HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-06-1923224 �n Minutes of, a regnIar meeting of the Common Council of the City o I f Rochester, Minnesotas held in the Council Chambersq- in the City Halls in said City, on Aug ,ust 6th, - 1923s at 2 o I clo ck P.M. Meeting called to order by President Weeks* ItZoll Call: 'Present: Weekss Coot,, NeWhouses'. Roeders Witzkeo- Absent: Kitzman, Lammon* Motion by Roedet second by Cook carried that the minutes of the meeting held on July 17, 1923, bel-approveds all voting in favor thereof except Alderman Witzke who voted "Nay".' This being the*time and place fixed for a hearing on the matter of authorizing the Publi . c Utility Board to purchase 150 - 515",Trident water meters, communications from the Water Departments of Winona, Will- mar, Montevideo, Mankato and Northfield$ submitted by the Secretary of the local Public Utility Boards recommending the use ibf the Trident water meter made by the Neptune Meter Company, were each separately reads and Prenident Weeks ordered that the same be placed on file* 'D Iresident Weeks asked if'there was any person present who wish- ed to be heard in the matteri There was no person present who wished to express himself at thi s time. Alderman Roeder introduced thd following resolution which was read: Be it resolved by the Common Council of the City of Rochester, Minnesota: That the Public Utility Board of said City be and the said Board is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with the Neptune M et e r Company for the T)urchase of one hundrid fift�y 5/8" Trident water metersp at the price of eleven and 55/100 dollars ($11.55) each f.o6b. Rochester, Minnesota& The amount of the bond to be given by. said contractor is here- by fixed at the sum of ezventeen hundred thirty five-dollars(P1735..00)" Upon motion by Newhouse second by Cooks and all voting in favor thereoft President Weeks.declared the said resolution duly passed and .adopted* Alderman Kitzman came in at this time and- took his Chair. Tpon the request of Mayor Reiter,, who called them before the Common Council,, representatives of the National Meter Company and of the Neptune Meter Company demonstrated their makes of water meters; he of the National Meter Company explaining the points of the Nash meter and the Empire Meter, and he ofthe Neptune Meter Company those of the Trident. Mayor Reiter requested of Eugene F. Schwarz his opinion of !water meters and Mr. Schwarz recommended the use of disc metersp and stated that among the disc meters he found the Trident had proven the most satisfactory, so therefore made the change last year to that makes and that he considered the Nash meter as one made to meet competitive prices; he explaining the faults, as he had ..found them, of the Nash and,,Empire meters; and said further that should any change be made in the type of meter he hoped it would be 'for the . Empire meter %nd net the Nash. Louis Rousseau complained of the stench which comes from the catch basinsof the 1drst Street Southeast surface drainage sewer., but 'no action. was taken on the com- plaint at this time, Otto W. Riess offered to deed, and make passable for traffic, lands for an extension of Eighth Street Northeast between the mill race of the Rochester Milling Company and Eleventh Avenue Northeastv- and motion by Witzke second by Cook carried �that this offer be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer for .!investigation and report to this Comm9n Council at the meeting to be held on August .13'1923, , Irving L. Eckholdt, appearing in the matter o. f Roy 11. Goodenough's claim for damages, made an offer of settlement for the sum of OU15004­001 A petition asking that. Seventh Avenue Southe.ast between Center Street East land Fourth Street Southeast be surfaced with gravel, signed by Oscar-C. Ronkenj Anton- Hasley, Charles Ebenhoh, A. P.* Parkers Otto Fitzkej,' Theodore Gerths, John Gatess Laura Ye Terry., George P. , Pilt.e, E. Dexter, William Strangeway, Philip Koelschs It-ps. -M.J.Ormond., Krueger Nelson, Gust Theels Hannah Campion, G. E. Arnold, J. A. Hendricks, Jo Ho Haney, .John P. Dolang ThomaB Lynaugh, Valentine Saam, E. Ee Harkness, Herman Lehmannq Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cummingso Don Ei Postier and Ann& Sheehan, was read.6- Motion by Newhouse Second by Roeder carried that the above mentioned peti- tion for the gravelling of a part of Seventh Avenue Southeasts the gravelling of Tenth Avenue Southeast between Center Street East and Sixth Street Southeast, and the gravel- ling of Ninth Avenue Southeast,from First Street Sout�east to Fburth Street Southeast, be each re ferred to the Street and Alley Committee and the City Engineer for iAvestiga- tion and report to this Common Council at a meeting to be held on August 3.3, 1.923- In a communication which,was readt the Standard Oil Company requested per- mission to erect and operate a.drive-in gasoline service station in the City.of Rochest- er, Minnesota, on Lot :2 in Block 1 in Elliott's Sub -division of the West half of out - lots 4 and 5 in Gumnincsl tX11d"itien to the town (now at of Rochester,,, Minnesota, being the northeast corner of Second 'Street Southwest and Eleventh Avenue Southweste Motion by Witzke,-Second by Kitzman that the said per'mission,be granted and ithat itistallation be made under the surlervision of the Building and Electrical Inspect- or, lost by the following vote: Ayes: Kitzman. Nays:' Co ok,, Newhouse, Roederp Witzkee A telegram from S. T. Irvine,, City Clerk of Red Wing$ Minnesota, to W.' N, Calkins, Representative of the National Mete'r 'Company,, wherein Mr.' Irvine set forth the makes bf water meters in service in.that City and said that the Hersey,., Nash and. 7'rident meters which they have there are being replaced by the Crown and Empire meters, was read; the lCity Clerk calling attention to the fact that* when the tele , gr am was 'handed to him to be read, the -word "Nash" had been scratched over with a lead pencil, and he being durious had erased down until he found that some- one had*attempted to eliminate the word "Nash"Gi. President Weeks ordered that the said telegram be placed on file, Mayor Reiter requested that the above mentioned telegram be re- turned to Mr. Calkins, and motion by Newhouse second by Cook carried that the said telegram be returned providing that Mr* Calkins will furnish a copy of it for the records@ Dre W, F. Bleifuss and Dre Helmholt asked that the City of Rochest er, Minnesota, take advantage of the provisions of the Shephard-Towner Act, and motion by Newhouse second by Roeder c�arried that the City Attorney be requested to furnish a ruling as to how to take advantage of the said Act, and on proceedings as to how the present Public Health Nursets appointment may be adjusted in order to make the payments of her salary while operating under that Act., said ruling, to be placed before this Common Council at a meeting to be held on August 13, 19230 Irving L., Eckholdt a -gain appeared before the Common Council and said th�t,qxter having another session with his clients Mr. Goodenough aP4 with the City Attorneyv he had authority from Mr. Goodenough to offer a settlement of Mr. Goodenough's claim for damages for personal injuries if th:e City of Rochester# Minnesotal will 'pay. $800004 Motion by Witzke second by Kitzman carried that the Goodenough claim matter be laid on th� table until a meeting oithis Common Council which is to be held on Augnist 13, 19236 This being the time and place fixed for the opening of bids for the furnishing of 50,000 paving bricks the bid of the Purington Paving Brick Coe offering to furnish 50,000 paving brick at $32g52 per thousands F, Ot T34 cars at Rochesters Ifinnesotag was opened and reado% The report of the City Weighmaster for the month of Julyp 1923v showing fees collected in the amount of.$16ii6o, was reads and President Weeks referred the same to the FInance Committeei The report of the -Building�ana Electrical Inspector for the month of July,,. 1923, showing $5,&25 as having been colle.eted for electrical inspect ion feess and $50.00 as having been collected for building inspection fees, was reads and President Weeks ordered that the sam.e be referred to the Finance Committee. The application of Pesch.Brothers for permit to place and maintain a sign on the building known as 213r Broadway -Street Souths was reads and motion by Newhouse second by Cook carried that such permission be grantedg. that the amount of the bond to be given be fixed at the sum of $1000*00, and that the installation of said sign be made under the supervision and subject to the approval of the Building and Electrical Inspector* The application of W. C. Scharnweber, C. A. Maass and Ray Hellen- I 12- / f 2/7 ,:'bolt for drivers',licenses, Were.each separately,reads and motion by Newhouse second by Cook car.ried that each of said licenses be grantedt The application of R. 1.1, Graen for a permit to hold public dances in the i National Guard- Armory on August 11, 1923, August, 189 1923, and August 25v 1923, was r e ads A petition that Sixth Avenue Southwest.from Sixth Street Southwest to Eleventh Street Southwestj Eleventh Street Southwest from Sixth Avenue Southwest to Seventh Avenue Southwest and Eig ,hth Street Southwest. from Sixth Avenue Southwest to Seventh Avenue Southwest be surfaced with gravels signed by N. T. Nelsons Mrs. Anna C. Rasmusson, William,D. Duell, Ole Haugens, Martin Nelsons Berg Estates Peter Lynaugh, and Nowell & Ericksong was read, and motion by Newhouse second by Cook carried that said petition be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for injrgstigation and report to this Common Council at a meeting thereof to be held on August f13., 192 .3, The appointments -by the Mayor# of John. Ploo f as a.Special. Pq�trolman in the Police Department of said City for the period July 31j, 1923,, to August 6thq 1923, inclusive,, was read.t and motioi%,by, Cook second by Newhouse carried that the same be placed on,file. Motion by, Newhouse second by.Roeder carried thatthe silm,of $40-000 be appropriated from the General Fund and paid to the League of Minnesota, Ifuni cipalitie s in payment of annual dues inthe said Leaguej, for the,period ending September lSts, 1924 , and that the Mayor and City "Clerk be authorized and directed to drawa 9,1arrarit upon the City Treasurer and make payment accordinglyo Alderman Witzke introduced a resolution accepting the above mentioned bid of the Purington Paving Brick Company for the furnishing of 50,,.000 paving brick at the price of $32i52 'per thousarid, F. 0* B, Rochester,, Minnesota�p and fixing the amount of the bond to be given b;V the said contractor at the sum of $1626-009 which was readi Upon motion by Witzkesecond by Cookq and all voting in favor thereof,, PresideAt Weeks declared said resolut:ton duly passed and adopted* The.sign maintenance bond of John A. Rommel, covering the,erection and maintenance of a sign on the building known as Noi 906 Second Street Northeast with F. J. Rommel and Ai G. Baihley as sureties thereon each in the amount of $13508009 was read, and motiQn by Cook second by Witzke carried that each Qf the said sureties be acceptea.and th�t the said bond be approved and placed on filei Alderman Newhouse introduced a resolution granting permit --to R. M., Graen to hold and conduct- public dances in the National Guard Armory on Atig _,ust llth, .18th., and 25th, 1923, and fixing the fee for the said three dances at a total a= of $3009 which was, r e-ad i Upon mot�on by Cook second by Newhouses and alrl voting in favor thereof,. President Weeks dedlared said resolution duly passed and adoptedi Copies of removal noticest served by the Building and Electrical Inspector upon Gustave Mattson., Mrs. Mattie Mattson and Mrs. Lucy Xalb calling for the removal of the old barns situated on Lots 4 and 5 In Block 89 of the Original Plat Of the 2,28 City of Rochester, Minnesota,, -were each separately.readq and motion by Newhouse second by Roed-er carried that the same be placed on. fileii - The general balance sheet of the -City of Rochester,, )Ainnesota, for the ending of July,, 1923t prepared by the City Clerkp was laid before the Common Council,, and motion by Newhouse second by Cook carried that the same be accepted and placed on filei The balance sheetj, income statementsv etc... of the Public Util- ity Department for the ending of July, 19239 prepared by the Secretary'of the Public Util'ity BoArdjs were laid before the Common Council� and motion by Cook second by Newhouse carried that the same be accepted and placed on file,- 'said income statements showing that In the Light Department there was a net -profit during the month of July, 1923, of -53833ii77 making a total profit in that De]partment for the four months of this fiscal year of $27137406, and in the Water Department a net profit during the month of July,, 1923, of $3541,i-83,r and a total.profit -in that Department for the four months of this fiscal year of $12,438*541 Motion by Newhouse second by Kitzman carried that the account against C. ? Fe Dillon for paving block-sp paving pitch, etc.,q in the 8inount of $11,01 be referred to the City Attorney for collectiont The following report o.f cost was readq and motion by Newhouse s second by Roeder carried that the same be laid on the table until the next meeting of this Common Coitnoil,which is to be on August 13th, 1923: 11CITY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND WATER DEPARTMENT Rochesterg Minnesota. August 6th, 1Q23- _The Honorable City Council, City of Rochester,, Minnesota. Gentlemen: Pursuant to your order of July 17th,, to the Public Utility .,Board and upon their instructionsp an itemized statement is furnished you hereWith for the cost of the dix inch main laid in 7th St-S*E@., commencing in and connected With the 8th Ave main, thence east in 7t� sA, 372 ft. to . the east lirie of 9th ave; thence east and across*Bear Creek 330 ft. to the east line of 10 ave; thence east 288 fte and connect with the six ini main in llth ave s e, making a total length of 990 ft6: -,Ojt at em, ent - 8th ave to 'the east line of 9th ave; 372 ft 6" cast iron pipe $345i96 10 fta 4" &50 1- fire hydrant 5000 1- tapging sleeve 15i2O 1- valve 28038 I. - hub eW. gate valve 17400 2-1).gate boxes l8148 I— 6x6x6" tee 11078 1- 6x6x4 lOi5O 1- 6" plug 1 - 20 240 pounds pig lead 19-420 20 jute li70 500 coal 2o2,5 material 528.15 I abor ds p er time cards A 34 � 34 $9626-49 229 M.'s --- 9th hve to east lin& of 10th ave: 330 ft, 6" cast iron pipe $3o6.go Wi, V­i, hub end gate *valve 17-00 1- gate box 9-024 200-pounds pig lead 1600 15 jute i,28 300- coal 1-35 "o 57- dynamite 28050 1 -blasting caps 00 9.00 200-ft fues 3.50 material 392,i77 labor as per time cards CM-00 $100,1-77 10th ave to llth ave not 'yet laid: 288-ft 6" cast iron pipe 267.84 �4, 200-pounds pig1ead 1600 10- jute *85 2 50- coal 5 1.13 material 285,82 labor estimated 259.20 5.02 A 54 ...... .... 5 -ain Total.cost of six inch m 2599.28 Respectfully submitteds Eugene Schwarz, Supt City Water Depti" Final estimate in favor of the Dodge Lumber and Fuel Company,, lirepared by Charles T, Armstrong, "City Engineer., showing the sum of $719,09 as being due the said contractor for the Parnishing of lumber for the replacing of sidewalks on Fourth Street Southeast 1�ridge over the gumbro River� Job 60T, was r:eadq and motion by Newhouse second by Cook carried that the said estimate* be accepted and placed on filei The following recommendations of the Street and Alley Committee was read, and mot ion by Newhouse second by Roeder carried that the same be accepted and placed on file: Rochesterg Minnesota, August 3o 1923w ;Honorable Mayor and Common Council,, City of Rochester,, Minnesotai Gentlemen: In regard to protest of John J. Kerr against the City Engineer being allow- ed to make private surveysp we wish to recommend that Me have no! jurisdiction over the City Engineer afte,r' hoursq and he may do private survey 7-mrk after that times Respectfully submitted, STREET AND ALLEY COMITTEE, By Fred R. Witzkeg, Chairman." .A report of the Street and Alley Committee to the effect that they had examined the July,, 1.9239 report of the City Engineer and found the same to be correct,, was readp and motion by Roeder. second by Newhouse carried that the said report of the Street and Alley Committee be accepted and placed on file., and that the -said report of the City Engineer be accepted and placed on file,, A recorimenrlation of -the License Committee that Bemel Brothers be 'p,cnted a ju%A 6ealers' license, �was readq and motion by Cook S6'cond by Roeder carried that the said recommendation be accepted and placed on fi-le,, and that the said license be granted. The junk d,ealers' license bond of --,Bemel Brothers,, with H. Lipshitz and Sam. i 30 Sternberg as sureties thereon each in the amount of $1000600, was read# and motion by Cook second by Roeder carri ed that the said�sureties be accepteds and tha� the said bond be approved and placed on filei The following recommendation of the LightIng Committee was reads and motion by Roeder second by Cook carried that the tame be accepted and placed on file,, and that the City Clerk be instructedLto notify the Public Utility..Board to malce-installation accordingly: Rochester,, Minnesota., - August 6tho 1923- llon� lfa.)tor and. Common Councilq City of Rochesters Minnesotai Gentlem en: The Lighting Committee.recommend that a light be installed on Second Street Northwest,half,way between Eighth and Eleventh Avenue North- West& Respectfully. submitted,, LIGHTTNG COWITTEE, BY John J- Cook,, Chairman." The following report of the Lighting Committee was reads and A motion by Newhouse second by.Kitzman carried that the same be accepted and placed on file: "Rochesterg Minnesotas August 6th, 19236 Hon. Mayor and Common Council, 4 City of Rochesters Minnesota. Gentlemen: The Lighting Committee notified the Superintendent of the Light Plant in regard to the power line pole in the alley between Rroadwe.,%,, StI466 North and First Avenue Northeast between Seventh Street and Eighth Street Northeast,, and he said he would move same if possible., + He also said the brackets and lights for 6ascade Park were r orderedi Respectfully submitteds LIGHTING COMMITTEE, By John J. Cook, Chairman The following r6commendation of the Lighting Committee was read* and motion by Newhouse second by Kitzman carried that the same be accepted and placed on filej,and that the City Clerk be instructed to notify the A Public Utility Board to make -installation accordingly., "Rochester, Minnesota, August 15th, 1923, Hon. Mayor and Common Council, City of Rochesters Minnesot alf, 231 I U 11 I 0 a Gentlemen: 1, The Lighting , Committee recommends that a street light be installed at the intersection of Elevbnth Avenue � Northeast and Ninth Street Northe.asto and that the City Clerk be instructed to notify tht Public Utility Board accordinglys Respectftlly submitted# a LIGHTING 'COW-11TTEEs By John J. Cook,, Chairmanak" The following recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee and the City Atto-ney was readv and motion by Cook second by Newhouse carried that the same be laid on the table unt i I the next meeting of this Common Council which is to be held on. Aumist 13s, 1923; this recommend4ion having c arried the signature of Charles . IT. Arm - ,strong, City Engineer,, until'he heard the recomm . endation read at which he removed his signature from it: Rochester, Minnesota, August 31 1923- Honorable. Mayor and Common Councilq City of "RochesterP-Minnesotaii Gentlemen: Referring to quit claim deed of the 18 foot alley running north and south across Block 52 in Morse and Sargent's Addition, we wish to recommend that same be recordedi Respectfully submitted, STREET AND ALLEY 0014MITTEE, By Fred R. Witzket Chairman. Thomas Frasert City Attorney*"... The following -report of the Street aild Alley Committee and the City Engineer was read) and motion by Cuok second by Roeder carried that the same be acoepted and placed, on files, and that. permission for the installation of the said curb pumps, etc*) be not granted, all voting in favor thereof except Alderman Newhouse who voted "Nay.-" Rochester, Minne'sotat Au gu st 3s, 1923- Hon. Mayor and Common Councils, City of Rochester, Minnesota. Gentlemen: In regard to application of Le Le Danbingburg for curb pump at 425 Third Avenue Southeasts, wish tb re.commend not favorable as the street is narrow and very busy at timesi Respectfully submitteds, STREET ARD ALLEY COMMITTEE9 By Fred R. Witzkep Chairmang, Ce Ho Armstrong,, City Engineer, The following recommendation of the Street and. All ey Committees the City 9 3 Q ! 6;d Engineer and the City Attorney was reads and motion by Newhouse second by Kitzman carried that the same be accepted and placed on file.: q Rochesterg Minnesota, August 3. 1923i Hone Mayor and Common Council, City of Rochestery Minnesotao; Gentlemen: In regard to sidewalk grade and changing roadway in the locality of Second Avenue Northwest and Thirteenth Street Northwests we recommend not favorablei We feel that the present road has been used �y the public for sufficient time to gain adverse possessionei Respectfully submitteds, STREET AND ALLEY COMWITTEEP By Fred R* Witzkes Chairmani Al Ce 11. Armstrongs City Engineer. Thomas Fraser., City �ttorneyi" The following report of the City kngineer was reads and motion by Cook second by Newhouse carried that the*same be accepted and placed on files and that the sum of $150*00 be appropriated from the Bridge Fund and paid to Mrs., Margaret Butruff for the lands described, and that the Vayor� and City Clerk be authorized aL directed to draw a warrant upon the City Treasurer and make payment accordingly upon her furnishing acceptable transfer of the title:' Rochesterg Minnesota, August 6, 192N Hond Mayor and Common Councils City of Rochester, Minnesotai -lemen: Gent I beg to report that I have interviewed Mrs* Margaret, Putruff, the record owner of Outlot 14 in Northern Addition to the City of Rochester Minneso t% and she has agre-ed to accept the sum of $150,00 in'full payment of, and to give, to thp City of Rochester a warranty deed for all that part of Outlot '14 which lies south and west of Broadw�y Street North and Bridge, Street and -north of the Zumbro River., the same to be used by the City -of Rochester for right7Of-way for the new bridge to be built over the Zumbro River on Broadway.Street, Northi Re.spectfully submitted,, C. He Armstrongp Engineeri" "City An ordinance�prohibiting the setting off of fire work.,; within the City of Rochester,, Minnesotas, was given its second readingw Alderman Newhouse introduced a resolution appropriating $211i57 from the Permanent,I.mprovement Revolving Fund and o rdering payment made to �Wma C. Fraser and Son for the 5% guarantee withheld on their contract. for 0 233 the construction of a sanitary sewer in Fourth Avenue Southwestj Job 408, which was readd 'Upon motion by Newhouse second by Cooks and all voting in favor'.thereoft President Weeks declared, said resolution duly passed and adopted& Alderman Newhouse introduced a resolution appropriating $1125i39 from the Sewer Fund and ordering payment made to Wme C. Fraser in payment of the 5% guarantee withheld on the c-ontract for the construction*of sanitary sewerss Jobs 3759377 and 3789 being sanitary sewers in Second Avenue Northwest and Southwests Fourth Atrenue Southwest., Sixth Street Southwest,, etcag in Sixth Avenue Southwest, and in Seventh Avenue Southwest, respectivelyp $988i8l thereof being for the balance on 'Job 375s $680­95�- on Job 377 and $67.63 on Job 378, which was readi Upon motion by Witzke second by Newhouseq and all voting in favor thereof$ President Weeks declared said resolution duly passed and adoptedi The following communication was reads and President Weeks ordered that.the same be placed on file: "CITY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND WATER DEPARTMENT -Minnesota Rochester, August 2nd 1923- The Mayor and the Hone; Common Councils City of Rochesters Minnesotai 'Gentlemen - The following is a copy of a resolution passed by the Public Utility Board at a meeting held on this'.clate- 'Be it and it is hereby resolved that the amount of F11iTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($50,000.00) be transferred from the Public Utility Pind to the Sinking Fund of the City of Rochester for the redemption of Electrib Light Bonds of like amount from Nos. 651 to 950, both inclusive; and Be it further resolved that the Honai Common Council be asked fbr authority to make the above transferiv Respectfully submitted,, Public Utility Boards A. Ji Lentfer Secret4rya" Alderman Newhouse introduced the following resolution which was read: Be it resolved by the Camon Council of the City of Rochester, Minnesota: That the Public Utility Board of said City be and the said Board is hereby authorized and directed to appropriate the sum of $50,000,%00. from the Public Utility Fund of said City for payment to the Sinking F%ind.of said City for the purpose of redemption of the like amount of the Electric Light Bonds of said City from Nosi 651 to 950, both inclusive* Upon motion by Cook second by Kitzman, and all voting in favor thereof,, President Weeks declared said resolution duly passed and adopted* Profile and abstract of grade linesp prepared by Charles T1. Armstrongs City U ! Engineer, for that part of- Flourteenth Street Northeast between the center line of the bridge on Broadway Street North over the Zumbro River, and th-e Northeast corner of Section 35 in Township 107, Range 14 West, were laid before the Common Council and were -considered by themo% 'Alderman Witzke introduced a resolution adopting the above C� mentioned profile and abstract O-f grade lines as the established grade for the. said part of Flourteenth Street Northeast,, which was read. Upon motion by Newhouse second by Kitzmanq and all voting in favor thereofs President Weeks declared said resolution.duly passed and adopted*- . Alderman Kitzman introduced a resolution appropriating $859.20 from the Park Tmprovement Ftind and ordering payment made ta the Mayo Trust Fund for payr9lls for labor for the weeks ending July 6,. 10;/23p July 139 1 1923s July 20,, 1923 and July 27p 1923j, and for payrolls. for ushers for Park Band concerts during June, 1923, and July,. 1923, said, payrolls for labor totaling $744s2O and said payrolls for ushers totaling $1156-009 said appropriation being made in accordance with sworn billing made by William- Enkes, Secretary of the Park Board of 3eid City, under date of August 4., I 1923.9 which was read& a Upon motion by Newhouse secondby Cook,, 'and all. voting In favor T thereoft President Weeks declared said resolution duly passed and ad�opted. I Alderman Roeder introduced the following-re.solution which was read: Be it RESOLVED by.the Common Council of the City of Ro chest erg, � Minn- esota: That the sum,of $'719#99 beand the said sum is hereby appropriat- ed from the Bridge Fund of said City and ordered paid to Dodge Lumber and F�iel Company in accordance with final estimate on contract for replacing the sidewalks on Fburth Street Southeast bridge over the Zumbro Riverg Job 607., which said contract was a total of $422,00'., and for payment of 5300 fti of 2x1O-lO and 20 Mosi I Fir fti.rnished for the above Purpose at a brice of $2946009 and 69 ftwo of Noi 1 Fir lumber furnished for the above purpose at' a �rice of $3*93- The �,.Iayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant for said sum upon the City Treasurer in accordance herewith, and cause said payment to be made* Upon 'Motion by Cook second by Kitzman, and all voting in favor thereof, President Weeks declared said resolution duly passed and adopted. Alderman cook introduced a resolution appropriating $1935652 from the Lighting Fund and ordering Payment made to the Public Utility 17�ind I Of said City for July, 1923s lighting of public grounds and places, in accordance with sworn billing made by the Secretary of the Public Utility r Board of said City under date of August 3. 1923,9 which was reads ?35 Upon motion by Roeder second by Newhouse# and all voting in favor thereof, President Weeks declared said resolution duly passed and adopted* -read, and motion by Witzie The foilowing claims were second by Cook carried that the same be allowedtand, t�iat the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to draw warrants upon the City Treasurer and make payment Ac'cordingly.i From the General Fund: George Schmelzer, $28i,70; Walter H. Newsome,, $29.02; A C. Kiefer, �1.63; The Quality Print Shops, $3100; L. Tollefson Co., q,.60; Service '1!otor -Company, 0,72; Sullivan and Harwickj, $16*55; Star ta undry, %55; TIT and H. Elect- riC -Priebe and Fratzkes, $_0080-; TH. S. Company, $22iQ5; Hayes -Lucas and Green, $1670; X 'Ad aris 6 65; Public Utility Fundl 0305s'76; Rochester Oil Company, �,,?64.i66; E. R. Terryp V1.50; Hanson Hardware Company,, $q195; S. J. Hauck,,,.' 12.jOO; E. L. Hoff.nan, 1 S -Davis Co Pany, ,,441.7; 1-Taxine on American. Railway Expre' s Company, 0944; Miller, m Em. rs 1112; Katherine Drews $102; Star Laundrys $.20; John Ploof, '63 21 e Blakely Printing Company,, �Pl7i-74; J. Ei Carroll, $9*48; J. F,6 Carroll, $4,i50; G. P0 Josselyn Son, UiBO; I.Alest and Postier Co., 05.i45, The Liddle Hardware, 8,085A From the' Sewer Rind:, G. P. Josselyn & Son, $1060; West and Postier Co.,$5,s25; -90; Public Utility Fundo $12rill.; Hanson *Hardware Coit 056a 25* The Liddle Hardware,, 5,� 6 Froi� the Street and Alley Fund: The Liddle Hardware $61676; C.G.W-iR.RoCo., .'101'.85; Sullivan and Harwick, $2,M; Hanson Hardware. 'Coss $9*50; Floster Battery Co.j, 1.37; Elliott Contracting Co $2i25; Stevenson aYid Melone Agency,, 1402,i50; O-Gol-lanson and Sonj, 04 i75; 111 r ap Rock Company,, -$79478; Hayes -Lucas and Green', !'pl61q5. From the Bridge Bland: Hayes -Lucas and Gre6nj .7i30; o. G. TT anson and Son, !:��9 -i-27 - From the Fire Protection Bland: J& N. Johnson Co., T11co-, `T,8alO; E. A. Knowlton Co., Z6*30; Fo st er 7.1attery' Co �'pl&90; The Liddle Hardwaret 11i,80; Star Laundry, $15.80; 4.. �Aarks Economy St ores 06.00; Tri-State Tel. and Tel* Co., 6.00; Rochester Oil Co.., t�,`4.50; Rochester Electric Co.., D4,35; J. C. Thompson Co. 0154000; West and Postier coo., .7,9;, Rochester Plumbing and Heating Co $17,il2. From the Park Improvement Fund: Hagen Bros., J,�9,ilO; Adolph Bernard, -q'112.16. The folloming appointment was readt and motion by Witzke second by Cook carried that the same be placed on file* Rochesterj, M.innesota,,, July 26th, 1923. Honorable �Commori Council, City of Rochesters, Vinnesotaij 11 lentlemen: Under and by direction of the Commissioner of Agriculture of the State of i 'JAinnesotai, made linder date of July 24th, 19231, 1 hereby appoint George Schmelzer as local Teed Inspector whose jurisdiction shall be within the corporate limits of the City of Rochesterj, Vinnesotai Respectfully submitted# I Julius J. Reiterl Mayor of said City." 236 I 11 Motion by Witzke second by Newhouse carried that the City Clerk be instructed, to notify the Custodian of the City Hall to have a clean towel in the toilet room on the second floor of the City Hall- e7ery day, and if he has not towels enough on hand to comply, he shall forthwith buy a sufficient supply. jAotion by Newhouse.,second by Cook carried that the Street and Al�ey, Committee- and the, City Fnginper be instructed to. have a, conference 7,Tith ptto Wp R�ess relative to liow spon he can furnish deed for the pro- posed. opening of Eighth Street ITortliea.st from the mill race tp Eleyenth Avenue Nprthpast_, and how soon he can grade �he said street, and mako rppo-t to th3,s Cp.,nmon Council at the meeting to,be held on.August 13, 1923-� Aldprma�i Witzke introduced the fpllpwing resolution which was read: �TIIZEAS, The Publip Utillty Poard of the, City pf Rochesters, Milinepotas have applied to and apked, puthority of the Common jcounpil of the City of Rochester to Employ Louis.P. Wolff,, by contract agree- ment, to make a survey and.investigation of the City Water Works A �ystemj the.result of which may be used for future reference. Nowtherefore be it resolved by the Common Council of the City 4 of Rochester,, Minnesot.aq that the Public Utility Board of the City of Rochesters be and they are hereby authorized to employ Louis P, Wolff, 4 1 1 . . - 4 by contract agreenent3, to make a survey and investigation of our local Water Works System, the result of which may be used for future refer- enceo Upon motion by Newhouse second by �Citzmanq and all voting in favor thereofs President Weeks declared said resolution duly passed and adopted*, Onmotion by Roeder second by Cook Council adJourned to AUPust 131 1923, at 8 o'clock P*MM- <3 4 City Clerk.