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Vinutes of a special rieetinF o. •Common C u.nci.l of"',it-;T of
.R 4
Rochester, Minnesota held il^Council Ch,wnbers, in City TT all., a s.-3:i.d Cite,
December 28, 1923j a' 7:?0 o'clock T'. M-
' eetitig eallec. to order by President Wee.cs.
Roll. Call: Present: Cook, Lemmon, Newhoi,.se, "ceder, '':itzke.
Absent:- Kitzman. '
'"he cal?. for the special meeting iras read; ;paid meeting being
called for the purpose of iauthorizincr the Public Utility Board rto make Iasi
appro"_ riation of 635, 536.29 to t,he' Sinking Ftziid of said City; for tI?e ^.�•-
ment of princi-Oal/ of City- of RoC'ne'stei�, I.Ainnesota, 5Electric Li,r:;ht
bonds No. 5C1 to Q50, ncl.i,sive, and such other business ti•h&t: the said
Common Coi nci1 might deem pro^.er. `
�" r d0r-T.ia:o 'Kitzmen came iri at +•his ti°nE a,) (.1 toc'. lais Ch?dr.
AldermRn Nergioit"se i ntrudueed the following', resolution
wd.S r e eud :
r ,
Be it resolved by the Common Council of the City of Rochester.,
Minnesota: That the Public Utility Board of said City be and. the said
Board is hereby authorized and directed to appropriate y3553(5 . 25 -' nom the
Public Utility lbmd of said City for payment to the Sinking 1,und of said.
City for to ar--ply on the payment of principal on City of Pochester,
=='�:1•, 5jj Elect_r_ic Lieht Bonds due January 1, 1939, optional after
January 1, 3.929, and numbered !)51 to 950, inclusive - ,I,!
Upon motion by Witzke seconder by Nev7house,,and all voting in
favor thereof, President 1,:Iee cs declared the said .resolution passed and
The folloal ng communi ^>ation was read and motion by Le.ra.non
c, .
eccnd�- by Coo�•.^t��i•_.t saute be refer `Ylred to the Sinking Fund CoInmi3sion:
December, 26,
Mr. A. F. 7right,
City Clerk,
Rochester, Minnesota
Dear Mr. !"ri (Tht :
We are practically unable to secure bonds- for. the Sin"'ing Fund
of the City at a 4.70 basis price as investors rather deem it more profit-
able to hold than to sell. The possibility of buyinc3; some of these bonds
on a 4-GO basis is a good deal better, however, and when a compa-,' ison is
made in the net yields between your own bonds purchased at this .price arc;
Jield to maturity on the Liberty Loan Bonds of the Third Issue, due
1y28 we f.l.nd that at th.e T)r. esent market the interest returns v-ould be
4.437,;'. The Sin'cing Find IAvoiald gain .17 of 1% in :addition to securing .its
own bonds.
It seems to me worth while for the Commission too authorize this
additional premiL,m Th.ich aarrr�-1ta to cboia.t 101.77 or an increase in Price
of about .45 of ] j'. Tie believe this to be worth while and vrould
appreciate your earnest consideration of this proposition.
Very truly yours,
BY Pobert L. John 1i
mhe repor� of the
Clerk of T1Iunicitpal Court
November 26, 1923 �c nes
col]-ected the amount
an� fivil
Fees collected 427) the amount
of -v.60, the report.of
the Clerl:
off :iunicipal
Colxrt for the week ending December. 3, 1923°to:;Pl ne,s collected J�r the amount of
y130.00 and fees collected from Olm ted County for October 1923 #the amount of
lr pa u o he week ending .,,1�3.9U, the report of the Clerk of�lvtun__ci� 1 Court for t g December 10
1923 showing; fines collected to the amount of $136.00 end the report of the Clerk of
l,!unicipal Court . for the, week. ending December 17, 1923� showing fines collected to the
amount of $102.00
Bch were seperately�read� and President Wee'_cs referred the same to the
City Attorney...
The .reports of the Milk Inspector for the weeks ending November 24,
December 19 and December 15, 1923) were each se_oerately„ read and President Weeks
ordered the same to be placed on file.
The applications of the Bulletin Publishing Company, W. H. Hendricks, ?:. L
Hagen and Furlow-Cronin Company for .permits to place and maintain signs were each
se-perately read
i c motion by Newhouse seconder by Cook carried that permission in each
case be granted.
The application of Mrs. Ellen Crabb for permission -to plac-e and• maiii•tain
si g,,n on^building. known as 215 Center St. West was 'read -and: motion' � seconda�by
Roeder,, such permission be granted.
The applications of. Carl: W, .Ranfranz, Alfred Tabor, ' udi. Wiese, Paul C.
Koelsch, ?.1,err.itt J. Horn, Robert R. Jones, Hues Woodruff, C. S. Bigelow, Edwin
'•.Sohlke and Harold 'Waters for 1924 Driver's Licenses were each se^erately read and
• i
motion by Newhouse seconds* by Cook carried that license be granted in each case.
The following notice of personal injury and claim was read and motion by
Lemon seconder by tiritz'.<e carried that the sane be referred to�City Attorney:
It To the Comrznn Council of the City of Poehester, iii. '-,he County of Olmsted
and State of Minnesota::
TAKE NOTICE, that on the 28th day of November, 1923, the undersigned was
injured in the said city'of Rochester. under'th.e f'oliowing circumstances: That at
said time he was feeding and taking care of the deer and other ani-inals in Mayo Park
and when he was thus in the �.erfdrmance of his duty the: deer attacked him and pierced
the calf of his right knee with hishorns or antlers 'so that,he has been incapacitated
in doing any work and ;that he will -not be able• to cio any woi.kfor another sixty or
ninety days. a
That said injury was the natural consequence of the defective construction
of the fence, cages -find gates "in which said 'deer and- other animals were kept. In
odor to -get into the cage -in which this deer -suds housed he had b& go through the elk
pen or - cage and- while he Vas fastening the gate he had his back turned towards the
deer when he was attacked.
You will further take notice that the undersigned claims that the said
city is legally liable to compensate him- for -said .injuries and he hereby demands of
said city the sum of One Thousand Dollars as compensation therefor.
Dated December 26th, 1923.
William M. ' Alexander
To the Clerk of 'the City of Rochester:-
. You will please present the above notice. of personal injury and calim to
the council of the City of Rochester, Minnesota, at its'next meeting.
William M. Alexander "
'!`he following communication. Was read. and President Weeks ordered that the
ame be .placed on file: .
". December 22, 1923-.
:. 994
Mlessrs. A. F. 'Fright and C.H.Armstrong,
I hereby resign my position
t n as General Stenographer the same to
be, efft
ctive'this date.
Respectfully submitted,
Irene L. Hart.
Motion by Witzke seconded by Lemmon't1arried that the sum of
$13-07 be appropriated' from the General Fund and paid to ?hiss Ir'e-ne L.
Hart* the same being for three days balance of 1923 vacation
ation f)Dom her duties
as General Stenographer.
The following communication was read and President Weeks ordered
that 'the same be placed on file.,
St. Paul
December 22, 1923
Mr. A. F. Wright, City Clerk,
Rochester, Minn.
:Dear Sir: -
This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of December 18th
enclosing certified copy of resolution asking forexaminationof the records
of your Uty.
Arrangements sill be made to make this audit at tAe usual time.
Yours very truly,:
Public Examiner.
The follo ng,.copy of the resolution passed and adopted by the
.6ommissioner4of the Sinking Fund of Rochester, Mii�nesota
was read and
motion by Newhouse seconded by Roeder carried that *the -said copy of reso.-
,lution be placed on file and that the action s*et:forth therein be approved:
't Be it resolved by the, Commissioners of ;the Sinking Fund of the
City of Rochester,, Minnesota: That the isum of.$1069-47 be appropriated from
the Sinking Fund of suid City .and paid to -the Capital
al Trust and ..Savings
Bank of St. Paul, Minnwsotap for one $1000.00 City, of Rochester) Vine..,
16% Permanent Improvement,Revolving Fund-Bond,numbered 285 and of December'
1, 1931, maturity, with June 1,.1924, and all subsequent interest coupons
, attached; ,said amount being $1000-.00 principal, $65-30*rpremium and 04-17
accrued interest on the•said.,bond from December 1, 1923 to December 26t.
1923- .(25 days)
The following claims were read and motion by Lemmon seconded by.
Kitzman carried Ahat the same be allowed and that the -Mayor and the City
Clerk be euthorTze"dto'_-dKw warrants upon the City Treasurer and make pay-
ments accordingly.
From the General Fund: Schmidt Printing Company $201-35; Williams
Stationery Company $4.13; J6 P. Spencer $.1.5; :Wq,,lter-'H'. Newsome 02-05..
From the Fire Protection Fund: -American-LaFrance Fire Engine Co.
From the Street and Alley Fund: C;G.,,R.R.',Co. V56.!68.
From the Permanent Improvement Fund: Southern Vinnesota'.Gas &
Electric Company $10.80;'Stevenson.and Melone Agency $39.00.
Chas. H. Armstrong, City Engineer, submitted a plan' and profile for a
Se¢.Terage Disposal Plant at t%g City. Warehouse which were considered by the Common
CoiancJ.1. Vr. Armstrong verbally estimated that the cost of the said dispobal plant
would not exceed 1300 00 at which motion by Witzke se'Condt:d--by Newhouse carried that
the said plan and profile be file&nd that he be instr'uoted to secure necessary
labor, ====Tnaterials, etc., and cause the said. disposal plant to be constructed.
Motion 'by Witzke second&& by Cook carried that the Mayor and the City
Engineer be authorized to attend a convention of the American Road Associ7'i
ation at Chicago, Illinois, January 14, to 19, 1923, at the expanse of the City of
Rochester, Minnesota.
On motion by Witzke second by Newhouse -the Council adjourned. �}'