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650 MIN Minutes of a regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of N Rochester, Minnesota, held in the Council Chambers, in the City Hall, in 11 said City on September 6th, 192T, • at 2:00 o' olodk P.M. Meeting called to order by President Weeks. . Roll Call. Present: Weeks, Adler, Erickson, Hicks, Miller. Alrsept: Rommel, Schroeder. On motion by Hicks, second by Erickson, the minutes, of the.meeting 11 held on August 15th,1927, were approved. Alderman Rommel came in at this time and.took his Chair. President WeekS announced that thiS.waS the time and place fixed, for a hearing on the petition for the vacation of the alley running North and South along the West add* of Bjerring's.Re-subdivision of the East J,of Block 6 in Williams, Healy & C.rnforth's Addition; and asked if there was any person present who wished to be heard. There was no person present who wished to be heard concerning the vacation of the alley above desdribedj President Weeks announoed. that this was the time and place fixed for a hearing on the grading of a part of Fourteenth Avenue Northeast and adked if there was any person present who wished to be heard relative to the said improvem tnt, There was no person present who wished to be heard regarding the said grading: , President Weeks announced that this was the time and place fixed for a hearing on the construction of a sanitary sewer in pert of Sixth Avenue Southeast, and asked if there was any person present who wished to be heard concerning this sanitary sewer; There was no person present who wished to be heard relative to the said sanitary sewer. President Weeks announced that this was the time and place fixed for a hearing on the levying of special assessments for the construction of sanitary sewers in parts of Ninth Avenue Southeast, Tenth Place Southeast, Eighth Street Southesst, and in the alley 1nBlook 6 in Head & MaMehon's Addition, and asked if there was any person present who wished to be heard relative to either of the said sanitary sewersi There was no person present who wished to be heard in any matter conserving either or any of the above mentioned sanitary sewers. A petiion asking that ,& sanitary sewer be construct" in Sixth Avenue Southeas�t, betweIon Ninth Street Southeast and Eleventh Street South- east,, east, and that a water main be laid in the said part of Sixth Avenue south- � :'tom f t `A .. _f� ✓�, 6 5 1 East, was read, and On motion by -Hicks, second by Sricksoi}, the said petition was granted... r. Alderman Schroeder came in at.thia_time and took his Chair. The following reports of costs were read, and President Weeks ordered that the same be placed on file: " August 2991927, Honorable Ma1*14 and Common Council, City of Rochester, Minnesota; , Gentlemen: I respectfully report the following as being the coats for the construotion of a sanitary sewer in Ninth Avenue Southeast from the center of Eighth Street Southeast to the.center of Tenth Street Squtheset,.under contract with Wm..C.. Fraser & Son, Job 1143: 156647 fto-e sewer at 65� per ft., $ 1011 86 60 pcs. 6" on 8" Y's at $1.009 80600 4 manholes at•$66;00, 260400 Interest on contract payment from August t 15819270 to September 6th,1927, incl., 4.12 133697 ' Respectfully submitted, A. iF, WRIGHT. Am/ls City Clark** "August 29,1927, Honorable Mayor and Common Council, City of Rochester, Minnesota, Gentlemen: I respectfully report the f alowing as being the oost for the construction of a sanitary. sewer cammonoing atthe center of the Intersection of Eighth Street Southeast and Fifth Avenue Southeast, and running East along the'oenter line of Eighth Street Southeast to & point 127 feet. West of the West line of Sixth Avenue Southeast, Martin Paulson, contractor, 'Job No. 1144: 170 ft~, 6" pipe sewer at 66¢ per ft , 110-050 1 manhole, 50 00 41 o.i 8" on 8" Y's at snoo, 4.00 Interest on contract payment from August 15th, 1927, to Sept, 6,1927, 1ncl . , ' .60 165410 Respectfully submitted, A. F. WRIGHT AFW/ls City Clerk. " "August 29,1927, Honorable Mayor and Common Council, City of Rochester, Minnesota, Gentlemen: I respectfully report the following as being the costs for the construction of a sanitary sewer in the alley in Block 6 in Head & MoMahon's Addition, described: Conmencing at a point in the center of Fourth Avenue Southwest in line withthe center line of the alley running East and Neat through Block 6 in Head & MoMahon's Addition, thence West In line with the center line of said alley to the center of Fifth Avenue Southwest, under contract with Wm. C. Fraser & Won,,Job No. 1072: 425 ft; of 8" pipe sewer at 69X per ft., $ 263.60 1 manhole, 70.00 6 6" on so y's at $1.009 6*00 1 . 652 Interest on contract payment fro:: August 15, 1927, to Sept 611927, inol., 1.24 Labor snrVoying, :60 �Compensstion insurance on same, :02 ` $ 341026 Respectfully submitted, A. P. WRIGHT I AFW/18 City Clerk. " August 29,1927 Honorable Mayor and Nonmon Council,. City of Rochester, Minnesota: entl ►t: I respectfully report the following as being the costs for the 'construction of s sanitary sewer in Tenth Place Southeast from the manhole on the West side of Third Avenue.Southeast to a point 350 feet West of the West line of Third Avenue Southeast, , undear contract with in, fi. Fraser & Son, Job No. 1073 t • 363 ft. 8" pipe sewer at 65� per ft,, 2350-95 - 15 pea, 6" on 80 yto at $1,4009, 15.00 Ill i lmanhole, 55400 Interest on contract payment from August 15th,1927, to Sept, 4,192 7, inol., LaU $ 307007 Respectfully submitted, • A. F. WRIGHT. AFW1ls pity Clerk; ". This being the time and place fixed for the opening of bids for the construction of ,a sidwalk along the North side of the bridge over Cascade Ceeek on Third Avenue Northwest, the bid of Feller Brothers $660.00,was opened and read, which said bid carried provision that extra concrete in place, exclusive of steel shah], be paid fcr at. $30A peer cvA, yard and extra struo- tural steel per pound in place phall be S.07 per. pound,,. Alderman Adler introduced a resolutiop.aooepting the proposal of Feller Brothers for the construction of the above described sidewalk, and fixing the amount of the band to be given by the said contractor at the sum of $660-6009 which pas read; U! Upon motion by Adler, second by Erickson, that the said resolution oil be adoptedas read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Weeks declared IIII the said resolution duly passed and adopted; Alderman Miller introduced an ordinance to amend. si ordinance enti- tled "An ordinance regulating-traffi le within the City ofRochester, Minnesota, providing for the parking and operation of vehicles and designating arterial �! highways within said City,," which was given its first reading. Upon motion by Adler, second by Hilly, the rules were suspended.;t -and the said ordinance was given its second reading: IIII 1 9{ 653. ,A 0 L A motion by Erickson, second by Miller, that the said ordinance be given Its third anu final reading, .loot by the "Nay' vote of Alderman Schroeder. A motion by Adler,,seoond by Rommel, that all actions heretofore taken on the above mentioned ordinance be reconsidered, carried by all voting in favor thereof, a. The report of the City Wei ghmaater for the month of August, 1927s showing weighing fees collected in the amount of $2190, was read, and President Weeks referred the same to the Finanoe Committee:,, The report.ofthe.City Treasurer showing the sum of $254,210*94 as being on hand August 31at, 1927s was read, and President Weeks ordered the same to be placed on file; a The report of the Clerk of the Municipal Court ton. -:the week ending August .:lot, 19279,Showing criminal.fines collected $57,00, eivil fees received $4.35, Court Costa charged to Olmsted County $700; for the meek ending August 8th,1927, showing; criminal fines dolleoted $4'5.00, civil` feet- received $7,00, fines collected due to Olmsted County $11.95; and for the week ending August 15t n,1927, showing criminal fines-colleoted..$351 00, Court Costs charged to Olmsted County $13.55, Fines collected due to Olmsted County $96.60, and for the week ending August 22nd, 19270 showing criminal fines' collected $290.55.,* Civil fees received $240, court costs charged to 81msted County $170,35, fines poll eted due to Olmsted County $12,90. for the week ending August ` 29th,1927,. showlAg' ftlnal fines collected $78,40, civil -fees received 1j335,..court costs charged to Olmsted County $3950, fines dolleoted due to Olmsted County $10000, and for the .week ending September 5th,1927, showing criminal fines collected $74.25, civil fees received $2.00, court costs charged to Olmsted County $15.60, were esah.read, and President Weeks referred the same to the City Attorney. Upon motion by Hicke, second by Erickson, the sum of $131.45 was appropriated from the General Fund and it was ordered that the same be paid to 0lmsted County, Minnesota, for local municipal court fines collected due to Olmsted C ounty, The applications of Nest-LaPlayt Motor Company, Motor Inn Garage, Pauley Tingley Tire Company, Clayton Hotel, and John E. McGovern, for permits to place and maiAtain signs were each read, and upon motion by Adler, second by Schroeder, permits were granted, The application of Paul Mross for a soft drink dealers license �::,st 115 117 Center Street East, was read,and upon motion by Rommel, second by Miller, license was granted. The appli Lion_ Q . Gerry. Thompson for public dance p ermitt� st_,.th&_ Woodman Hall, September 13th and 2700 1927,. andoof Paul Mross for a public dmmmp. ` II - ai 115-117 Center Street East for August 31st, and September 3rd, 1927, were each � C 654 n Copies OF resolutions passed end adopted by the Public Utility Board requesting ,authority to enter into contract with the Northwest,,.--.;--! General ElectrId.8upply Company of Sto, Pault MInnesotVor the furnishing of wire cable and potheads, at a net 'price 'of $7388*95t P*00--B.'Rochester, Minnesota, and,for authority to appropriate $5000i00 to the Kinking Fund of said City for the retirement of City of Rochester'. Minnesota,,' Water or -Works Bonds, 'were each read,, and President Weekd ordered that the oami'be"plaoed on file, The following notice of resignation, promotion and appointment wss'read,, and upow.,motlon by Hicks, second by Schroeder, the resignation mentioned therein was accop�tod'a;nd the promotion iand appointment was approved& Rochester, Minnesota, September 3'9 1927 Honorable Mayor and Common Counell City of Rochester, Minnesota. Gentlemen,* Subject to your approval and,scceptsnee I hereby report the following resignation, prcmiction.said appointment: R-ex D. Holmes., driverof., pumping motor, resigned. ,effective 8:00 o1clo'ok:A.M- or p 80ptemb lot' 1927; John D. Ryan, promoted from' fireman to driver of pumping motor, effective 8z.00 o'clock --A.M.,, SoP tomber. let.1927; Cecil. E. Ginther appointed f1ftman effective, 8:00 ofolook September let, 1927, Respectfully submitted, E., Cudmered Chief. of PlreDopartmentw- Quit claim deed given by Prod Altona.and Ole Sanderson, as trustees of the estate Of Maggie'Alseth'L deceased',' Ififiior of the City of Rochester Minnesota, conveying their Interest In what will 'bo` "a portion of Sixth Street Southwest, Fourteenth Aveme Southwest and "Fifteenth Avenue` Soutbrest, was read, and onmotion by Hicks, second by Adle'r,':Zt was ordered that the same be placed 'on ,file, and 'that-,ihi City _Clerk be"'instructed `to inform 'the grantors that the ,soo4ptance of the 4i%e-1w1l1 not. be'- made', unt !I such time 'as the City(s title to Twelfth Avenue Sointimest between... Sixth'Street 'and ileventh Street Southwest, and to the Block deeded by SO 0, Sanderson f6r public purposes is cleared by quit ' ol&:Lm'deed; A petition-*asklng'fOr the vacation Hof 'Vie alley running Borth and South &*rose Block 22 In Roo & McMahon's Addition, end -Block 5 In Willi W-Mi ad, and', on motion by Adler, second by Healy & Cornforth's Addltjqn,�`was're ' J Hlckes the same was r4forred to .:the Stpbot 'W'Alleys Co=nittee,, with request that they make report therAon At, stht: -next; me'6tih ,.of thus COmmon* Council,, g n ro mv: '.P� 11M iw 9M r- mom- t _ 5. A oommunioation from the°•Aseoeistion of Polioo-Vomen of Minnesota and the Northwest, addressedi. to.Mrs.'.,Mary A' • Anderson,' Social Welfare Worker, inviting her ,to Ahe misting of the ,Assooiation •to. be held in Saint. Paul,, Minnesota, September 14th, 1927, was read, and President Weeks ordered that the same be placed 'on file. An motion by•Miller, Second by Hicke, carried that Mr's.-MkAy A. Anderson be•allowed to attend the said meeting at the expense of the City of Rochester, Minns - Dots, An objection by the Chicago & Northwestern Railway Company, to the construc- tion of a sidewalk along the mast side of Lot 6 and the North 10 feet of Lot 5 in Block 66, ' in the Original .Plat of the City of Rochester, Minnesota, was read, aind upon motion by Adler, second by Schroeder, the same was referred to the City Attorney, and'the City Engineer was instruoted to securethe neoessary labor, material, etc., construct the sidewalk ob jeoted , •to Upon motion by Adler, second by Miller, the City Clerk was granted a leave of,absonoe, with pey,during the period September 16th,1927, to September 26th,1927, Inc lug ive Upon motion by Hicks, B@oond by Erickson, James T. Spillane,.was.appointed IAoting V ty Clerk in the�absenee of the City Clerk during the .above mentioned period -- Copy of requisition made by the Health Officer upon Saint Marys Hospital Ifor isolation hospital servioes to Daniel Fritsch, residing at 512 Fifth Avenue , NorthWeWt, diagnosed to be suffering' from diptheria, was read, and President Weeks Oredered that the saws be placed on filer The application of Mrs. Mabel FountAin, Public Health Nurse,for a vacation commencing September 15th, 1927, was read, and on motion by Hi %ks, second by Erickson, Mrs. Fountain was granted a ten day vacation: The, following copies of resolutions passed and adopted by the Commissioners of th_ Sinking Fund of the said City were read, and upon motion by Schroeder, second by Rommel, the actions set forth therein were approved, and it was ordered that the copies of the said' res'aut:lnns be placed on file: '829 it itiaolvedabyebbe. Commissioners of the Sinking Fund of the City -of Rochester, Minnesota: That the sum of $4602,,21 be appropriated from the Sinking Fund of the said City and paid tot Lane, - Piper & - Jaffrey, Ina,, for $400000 State of Minnesota, 41 per cent Rural Credit Bonds due June lot, 1954, on a 3090 per cent basis less i per cent; $4000 .00 thereof being principal on the said bonde,.$5514-54 thereof being premium on the said bonds and $5067 thereof bein g accrued interest on the Bald bonds to Septem- ber 7th,1927, " "Be it res,olvedL by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund of the City of Rochester, Minnesota: That the sum of $6811,24 be and the said sum to hereby appropriated from the Sinking Fund of said City and it is ordered that the same be paid to Lane,Piper & Jaffray, Inc., of Minneapolis, Minnesota, for $6,000.00 State of Minnesota Rural F . 656 Crecit Bonds, and premium and.aocrued interest thereon, described; ",._. $5,000.00 State of Minnesota, 4j or cent Rural Credit Bonds dU June lat, 19549 at a 390 basis less 1i per cent - principal. $6,Ob0 00, premium $696.30 and accrued interest June 1st, 1927, tO4ugust 16th,19270 $49.48, Total 05 9 745.78; 010000,00 State of Minnesota 4-4 per cent Rural Credit Bond due June 1st, 1954,'at 490 basis lees 1/8 pldr cent - principal $1,000,00, premium $56#61, and accrued interest June lat. 1927, to August 18th,19251, $8,85, Total $1065,46 " d,! "Be it resolved by -the Commissiontrs of the Sinking Fund of the City of Rochester, Minnesota: I That the sum of $227-39 be and the said sum is hereby appropriated .from the Sinking Fund of :said City and it is orderedthat the 'same be paid to the Sewage Disposal Plant Pond; :the, said appropriation being made because . of the fact that excess fonds in the Sewage•Disposal Plant Fund were heretofoe transferred .to the Sinking Fund for.inves.ts qt and now as Sewage Disposal Plant Pond , Disbursements `exoeeded " the expectation at that time,, there is a consequent overdraft which is hereby taken up as above 'set forth." Upon motion by Rommel, .' esoond' by Mill or' the a"' of $2 00 was appropriated from the General Pend and'11.was ordered that the same be paid t6 Miner Martin for servioes cutting weeds on the property of Martha Sohraiidt $.50 and on the property of Lena Haalar4$1.50. J :G. Perry,$ipbaring for'the Business Men's Association, asked for the'use of Second Street Southeast between Broadway Street South and the Chicago Great Weatern Railroad tracks 'for a, pavement dance September 14th, 1927, and on motion by Adler, second by Erickson,. his request was granted, and the City Engineer was instructed to clean the pavement for use the ♦ evening of September 14th,1927, An ordinance to regulate the construction of bill boards within the City of Rochester, Minnesota, .was given its second reading; , Final estimate prepared,by the City Engineer in favor of the Produce Refrigerating Company,showing the sum of.-we0219 ens being due the said Company for the furnishing of Calcium. chloride under .contract, Was read, and President Weeks ordered that the same be - placed on file:. The following Committee report Was. read.,'And. President Weeks ordered J. that the same be placed on filer "Rochester,Minnesoia, Sept fiet, 1927, Honorable Mayor ant Common, Council, City of Rochester, Minnesota, Gentlemen= We beg to report favorable on the petition for the vaoatim of the North 166 feet of the alley' ••runining'North and South in Block 18 of Head and MoMahon's Addition,and recommend that the prayer of the petitioners begrsnted: Respeotfully submitted, ED js , S'M 'r! t 6 57 THE STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE BY'. A.-E. Adler . Chairman. . Tollef Erickson F. W. Miller. % Alderman Miller introduced an ordinance to amend an ordinance entitled "An ordinance regulating traffic within the City.of'Rochester, Minnesota, providing for the operation and perking of vehicles and designating arterial highways in said City; which was given its first reading. Upon motion by Adler,.second by Miller the rules -were euspended.and the said ordinance was given its second reading,' Upon motion by Rommel, second by Erickson, the rules were suspended and the said: ordinance was given Its third shd final reading. Upon motion by Erickson, second by Adler, that the said ordinance be adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Weeks declared the said ordinance duly passed and adopted,. Alderman Adlor, intrcdueed,a resolution:vaosting the alley running North . t and South along, the Westside `of Bjerring's Resub-Division of the East of Block 69 in Williams, Healy & CorRforth's Addition, which was read, Upon motion by Rommel,.seoond by Adler, that the said resolution be adapted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Weeks declared the said resolution duly passed send adopted, I Alderman Rommel introduced a resolution.ordering plai*, profiles, specift tons and estimate of cost for:the construction of:s sanitary sewer in Sixth Avenue Southeast commencing at the center.of the intersection of Sixth Avenue Southeast and Ninth.Street South -sat and running North along the centar line of Sixth Avenue South- east to a .point 50..feet South of- the. .North line of the Southwest 4 of Section 1 in Township 106, Worth of Range 14 West, ordering that the said sewer be constructed and that _the cost and expense -' .- ..be .paid by special assessments .levied as provided by law, which was read.. Upon motionb*,Adler, second by Schroeder, that th d said resolution be adopted as read, and all voting,ln favor thereof, President Weeks declared the said res,olution duly passed and adopted. The City'..Engineer submitted plans, profiles, specifications and estimate cost for the above described.sanitary sew.er..Ai . datd estimate of ,cost being- $652.74. Alderman Schroeder introduced a resolution adopting the said pladd,profile and specifications flub, the.. -said sanit ry 'serer .and ordering the 'same placed on file,,, ordering the said estimate of. oost placed -pa file, ordering advertisement for bide, to be opened at 7s30 o'clock P.M.,, September .28,th,1927,..and .instructing the Ciiy Clerk to give published notice of a hearing to,the owners of the property benefit6ed, which 658 was read. IIpan motion by Hicks, second by Miller, that the said resolution be Adopted as mead, and all voting in favor thereof, President Weeks declared the said resolution duly passed and adopted; Alderman Rommel introduced the f allowing -resolution, which was read: "WHEREAS, The Common Council of the City '01 Rochester, Minnesota, deem it expedient and necessary that a local public improvement, -the cost and expense of which shall be paid by special assessments, levied as provided by law, be made in said City of Rochester, Minnesota, the said improvement being described as follows: The construction or a. sanitary sewer commencing .at a point in the center of Fifth Avenue Southeast and Tenth` Street Southeafet, And running East in the center of Tenth Street. Southeast, to tho eente� of Sixth Avenue Southeast and Tenth Street Southeast and thence m nning South along the center line of Sixth Avenue Soutbe&at tothe censer of Eleventh Street South ;- east, and aalso commencing in the center. of Tenth Street Southeast and Sixth Avenue Southeast and running: North slong:the center line of,Siith Avenue Southeast to a point 135 feet South of the South line of Ninth Street Southeast, and the laying of .a water main 1n. the said parts of Tenth Street Southeast and Sixth Avenue Southeast. SO THEWORE, Be it Resolved by the Common Council of the City of Rochester, Minnesota: That a public hearing of all persons and parties interested in the said improvement will be held at 7:30 o'cick P.M., on September.28th,1927 o, in the Council Chambers, in the City'Hall9 in said City,, -at which time and Place all persons and parties interested in the said.1mprovements may appear and be heard by said Common`Couneil in relation�to the�said improvements, The City Clerk is hereby orderedand direLeted to, cause to be-publiehed in the official newspaper of said City a notice to all interested persons and Parties of the time, place, and purpose of said meeting 'and hearing. " Upon motion by Adler, second"by Erickson, that the.said resolution be adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Weeks deolared the said resolution duly passed and ' adopted. �dermanEnibkson=''-introduced a resolution ordering that Fourteenth' Avenue Northeast, between the North line of'Center Street East and a point 300 feet'North, be graded ti� an established grade line and to a width of 30 feet, that the salu.grading-be done by special assessments levied as provided by law and that the City Engineer prepare and file, :plans, profiles, specifications and an estimate CC 1..cost for the -said. grading, which was read. Upon motion by Erickson, second by Rommel,-that•the saiu resolution be adopted as read, and,all voting in favor thereof, President Weeks declared the said resolution duly -,passed - and ad opted; The City Engineer submitted plans, profiles,aildspecifications for the above described grading,;the eei0ate of cost thereof, being $90.02. �.gidekm EnIckson introduced e'resolution adopting the above plans, profiles and specifications for the grading'.ef Fourteenth Avenue Northeast, ordering that the sawbe' placed on file, or der 'T ing 'that'said tlotimate of cost ., be placed on file, ordering advertisement for 'bids,' to be opened at 7:30 o'clock P.M., September 38th,1987, instructing the' jCfty Clerk to give published 1 6.59 ® m notice to the property owners oonoerned that a hearing will he held at said time, whi was read; Upon motion by Schroeder, second by Hicks, that the said resolution be adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Weeks declared the said resolution duly passed and adopted; the City Engineer submitted plans, profiles specifications and estimate of cost for the construction of surface drainagesewers in Fifteenth Avenue Southwest, from Second Street southwest to Fifth Street Southwest, and Eleventh Avenue Northeast, from Ninth Street Northeast to 940 feet South, in Sixth Street Northeast from First t venue Northeast to 190 feet East and in Ninth Avenue Northwest from the center of fifth Street Northwest to 520 feet North add 75 feet South, the, ettimates of costs thereof being Fifteenth Avenue Sou1194t $l082,81, Eleventh Avenue Northeast $1115,80, Sixth Street Northeast $156.00, Ninth Avenue Northwest $633,60, Alderman Miller introduced a resolution adopting the above mentioned,, -plans, profiles,, specifications 'and estimate of cost,for the construction of surface drainage ewers in Eleventh Avenue Northeast, Sixth Street Wor.theast, and Ninth Avenue Northwes ordering that said improUements.be made and done, ordering that the said plans, pro - ilea, specifications, and estUate of cost be pla-:.:ced on file and ordering advert ise- ent for bids to be opened at 7:30 o'clock P.M., September 28th,1927, which was read. Upon motion by Adler, second.by Miller, that the said resolution be dopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Weeks declared the said resolution duly passed end adopted. Alderman Schroeder introduced a resolution adopt4Ag the above mentioned laps, profiles and specifications for the sonstruetion of a surface drainage sewer in ifteenih Avenue Southwest, ordering that the said piano, profiles and specifications %nd estimate of cost be placed on file, orderingthat the said improvementbe made and one and ordering advertisement for bids'to be opened at 7:30 o'clock P.M., September 8th,1927, which was read, Upon motion by Erickson, second by Hicks, that the said resolution be adopted as read, . and all voting in favor thereof, #resident Weeks declared the said res olution duly passed and adopted* Alderman Schroeder introduced the following resolution, which was reads "Bv it resolved by the Common Council of the City of Rochester, Minnesota: That Chas, H: Armstrong, City Engineer, of said City, be and he is hereby kuthori$ed to purchase 2 40 x 14 Kelly -Springfield Kat type C.,and 2 36-x 6 High standard automobile tires for use.on.the motor driven flusher -sprinkler, at a total os t or 1491 40., " ..Upon motion by Hicks, second by Erickson, that the said resolution be opted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Weeks declaredthe said s esolution duly passed and adopted; b 0.0 Alderman Hicks introduced a resolution .authorizing the Public Utility Board to appropriate $5,000*00 from the Public Utility Fund., of } said City to the Sinking Fund of said City.for use in the retirement of Water Works bonds of said City, which was read.. f Upon motion by Miller, second by Schroeder, that the said resolution be adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, .President Weeks declared the said resolution duly passed and- adopted; Alderman Hicks introduced a resolution authorizing the.Public Utility Board to enter into contract with the HorthWestc-.:-.'General Electric Supply Company, for wire, oeble, and potheads at a net price of $7,386 95, I{ FOOL Rochester, Minnesota, and fixing the amount of the bond to be given bF � the said contractor at the sum of:$7400 00,,which was read, !� T pon motionbby Rommel, second by Schroeder , that the said resolution " be adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Weeks declared " the said resolution duly passed . ant! adopted,* Alderman Hicks Introduced '& resolution authorizing the Public Utility Board to lay a water main in Second Street Southeast from Sixteenth Avenue jl Southeast to the West line of the property of the State of Minnesotg which was read. ' B#dn3'moaei8Z Rommel-, 'second by Hicks, that ' the said resolution be ; lI adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Weeks declared €li then said resolution duly psesed and adopted, � Alderman Adler introduced a resolution appropriating $2000.00 from the Street and Alley Fund for use,,opthe Streetand Alley Committee, which was read, t Uponmmotion by Hicks, second by Rommel,, thatthesaid resolution be f a adopted as read, and all voting in taVar thereof, President Weeks declared the jsaia resolution duly passed and adopted. ,+ Alderman Erickson introduced a resolution appropriating $351e80 from the Sewage Disposal Plant'Fund.and ordering payment made to Wm. C. Fraser & t Son for 6% withheld on contract for the construction of a trunk line sanitary , as ., . sewer in connection with the local sewage disposal plant, which was read,• gpon motion by Miller,,second by Schroeder, that the said resolution ' ` be adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Weeks declared �j the said resolution duly passed and adopted.. �> Alderman Erickson introduced a resolution appropriating $209:61 from the Permanent Improvement Fund and orderl%g.payment made to Wm, Ce Fraser & Son for5% withheld on contracts for the construction or sardtarq:. sewers in parts of Fourth Avenue Southeast .and Center Street West,•whic�_',was read. jt, �w ff Vim+ 661 0 Upon motion by. Adler second by Schroeder that the said resolution be adopted as read, and all, voting "In favor th'ereo f, President Weeks declared the said resolution duly pasBed-and-adopted, Alderman Erickson introduced a resolution appropriating $858.29 from the Heneral Fund and ordering payment to the Produce Refrigerating Company for 30 tons Calcium chloride $907.50 less 2800 pounds,$42 0l,,reoeived in bad order and less 24A per ton $7.200 which was read, Upon motion by: Erickson, second by Adler, that the acid resolution be adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Meeks declared the said resolution duly passed and, adopted; Alderman Erickson introduced a resolution appropriating $1381.62 from the Sewer Fund and ordering payment made to Wm.C.'Fraser & Son for 5% withheld on contract for the construction of State Hospital outlet sanitary sewer, which was read. t Upon motion by Schroeder, second by Hicks, that the said resolution be adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Weeks declared the said resolution dulypassed -=and Adop ted ,Merman Adler introduced -a resolution appropriating 0294015 from the Street and Alley Fund and ordering a . g payment made to Botsford Lumber Company for cement and lumber furnis ned dur ig August, 1927, which was read. Upon motion by Rommel, second by Adler, that the said. resolution be adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President weeks declared the said resolution duly passed and adopted, t , Alderman Adler introduced a resolution appropriating $585.00 from the Fire, Protection Fund and. ' ordering .payment made to H. R, Dunnett for the construction of an addition to the Central Fire Station under contract, which was read, Upon motion. by. Mill s, second by Erickson, that the said resolutionbbe adopted. as read, and all Voting in favor thereof, President Weeks declared the said resolution duly passed and.adop6ed. Alderman Adler introduced a resolution appropriating $409;98 from the Street and Alley Pend and orderigg payment made to Hayes -Lucas & Green for cement furnished.during August,1927,1which was read; \ Upon motion by Schroeder, second by Adler, that the said resolution be adopted as read,k and all voting .in favor thereof, President Meeks declared the said resolution duly passed and adopted. Alderman Adler introduced a resolution appropriating $2e8 50 from the Street and Alley Fund and ordering payment made to the Midland Lumber & Coal Company nd Forc er urnlehed durlA Au g grit 1927, which was read; . Upon motion. hy, Rommel:; second by Miller, that' the said resolution be adopt i6s read, and all voting in favor thereof, president Weeks declared the said resolutia I 662 duly passed and adopted. Alderman Adler introduced the following resolution,. which was read: "Be it resolved by the Common CQunoil of the City of Rochester, Minnesota: i That the sum of $210.vO be and the said .sum Is hereby appropriated from the Fire Protection Pund of said City and ordered paid to Wm. E. Cudmore ' for expenses attending,Pire Chief's Convention at.Portland ,Oregon, Augast.9th to 13th,1927. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorised and directed to draw a warrant for said eam upon the Ciity Treasurer -is accordance herewith, and cause r said payment to be made; " Upon motion by Erickson, second by $leas, that.the said resolution. be adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof; President Weeks declared the said resolution duly passed and adopted; Alderman Miller introduced the f ;Mowing, resolution which was read; "Be it resolved by the,Common Council of, the City of.Rochester, Minneso ta: That the sum of $404 *46 be and', it ' is hereb y appropriated from the funds mentioned for payment to the Hart Oil Company,for,gasoline, kerosene and w: grease fUrnishedduring August,19 Y= $131:98 thereof to be from the General Fun.:, . $266.97 thereof -.to be from::.the. Street and Alley Fand and $5.50 thereof to be from the Server Pund e The Mayor and the City,Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to dram a warrant for said sum upon the City 'Treasurer in accordenaDe herewith, and cause said payment to be madoj* " Upon motion by Adler,-seoor4 by- Brickoon, that the said resolution be adop red as read, and sll voting in favor thereof, ,President Weeks deolared :mill the said resolution duly passed and .adopted: Alderman Milker ,introduoed a resolution-appropristing $1846,047 from the Park Improvement Fund and ordering payment .msd*e :to ;Mayo Trust Pund for payment of payrolls during the- period of, the. wesks ending: August 19th, August 26th, 19270 and September ftll, 1927, which was read'; i. Upon motion by Erickson,.second by Rommel,' -that said resolution be adopted as read, and all voting in -favor thereof, President Weeks declared the said resolution duly..passed .. and: adopted; Alderman Miller introduced a resolution appropriating $366.30 from •.a the Street and AlleyPond and orderin a ' g .p yment- made to the Rochester State ospital for 222 yards oru$hed rock ^furnished dur` ing August; 1927, which read. ,Upon motion by Hicks, :tcond 'by Schroeder, that ,the said resolution adopted as read, and .all voting in favor thereof; President Weeks declared said resolution duly passed and adopted , .Aldermen ,Miller introduoed a resolution :appropristing $388.85 from e General Fund..,.*nd ordering.. p4ymout, made, to the Rochester Post -Bulletin fore official publications and printing during *gust,1927, which was read. Upon motion by Erickson,-: second_ by, Schroeder,'' that sal d resolution be adopted ad read, and all voting in favor thereof, Presiders z Weeks declared the said resolution duly passed and adopteda Alderman Rommel introduced the following resolution, which was read: "Be it resolved Eby the Common Council of the City of Rochester, Minnesota: That the ®um of.$590.00 he and the:ssid sum is hereby appropriated from the Park ' Improvemeni Fund of said City and ordered paid to Nelson Moto: Sales Company for one Pordson tractor, $530,:009delivery charges $35 .00 and one Strand Governor 25.00, purchased under emergency authoriastion,given,by W. M. Weeks, Acting Mayor, under date of August 10th,1927,; The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorised and directed to draw a warrant for said sum upoa .the City Treasurer in accordance herewith, and cause said payment to be made; Upon motion by Hicks, second by Rommel, that the said resolution be adopted as read, and all voting` in" favor thereof, President Weeks declared the said resolution duly passed and Ladopted, Alderman Rommel introduoed'a resolution appropriating $463,70 from the General Pund'and ordering psyyment:made to West: & Postier CompaVyfor automobile tires furnished for motor driven Plusher -sprinkler, which was read, IIpon motion by Adler,, -second by Rommel, that the said resolution be adopted as read, and all voting °in favor thereof, President Weeks declared the said resolution duly passed and adopted, JAlderman Schroeder introduced a resolution appropriating $586.80 -from the Sewer Fund and ordering payment made to the City of Rochester, Light Department, for poorer furnished for : the local sewage disposal plant, which was read, Upon motion by Schroedor, second by;Adler, that the said resolution be adopted as read, and all voting'in favor thereof, President Weeks declared the said resolution duly passed and adopted i Alderman Adler introduced a resolution granting public dance permit to Gerry Thompson for the Sunshlne Club, for the Woodman Hall, September 13th,1927, and September 21th,1927, and ,fixing the foe.at the sum of $10i.00,which was read - Upon motion by Adler, second by Erickson, that the said resolution be adopted as read, and all' voting' is favor thereof, President Weeks declared the said resolution duly passed_eYnd adopted. � Alderman Rommel,intr©duced a resolution granting public dance permit to Paul Mrose for public .''dances 'at 115-117 Center Street East, :August 31st, and Sep 1 11 3rd, 1927, and fixing the fee at thb sum of $10,00, which was read. 0n,,motion by Adler, second by Erickson, that the said resolution be adopted as read, and�allvoting-in favor thereof, President Weeks declared the said resolution duly passed`:�"'and adopted; 664 The -following Committee report was read, and President Weeks ordered that the same be placed on Filet . F "To the Honorable IIepmon Council, City of Rochester, Minn. Gentlemen: No the undersigned members of the Sewer (Committee report favorable on the oonstruotion, of the following sewers: I� Sewer connecting on Tenth Street N,E, to a point 75 ft. South • on Second Ave. NX, Sewer on Third Ave. S.E. from loth Street to 13th St, S.E. . O;W.Schroeder CO�dITTEE P�, &Rommel, " ' F.g Xlller . Alderman Hicks introduced,& resolution levying special assessments -for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Ninth Avenue Southeast from the u � !! center of Eighth Street to the.Center of Tenth Street,�which was read. Upon motion by Adler, secondy Miller, that -the said resolution` be adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof,.President reeks declared + the said resolution duly passed and adopted.. Alderman Schroeder introduced:& resolution levying special ; assessmen6s for the construction of a sanitary sewer commenoing in the oen�er of the intersection of Eighth Street and -Fifth Avenue Southeast 4nd i , running East along the venter line of Eighth Street Southeast to a point t 127 feet West of•the-West line of Sixth Avenue Southeast, which was read- E Tiponmmotion by Hicks, second by Rommel, :that the said resolution be r adopted as read, gnu all...voting in favor thereof, President Weeks declared the said resolution i n duly passed and adopted... ` Alderman Schroeder introduced a resolution levying special assess- ments for the construction of a sanitary sewer commencing at a point in the tR34&.Ore@:fiJ3ou;�h Avenue Southeast in line with the center line of the alley - x running East and West through Block 6 of Head & MoMahonle .Addition, thence West in line with the center line of said alley the. center of Fifth Avenue ; .to., ' Southwest, which was reads Upon motion b Schroeder, second b p y , y Dicke, that the said resolution E. `• be adopted as read, and all.voting in favor thereof., President Weeks declared the said resolution duly passed end adopted, i Alderman Rommel introduced a resolution levying special assessments for the construction oP a sanitary eewerAn Tenth Place Southeast from the manhole on the West side of Third Avenue Southeast to a point 350 feet West of thc' Weet line of third Avenue Southeast which was read. � wy Upon motion by Hicks,: second by Rommel, that the said resolution be adopted as read, and all voting ,in favor thereof, President Iteeks *declared the said resolution duly passed and adopted: t A petition asking that a sanitary sewer be constructed and that a water main be laid in Thirteenth, Street Northwest, was read,. and upon motion by Schroeder second by Adler, the same was referred, to tbje Sewer Committee and the Writer Committeel. Alderman. R.ommeli mentioned the need for a new fire hydrant on Seventh Avenue Northeast, between Vatevr_Street East and the Chicago Northwestern Railway trucks, and upon motion by Schroeder, second by Adler, the same was referred to the Water C Omni tee. The claim of Aht.*j., .R *.Hk Electric Company of $36.53. for labor, parts, eta., for the repair of motor at the sewage disposal plant, was read, and on motion by Adler, second by Miller, the said sum was appropriated from the Sewer Fund and it t was ordered that payment'be the City Clerk being instructed to bill $28.52 4 to H M. Persons, operator at the sewage disposal plant, who is deemed to be respon- sible for � the burning out of* thte motor repaired; T71e following clsime were read, and on motion by Hicks, second by Adler, the same were allowedsand the Mayor and the City Clerk were authorized and directed to draw warrants upon the City Treasurer and make payment accordingly: From the General Pund: Electric Supply Company 433,15, H. S. Adams $23.20, West it Postier Co. $3.80, Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Co. $11,65, Olmsted County Oil Co. $7.15, Weber & Judd Compsny'$l l$, Nelson Motor Sales Co. $17,18, H. S. $.55, The Rochester Oil Company�$8.31, H. & H. Electric Co. $5.40, Standard Oil Co, $1.92; Goo- E. McDermott $100, A. G, Orton Co. $2,25', S. J. Hauck Sheriff $11925, 'The Liddle Hardware $1j35, Fred W. Haase, $3 00, Alderson Brothers $2095, Rochester Post -Bulletin $5,15, Fratzke Brothers $14-70, Service Motor Co. $4,859 J. I.Holcomb Mfg, Co.'$12.25, Chicago&Kort2wostern Railway Co. 01.31, Star Laundry $.20, Luella Blake $20 00, Catherine McConnell $33.3496Lillian Sveom $85,92, The Wigwam $14.00, West=LaPlant Motor Co, $.75, Service Motor Company $1.30, Service Motor Co. $2.000 -Geo. Schmelzer $68.50, Tiffdn Wagon & Truck Co. $65.00,*H. W. Sheldon $.70, City of Rochester, Water Dept. $119079 Olson & Son $.560 Chicago Great Western Railroad Co. $5,72, Miller -Davis Company $2,10, McEliigott Welding Co., $1.50, Ellis Motor Co. $41.30, Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Co. $43,95, City of Rochester, Light Dept. From the Street and Alley Fund: Dodge Lumber & Fuel Co. $12,37, Russe it Grader Mfg, Co., $9,80, Verne Langton, $17600, American Railway Express Co. $2.66, National Bushing & Pants Co; $.75, Vjncna Oil Co, $26-42, Inmerstate Power Co,$12,00, J.C:Thompson Co. $13,46y Fratzke Brothers $6.98, Dodge Lumber & Fuel Co. $6,80, American Railway Express*Wo $1 14, American Railway Express Co $9.62, Hanson Harder 00 666 ti i., Co $61:6b, MaElligott Welding Co $6.7b, Hayes -Lucas '& Green $2806, Ellie a Motor Co. $8.30,�Hsnson Hardware $1:97'Tri-Stste Telephone & Telegraph Co., $.60, Russell Grader Mfg, Co. $11*06; 4t1 ,;., From the Fire Protection Fund: Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Co. 1 $9.60, National Bushing & Parts. Co, $407, Star Laundry $17.34, H. Dornaok $81 60, Dodge Lurbir. $,Fuel Co,, $74 20, Louis E. Niet$, $3;00, Hayes-Tucas & Green $10jeog Foamite-Childs Corporation $139.44, Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Co, $12,25, Rochester Radiator Co. $1 14, O G. Hanson & Son $6.08 Olmsted County q1t Co, $19020; IIN I f From the Sewer Pund: Chicago & Northwestern Railway Co'' ' Star Laundry AA.00, Red ding Sewer Pipe Co $41,25, Dodge Lumber & Fuel I Co. $17009 City of Rochester,, Light Dept, $16.30, Tri-State Telephone& Telegraph Company $575, Pratake Brothers $200, Hayes-Luoas & Green $2:10, Hanson Hardware Co. $079 The Liddle Hardware $1,75; a'. i From: the Park Improvement Fend : L. F. Milostan.$18.70, Nelson Motor } Sales Co. $4,56, E. A. Knowlton Co, $8,85, Dallman Sheet Mehl 816p $2,809 Mayo Trust Pund $33.00� Interstate Power Co $71;10, 0; .G. Hanson & Son $62.54 ; Rochester Ioe & Fuel Co. $894, 'American City Magazine $8.00, Olmsted County Oil Co. $42,66, Botsford Lumber Co; $5;15, 0; G:Hanson & Sion $21 j24, Vaughan Seed Store $15029, Roberts Sign Studio $62;009 Leader Printing Co.$22.75� Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Co. , $16;76, Rochester Grooer Co. $10.69, James O'Connor $4959, MoElligott Welding Co. $1.609 Dodge Lumber & Fuel Co. $134709 H, S. Adams $2--30,.Fratake Brothers $1.38, Electric Suppler Co.$18.55, Ellis Motor Comp► $396, Olmsted County Oil Co, 119,721 City of Rochester, Light Dept, $10-75; From the Lighting Pund: City of Roohester Light Dept $1230279, 1 City of Rochester, Light Dept. $3199 City of Rochester, Light Dept. $1.88; ,. ;. a From the Sewage Disposal Plant Fund: Boteford.Lumber Co. $51.95, Fratake Brothers $2;70, The Liddl a Hardware $125j , }. The following appointment was read, and on motion by Hicks, second � by Schroeder, the same was approved: r " September 6th,1927.. I Honorable Mayor and Common Council, City of Rochester, Minnesota; Gentlemen: ' Si;b ject ,to your approval, L. hereby appoint Miss Lillian • Sveom as Deputy City► Clerk, 'during the period September 16t1919279 to September 25th,19279 incluolvo Respectfully submitted .. A. F,. WRXGHT G i a City Clerk;" ..; i t ,x 6-67 'F J� A Alderman Schroeder introduced the followdng resolution, which was read: "Be it resolved by the Common Counoil'of the City of Rochester, Minnesota: That the sum of,, $97b 00 be and the said sum is hereby appropriated from they General P'und•of said City and ordered.,.paid to James T. Spillane, City,Attorney, as in full for his services in c} payment ompiling the ordinances of the City of Rochester Iiix at the request of the •Common Council of the City of Roohester. i The Mayer and City Clerk are hereby authorizd and directed to draw a warrant I for:the said sum upon the City Treasurer in accordance herewith, and eause said pay- I k meat to be made; " Upon motion by Adler, second by Rommel, thAt the said resolution be adopted t as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Weeks declared the said resolu- tion duly passed and adopted; Upon motion by Adler, second.by Hicks, the Chair was requested to appoint; t a committee for the purpose of securing prices on the printing of the local ordinance i they In book form, with instructions that/make report at the neat meeting of thi• Common Council, and President Weeks accordingly appointed the City Attorney as said Committee. On motion by Adler, second by Miller, Council adjourned to September 28th, j r 1927, At 7:30 o'clock P.M. : `7 City Clerk. a 'i T I A