty Treasurer in accordance' herewith, and cause said pay-
ment to be made.
Upon motion by Cook second by Witzke, andall voting in favor thereof, Pres-
ident•Weeks'declared said resolution duly passed and adoptede
Alderman Erickson introduced a resolution appropriating 1367i85 from the
Bridge Fund and $22204 from the Street and Alley Ftmd,. and ordering payment made to
the C. P� NcW*Ry Company for freight on two carloads of. creosoted wood blocks shipped
by the Republic Creosoting Company under contract, which was read.
Upon motion by,Miner second by Erickson, and all.voting in favor thereof,
President Weeks declared said resolution duly passed and adopted.
.,Alderman Cook introduced a resolution appropriating $2088i45 from the Light-
ing Fund for payment of August, 1922, public lighting and $2.00 from the Sewer Fund
for August, 1922, power for the sewage lift station, and ordering payment of the said
sums to the Public Utility Fund of said City, which was reads
Upon motion by Cook second by Erickson, and all voting in favor thereof,
..President Weeks declared said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Motion by Miner second by Cook carried that Q: E. McCoy, City
Weighmaster and "Custodian of the City Hall, be granted a vacation of two
weeks with full pay:
Alderman Miner, introduced• a resolution appropriating $$200000 from
the Street and Alley Rind for, use of the Street and, Alley Committee, which
was read:
Upon motion by Miner second by Witzke, and all voting in favor
thereof, President Weeks declared said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Miner introduced the following resolution.which was read:
Be it resolved by the Common Council of the City of Rochester, Minnes-
That the isum of 775009 be and the said sum is hereby appropriat-
ed from the Permanent Improvement. Revolving Fund of said City and order
ed paid to the Sewer Hind of said City for transfer of the sum of the
special, assessments levied on this date for the construction of sanit-
ary sewer in Fourth Avenue Southwest, Ninth Street Southwest and Seventh
Avenue Southwest, also known as Project Noy 5, the sum of $$4846083 less
the sum of $$71a74 heretofore paid from the said Permanent Improvement`
Revolving Fund toward the cost of the ' said improvements
The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to
drawa warrant for said sum upon the City, Treasurer in accordance here-
with, and cause said payment to be made:
. , Upon motion by •Witzke second by Cook, and all voting in -favor
thereof, President Weeks declared. said resolution duly passed and adopted.
,Alderman Erickson introduced a resolution appropriating y$100000
from the Bridge Fund for use of the Street and Alley Committee, which was
U,>on motion by Eridkson second by Cook, and all voting in favor
'thereof, President Weeks declared said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Al derman Cook introduced .the following resoluti-on which was read:
Whereas, the, City of Rochester has entered: into contracts. -for the
construction of local public improvements in said City, the cost and
expense of which shall be paid by. special assessments, levied as provid-
ed by law, said improvements -consisting of construction of rianitary
severs -in the following named streets and avenues in said City:
In Ninth Street goutheast commencing at a point in the center of
Fifth Avenue Southeast and Ninth Street.Southeast and running east
along the center line of Ninth Street Southeast•,.,to a point 105:2 feet
west of the .center of, Seventh Avenue Southeast;
In Eleventh Avenue Southeast.commencing.at a point in the center
of the intersection of, Fourth Street Southeast and Eleventh Avenue
Southeast and running south along the center line of Eleventh Avenue
Southeast to a point 239 feet south of the south line of Seventh Street Southeast;
In Eighth Street Northwest from the center of Fifth Aveme Northwest to a
point 90 feet west of the west line of Second Avenue Northwest or Eight hundred
(800) feet from the point of beginning@
.Be it
and it
is hereby
resolved by said Common Council:
That said
will meet,
at 8 o.1clo ck P oM. 4 on the 18th day of
September, 1922, at the Council ,Chambers in the City Hall in said City, and will
then and there levy special assessments for the cost and expense of the above
named improvements, according to the resolutions heretofore adopted by said Com-
mon Council, determining the mode. of said assessments for said improvements.
Be it further resolved by said Common Council:
That the City Clerk of said City be and he is hereby directed to cause noticE
of the time and place of said meeting and the purpose and object thereof and caus'E
the same to be published once in the official paper of said City, not less than
10 days prior to the date of said meeting:
Upon motion by Cook second by Erickson, and all voting in favor thereof, j
President weeks, declared said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Witzke introduced the following resolution which was read:
Whereas., the. Common Council of the City of Rochester, at a meeting thereof held on
the 14th day of August, 1922, duly passed and adopted a resolution declaring it
expedient and necessary that local public improvements to be paid for by special
assessments, .levied as provided by law, be made in the said city as follows:
That a sanitary, sewer be constructed in Eighth Avenue Southwest from the
center of the intersection of Eighth Avenue Southwest and Ninth Street Southwest
and running North to a point 100 feet south of the south line of Eighth Street. -
. . That a sanitary sewer be constructed in Eighth Street Southeast commencing
at the center of the intersection ' of Eighth Street Southeast and Eighth Avenue
Southeast and running thence east along the center line of Eighth Street Southeast
to the center of the ,intersection of Eighth Street Southeast and Ninth Avenue
Southeast, and
Whereas,, said Common Council in and by said resolution ordered that a public
hearing be held
at Z o'clock PO,Mi
on the 5th
day of September, 1922, at
cil Chambers in
the City Hall in
said City,
and directed the City Clerk
City to give notice of said hearing, as provided by law, to all persons interested
in the said improvements, ,and said resolution was approved and signed by the Mayor
of said City, and
whereas, said City Clerk did duly and in due time, as ordered, publish a
notice of the time and place of said public hearing and of the purpose for which
the same was to be held, in the Rochester Daily Bulletin, the official paper of
said City on othe 16th day of August, 1922, and
Whereas, on the 5th day of September,-, 1922, at 2 o'clock P.M: said Common
Council duly met at the Council Chambers in the City Hall in said City, and said
public hearing was then and there held and all persons interested in the ,
said. improvements, who were present, were then and there heard before j
said Common Council in relation to the said improvements; and the said
Common Council having duly considered the matter of making the -said im-
provements and the reasons and arguments for and against the same. and
deeming it' ekpedient and necessary that' the said improvements be made;
Therefore, Be it and it is hereby resolved by said Common Council:
That the aforesaid improvements and the whole thereof be made and
done and the 1 same are hereby ordered to bi made and done, in the manner
and with the materials herein specified and that the whole cost and ex-
pense of the said improvements be paid by special assessments, levied as
provided by lawn ,
Be it further resolved by said Common Council:
That the materials to be used therein shall be 8" inch vitrified salt
glazed sewer pipe and the manholes thereof shall be good quality brick.
Be it further resolved:
That the City Engineer of said City be' and he is hereby directed to
prepare and file in the office of the City Clerk. of said City detailed
plans, profiles' and specifications for the said improvements as herein
set forth and to make and report to said Common Council an estimate of
the cost and expense of the said improvements .
Upon motion by Erickson second by Prank, and. all voting in favor
thereof, President weeks declared said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Miner introduced the following resolution which was read:
Whereas, the Common Council of the City, of Rochester, at a meeting
thereof held on the 14th day of August, 1922, duly passed a.nd adopted a
resolution declaring it expedient and necessary that local public im-
provements to be paid for by special assessments, levied as provided by
law, be made in the said city as folloWs;
That Second Avenue Northwest be graded to . an established grade and
to the full width of the street, viz: seventy. -five (75) �feet,, from the
North -line of Fifth .Street Northwest to the -North rail< _of the main .track
Of the. Chicago and. Northwestern RaLlway Company's tracks which is a dis-
tance of three hundred sixty (360) feet:
Whereas, said Common Covnci, L in and by said resolution ordered that
a public hearing be held at 2 o'clock P.M@ on the 5th day of Septembe-F,
1922, at the Council Chambers in the City Hall in said City, and directed
the City Clerk of said City to give notice of said .hearing, as provided
by law, to all persons interested in the said improvements, and said
resolution was approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and
Whereas, said City Clerk died, duly and in due time, as ordered, pub-
1,ish a _notice of the time .and place of said public hearing and of the
purpose for which the same was to be held, in the Rochester Daily Bulle-
727 1
.� tin, the official -paper -of said City on the 16th day of August, 1922, and
Whereas, on the 5th day of September, 1922, at.2 o t clock P.Ma said Common
Council,duly met at the Council Chambers in the City Hall in said City, and said
public hearing was then and there held and all persons interested in said improve-
ments, who were,present,. were then and there heard before said Common Council in
relation to the said improvements; and tie said Common Council having duly consid-
ered the matter of making the said improvements and the reasonond arguments for
and against the same and deeming it expedient and necessary- that r the said improve-
ment s be made; ,
Therefpre, Be it and it is hereby resolved by said Common Council:
That the aforesaid improvements and the whole thereof b.e.made and done and
the same are hereby ordered to , be made and done, in the manner and with the met er=
ials herein -specified and that the whole cost and expense of the said improvements
be paid by special assessments, levied as provided by law;
Be it further re.solved:.
That the City Engineer of said City be -and he is hereby directed to prepare
and file in the office of the City. Clerk of said City detail,.ed plans, profiles
and specifications for the said improvements as herein set forth and to make and
report, to said Common Co.unpil an estimate. of the, cost and expense of the said r
improvements. ,
Upon motion by Witzke second by Miner, and all voting in favor thereof, Pres-
ident Weeks declared said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Charles H. Armstrong, City, Engineer, submitted plans, profiles, specifications
and estimates of cost for t)ie -construction of sanitarF sewers in parts of Eighth Avenue
Southwesti axid Eighth Street Southeast, as above described, and for the grading of part
of 4eeond Avenue Northwest, as aboven described, ,which were considered by the Common
S �
Council. '
Charles H. Armstrong* City Engineer, submitted profiles and abstract of grade
lines for a proposad established grade,for that part of Second Avenue Northwest from
the center line o:C Third Street Northwest to the center line of Fifth Street Northwest,
which were, considered by •t1je Common Council@,
Aldermen Erickson introdugced the following resolution. which was read:
Be it resolved by the Common Council of the City of Rochester, iMinnesota:
,That, the profiles and abstract of grade lines, as prepared by Charles H:
Armstrong, Gity ,Fngi4eer, for that portion of Second Avenue Northwest extending
from the center ,line of Third Street Northwest to the center line of Fifth Street
Northwest be and the same is hereby adopted as and for the established grade line
of said portion cif Second Avenue Northweste ,
Upon motion by Witzke second by Miner, and all voting in favor thereof,
President Weeks declared,said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman. Frank introduced a resolution adopting plans, . etc., for sanitary
sewers ,in parts of Eighth Avenue Southwest and Eighth Street Southwest, as above des-
cribed, and ordering advertisement for bids to be opened at 8 otelock P.Mo on thel8th
day of September, 19229 which was. read:
Upon motion by Erickson second by Cook, and all voting in favor
:thereof, 'President Weeks ,declared said -resolution duly passed and adopted:
Alderman Lemmon introduced a resolution adopting plans, etce, for
the grading of part of Second Avenue Northwest, as above described, and order-
ing advertisement for bids to be opened at 8 o'clock P.Mi on the 1$th day of
September, 1922, which was read:
Upon motion by Erickson second by Miner, and all voting in favor
thereof, President Weeks declared said resolution duly passed and adopted
The claim of Elmer L. Lee in the amount of $65.52 for working Waltgr
Adams' shift in the Fire Department August 19 to September 1, 19229 14 days
at I04:68 each, on account of Adams' sickness, was read, and President Weeks
referred the said claim to the Fire Department Committee.
The following claims were read, and motion!by Miner second by
Erickson carried that each of the said claims be allowed and paid, and that
the Mayor. and City Clerk be authorized and directed .to, draw warrants upon the
City Treasurer for payment accordingly:
t From the General Fund: H. S, Adams, $N45; Fairbanks, Morse and
Company, $30440; Public Utility Fund, $267:84; TiLillie, $26.50; The Auto
Electric Station, $3:50; Wm. H. Mitchell, $18e00; Wm:- H. Mitchell, $22 00;.
.Mrs. L. V. Mitchell, $900; Mrs. L. V: Mitchell, 0400; Ells Machine and
` Auto Company, $1@25; American Railway Express Comp'any,$.152; The Blakely
Printing Company,' ,$:75; Miller -Davis Company, $2e57; North' Broadway Garage,
0i65;' H. S. Adams, $5470; G. B. Eaton., $1a50; Rochester -New Method Laundry,
475; Alderson Bros., $1 05; Arnold and Burton, 6.00; Liddle and Bergan,
$3.00; Magaw and Hjelrner, O 60; Lamprey Products, Incorporated, K41; Foster
'Electric Company, $9®60; W. L. Eaton, $29075; Rochester Telephone Company,
$38w65; West and Postier Company, $$144.00; Liddle and Bergan, $16*90s .
From the Fire Protection Fund: Rochester Plumbing and Heating Co.,
$13i75; Sheldon and Schultz, 9$&14; 'The Model Laundry, 018a40; Louis E. Nietz
46a35; Co M. Fitzgerald, $37*00; Rochester Oil Company. $54s80; Rochester
.Grocer Company, $gslO; , C. and N.W: Ry Company, 81004; Star Laundry, $14*95;
'Liddle and Bergan, $8 10; Star Laundry, $8@50,• T. J: Dansingburg' Company,
$25s1S; Rochester Telephone Company, $ 25; Rochester Telephone Company,
'$6.00; Foster Electric Company, $$2 05; West and Postier Company, $100.
From the Street and Alley Fund: C:G.W@RoR. Co., ;�30-02; The Steven-
son and Melone Agency, $112@08; 0. G. Hanson and Son, $4iSS; School District
.Noi 8, $3.40;- Hawkeye Oil Company, $15000; Rochester Radiator Company, 14.00:
Clarence Anderson, $34050; Hanson Hardware Comp,�ny, $17iP94; Rochester Tele-
phone Company, $1.20; West and Postier Company :35; Maass and McAndrew Co.
$3,33; Morse'Brosi, $99.74; Liddle and Bergan,' $5.31i
From the Bridge Fund: Maass and McAndrew Company, $9 54; Morse
Bros., 1$llii3`7; Liddle and Bergan, $$1675; Dodge Lumber and Fuel Company,$32.8%
'Botsford Lumber Company, $59415
The claim of Tollef Erickson -in amount of 0214:11 and the claim of
Wm.. E, Cudmore in the amount of $222001.for expenses of a trip to the convention of
the International Fire Chiefts Association, held at San Francisco, California, August fi44
14 to 189 1922, inclusive,,were each separately read, and motion by Ifiner second by F
Witzke carried that the said amounts be appropriated from the Fire Protection Rind of
said City and Paid to. the persons named for the purposes stated, and that the Mayor and
City Clerk be authorized and directed to draw warrants upon the City, Treasurer for f
payment accordingly all voting in favor thereof except Aldermen Frank and Lemmon who
voted Nay".
'I The matter of the promotlon for sale of tracts of land without the limits of
the City of Rochester, Minnesota, by :advertising the same as additions to the said City,
was by President Weeks referred to the City Attorney for investigation as to what may
be done in the future to restrain real-estate promoters from this practice.
Motion by Miner second by Cook carried that George E. Stewart, First Assist- I!
ant City Engineer, be granted a vacation of two weeks with full pay.
Motion by Witzke second by Erickson carried that the City Engineer be instruct=
ed to secure labor and materials for .the gravelling of Seventh Street Northwest between
Broadway Street North and Eleventh Avenue Northwest in an amount not to exceed a '$500::0'0
Motion by Cook second by Frank carried that the City Engineer be instructed
to secure labor and materials for the gravelling of Eighth Street Southeast between
Third Avenue Southeast and Eighth Avenue Southeast in an amount not to exceed a $500000
Motion by Lemmon second by Miner curried that the City Engineer be instructed
to secure labor and materials for the gravelling of Ninth Street Southeast from Third
Avenue Southeast to'Ninth Avenue Southeast, in an amount not to exceed a: 050000
expenditure: t
Motion by 'Erickson second by Miner carried that the City Engineer be instruct-
ed to secure labor and materials for the gravelling of Eighth Avenue Southeast from
Eighth StrEEt Southeast to Tenth Street Southeast in an amount not to exceed a 0500.00 M
expenditur e:
Motion by Erickson second by Cook carried that the City Engineer be instruct-
ed to secure labor and materials for the gravelling of Seventh Street Southwest from
Fourth Avenue Southwest' tb the City Limits' in an amount not to exceed a 500:00 expend-
On motion by Vit.zke second by Lemmon Council adjourned to September 18, 1922,
at 8 o'clock P .M
City Clerk: