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r 728 ?Tinutes of,an adjourned regular, meeting of the Common Council r Minnesota held in the Council Cumbers, in the g of the City of Ro.eheste..., , City Fall, in said City, on October 20th, 1924, . at 8 o'clock P.!. Meeting called to 'order by President Weeks. Roll Call: Present: Weeks, Cook, Kitiman, 'Lenmon, Newhouse, Roeder. Absent: `right. jPresident Weeks announced that this was the time and place fixed for a hearing on the assessments heretofore levied for the sprinkling of streets and avenues within said City, durinr?, the •season of 'the year 11??4, and asked iftherewas any person present who wished to be heard in any matter concerning the said sprinkling. " There c-as no person present who wished to be heard, except that Henry Kiester stated that the benefits to his property by the sprink ing of First Avenue Northeast were .more than -,overcome by the dust from the I Uandling of the coal at the Electric Light Plant. Bresident Meeks announced that thi.s was the time and place fixed for a hearing on the levying of special assessments for the paving and curbing of Ninth avenue Southwest from the North .line of Seventh Street Southwest, to the North line of,Eighth.Street Southwest and asked if there was any person present who wished to be heard. J There was no person present, who wished to be heard. President Weeks a$naunoed.that this was the time and place I. +� fixed for the hearing of the levying of special assessments for the gr,-Zing of Seventh Avenue Southeast from, the South line': of Eighth. Street southeast to the North line of Ninth Street Southeast,, ana asked if there was any person present who wished to be heard relative:to the said grading. There: was no person present who wished do . be heard. President Weeks announced that this was the time and place a I� fixed for a hearing on the levying of special assessments for the paving and i curbing of Seventh Street Southwest from the West line of Tenth Avenue Southwest to the East line of Fourteenth avenue Southwest, and asked if there was any person present who wished to be heard relative to the said p avinr? ar curbing. There was no person present who wished to be heard. President Weeks announced that this was the time and -place fixed for a continued hearing and ,adjourned action on the proposed sanitary sewer in Third Avenue Southwest, commencing at the manhole on the South side of the Sewage Lift'Station and running to a point 93 feet South of the South line of Sixth Street Southwest , and asked if. there was any person present who wished to. be heard .relative to the'.said proposed sanitary sewer. There was no person present who wished to be heard. i Motion by Roeder second by. Newhouse carried that the lhearing be continued and. that action be adjourned on the above described ;sanitary sewer until October 24t,h, • ,14)249 at 8 o'clock P.M. Paul Priebe appearing t'or the North Rochester Improvement Associationask- i.rig,thatl a Committee of .ones Alderman from each Ward, the City Engineer, the Park Poard and a Committee from the Civic Association and: the r?or_th Poch.ester Tmprovement Association.be appointed for the purpose of making plans, etc.,` for the builc3inRs, etc., Which are 'proposed for the New Tourist Park& s r E• 0. Christensen appearing as a member of the Bdard of Directors of the ' S Civic .4,sociation Precommenddd to the Common Council_ the )urcha.se of the Olmsted County Co-operative Building and realestate and stated that the same could be pur- chased for a.pproximately 1009000.00, which purchase price would ,be subject to the deduction. of the bond issue's -now against the property,, and after a discussion of the recommendation, motion.by Lemmon second by Newhouse carried that the Chair be instructed` to appoint a Committee of five to work cTith the Civic Association in looking. up --the terms,. conditions, etc. under which this property Gould be purchased. John A. O'Neill asked the Common Council that a water main be laid in Eleventh Street Southeast from Eighth Avenue Southeast to Seventh t %rehue Southeast, and motion by Cook second by 1,Utzman carried that his request be referred to the ` Tater Committee with instruction that they make report to this Common Council at the. II e s I next meeting thereof. Recommendations of the City Clerk, proposing the items and amounts to be included in the 1924 tax levy were read, as follows, and motion by Lemmon second by i evvhouse carried that .the .same be placed on file: City Clerk's Office, ;i CITY OF RO CHESTER, ?.�TtTATa;SOTA. A. F. Wright., City Clerk. s October 3Qt�i,, 1924. Fonorable TTayor and Common Council, City of Rochester, T'!innesota, Gentlemen: Pursuant to your instructions T respectfully submit the fallowing as being my recommendations for the general tax levy for. the Cbty of Rochester., T:Rinnesota.. for the year 1924, andl in connection with it T explain that the figures were arrived at by taking the budget distributions of the uncollected taxes, and applying the ].�'j23 budget d_.stribution to the cash on hand September 30th, 1y2l, to which was f added temporary transfers to be returned and estimated receipts for the six months October 1st, 1924, to April 1st, 1924, to ;et the gross totals available at the end � of this fiscal year, from which were deducted estimated expenditures for the b al ante of *this fiscal year leaving us the net totals available at the end o this fiscal I year, which said net totals available were then applied to the proposed budget, ! leaving then, the net budget for 19249 to which .T_ then a"'pti ed an addition of ten i percent which is for possible variances in the collection of taxes, the estimated re,cei.,nts 'or the estimated' expenditures, and another twenty percent was added to j save from the net totals sufficient .to o;:erate for- the months of April and ray 1925, or until the June 1925' tax settlement is received. ' I In making .these computations the budg p et s which !der. a proposed by the various (feoartment heads !xere not changed in any way, as the fact that you passed them to Mel for the at)olication of,my figures is deemed your decision that those !mounts will be the expenditures to be made by the various departments during the coming fiscal year, and T have applied fair and conservative estimates and have followed the same -:Ian of extension �nd estimate v�ithout favor to any `department, and. this, the result11 i s ,respectful ly submitted to you for your consideration:' ' � 7.34 r F+'0 ' TTTF, =.T Mi. Al, FUM '1924 TAX LEVY:_ Salaries of . the. City Clerks, City Attorney, City Engineer, City `i'reasurert City Assessor, Building and Electrical _ Tnspeetor, etc., 1190,a7.23 Salaries of Tfayor,: Aldermen and Chairmen of.: Committees, 19585.70 ,Salaries of Municipal Court Judge and Clerk, 1, 848.00 Salaries, etc., of Assistants and EmPloyes o•f the Poard of i 1 9140.72 TTealth, Salaries of Judges, Clerks and Constubles. of Election, and �( other el.eWon expenses, 1.17.19 Salaries of Chief of Police, Social ?'clfs,re, Torkers, and. 15 489.74 P atrolmen, - ,\ Cohtingent Rind for use of '•:layor, 150,00. �"isc. expenses of 'Police D-epartment such as salaries .of Special Patrolmen, motorcycle expenses, taxi service, meals for prisoners 3_n City Jail,- board of _ City Prisoners i� 1,3 51.15 !I in County Jail, etc., To apply on deficit in Permanent Improvement Revolving Fend, 10,000.00 For fin,'Mcial assistAnce in the operation of the City Farm, that is, to cover the expense of *the 'collection. ctf residence. garbage within said City end the disposal #,Yiereof, ?,500i00 .Official. printing and publications, 156.58. � Fuel for City zTall, • . 330.42 Telephone service. ,for City Cleric, .City Engineer., municipal Court, etc., 254.95 Women's Rest Room expenses, 476.41 l • Per diem and expenses for Public Examiner, 35.21 Expenses of delegates to League of Municipalities Convention, 55.00 ''later service, City Tall, Public Library, National Guard Armory, etc., 1-12.89 For office supplies, ;.laundry, additional .equipment, janitor supplies, emergency appropriations, etc., 7.,7E34-70 For to create a Revolving Fund through which the sprinkling cost disbursements and' sprinkling assessments receipts may be carried, 79904.09 For creating a Revolving iiUnd through which the scavenger service -costs and scavenger service assessment receipts i�9.93 may be carried, For creating a Revolving Fluid in which the' 'di sbursements for . destroying weeds and the .receipts from the assessments for 210,.60 the destroying of, weeds may be carried, Total -- 65,030.52 , Note: The $1872.50 whi'eh Olmsted County owes for one-half of St. Mary's Tsolation Rospital,expenses.is ineluded.in the estimated .receipts and if At is,,dee.med improbable that c.e, will be able to collect it, thi.s:,::amount "should .be added ! to the misc. items, will make that total 19657.20, and ,which the grand total of the levy, 066,903.02. Mp TTT1,; STPL..ET ANT_) Al-ILEy TIM FDR 1924 TAX_ LEVY -.- For the general maintenance of., streets and alleys such as labor. for cleaning streets and alleys, grading, cutting, weeds, sanding sidewalks, removing snow, dragging,..�equipment, .repairs, etc., 7,162.05 t fi 731 j For labor and materials for repairs to having and curbin;, For labor, .and materials for :the operation of the State owned nierce-Arrow Truck, and the operation of the City owned i�ravel loading and screen .ng machinery. and for payment of r raveT used. upon streets and alleys, For the operation of automobile for use of the City Engineer, t e For labor and materials for the construction and repairing of City owned sidewalks and crossinns, .For labor and materials for the construction and repairs of Privately owned sidewalks, For the purchase of one oil distributor, t For the -purchase of one one and one-half ton truck and. its operation, 21,500,00 Note: This proposed levy is. :after having added the 110,000.00 which Mr.... Armstrong, City. Engineer, informally requested be reserved in the Rmd "for additional paving ..repairs, other than those in his tformal proposed budget. ,FOR ` FH �iIU `ID 924 TAX T EV ,i_ For labor and materials cleaning and flush:i.n�g, and repairs, to surface drainage and sanitary sewers, .repairs to equip- ment, additional equipment, etc., For monstruction of surface drainage sewers, For the purch4se of one sewer cleaning machine, r Total -- $1.6, 326,98 2, 284.88 f 180.00 i 786.74 947.89 12500.00 19444.84 3,000.00 1,500.00 1 5,944.84 The estimated receipts during the balance of this fiscal year include the refundment' of the Sewer Funds which have been expend- ed thus far in Sewage Disposal Plant_ investigation. FORA TT-7E F771E 'pQT C"TON- FTM, 1924 TAX ICE Salaries of Chief, .Assistant Chiefs, )Vechanics, Drivers, Firemen, dtc.,,- . For hydrant rental, For the -purchase of new fire hose, For miss. items such as laundry, telephone service, ,janitor supplies, fuel, water service, operation of motor equipment, 43,912.19 129391.04 337.27 repairs, equipment additions, etc., 73,699.28 it e c Total--;-- 164, 339.78 j( IDR '"TIE 13TTDGE FUND 1924TAX LEVY: = There is no need for a levy .into this Fund as there will be at the end of this fiscal year ii "!"%885.73. available over and above the tentative arrangement to pay `. G, O()O.00 ffor the sidewalks on the new Rroade!jay Street j North Bridge. 'HT PtiRK TTt I'PO� ZM 1924 TAX 1. a: ;i E T For the improvement of public Barks and park a-ays in or near the City, -� Total -- IiOP THE -LZG;, TT =rNn. 1924 TAX I' VY ngs' " n For the lighting of public buildings, streets,, grounds, public places as set forth in the proposed tax budget, Total -- v 89725.91 G 89725.91 and other 0362.8�6.0 2, 036, 836.0 2 f;- Note: This, Mount is necessary if the .past average, of -public l_ightin�; is .continued for. the next six months and .the percentar�es as above set forth are applied to the requir- ed funds. ` i r." {, T,TPPA-. y FTaAmT) 1924 TAT LEVY: rbr the items set forth in the T.,ibramy Board's proposed t-ax budget, 159520,85 Total -- . 16, 520.85 ..k?QP TT -TT; PEP'{201,11T TIrPPO' I-,, 'dT rTM 1924_TAX ILrj, : _For the rebuildin,g of the house -which is used as a residence for the Supt. of Parks,- . 41000,00(' l+'or building and equipping, in Mayo Park, of a Community Fouse which will. include a concession stand and public kitchen. 29000.00 Total -- 6900.0,00 Note: Expenditures and .presient obligations exceed 'the 192;) levy for Pubi_i-c Comfort Station in !,4ayo Park by 1�212.98, and the - Seeretart of the Park Bodrd has agreed that this shall be taken up out of Park Improvement Funds, so that amount has been considered as' an expenditure in the draft of the Park; Tmproirem.ent Fund .levq, so therefore, is not considered. here; then fu�tner your attention is called that there is at this time, and perhaps' rill be at the send of this -fiscal year, an unexpended: appropriation balance for construction of Public . Comfort Station, City Warehouse and Team Sheds, of $7,241,95, in. Conn etion with which T recommend the investigation of the feasibility of theapplication of this unexpended balance to the above mention-d $69000.00, and thereby eliminate the need of the levy for. those purposes, or in other.. words, simply use ' the fllnd.s vie have on hand now for making those', improvements. T' TT'fTcT T EINTETT;',TYT L • rI� 1 2/sAx T + • r I, c. CA .! �, The sum of t2,0•b0.00 for providing free musical entertainment for th, r7eneral public, as that is all that can b,e Levied under State Law,, FOP, TFE TYTL=PL; 1C?� LEVY• , L For the payment of interest due curing 1925 on.tSewer Bonds, S. _1,68-5.22 4 For the payment of interest due during 1925 on'Sewage Dis posal Plant Ponds on an estimate that 200,00000 of the said bonds will, be issued, 129350.00 Tot al -- 0149035.22 Note. There will. be ;�3T.18 of unexpended funds for the payment iof interest on Armory Bonds and 015.16 of mise. interest collections which should bd dispose-d of by application to the above levy if any v�ay can be found to do it. i FO T' `.'TTE : TNk;TNQ, iLD 7.92! TAX LF.U.L For the payment of Sever Bonds No. 10, .11 and 12, . 1,541.95 For the payment of 'Sewafre Disposal Plant Bonds during 1925, 199450.00 1, Total -- $20 , 991.95 IIjlote: There is available $884.82 of an unexpended balance for the I, payment of Armory Bonds and 081.62' of misc. interest collections i� which should be applied to the above tax levy if there ii' Found j� any way that, it can be done. Respectfully submitted, i A. F. Wright, Ak.i/NP CITY CLER-K. - ,... .I. ... r..-. - ..::�.s, •#'.,-.�2i�''•..-.i_ !''ix,1r S}S is'+S't.2"#.:;u*R�i.`__.�•, 733 The following communications were each separately, read, and motion by Lennon second by Cook carried that the same be placed on file: " October 20th, 1924 To the -Honorable Common Council, City of Rochester,, !4inne sot a. f , t ent l emen: As T wi11. not Ke • in the City this evening; and as the most important Council meeting. of the .year will be held I -do not want to 'shirk my res;-)onsi.bili.ty in taking a stand -on this t ax 1 evy.. First We have been working to get on a strictly tax budget and after this levy is made the Citytxdministration cannot,..or at least should not, spend money recklessly. , Every Department., from' this on should hand in the amount of money their Department needs- and whatever 'is :finally levied by the Council, that Department should not spend one cent: over that, and .so after carefully examining the budget prepared. by Mr Wright, I recommend the following: General Fund " 55, 030.52 Note: To which '.add $1872,50 if it is deemed impossible to collect .the, bill. we have. ageanst Olmsted County fo.r Isolation Fospital expenses. Street. and Tilley Fund, 249000.00 Sewer. Fund 5, 944.34 Fire . Protection Fund - 5`?, 339.78 , "ar'_! Improvement hand ( one mill) 92500.00 ,!i-hting Fund 5,F335.02 Library Fund 1.5, 520.85 Permanent _.Improvement Fund (', 000.00 1!u si cal Entertainment Fund 2j000.00 Interest IVnd 14, 0; . 22 Sinking Fund 20.991,95 Total -- $2309199.18 "Tote: If the `�1872.50, above'mentioned is 1,372.5Q r" 32, 071.58 added, the total will be ? The changes .recommended are cutting the Street and Alley Fund paving fund }7 000.00 vrhich grill give the Cit << 1 000.00 to s end for „eloairin.- streets in- y ' 3, P 17 stead of .1-0,000,00, and I also .recommend to cut the 7ydrant ?dental r50000.003, and the Public LiCD ghting Pend $30000.00. These plants are making money and the cry of Private o;xmership people is that a public orTned utility pays no taxes and on this 'account T recommend that this shall be considered as a payment of back taxes. for our ?'later 7o"ks and Electric 'ji7ht Plant, and will further .recommend .that the Lighting Committee join hands tAth the Utility Hoard and figure out about what these Departments could nay in taxes if .privately` o!r.ed and let .that amount be maid by the Light rznd 1,7ate.r. Plant by and throughr. eductions such as this and thereby' euttintg don' taxes. You• could. out about $5,000,00 more in taxes as 'Jr. "'right has added 20 to the tax levy. (The tax levy as recommended by the different B6ards, carries all Departments till April 1st, 1926), but as we will be ftrki.ng Strictly on the budget it is necessary tb"get the expenses of our Uity Government for April and May 19926, as we will ndt: get out tax scttiement till June 19261, so with above changes except- ed, I recommend that xIrr. Tri'ght's proposal be carried .out so as not to tie the hands of the next year's Council.; and thus leave it so that they will be able to do business and live up to the budget plan. Note: Fina.l., you ,are cautioned to give due consideration to some means of transfer -ring the unexpended funds for. the payment of Armory Bonds and the unexpended funds for : the construction of Comfort Station, City Tarehouse and Team Sheds so that they may. be used for some other purpose such as applying the Armory Bond balance to the payment of Sewage Disposal .Plant Bonds or Sewer Bonds, and the other unexpended balance's to the construction and rebuilding of the pro_oosed "ark Aiaildings. Respectfully submitted, Julius J. Reiter, 'MAYOR OF UATD CITY. " e r L 734 " October 20, 1924 i'o the 1Tonorable C'.ty Council, T �--:. sh at this time to take up the Se'nool Poard '3udg ,t; they are asking '',399000.00, more money than they got one year ago. They spent very near that sum this year, tearing up and rebui?.ding practically. rew sch-ool bui:].din s, and aceo-din7 to their statement of last vreek, it P.t^s one because the State Poard ordered it. - It tt my belief, that if this money was spent that the Council. - shoul-d have been told about this one year.' ado, Tf our lava* -ras such that the Council had nothin7 to _dg with the School Budget, then the School- Poard kauld have to answer direct to the people. The people are demanding a cut in taxes, and seein~ the lay* .is such that the Council has something to say about the school tax, -it is im- portent that j f the School Board is noing to spend. _. bther 30,000,00 this year, the Council ought to know it. T have heard several campai^�n speeches this year •anek these Politicians lave said, that the State taxes are small; that -it is the local - communities wb.o are to blare. At the same time, .these Boards that have been created by these ^ame politicians, come around. and squander our. money. Tt Is time that our School 'Board Pays less attention 'to these pol' itician:-made Boards and sxAply the principal of local self government,,The school board had ou.rTh.t, to rrun their own affairs, but ^.s Long as cue must answer to the te.x payer, you may be able tin give the School Board Budget a fair cut. a Respectfully submitted, uli�s J. Reiter, • Mayor " The proposed 1924 levy made by the Board of Education of School District No. 8, eras d.i scu.used and suggestions which were offered were con- sidered, ` Motion by Newhouse second by Cook carried that the sa:i.d 1924 levy be approved as presented to this Common Council. 4 It Alderman. Lemmon introduced the following rel>olution which cras Y t r read: "Be it resolved by the Common Council of the City .of Rocheste-, Minnesota: That said Common Council does hereby assent aW approve the levy'.of taxes' to the amount of Two hundred eighty-nine thousand, three hundred ten Dollars ($289,310,00,5', for gener-.l school purposes, made by the Board of Education of School District No. 8, in said City, on the, 7th day of October, 1924, on the taxable property in said School District Nbl. 8. Mo Motion by Coo': second by Newhouse. that the said resolution be adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof,,. President TeelKs declared the said resolution duly passed and adopted.. r Each division of the above budget proposed by the City Clerk was di seu sled by the Common Council and each snggettlon that was offered eras considered. Motion by T�emmon second by Kitzmen carried that 'i%5,000.00 be cut off from the Fydrant Rental in the proposed Fire Protection Fund levy, by all voting? in favor thereof, except Alderman Roeder who voted ";Nay". T,40tion by Lemmon second by Newhouse carried that the l(924 levy fd'r the Tire Protection Fund be fixed at a total sum of 048,000.00, the ,�1.*.ii'y3rt«�u'� i`Y:a.� ? x; ..fit?�_� ...' i.r •✓. - - 735 divisions thereof 'to be 034,187 00 • for salaries, �5,000 00 for hydrant rental, 1+, 000.00 for new fire ho se end 679815j:00 for miscellaneous. Acting upon the recommendation of the City Clerly Alderman •Lemmon introduced the following resolution, ,'which was reads "W?IEREAS, funds have heretofore been levied and collected for the purpose of canstruction of Public Comfort Station, Warehouse, addition to City 17'arehouse, and Team Sheds, and the money .realized Eby taxation, with that which is yet to be collect- ed,, exceeds the cost of these improvements by approximately 0,07240.00, and as there is a necessity for the realizing. of funds for the rebuilding, of the house which is used asr a residence for the Superintendent of Parks, totaling N9000.00, and for building end equipping, in. Mayo Park, of a. Community House, v,41ich will include a concession stand and _public. kitchen,, totaling Op?,000.00, and it is deemed necessary and proper that instead of levying a 1.924 tax for those said improvements that the h.nexpended .balances +above,.mentioned-..be =t-ransferred. within the Permanent Tmprovement mind for the .rebuilding o'f the Superintend entIs residence, and the bui1(?in7 and equipping of -a Community House; S0, THEPEMPE, Be it resolved by the Common Council of the Ciyy of Rochester, Minnesota: That the sum of 05,000, 00 of the approximate �7240.00, be and the said sum is hereby transferred within the Permanent Tmprovement Fund for the purpose of the rebuilding pf the house ".-,hich is: used as a residence for the Superintendent of Parks at(a cost of '4,000.00, and forr.the building and, equipping, in �,:4ayo Para, of . a Community Fouse, which ,will include a concession stand and public kitchen, at a cost of �,32,000.00. r , IT Upon motion by-Lemmon. second by Cook that the -said resolution be adopted e r as read; and all voting in .favor thereof, President Meeks declared the said resolu- tion duly passed and adopted. Acting upon the recommendations of the City Clerk ,Alderman Newhouse intro- . r .. duceq the following resolution, which .was .read: "7HEEEAS, tax levies have heretofore been made for the purpose of securing funds for the.payment of the principal on Armory Bonds, and as the finds collected throu7, h taxes are in excess of the need, there remaining.on hand at this time, in the Sinking Rind for the payment of principal on Armory Ronds the sum of ap-;�roximately °U'880.00, after the payment of the final maturity of Armory Bonds, and there being need for provisions in the.1924 levy for the securing of funds for the payment of principal. on Sewer Bonds of said City; 609 TT:TI,'REFU.RE, Be it resolved by the Common Council of the City of Rochester, ':Vinnesota: n c That the said unexpended balances .for the payment of Armory Bohds be and the paid ,W.ance ;is hereby transferred within the said Sinking *Hind for the purpose of. a,p,-)lying on the payment of Sewer Bonds of said City, numbered 10, 11 and 12. Is Upon motion by Newhouse .second by Cook carried that .recess be taken for a [ f period of thirty minutes,after which Council -'again convened and were called to order ( r by President Wee'_cs, z ( Roll Call: Present: Weeks, Cook, Kitzman, Lemmon, I?ewhouse, Roeder, Absent: n Alderman Newhouse introduced a resolution levying general taxes for the year 11.124 which did not carry any levy for the purchase or building of a City Fall, which r,as Head, and a motion by Lemmon that the said( resolution be adopted as .read, re- ceived no second. 'lotion by Kitzman second by Roeder that the above approval of the 1924 tax n M 7' 7 736 r. levy made by the Board of Education of School District No. 8, be reconsider- ed, lost by the .fol.loring votes Ayes; :Kitzman, Roeder, Nays: Cook, LgmmoA,,- ( Newhouse. , ( r T �� n resolution which Alderman I`eavhoL _.e irtzroduced the followin:_, p i ( was read: Be it and it •is ,hereby .resolved by the Common Co>>nci,l of the ( City of Rochester., !Vinnesota: That said Common Council does hereby assess -and levir upon the taxable property An said City of Rochester. for. taxes .for the year 19?4, the following sums of money, for, the several ,funds of said City, viz: Fbr the General Fund 75, 000,00 Which said sum shall be used only for the follow- ing purposes and not in any case to exceed the.amount set oppos- ite' each said purpose, viz: Salaries of City Clerk,.., City Attorney, City Eng'ineer, Teighmaster;. and. Custodian, of. City Nall, Building and Electrical Tnspeetor, General Stenographer, Assistant Superintendent 'of Dumping Grounds, City Treasures., Assistant City Engineer, Assessor and Deputy, Public Health I`Turse and T'oard of Equalization,, 11,087.23 Salaries- of I%yor., Alderman. at Large, Aldermen, Chairmen of Street and Alley, Finance and Sewer Committees, 19585.70 Salaries of ?:�uni cipal Court Judge and Clerk, 19848.00 Salaries of Assistants and Employes of the Board,,of Health and expenses of the operation of the Health Department. of the City of Rochester, 1,140.72 Salaries of judges, clerks and constables of election and other election expenses, 117.�9 Salaries of Chief of Police, Social Ttel.'fare Workers, and Patrolmen, 15, 4 89.74 Contingent Bind fcSr use of. Mayor of' said City, 150.00 ' FIr miscellaneous expenses of Police Wepartment, such as' k`.. salaries d'f Special Patrolmen, motor.cycle-exp;ens6s, telephone service, maintenance of traffic 'signs, meals for prisoners in City Jail, board of City prisoners in County Jail, tel.egr.ams, ' Offi.ce sun.')t l.ies, rent' of office for the Social Welfare' 7orker, and other miscellaneous items, 1,351.15 To apply on deficit in Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund., 10,000,00 For financial assistance in the operation of the `City Farm, i. e. to.cover the expenses'of the collection of residence garbage - within said City and the disposal thereof, 3,500.00 0 ffi ci al printing and publishing, 19456.56 Fuel for City Hall, 330.42 Y . Telephone` service for City 'Clerks CAy Engineer, City Scavengers Judge of 'funt-cipal Court, City Warehouse and Building and Electri- cal T :n sp e ct o r, 254.95 'omen's Rest Room expenses, ; 476d'41 Per diem and expenses of Public Examiner malting examination of books and records of said City, , 35.21 Expenses of Delegates to Convention of the League, of ?Tinnesota Vuni_ cip al. iti e s, 65.00 f For water service at City Hall., Public Library, Lyman Fountain, 1 I: aass and 7-TcAndrew Fbuntain, National Guard Armory City T`iarehouse, ( .and 112089 i i For supplies for custodian of Uty Hall, office supplies, laundry, additional equipment, etc., 179754.18 For creating a revolving Bind through which the sprinkling cost disbursements and sprinkling assessments .receipts may .be carried, 7,904.09 For creating* a revolving fund through which, scavenger service cost �amd sca,ven ;er service assessm -nt receipts may bye c rried, For tereating a revolving .fund through which the disbursement for 'destroying caeeds and - the 'receipts from the assessments for the 6 estoying weeds may be carried, 210.60 129.93 f. NET LEVY -" 75000.00 i For the Street and �'g1ey Fund 35,600.00 Nhich said sum shall be used only for the following r purposes and not in any case to exceed the amount set opposite each= said purpose; viz: j For the general maintenance. of --streets dnd alleys, such as labor for cleaning streets and alleys,. grading streets and a'.leys, '! cutt.ng weeds, sanding sidewalks, and. crossings, cleaning wwter_- was,, plpwing and, removing snow, dragging streets and a1.l.eys, marking -':i.nn �) par,spaces, equi-nment,_ repairs,. materials for same, etc., 12,000.00 For labor and materials forrepairs to paving, and curbing such as repairs to concrete paving, and curbing, re -surfacing Tarvia pavement, surface treating of creosoted wood block paving, repairs to asphaltic concrete pav- ing repairs to bitulithie'paving, repairs to bfick pavintt, repairs to all concrete paving bases, etc., 109000.00 For labor and materials for the operation of the State owned Pier. ce- io,!row Truck loaned to the City of Roch-ester, Minnesota, and for the operation- of the City owned gravel loading and safeening machinery and for payment of gravel used upon streets and alleys within said City, rz 59000.00 For the expense of operation of an automobile for use of the City Engineer, 600.00 For labor and materials for the construction and .repairs of City o� n.ed street :end alley crossings and sidewalks, 159000*00 For labor and materials for the construction and rdpairs of privately o g.,ned sidewalks, 2, 500.00 For the purchase of one oil distributor, 1.9500.00 ii -Io,r the purchase of one 1;2 ton truck and its operation, 2,500.00 S f' For .the -Sewer Fund -- NET LEVY -- $ 7., 500.00 Which said sum shall be used only for the following -purposes and not in any case to exceed the amount set opposite each, said purpose, viz: t Ior Tabor and m4teri als for repairs to equipfd6ht, adds tional equipments cleaning and flushing sanitary end sur��ce draina fe sewers, rbpv4rs to sanitary end surface drainage sewers, etc. For 'labor and materials for the construction of, surface drainahe IiVr the rurchase of one sewer cleaning machine, It f ,NET, LEVY -- 0 35, 600.00 3,000.00 3,occ.00 t 1,500.00 $ 7, 500.00 �. 7. 738 For tiie Fire Protection Rin • - 489000ioo jl 'Which said sum shall be used only' for the folloarint_, purposes and not in an�r case to exceed the amount set opposite earch said rmrpdse, .viz: } Salaries of Chief of Fire Department., .Assistant Chiefs, I: echanic and Drivcro of Pumping Votor_, Drivers of Aerial "U[otor Truck, II Drivers of Kissel Chemical truck Firemen Su i t d t f 5 , , . p er. n en Fire Alarm System and, possible extra Firemen, 349187000 For hydrant rental, 5,00000 For the purchase of new fire hose, 19000.00 l+br miscellaneous items, such as laundry, telephone service,. janitor's supplies, fuel, irater service, repairs to buildings and equipment, open.ation of motor O'qbipment, equipment adc.itions, etc., 79813.00 i - NET LEVY 48,00000 For the Park, Improvement Fund -- 9,500.00 i - Mich.' said sum, shall bd used only for the improve- meet of the public parks and parkways in or near said Uit , 9 500,.00 NET LEVY -- 90500.00 For the Lighting Fund =- 4,000.00 Mich said sum shall be used only . for the following purposes and not in any case to exceed. the amount set opposite each said purpose, viz: For the lighting of the National Guard Armory, 1,120.45 For the lighting of the Public Library, 13,307.30 For the li q�hting of the City Warehouse, 74.73 For the lighting of -the Central Fire Station, including a clock, t 886.92 For the lighting of the City Fall, 513.52 For the lighting of 'the Sewage Lift Station, 22.40 �I For, the lighting of the Mayo Park Rest Rouse., 74.73 NET LEVY -- ° 49000.00 For the Library Fund -- $ • .. 14, 02.5.00 Mich said, sum shall be used only - for the follow- ing purposes and not in any case to exceed the amount set opposite each staid purpose, viz: For periodicals, 450.00 For rebinding of books; 400.00 Fo,, library service salaries, R, 79500.00 For janitor service salaries, 19125.00 For, fuel, 300.00 For furniture and fixtures, 20000.00 For repairs and improvements, 19000.00 For ' stationery and supplies, . For printing, For post a[re, express and freight, J"or insi.a.rahce, For other miscellaneous expenses, 1 300.00 l50eOO 100.00 200.00 500.00 t NET L,N,VY -- 14,025.00 For the 3iusical Entertainment Fund for the puspose of providing free musical entertainment for the r;enerallpubli e, 29_000.00 NET LYWY 17) 000.00 For the Int ere st' `Fund -- ill# 185.22 'Nhieh said sum shall be used only for the following purposes and not in anycase to exceed. the amount set opposite each :.,aid purpose. viz: t For the payment of interest on Sewet Bonds, P 11,685,22 For the payment of _interest on Sewage Disposal Plant Bonds, 90500.00 NET LEVY 119185.22 For the Sinking Fund $ 17,200.00 . I Which said sum ,shall be used only for the following purposes and not, in a4y case to, exceed the amount set opposite each said purpose, viz: For the payment of Sewer • Bonds, No. 10, 11, and 121* 700.00 For the payment of Sewage Disposal Ylatit,Bonds, 169500.00 NET LEVY 179200.00 For rthe Permanent, Improvzment Fund -- $ 10,000.00 Which said sum shall be used only . for the following purposes and not in any case to .exc.eed the amount set..opposite each said purpose, viz: For the purchasq or bui?ding.of,'a new City Hail, 109000.00 NET LLVY -- p, 100000,00 I For the Firemen's Relief Fund, one -tenth o.f one mill. on the assessed valuation of the taxable property in the said City of Rochester, to provide funds for pensions .and relief of members of the City Fire Department and,`their vvidows and orphans and .for the pnrpdse _ Drovided in Chapter 197 General Laws of Minnesota for the year 1909, • 3 The report of the ?.bilk Inspector for the Q,eek ending October 18th, 10,249 � was read, and President 1NeekI3 ordered that the same b,e placed on file. The general balance sheet of the City of Rochester., ?.Rinnesota, as at September 30th, 19249 prepared by the City Clerk, was, submitted to the Common Council, and motion by Lemmon second by Cook carried that the same be placed on file. 740 Balance sheet, income statements, .etc.fof the Public Utility Department as at September 30th, 1924, prepared by the Secretary of the +Public Utility Board, were laid before the Zommon Council, and motion. by Lemmon second by Kitzman carried that t)ae same be placed on file, the said income statements shov'�ing a net .profit in the bight Department for the month L of September, of 112 ' 050.96, and a .net profit in the Di ght Deportment .for `the rsix months of this fiscal year of '153,089.59, and a net profit in the Water Department for the month of.. September 1924, of 01799.06, and a total net 'Profit 1.7. th6 WaterrDepartment for the six montlis of this fiscal. Near ,of �l5,787.09-.- The application of C. F. Dillon for a license. to connect, rr,J-th sewers. anc', drains, was read, and *potion by Kitzman second by 7ewhouse, carried that license be granted. The applications of A. S. Eric'cson and (W.. J. Kelbe.rer for ner- mits to place and maintain signs, were each separately read, and motion by +Kitzhan second by Newhouse carried that permits be r;r. anted . The foll.owinrc .report of the Committee appointed for the inves- tigation into Sewac-e Disposal matters, was read, and motion by Lemmon second. by Cook carried that the same be placed on..ffle: Rochester, '•'inn., O of ob er 20, 1024. To the Hon. TTayor and Common Council ,of the Clity of Rochesterj j a r We, the undersigned, members of the .Committee. appointed 'to visit-:,�the sewage disposal work at Chicago,. beg to ' submit the following re- ! port . and .recommendations: j I From such evidence as we have been. able to obtain, fe find there is one type of sewage treatment plant that renders. satisfactory re- sults during all seasons. � That this type of plant is .eommonly.I�nown and designated as the imhoff tank. That the imhoff ,tank serves tor.remove all particles from the 'rawtseova7e vhich have . a greater specific'gravity than water_. That during the process.of treatment in the imhoff tank, raw 'sewd7e is held for a period of approximately three hours from the time it enters until it Jeaves the tank, _and that. ..during that period practically all other matter, excelbt the liquids, 'have. settled out, of. the raw sewage and . Passed downward into �a digestion chamber and are there retained until thor- oughly decomposed and digested by bacterial action. 7e find, that in localities where it'becomes necessary to thor- cugh:ly purify the sewage after it leaves the imhoff tank, that there. are several various methods that may be employed; opinions differ among sanitary engineers as' to the most approved method. One methor, from e,rhich uniform satisfactory results are obtained is the sprinkling filter wh.*_ch consists of spray nozzles distributed over a large area of broken stones r Another method which also renders s�::.tisfactory results, i.s the activated sludge type of treatment ?lant. This type of plant is more compact ,and costs less to construct than the Imhoff tank and filter bed,but the cost of maintenance end operation is from two to seven times the cost of .operation 741 and maintenance of the imhoff type. We believe that *'the present, and for, such: time in the near future as our popul'4tion does not increase to exceed twenty per cent' of of-lr present _?opulation, the _requirements are such that the.r.emoval of the heavier_ than water matter from our sewa;re by passing it through an imhoff tank, render r>uf-� cientl-y sati.sfActory results to justify the construction of a sewa -e disposal plant usin;;; the imhoff tank ,Done, and. me .beg permission to make the follo.,?ih.g .rocommendatiolic: All sanitary sewers be converged at Pro adwalr. Street ITor-th and Thirteenth Streit North. That a grit chamber and siphon be constructed at .North Broadway and the Zumbro river. That a main trunk line be constructed from the Broadway Bridge to the site of the disposal.plant. That an out fall . line be constructed fro�i the site Nest to the Ziimbro river. That plans be secured for an _imhoff tank, 'and that the talk be of such ;,ener, .. design as will operate automatically without resort to numpin^' of racer sev.Ta^'e. That the plans for the tank be such as will. allow for futtlre extension, should the same become necessary; also, that should it' become necessary to an,)ly further, treatment to the sewage in after years, the plant shell. he so designed as to allow of future additional equipment without alteration of the orirTinal imhoff tank. 17e have at the present an average daily flow of 1,896,470 r*a lons. 0f this amounts the City, the State 70spital 'and. St. "ar-;T's TTos-)i.t,�:�.1. contri- bute- each the following mounts: City of Rochester l,375,740 gallons - 72,542 per cent State TTospital 3679730 " 19,.394 St. '`ary's TTospital 1539000 " - 08,053 1, 895, 470 99, 99,9 This is the total of all sewage, although we find t'iat the State ??ospital sevTa^e increases from ground water from .260,300 gallons at the State TTospi_tal grounds to 367,730 at outlet, Or' 107.430 gallons : of water enters the sewer in about one mile, an increase of approximately thirty per cent of total 'flow. The Northwest District trunk line in 7,000 feet from Eleventh Avenue North - rest to Thirteenth Street North-est., has a total flow of 7889751 gallons per day, of which 185,665 gallons is ground eater, or twenty-three and six tenths per. cent. . The net sewage of the City including the State ?To snit al and St. "a,ry' s Fosnital is 1,6071,375 gallons per day, of whi ch 1079430 gallons is state -round y''at er. , and 185 6- n n city " n making a total, of 1,8969470 ". per day From` this it mAy be determined, that while the ground water serves to help dilute the raw sewage, and is no d6triment to a gravity flocs treatment plant, yet Thor+Id c^=e ctt,empt to operate a sprinkling filter., we �;ould .find ourselvec. forcer to pump daily 293,095 f wllons, which is not really sewage and amounts to fifteen and six tenths per cent of,.the total flow of all sewers. Tn view of the facts as we have found and herein set forth, this committee respectfully recommends the,. construction of an imhoff tank, and that action in the ,n9tter be liven serious Wand prompt consideration. Respectfully submitted, Julius J. Reiter , T"ayor 7. III. Weeks President of Common Council Wm. G. Roeder, Alderman First 'Rard. T)f- Kitzman, :alderman Second 7-ard C. -T.. Armstrong, City Engineer. " . 7 742 i i I i j { . 7arrenty deed. given by Frank E. Webster and T,aura Beth Webster to the To(mshiT) of Oronoco' fot'lands for the completion of the Chas. 7 r.th road, P-as read, and moti.on'by Cook second by Roeder carried that the said deed be accented -and 'placed on record. The folloTing certified copies of resol.utiors pr,ssed by t',e ?3oard of Supervisors of the Township of Oronoco, ''li.nnesota, o,er. e each separately read., and motion by Lemmon second by 'Cook carried that the same be placed or.. file: ` "VTREREAS, the City of Rochester has accepted the bid of the Best Construction. Compan of Rochester., Yinnesota, to'constru.ct a concrete bridr*e in Section one (1 , Tomship One hundred eirtht (108) North ofRange Fdurteen (14) Vest in the County of Olmsted, and State of T..Unnesota on %-hat is now knovm as the ,..Chas. Kurth road, the said bridF7e to be constructed. In accordance with the. plans *and specifications for ..the same. as prepared by Chas. F. Armstrong, City -Engineer of the said City of Rochester and, V.-MP AS, the said City of Rochester has requested the Tor -in Board of the To,7fnship of Oronoco to approve and accept the said plans and specifications for the said bridge before the said contractor.enter.s upon the 7,ork of eonstructin!7, hhe said bridge end., . ,.?EAS, the Town Board of the Township of Oronoco are satis- fied with the said plans and specifications as prepared by the said City Rngineer of the, said City of Rochester, but desire that the said City of Pochester, in addition 'to the .construction of the said bridge, also rip -rap the space unc'er the said bride and around the abutments thereof so Vnat there will be little, dan`^er of the washing but `of the said br.id(;e; IJO', TFi nE�'?I,y Be it, and it` i s hereby .resolved by the said Tol n Board of the Township of Oronoco: That the plans and specific*itions for the Said bridge as pre- pared by the said Chas. T.I. Armstrong, City Er..giheer of said City, be and the same are hereby approved, .accepted and adopted. as and for the plans and specifications for' the said bridge,I with the.. addition of the 'aforesaid rip - rap as desired by the said Town Board," which is hereby made a part of the said plans and specifications for the said bridge as though set forth' therein in detail.. Be it further resolved by the said Town Board; That a certified .copy, of this resolution be del.i"red to the City Clerk of the City of 3Zocheste.r .for, the. attention of the Common Council of said City. Passed -by the Town Board of Oronoco, this 16th day of October, 1924. Attest:_ Tabel Kruse r � Fred Rueker_ Clerk President of Town Board.. " "I hereby certify that the attached resolution is a true and correct copy of a resolution passed by the Town Board of Oronoco fit a meeting thereof on the 16th flay of October, 1924' at Oronoco, Minnesota, the original having., been filed for record in the office of the Clerk of the said Tom Board. r ' Mabel I:d. 'cruse Clerk of !='s'aid Board. n "WHEREAS, the City: of Rochester has: caused Warranty Deeds to be filed, executed and delivered to the Townshipb of Oronoco by Max Fargesheimer and Alice S. .IlarreSh6imer, his wife and by :Frank 'R. 7lebster and Laura Beth Webster, his wife for lands described herein, the. said lands to be used for highway purposes and; - M MJ WITEREAS, the said lands are given to the said Township of Oronoco as a part ffllfb.lment of -the obligation of the City of Rochester to the said Township of Oronoco in .regard to the matter of the .Chas. Kurth road, a description of the T-Targesheimer property being as fmllWWS, to.Wit : Commencing at a' point on the East boundary line of Section No. Tcvo (2� i Township One hundred efp-,,h ` (108),N. Range Fburteen (14) 7.1est in Olmsted County, Minnesota, 240.4 feet north of the South Pest corner. 'of said section, and running. north along said East boundary `Line 66 feet; thence North 66, 3.0' ,i.West 430 feet to the. north line of Rights of -.pray of high- � wa&i; thence " southeasterly to point of beginning, containing 0.32 acres, . and.j s the. said property to be used for 'a publi& highway, and a: des�criptlon *of -the,`!'TebsrtL�v property being as folloTs,, to -wit v j A .strip of land- sixty-six(fib) feet in width, lying to the r.,i; ht, that is to the east side of the line, commencing at a point 306.4 ft. Northof j the southeast corner of -Se - cil-108-�14 and running north 82 degrees, East 25f feet; thence North 44 degrees, East '00 feet; thence North 34 degrees, Test 150 feet; thence north 69.degrees 30 minutes, Test 250 feet, to section line, less. the lands heretofore sold and deeded by said first parties to one Chas. Bello Said piece of land- containing 1.008 acres* This deed is given in fulfillment of a contract for.purchase oz' this ;piece of land for road purposes:' NOT'T, TTTEREFOPE;' Be it and it is' hereby resolved. by the mown Roard of the Tov-,mship of Oronoco: That the: oaid .dried and each of � them. as so recorded and placed on file by I the said City be �:�n.cl they are hereby accepted by the said Town roard as and for lands to be used for public read,in the, said Township and .as part fulfillment by the said City of Rochester of its obligation to the said Town 7oard for. the said matter of the said Chas. Kurth road.. PASSED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF ORONO C0; - TTIIS 16th" "DAY OF 0 CTOBER, 19244 Attest: — T§gb'el_M. ' Kruse Fr_ ed Fucker .� Clerk of said Board. President of said Board. " "I hereby cettify that the attached resolution is a true and correct copy of a resolution Y)assed by the Town Board of Oronoco at a meeting thereof on the 16trh day of October, iW4 at Oronoco, Minnesota, the oriryinal haying been filed for re- cord in the office of the Clerk of the said Town Board.. t 1fabel V.-Kruse Clerk of said Board. " The appointment by the I.Iayor of Frank IR. Fordham as a Special Policeman at the Woodman ?Tall, he to serve without pay, and to hold office until the second I: onolay in April 1(,?24, unless sooner removed, was read, and. President Weeks ordered that the same be placed on file. A co*Lmunicatiori from August Dgrnaek asking that the rental of the old dump - f I inm grounds for pasturage during the. season of the year 1924, be ._reduced from 'h10.00 to5.00, was .read, and motion by Lemmon second by Cook carried that the rental be. i reduced to `p5.002 and that the City Clerk be instructed to adjust the a,ccoiint accordingly and give receipt in full to Mr. Dornack upon the payment of 05.00. ';lotion by Roeder second by Newhouse carried that the sum of ``?150.00 be appro- priated from the General Fund and paid to the. Treasurer of the Civic Leap �ue for August, September and October, 19241, ' Women's Rest Room expenses. Final estimate. prepared ,by Chas. v4 Armstrong, City FnPrineer, in. favor of the Utton Ccnsttruction Co., Inc.., for the paving and curbing of Seventh Street South - ^.rest from the Test line of Tenth Avenue Southvest to the East Line of �'onrteenth A 44 Avenue So»thwest showing the sum of $8731,499' as..,being =due. to said contractor was rem, and motion by.Lemmon second. by Cook carried teat the same be placed on file. The official bond of Thos. P. Tull, as City Treasurer, in the amount of �50,000.00, with Carl-R. Kjerner 'as surety thereon, in t. e amount {� of $5; 000-.00, Chi I I am Coulson, in the amount of $3, 50'0.00 , T. F. Rl ee; -�. , in the aano»nt Of • 3) 500 -00, Arnold B j erring, in the .amowit of Pp12, 500 i OO Austin A. Vennedyv in the amount of 12,500,p00, Fred P7 T?aase, `'10,000.00, 1� and T,. flan Tassel in the amount of iv32000.00`9 was read; and motion. by Cook second by Kitzman carried that teach_ of, the said sureties be aeceptec, and that i{ the said .bond be, a, -)proved and placed on file. ji The♦ license bond of Chris Dillon covering licer_se to connect with. sewers and drains with the Fidelity and. Casualty Co., of Tiew York, as surety thereon in the amount of '1,0004_00, was read, and motion by Lemmon second by Cook carried that the said surety be accepted and that the said 11 bond be approved and' placed on file. i The application of �lil?.iam T. McCoy,, Post No. y?, American Legion, for. permit to gold, give and conduct & public dance in. the. T!asoni c Temple on Friday, October 31st, 1924s, �-as .read, as was the application of Glenn Trusty for permit to hold, give and conduct. 'a public dance, in the W6odman TTall, on October 25th, 1924. Alderman Kitzmcn introduced a resolution granting permit t,c Glenn Trusty to hold, give and conduct a public dance in the Woodman TTall on October 2 th, 1924, and fixing the fee at the sum of +`5.00, which F-a-7 read. Upon motion by Newhouse second by Roeder thnt the said resolu- tion be adopted a,s .read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Weeks declared the said resolution duly passed and &dopted. Alderman Kitzman introduced a resolution granting permit to jrilliam T. TWoy, Post No. 92. American Legion, t,o holds, give and conduct I a publAc dance in the Afasonic Temple on 4Latober 31st, 1.924, and fixing the jI fee at the sum of *'1.00, which was read. TTpon motion by Roeder second by Newhouse that the said resclu- tion be adopted as read, and all voting in favor 'thereof, President 15'eeks declared the said resolution duly passed and adopted. The following; reports of .cost were each separately read, and 'President Weeks ordered that the same be placed on file: " October 20th, 1924 :' Honorable 'ayor and Common Council, i� City of Rochester, Vinnesota. Gentlemen: � I report .the follogwinas being; the, cost for the construction of integral curb on Ninth Avenue Southwest from the North line.of Seventh j Street Southwest to the North line of Eighth Street Southwest, the TTtton �c.� � .. _ _. .. : .. .i;��, .. _.,}` hi°:,T. f ..}- . _•tC•k��.�,QC"^} :zr`kr;'i...Y ...A�+-.k ...� _ .... . � 7'45 Construction Co., .Tnco-ported, ' Contractors, Job No. 812: 1232.E ft* of integral curb © 48 .gents per ft. ''6 591.55 14 days interest' on 1,591*65 1.38 Total -- 593.03 Respectfully submitted, A. F. t?ri ght, ACTTY CLEIM. " * y • " October 20th, 1119/1 .oriorablc Mayor and Common Council, "City of, Rochester, IlTinn.e.sota. Gentlemen., �T respectfully :rbport the, following. as being the cost for the paving v.1ith sevgn inch (7.") reinforced concrete paving 8%i'T.i.A3h:pAvejTde' Southwest from the North line of Seventh Street Southwest. To the North li ie of Eighth. Street Southwest, the Uttor7 Construction Company, Incorporated, Contractors, Job No. 812: '1154.1 sq* yd.s. of 7" reinforced concrete. paving P2.'43 per ` yd. P-804.48 `14 days interest on $2804.48 6.59 Excavation 45.25 zPipu\ laying 7,00 Back filling 8.00 �V uling mat eri al,s, etc. 10.00 Inspection 18.20 Construction ditgmanholes 27.50 3 yds, of gravel E 3.00 1300 old paving brick 19.50 =1l) sacks of cement 13.30 2 inlet covers 5.0E 108 -ft. 10 "sewer pipe 57.25 10% gverhead for useaand depreciation oftools, equipment., etc. 10.70 Total -- 3035.83 Respectfully submitted, A. F. Vri g, jt, AY. CITY CLERK. " ;i - The following reports of cost were each separately read, and motion by Newhouse second by Cook carried that -the same be placed on file: October 20th, 1924 TTonorable Mayor and Common Council, !{ iCity of Rochester, Tinnesota. `i G ent l emert: {,T report the following as being the cost for "thy construction of combined i concrete ccurb and {cutter on Seventh Avenue Southwest from the V.'est line of Tenth Avenue oouthuest to the East line of Fourteenth Avenue Southwest, the Uttcn Ccn- struction Company, Tncorporated, Contractors, Job No. 732: 2739.2 lineal ft. •of combined concrete curb and getter n 84�2300.93 2187.28 lineal ft. of false curb @ 19� 415.58 Curb and -gutter's 's lare of interest on contract payments. 13,80 Total--2730.31 Respectfully submitted, A • F. TRrl ght, tiF u!P!fp CTTY CLERK. " 746 !IM e October; 20t.h, 1924 I-Tonorable 7ayor and Common Council,, City of Rochesterp. Minnesotas cTentlemen: I report the following as. being the. ,cost' for the pavinrr rith vitrified fibre cut brick o�f Seventh Street Southwest from the Test line of Tenth Avenue Southwest to the East line of Fourteenth Avenue Southwest., the Utton- Construction Company Incorporated, 'Contractorsj, Job No. 732., Removing trees�. 400.00 95.sq. yds. of one course 7", concrete replaced @ A2.34 per V;do 222,30 4r-,156.94 sq. yds. of bricI7 paving n$3.49 pe.r- p.q. yd. 159938-62 3? hrs. labor. tearing out old intersection at Tenth Avehue 16.00 Labor surveying 9-75 Labor- inspection 195,98 21 sacks of cement 16,05 1984 common brick 49.00 3 yds, of gay.el 3e00' 4 inlet covers 10..12 31 manhole steps,,.' 1020 I4 Ibs. dynamite .60 4 fuse caps .40 72 ft. of 12" sewer pipe 46.95 70 ft.` of 10" sewer pipe 35,00 L ab o r excavation 49..00 T.jabor pipe laying 6.50 Labor construction of manholes 34,50 Tjauling materials, etc. 5.00 Labor back fill 11,00 Paving's share of interest on contradt pa3ements 39-90 r 5,1,�o overhead for use and depreciation of tools,, equip- ' etc* 23-75 Total $.17,,1,15.62 Respectfully pubmitte'ds A. F.. Tr i ght, A IM, -/),T CITY CLERI The following report of cost was read, and motion by Lemmon second by Newhouse carried that the same be 'placed on file.: October 20ths 1924 Fonorable Ifayor and Common Council, .City of Rochester, Vinnesota. Gentlemen: I her*eby,report-the following as being the cost of the grad- ing of Seventh Avenue Southeast to an established line and to a ,grade width of fifty (50) feet,- from the South line: of -Eighth Street Southeast to' the North line of Ninth Street Southeast; the -same having been.done by day labor., under Job 'No. 8244: Tabor, men and teams., grading andlexcavating, 227,00 5% overhead for use and depreciation of tools, equipment, etc. 11-35 Total - 238-35 Rerspectfully submitteds A. F. 'Wrf ghto A IV, /!)rP CITY, CLERK. Alderman Roeder introduced a resolution confirming the Ing assessments for, the season of the year 1924, which viere levied October .?a 747 1'�`th, 1_924, Ohi ch was read. Upon motion by,NeWhous.e second by Roeder than the said resolution be adopt as --read,, and all voting.. in ,.favor. thereof,. President Meeks' declared the said resolu- tion duly passed and adopted... Alderman Roedze,r.:Introduced, a resolution levying special assessments for the cost and expense fog^ the construction of an intemra,l curb on Ninth Avenue Southwest from the North Line of Seventh Street Southwest to the North Line of-Fighth Street Southwest, which was reade Upon motion by Lemmon second by Cook that the said .-reso1.1;.fii.on-be adopted --as read, and all voting in favor there,of,. President "'ee«s declared the said resolu- tion duly passed and adopted. Alderman Roeder introduced a resolution levying special assessments for the cost and expense of Saving Ninth Avenue Southwest with 7" one col:rse reinforced concrete from the North line 'of Seventh Street Southv'�►est to the North Line of Eighth Street Southwest, which was rend. Upon motion by P,oed.er. second by Newhouse that the said resolution be adopt as read, and all voting in favor. thereof, President leeks declared the said resolu- tion duly Massed and adopted. Alderman Roeder introduced -a resolution levying special assessments for the construction of combined curb and gutter on Seventh Street Southwest from the ?hest line of Tenth Avenue Southwest to the East line of Fourteenth 1ivenue- Southwest, which: �.:a, s read, Upon motion by, Newhouse second by Cook that the said resolution be adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President, Wee'cs cecl Bred the said resolu- tion duly passed and adopted. Alderman Roeder, introduced a .resolution levying; special. assessments for the cost and expense of paving with vitrified fibre out bri c?: of Seventh Street Southwes from the West line of Tenth Avenue Southwest to the East line of Fourteenth Avenue uouthwest, which was read. Upon motion by,Newhouse second by Roeder that the said resolution be adopt as read, and all voting: in favor thereof, President °"ee, s declared the said resolu- I Lion duly passed and adopted. Chas. TT. Armstrong, City Engineer, submitted. plans, profiled, specification: and estimate of cost for the prdpbsedtcbnstruction of surface dry:-inar;e sewer in Fourth Street �7orthwest from Seventh Avenue �Torthwest to Fifth Avenue iTorthv.-est and i. in I-ifth Avenue Northwest from Fourth Street 'Torthwest to a point 107 -, feet South _of the South line of Fourth Street Northwest, which were considered by the Common Council, the said estimate of cost being the total sum of y"1597.70. Alderman .Roeder. introduced a resolution appropriating '"8731.47 from the I 'ermanent Improvement Revolving Rind and ordering payment made to the Utton Con- ctructioa .Co., Inc., for final estimate o4 paving and curbinry of Seventh. Street 748 Southr,.est from the ?'lest line of Tenth Avenue Southwest to the Fast line of Fourteenth Avenue Southwest, which was read. Upon motion by Newhouse second by Cook that the said resolu- tion be adopted as read, and all voting in favor. thereof, President �''eeks declared the said .resolution duly passed and adopted. Alderman Newhouse introduced the following resolution, which was read: "7VITERE,AS, it is deemed expedient and ;necessa.ry that a, surface drainage sewer be constructed in Fourth Street Northwest from Seventh Lvenue ?Torthvrest to Fifth Avenue Northwest anI in Fifth Avenue Northwest from Fourth Street PlorthT,est to a point 107-- ft. South of the South ?ine of Fourth Street Vorth7-est, and. Chas.. F. lrmstrong, City Engineer, having pre- pared and, submitted plans, profiles, specifications and estimate of co^t' for the said surface draina�-e sewer ; ilbWx TTTERi?MPEO Be it resolved by the Common Council of the City of Rochester, ffinnesota: That the said .plans, profiles and specifica- tions be adopted, as and for the construction of the said surface draina�,.e sevier atici that they .and the said estimate of cost be placed on file. Be it further resolved. by said Common Council: That the City Cl.erl� be authorized ' and directed to advertise for bids for, -the furnishi.n ; of all.. labor and materials for the construction 'of said surface drwina~e secrer thich said bids will. be opened at a public meeting; of the said Common. Council which. is to be held on Movember 3rd, 1924, at .2 o'clock P.'f., in the Council Chambers, in the City Fall, in said .City. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check upon some reputable bank dra!1 payable to the Mayor of the City of Rochester., T`inne- sota, for at least ten (10) percent of. the amount of the bid., which check and tb: amount of money specified therein shall be' forfeited to the said City of Poeberster as liquidated damages if the bidder upon.the letting of the contract to him 'shall. fail to enter into thew' contract so i.et. " Upon motion by Newhousec8econd by Roeder that the said resolu*- tidn be adopted as read, and all voting in 'favor 'thereof, President. Teeks declared the said resolution.duly passed and adopted. Alderman Cook introduced a resolution appropriating �h2000.00 from the Street and `Alley Fund for use of the Street and 111.ley Committee, ¢-hi ch iva s read. Upon motion by. Cool; second by Newhouse tl^ _at the -sai.d., resolu- ti.on be adopted as read, and all voting in favor_ thereof, President `leeks declaree the said resolution duly passed and adopted. hldermcn Roemer introduced a resolution levying assessments for the cost and. expense of grading Seventh Avenue- Southeast from, the South line of Ei^hth Street Southeast to 'the Nofith line of Ninth Street Southeast, whit-h Rrn.s read. Upon motion by Cook second.by Kitzman that the said resolution be adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President T. ee':cs de'c ar- ea the skid' r. esolution duly passed and adopted. A plat shog'ring the present location of Co & No 151. Ry. tracks crossing Broadway Street North and the nrorosed changes in the said was 34id before .the `Common Council, as was the request for the' said c'nanges �-.f: ..as ._.:-`r,...s.-...y, ,... r:.. .....+.�. ,.. ♦ �.-.�..�+:.... _ � ._ .. .. ...... .. __ri_x.:. rv...y.....x,. .. . wa:N w,,n -,4 +r`•h. r ., .. a ... __. __. ............�....r...�...r..�uc��.n...u.r. __. _ _— _ __--- - ------ I c.nd motion by T%Tearh.ouse second by Cook .Parried that the same be placed on file. Alderman Cook 'introdueed an -ordinance authorizing the C. F. ITI. "'. ''y. Co. to remove one track acid change the location of another and establish the location of the four remaining tracks _.across Broadway in the . City of ",ochester, vlii.ch wr�s iven its first Oeading. Voti.on by Newhouse second by Cook carried that the rL:l es be suspended. and that the Laid ordinance be given its second reading, and it .as ziven its second r. eadin7 accordingly. . Motion by Cool, second .by Newhouse carried that the rules be suspended and that the said ordinance :be given its third and final readi.nr, and it was riven its third and. final ,reading accordingly. Upon motion by Lemmon second by Newhouse t1rc..t the said ordinance be adopted as re!2.0.2 and all voting in favor thereof, President 'Weeks declared the said ordi- nance duly passed and adopted. The following claims were read., and motion by Lemmon second by Pewhouse carried that tl�e same be allowed and that the Mayor. and City Clerk be authorized e,nd directed to draw warrants upon the Cite Treasurer and ma' e payment accordin7lyt 2 From the General Fund: J. I. Holcomb 1zfg. Co., p8.3?.; Northwestern Stamp "'orts, .30; Chas. T. Pw.,,ner Co., 14.10; American Pailway Express Co., 4.98; 0. E. "cCoy, 13.90; B. t e Larson, M3.24; From the Fire Protection Fund: Fbster Battery Company, 112.56; F`ro3n the Park ,Tmprovement Fund: City of Rochester. General Funds, '. 13.86; =. '. Cooke, 36.15; Priebe and FIratzke, ".30 ; Dodme Lumber. and Fuel Co., 479.68; From the Street and Alley Fund: American Railway Express Co., ,(-1.37; Ru^sell Grader T-!!fg. Co., 015.39; American Railway. Express Co., $,.74; Russell Grader Co-9 `,�4.85. On motion by Newhouse second by Roeder Council adjourned to October. 24th, 11924, at 8 o'clock P.I.I. J ' City Cleric.