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?'inutes of an adjourned: regular.meeting of the Common Council
of the City of Rochester, Minnesota; held in, the Council Chambers, in the
City Hall, in said City, on September 8th, 1924., at 8 O'clock' P.IU.
Meeting called }to order by President Weeks.
Roll Call: Present: Weeks, Ce6k, Kitzman, Lemmon,- Newhouse,
Roeder, Wri�htt Absent: None.
Motion by Cook second by Wright carried that the .minutes of the
meeting held on September 2nd, 1924, be approved*,
President Weeks announced that thus was the time and place fix-
ed for a hearing on,the proposed construction of.a concrete curb and gutter
oh First Place Southeast between the South line of Fourth Street Southeast.
and the North line of Fifth Street Southeast'and asked if there.was anper-
son present who wished 'to be heard in' atiy matter concerning the said curb
and gutter.
There has no �e'rson present +moo wished `to be' heard.
President Weeks announced that this was the time and place fix-
ed for a hearing on the proposed construction of,a concrete curb. and gutter
on Fifth Street Southeast from the West line 'of Third Avenue Southeast to
the West' line b+f'' First. Place Southeasst, an$' asked' if there wa's any per'son
present who wished- to be heard in any* matter coneerh`ing the said curb and'
There was no person present who wished to be heard.
President Meeks announced. that this 'was the time and place fix-
ed for a hearing on the proposed grading of Seventh Avenue Southeast between
the South line of Eighth Street Southeast add the North line of Ninth Street
Southeast,and asked if'there was any person present who wished to be. heard
In any matter' concerning the said grading.
There was no person present who wished to be heard.
President Weeks announced that this was the time and place fix-
ed for azi:hadjourned and continued hearing on the proposed construction of
a concrete curb and gutter on Second Avenue Southeast between the South line
of Fourth Street Southeast and the North line of Fifth Street Southeast ,
and asked if there was 'aay person present who wished to be heard in any
matter concerning the said curb and gutter.
Frank Chute talked before the Common Council in favor of the
said curb and gutter. /
President Weeks announced that this was the time and place fix-
ed for an adjourned and continued hearing on the proposed construction ofa
s anit ary sewer in part of Third Avenue Southeast, -.that is,. from the Sewage
Lift Station to a point 93 feet South of the South line of Sixth Street
Southwest and asked if there was aby person present who wished to be heard
r 1 ,
in any matter concerning the said sanitary: sewer.
Oscar Hjerling talked before the Common- Council in favor of the said
sanitary sewer.
The August 1924.',report of the City Treasurer showing the sum of 0346,192sl
as being on 6hand, was read, . and President Weeks ordered that the same be placed on
file. ,
The report of the City Weighmaster for thr month of August 1924s showing
weighing fees collected in the. amount, of $24s509 was react, and as the report of the
Finance Committee approving the said report:accompanied, it, President Weeks ordered
that the said report of the City Weighmaster be placed on files
!' The report of the Milk Inspector for the week ending September 6th, 1924,
! was read, and President Meeks ordered that the same be placed on file.
The report ,, of the Health. ' 0 ffi cer for , the City Farm for the month of
August 19241, showing receipts in the amount of $3.35, disbursements in the amount of
$1336,24 and. a balance bn hand -'in the amount of $4039.74, was read, and President
Weeks ordered that the same be placed on file.
! The August 1924'report of the -City Engineer shooing expenditures for labor
l from the General Fund of $530.40, from the Street and Alley Find of $2126.04, from
the Sewer Fund of $53.90 and from the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund of.
i $591s059- was read, and -President . Weeks referred the said report to the- Street and
i Alley Committee.
1 The general balance sheet of the City of Rochester, Minnesota, as at
August 31st, 1924, 1-
prepared by the City Clerk, was atd before the Common Council,
and motion by bemmon .seeoZid by Cook carried that the same be placed on files
The balance sheet, income statements, etc.,. of the Public. Utility Depart
') ment, as at -August 31st, 1924s prepared by the Secretary of the Public Utility
i Board, were laid before the Common Council, end motion by Lemmon second by Wright
carried that the same'be placed on file; the said income statements showing a net
profit in the Light Department for the month of August 1924, of 09350*369 and a
total net profit for the five months- of this fise94 year in the Light Department
of $41,038.63, and a net.profit in the Water Department for the month of August
1924, of M0089 and. a total net profit in the Water Department for the five, months
of this fiscal year of $13088s030
The application of Paul C. Koelsch for a taxi license, was read, and motioh
by Kitzman second by Roeder carried that the said license be granted.
The application of Francis Cassidy for a license as milk producer of raw
milk, was read, and motion by Kitzman second by Cook carried that the said license
i) be. granted.
The applications of Joseph J. Giles Leonard Heine and William Wi Thompson,
for driver's licenses, were each separately read, and,motion by Kitzman second by
Newhouse carried that licenses be granted.
The following -communication was read, and motion by Cook second
by Lemmon carried that the resignation mentioned therein be accepted, and
that the promotion and appointments mentioned therein be approved:
" Roehe'ster, I.?innesot$,
September 8th, i 924.
Ronorable Mayor and Common Council',
City of Rochester, Minnesota. a
Subject to yout acceptance the resignation' of Walter Ti. Adams,
as Driver of Pumping Motor, and Superintendent of Fire Alarm System,
took place at 8 o'clock A.M. September 1st, 1924.
'Subject toy your approval Oscar WA. Miller was appointed Super-
intendent of the Fire Alarm System effective' at 8 o' clock. A.M. Septmm--
ber 1st, 1924.
Subject to your approval Fireman Rex, D. Holmes was promoted to
Driver of Pumping Motor, effective at 8 o' clock A. M. September 1st,
Subject to your approval Clifford �. Smith was appoint' Fireman•
(without previous experience) effective at a oMolock A. M. Septe:pber
7th• 1924.
s Respectfully submitted,
Wm. E. Cudmore,
The following quotation was read, and motion by Kitzman second
by Newhouse carried that the same be referred to the Fire Department Cbmr.+
mittee with power to act:
Price on chimney on Fire Hall 211.75
Repair on Piers 22.00
s Fred Jorgenson. "
The following appointment was read, and President Weeks order-
ed that the same be placed on file:
To the Common Council. of the City of
In' the absence of Ri chard . Manahan, Municipal Judge.+and of
Bunn T. Wilson, Special Municipal.,Judge, under the authority nested in
me by paragraph Two hundred sixty—one (261) Revised Laws of 1913,
State of Minnesota, I hereby designate James T. Spillane a practicing
Attorney of the City of Rochester. to sit. in place of the' Iduhicipal
Judge from day 'to day during the. absence of said Municipal Judge or
Special 'Runicipal Jud!7e while both are .absent.
ulius=T. Reiter.
Mayor of the City of Rochester;
Dated Sept ember 8, 1924. "
The City Clerk called attention.to the delinquent rental on the
Isolation Hospital property and, motion by Lemmon second by Cook carried
that the matter be referred to the Public Gtounds Committee with power to
het in the collection of the said rental or the. eviction of the present
.N V. x,:.
a• 1-
Certificate No '2 by Harold H'. Qrawford, Architect, in favor of Iliago
Schroeder showing the sum of $827.07, as being due to said contractor on contract
for the construction. of a public comfort 'station in Mayo Park, was read, and motion
by Lemmon second by Newhouse carried that the same b,--..placed on file.
The appointment,by the Mayor°of Julius Mundt, as Special Patrolman in the
Police Department,• of said City, for the period September 4th, 1924, to September
Y ,
loth, 1924., inclusive, was read., and President Peeks ordered that the same be plac
on file. !
The appointment by the Mayor of Mrs. Waterman W. Hendricks, as a Social
Welfare Worker in the Police. -Department of said City to hold office until the second
Monday in April 1925, unless sooner removed, was read, and President Weekp ordered
that the same be.placed on file:
The. following appointments were read, and President Weeks ordered that the
same be placed on file:
" September 4th, 1924,
"jaonorable Commoh Council,
City of; Rochester, Minnesota.
I hereby appoint the following persons at. the places described,
as .Special Policemen for the City ;,of Rochester, '.finnesota, they to serve
without. pay, and to hold office until the second Monday in April 1925,
unless sooner removed:
John Whited at Hawthorne School,
James Rawlins at Edison School,
William .Hill at Central School,
W:Llliam Vroman at Holmes School,
Alton Jenkins at Northrop School,
IV. VP. Reyholds at Lincoln School,
Otto Fitzke at High School,
George Crow -at High School,
M. S.-Brooks at Nigh Schoolo
Respectfully submitted,
Julius J. Reiter,
'I Motion by Lemmon second by Roeder carried that the Mayor and City Clerk �
I be authorized and directed to draw the following duplicate warrants on the City
1 Treasurer and stop payment on the originals thereof:
Warrant No. 9795,. dated August 26th, 19249 : and drawn payable to Alma Krug
on the General Fund in the amount of $5.50 for services as Clerk of Elec-
tion, Third District Second Ward, at Special Election August 19th, 19241
Warrant No. 9128, dated Junes 18th, 1924, and drawn on the Fire Protection
Fund payable to,,the order of the Rochester Oil Company in the amount of
$19.90 for 100 gallons of gasoline.
Estimate No. 3 prepared by the City Engineer in favor of the Utton Con-
structidn Co., Tnc., showing the sum of $782,80 as being due to said contractor on
contract for ;paving and `curbing of Seventh Street Southwest from Tenth Avenue South
west to Fourteenth Avenue Southwest,, was read, and motion byLemmon second
by Kitzman. carried that the . said, estimate be accepted and placed on file.
Estimate No. 2 prepared by the City Engineer in. favor of the
Utton, Construction Coo ,'Tnes 9 showing the 'sum of $1222.05 as.beinp,; due to -
said contbactor for the pl.aving and curbing of Fourteenth Avenue Southwest
from Sixth Street Southwest to Seventh Street Southwestvwas read, and mo
carried that the said est - at,e be, p�laced
'ion by Newhouse second by Wright estimate
on file.
The following report o-f the Sewet Committee in the matter of
the proposed sanitary sewer for a part of "Third Avenue Southwest,, was reads
II and motion by Newhouse, second by Cpok carried that the same be accepted and
placed 6n file:
Rochester, Minnesota.,,
September 8th, 192/
T.T.onorable Mayor and Common Council,.
City of Rochester,,. Minnesota.
We, the, Hewer Zommitteel, do hereby -recommend that the sanitary
sewer Proposed for a part of Third Avenue Southwests, that is between
the Sewage Lift Station and 93 feet South of the South line of Sixth
Street Southwest, be made and done.
Respectfully submitted,
ii By Wm. G. Roeder.,
Chas, Wright,
J. T. Lemmone
The following report of the Streiet.,and Alley Committee ane. the
ity Engineer in the matter of the Proposed Curb and gutter for a part of
Second Avenue Southeast, was reado,and motion by Lemmon second by Roeder
carried that the same be accepted and placed on file:
Rochester,, Minnesota,
Septemberl8thl, 1924.
Honorable Tlayor, and Common Council,
City of Rochesters Minnesota.
11 Gentlemen:
We, the Street and Alley 'Committee- and the City Engineer, .(.; o
do.hereby recommend that the proposed curb and gutter be made on
Second Avenue Southeast' be:tween'Fourth Street., Southeast and Fifth
Streei'Southeast, provided that it 'be laid to conform with the pres-
ent curb line, and not invalidate the pro4eedings''on account of any
change of alignments.
Respectfully submitteep
By CUk,
c__g. k;mstrongs_
City Engineer*
667- I.
Lotion by Lemmon seddnd by Wright carried that the City Clerk be authorized
and directed to call on the various department heads that they shall do or before
October 1st, 1924, furnish; an �it•emized statement of the amount which will be needed
for the operation of their `departments during the coming year; said figures to be
for 1924 tax budget purposesf.
The City Clerk requested authority to employ. an accountant to assist him
in opening; a tax budget ledger and in , decidkng the questions which will . come up
relative to the operation ,of it and motion by Newhouse second by Cook carried that
the City Clerk be so authorized... "
.The following claims were read, .' and motion by Lemmon second by Newhouse
carried that the sdme..be allowed and, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and
directed to draw warrants ,upon the City. Treasurer and.'make payment accordingly:
From the General mind.: Star Laundry, $475; ...,George Schmelzer, •$19.50;
The East Side Print Shop, $4.50; The Quality Print Shop, 011.50; H. & H. Electric
Co., N+2.50; The Liddle Hardware, $$5,15; American Railway Express Co.,, $$2.23; Post
and Records 09.32; City of Rochester Water Department, 01.38.74; American Railway
Express Co., $$.37; H. & H:. Electric Co., $$12.85; West & Postier , $e45; Maass and
MsAPdrew, $1.85; Sullivan ,& HarWi ck, 415.75; Thos. P. Hall, $4.00; Diebold Safe &
Lock Co., $140.00;H. & H.Electric Co , $91j10; Williams Stationery Co., $4.09;
S. J. Hauck, 046.50; H.' Si ®deans, 08.55; Hack & Goetting Printing Co., $22.50; a. g.
Vande Bogart, $5.00; Office Specialties Co., $52.50; Olmsted County Public Health
Asao'ciation, $125,00; Olmsted County Public Health Association, $$125.00; Ellis Motor
Co. , $$.50;
From the Street and Alley Fund: Ellis Motor Co., $$.70; Remel Brothers,
.01.50; b. G. .Hanson and Son, $7.20;. East Side Garage, $$1.00; Feat and Postier Co.,
$6.00; Otto W. Riess, $18.00; The Liddle Hardware, $11.30; Hayes - Lucas & Green,
§t2.85; Vaass and McAndrew,' $47.69; Iifaass . and McAndriew, 1.20; The Quality Print Shop,
From the Permanent Improvement Fund: Edw. E'. Zuehlke, $$1.80; ?Tass and
McAndrew Co., $$8.89;
From the Fire Protection. Fund: Rochester Electric Co., $$4.80; The Liddle
Ha rdware, $2.50; Tri-State
Telephone &
Telegraph Co.,
Star Laundry, 012.60;
Midland Lumber and Coal CO,,,
$$1,00 ; The
Model Laundry,..
$45.50 ;
Atlantic & P aci fi c
T-ea Co., $$7.56; Larkin Manufacturing Co., 03.61;
From the Sewer Fund: City of Rochester Li Fht Departmentj $$15.59;
From the Park Improvement Fund: Tri-State. Telephone and Telegraph Co.,
$$6.75; R. C. Drips Grocer ,Co., $3.95;
From the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund: Botsford Lumber Co.,$61.45.
Alderman Cook introduced a resolution fixing September 29th, 1924, at
8 o'clock P.M. as the time for a hearing on, the proposed paving of the alley running
North and South across Block 5 inn William McCullough.'s Addition, which was
Upon motion by .Cook ,second .by_- Kitzman that. the said resolution
by adopted as reed, and all .voting in .favor thereof, President Weeks deelar-4
ed the said resolution duly passed and adopted:
Alderman Lemmon introduced a resolution fixing September 29th,
1924, at 8 o'clock P.M. as the time for the levying of the special assess-
ments for the construction of a concrete curb and .Rutter on Third Avenue
Northwest between the North line of Center Street West and the South line
of Third street Northwest, which was read.
Upon motion,by Lemmon second by Cook that the said resolution
be adopted as read, and all voting in favor. thereof, President Weeks declar—
ed the said resolution duly passed and .adopted,,
Alderman Kitzman introduced.a resolution fixing September 29th,
1,924,r at 8 o'clock P.M. as the .time for the .levying of special assessments
for the construction of a combined curb and gutter on -Third Avenue North-
west between the North line. of Third Street ,No-rthwest and the South line
of Flourth Street Northwest, which was read.
Upon motion by Ro.eOV. second .by T'right that the said resolution
be adopted as read, and all voting .in favor thereof, President Weeks de-
clared the. said resolution duly passed and ,adopted.
Alderman Lemmon introduced a resolution appropriating $631,03
from the General Fund.and ordering payment made to. the Treasurer of the
State of Minnesota, for the expenses of re. -assessing the City of Rochester,
Minnesota,. for moneys and credits for the year 1923, which was read.
. t ♦ . . p
Upon motion by Wright second by Kitzman, that the .said res.olu-
Lion be adopted- asL redd,• and all voting in favor thereof, President Weeks
declared the said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Ro-eder introduced a resolution appropriating �12087.25
from the Lighting Fund and ordering payment made to the.Public utility
4 ,
Fund for. August .1924-,,. public lighting ,in accordance' with. sworn billing
made by Sarah T. Kumn,. Assistant Seoretary.of the' Putrlic Utility Board
under date of Sept ember 3rd, 1924, , which was' read.
Upon motion by Newhouse second by Roeder that the said --resolu-
tion be Adopted as read, and all, voting in favor thereof, President Meeks
declared the said resolution duly passed and 'adopted.
Alderman Newhouse introduced a resolution ,appropriating
$870.27 from the Permanent Improvement -Fland and ordering payment made to
,Hugo Schroeder in payment of Certifieate No. 2,, on contract for the .con-
struction of a public comfort' st"ati'6n4in Mayo Park, c,.,hich wag read.
Upon motion by Roeder second by Codk that the said resolution
be adopted as read, and -.all voting in.:favor;.thereof, President Weeks.declared the
said resolution duly passed the adopted.
Alderman Roeder %introduced. a resolution . appropriating $782, 80 from the
Permanent Tmprovement .Revolving. Rind• and ordering payment made to the Utton Con-
struction Co., Inc.., for estimate No.. 3 on contract for the paving and curbing of
Seventh Street Southwest from Tenth Avenue Southwest to Fourteenth Avenue South-
west, which �►►as read.
Upon motion by Cook second by Wright that the said resolution be adopted
asreads. and. all voting in favor thereof, President Weeks declared the said resolu-
tion duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Wright introduced a resolution appropriating $222.05 from the
Permanent Improvement Revolving ,Farad and: ordering payment made to the Utt on Con-
struction Co., Inc., for estimate No. 2 on contract for the paving and *.curbing of
Fourteenth Avenue Southwest.from Sixth Street Southwest to Seventh Street Southwest,
evhi eh was read.
Upon motion by _Wright second by Roeder that the said .resolution be adopted
as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Weeks declared the s9id resolu-'
tion duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Wright introduced a resolution ordering plans, profiles, specifi-
catidns, estimate of cost, etc. for a concrete curb and gutter on Secohd Avenue
Southeast between the South line of'Fourth Street Southeast and the North line of
Fifth Street Southeast, which was read.
Upon motion by temmon second by Roeder that the said resolution be adopted
as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Weeks declared the :said resole
tion duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Roeder introduced a resolution ordering plans, profiles, specifi-
cations, estimate of cost, etc.:, .for the construction of a concrete curb and gutter
on Fifth Street Southeast'from the West line of Third Avenue Southeast to the West
line of First Place Southeast.
Upon motion by Roeder second by Wright that„the said resolution be adopted
as read, and all voting.in favor thereof, President Weeks declared the said resolu-
tion duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Cook introduced a •resolution ordering plans, profiles, specifi-
cations, estimate of cost, etc., for the construction of combined concrete curb `and
gutter. on First Place Southeast, from the South line of Fourth Street Southeast to
the 2?orth line of Iifth Street Southeast, which was read.
Upon motion by Lemmon second by Kitzman that the said resolution be adopt
as read,,. and all voting in favor 'thereof, President Weeks declared the sAid resolu-
tion duly passed and adopted. t
Alderman Cook introduced a resolution ordering plans, profiles, specifi-
cations, estimate of cost, etc., for the grading to an ,established grade of Seventh
Avenue Southeast between the South line of;.Eighth Street, Southeast and the i
North line of Ninth Street Southeast, which was read.
' Upon motion by Newhouse second -'by Roeder that the said resolu-
tion be adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Weeks
declared the said resolution duly passed and .adopted.
Alderman Roeder introduced a resolution ordering plans, pro-
files, specifications, estimate of cost, etc., for the` construction,, of" a san-
itary sewer commencing at manhole on South side of Sewage Lift Station�.,r�.nd I
; I
{+ running Northeasterly 226 feet to h point on the center line of Third Ave-
. I i nue Southwest 290 feet South tid the South line' of Sixth Street Southwest
thence North in Third Avenue Southwest to a point 93 feet South of the South
�I line of Sixth Street Southwest, 'which was read.
I I •. I
Upon motion by Cook second by Kitzman that the said resolution I
I be adopted as read, and all voting; in favor thereof, President Weeks declar-
ed the said resolution duly passed and adopted.
j Chas. H. Armstrong, City Engineer, submitted plans, profiles,
specifications and estimates of oost for the above described improvemefltp
! said estimates of cost being: i
Seventh fivenue Southeast grading 150.12 i
Third Avenue. Southwest sanitary sewer 428.40
j First Place Southeast curb and gutter 772.63
Second Avenue Southeast curb and gutter 772.63
Fifth Street Southeast .curb and gutter 1058,69 +
Alderman Roeder introduced a. resolution adopting the above
f �
mentioned plans, profiles and specifications for the sanitary sewer in part
of Third Avenue Southwest and ordering them and said estimate of cost placed �
ibn file, ordering advertisement for bids to Abe opened at 8 oclock P.M.,
September 29th, 1924,and ordering a notice to the property owners concerned, j
! which was read.
Upon motion by Cook second by Wright that the said resolution
j . be adopted as read, and all voting `in favor thereof, President Weeks declared
the said resolution duly passed and adopted.
(� Alderman Kitzman introduced a resolution adopting the above
mentioned plans, profiles and specifications for .a concrete curb and gutter
on First Place Southeast from the South line of Fourth Street Southeast to
ithe North line of Fifth Street Southeast, and ordering them and the said
estimate of cost placed on file, ordering 'advertisement for bias to be open,
? ed at 8 o' clock POI. 'on September 29th, 1924s and ordering a notice to the
property owners concerned, which was read*
Upon motion by Roeder second by Newhouse that the said resolu-
tion be adopted as .read,'..and- all voting in favor thereof, President Teeks declared
the said resolution duly` passed .and adopted.
Alderman -Newhouse introduced, a resolution Adopt'in'z the above mentioned
plans, profiles, specifications. for a, concrete curb. and gutter .on Second Avenue
Southeast between .the South line of:Fourth Street Southeast and the North line of
Fifth Street Southeast and ordering.them and the said estimate of cost placed on
file, ordering advertisement for bids to, be opened at 8 o'.clock P.M. on September
29th, 19240 and ordering.notice to the property owners concerned,. which was read.
Upon motion by Newhouse second by,Cook that the said resolution be adopted
as read, and all voting'in favor thereof, President Weeks declared .the said resolu-
tion duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Lemmon introduced - a resolution adopting the above mentioned
plans, profiles and specifications.- for a. concrete curb and gutter on Fifth Street
Southeast from the West line of Third Avenue Southeast to the West line of First
Place Southeast and ordering -them and said estimate of cost placed on file, order-
ing advertisement for bids to. be opened at 8 o' clock P.M., September, 29th, 19249
and ordering notice to the property 0 n:ers concerned; which was read.
Upon motion -by Wright See ond by.Ro:eder that the said resolution be adopted
as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Weeks declared the said resolu-
tion duly passed and adolbted
Alderman Newhouse. introduced a resolution adopting the above mentioned
plans, profiles and specifications for the grading of Seventh Avenue Southeast to
an established grade line. and to a width of fifty (50) feet from the South line of
Eighth Street Southeast to the North line of Ninth Street Southeast, and ordering
them and the said estimate of cost placed on file, ordering advertisements for bids
to be opened at 8 o'clock P.M. on September 29th, 1924, and ordering a notice to
property owners concerned, which was read.
Upon motion by Lemmon second by Wrighttthat the said resolution be adopted
as read, and all voting in:favor thereof, President Weeks declared the said resolu
tion duly passed and adopted.
The following claims were read, and motion by Lemmon second by Wright
carried that the same be., allowed and that the Mayor • and City Clerk be authorized
and directed t.to draw warrants upon the City Treasurer and make payment accordingly:
From the General Rind: Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Co., $46.40; Yel:lowl
Cab Co., 025.50;
From the Street and Alley Rind: Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Co., .50.
Motion by Lemmon second by Wright carried that the City Clerk be granted
;t leave of absence, with pay, during the period September -lath, 11*1249 to September
27th, 1924, inclusive.
1 On motion by Newhouse second by Cook Council adjourned to September 15yh,'
1924, at 8 o'clock P.M*
l City Clerk.