HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-05-1927H
-Minutes of a regular meet.in�: of the co-a_.on Council of the City of Fochester,
?:3innesota,, held in the Council Chambers, in the Cit't I all in said Ci t,•r on December
5th, 12'?7, at 2:00 o'clock
Meeting cr•.11ed to order by President Weeks.
Poll C .11.- Present; Weeks, Adler, Erickson, 7ic's, ',tiller, Ro-:Mel., Absent:
-Tpon motio -: by Erickson, second by Adler, the ;minutes of the ineetin held on
October jlst, l�, 7, i:rere approved.
President 1-I1Eelrs announced this eras the time and ,place fixed for a heariney
on th(, constraction of a sanitary sewer and the le,ying of a water __aQJn in Sixth Avenue
Southeast, from the center of Eleventh Street Southeast, to the Center of Twelfth
Street Southeast, :'i._d a.s?-ed if there was any person present who wished to be heard
relativ, to the said LInnrove-gents.
:'here was no person present who wished to be heard relative to the said
I ssnitary sewer or water ,vain.
]President ''reeks ar_.ounced t is was the time and place fixed for adjourned and
continued hearinr,, and action on the arse. -sent proceedin gs for a sanitary sewer in
part of -Twelfth Avenue Sou hewst, in part of Third Avenue Southeast, in parts of Ten
Street ":ortheast, ..7d `Second Avenue Northeast, anu Qae construction of a sanitar,r sewe
and the =Layinc of a water ziain in parts of 'Tenth Street Southeast and Sixth Avenue
I S outhe as t .
` here Lrra.s no person present who wished to be heard relative to either of the
Isa."A i..provements, z,,nd upon motion by 'Fick.-, second by Rowel, further action under
I those r ssesS yen t ,proc�euings -:rere abandoned.
'__his begin, the time and place fixed for the cpc;nin? of bids for the construe -
Lion o =' � 'ssni :,a.ry sewer ,.nd tti.c laying of a Prater :La.in in Sixth Avenue Southeast,
J bctfvEen the center of Eleventh Strc-et Southeast and the center of Twelfth Street
Southeast, t'_e bfd c-' :Tm. C. Fraser and Son, eras ,ope*_ ed =nd read, ;;rhich said bid was:
e" vit. pipe Sevier `-1.33 per ft. `'" on c." Vs 61.00 each, manholes "'65.00 Each, 4"
cast iron pipe ';1.18 Per ft., 4" cross specials `"")13.00 each, 4" T specials $12.00
each, 4" plus -'1.00 each, 4" gate valves and boxes `_%T25.00 each, 4" fire hydrants
.'70,rO each, loose rrck excavation-,"3.1:.0, sand' rock �5.00, solid rock- ''�7.80, per cu.yd
and provision that if 6" water main and fittings are laid instead of 4", add 27¢
to quotation
per foot/ -for s". ru,-ins -nd fittings.
Upon motion by Adler, second by Ro:a.ei, the saidproposal was referred to
The CitV Engineer for his tabulation and reco=endations.
his being th_: J-Amt , and place fi_1ed for the opening; of proposals for the
I purchase of the Isolation I•To; pital buildings the bid of J. V. Murphy ciffcrring "100.00.
for the said buildings, ryas opened and read.
Alderman Adler introduced the "ollowinrr resolution., which was read;
"Re it resolved by the Co.-.,mon Council of the City of Rochester,
That the bid and, proposal of J. V. 1.1urphy to pay 1>100.00 for the '
buildings knov;n as the Isolation Vosnital buildings, now situr,ted on Tots
7 to 1/1 inclusive, in ploctr 29 in Cumminr?'s Addition to the said Citr, be and
the snAd bid and pronosnl is hc.re�.y accepted, ^,nd the s^id build_+nos are
hereby sold to the said J. V. ;furnhy --dith the condition that the same shall
be removed at his ovai cost ;•nd ex ense on or before June lst, 192IR; it i-,eing
htreby further provided that in the event the said buildings are not removed
by that ti_mc, t1he s^me shall again become the r.ropert-v of the Cit;7 of
Toche; tur, ',iinnesot!,, _nd .,tay be re.,:oved or there as such, "
Upon motion by Erickson, decond by Adler, that the s�i.id resolution be
a,donted as read, and all voti.n�; in favor thereof, President Weeks deciared-
the said resolution duly psced and adopted,
Alderman Schroeder came in at t.ni s time ^.nd took his Chair.
The folloNinr communication was read, and President Weeks ordered
the sane placed on file:; the: City attorney being,infor,iially requested t.o nive
c ruling as to whether or not the City of Rochester could legally operc.te a
free ska,tinr; rink:
"Rochester, Minn.
Dedember 5, 19 ;7.
Mayor and City Council,
Rochester) !,!tinnesota.
1.(ay I call your attE.tition to Winter sports in the City
Of Rochester and ask that you ive c:cnsidere,tion to t,bc mr,.tter of
providin;T Wintor Sports for the citisens of Rochester.
Heretofore : nd at the present time skating €2,nd hockey
have been provided for by h Committee o-L the Coixi:crcifil Club. 311any
people believe that these rinks should be free to the pabljc "nd
that there should be no charge. We aare:e wit,h. tIlLra but unless the
City takes over the matter of operating*, )-hese rinks ve .,voul_- have
to continue to ch.»rge.
Therefore, 'I respectfully urge that ydu -ive the -hatter
f public recreation ;,our consideration and that a Commmittee be appointed
to ,:ork wJth the Cdinmercial Club Committee vilth a vier, of taking
over such prepQxty as we have and also providinr; the a-iLcessary rinks
to accomod-ite the public, includint, ska,tin,,-, hockey, toboFga,ning
and skiing.
The undersigned would be very Kapp„ to ;,,eet with 'the
Coimmittce lii.ch you m.ay -,,.-point,, or with the Park Doard .
} b-r
Yours very truly,
Henry Br eek"
The r:'ollo�,An7 rc,nort of the City Engineer on the proposal of Wm, C. Fraser
E� Son, was read, and presidt;nt Weeks ordered that the s"xlie be placed on file:
Tionorb.ble �fc,,yor '
and Cbmwon Cou--^-cil.
Gentl'men: '
I herewith rbport tabuldtion of bids for construction of sanitary
server" 1,nd water :I,-�i-n in Sixth Avenue Southeast from Eleventh Street
to T;vblfth-Str.Let `outMas-t.
661 ft. • of S" pipe sewer at "l .33 I Sp8.44
6" on 3" Y' s at ."1. 00 24,00
2 uanizoles at '1465.00 each 130,00
G6 ' ft. of 4" -rater __ain at `31.18 7S100
1 4" plug at '.1 ����
1 4" ?a to V1.1ve at ":35.00 25.00
Loose rocl> :-"3,00 pe;r yd.
Solid mock 1'.,0 per yd.
Sand rock :).00 per yd.
Re_-pe:cV_ ully,
C . IT. Arms tr cnry,
n NA : inb City Fn tine er .
?tote. ?:, '110.00 lo;r on .rater __. yin. '�773.24 should reed
.r. L. A. Co des, Supurintc;nd�nt of the Electric T,J:lht Department, submitte
1-i,ns, speci 'ications , nd estiruetc of cast for iratallation of a police �_nd fire
61ar:n si-nal system, but no action was taken thereon, the s-.id estimate of cost buing
Ls ollo.!.s :
0?r POIjIC:-, ,Q•_ T-,c,fi`!t SJC'11AT, S`_ P,,2TIA
ft. ;'-J14 Duple,_{ "'36.00 per "' 60�.90
12a1:> ft. 1-0" sh,,-L•a.dized conduit C_',')210.56 per C 270.56
300 ft. 1-2" fl6s_i' ,1c conduit `20,45 pc:r C 79,35
`=J00--:1,."x311 F'ierce. .nchor bolts (,"3,e5 pc;r C 19.?5
pipe straps 2100
20--14�" elho:rs (i:.50 10,00
service cans (D;p1.; 0 e:.ch 11.40
1--5� pedestal roi• Firu Alarm "olice box 30.00
Frei._ht, En ;ineerjn-r, I:-ispc,ction 200,00
Matuvial purcha"�_Ded from Ti A.Hrepp
Oredit _'ol• ruels and surplus i:ia.terial
"'0'i'/�T, i•;� 'I;fiAR'h Tinh °t1.'1'LRIL
ft. ��loek pa,vu-aent remove & replaaed.65 1 5F",.50
750 s4. ft, concrete: pavement remove 8_ " L.55 412.50
4 Stre:et r,i,:ht bases (slot P• repair) "@ '1'3.00 1:�.00
1195 ft. 1-2" conduit (1-'.yin« in trench)L, X8 95960
120 ft. 1 :'' conduit (risers ,ap -poles) Cy' los.
6 _l_Z" service caps (installing) C .15
1 1-�1-_;" elbows (inst^ llint7;) L-.15
64-- 1 button racks installed on poles C' .35
10--cook cans installed on poles C '�'1.50
1000 At. 6 conductor .loom cable)
4W0 ft, 4 conductor loom cable) 6100 ft. C .04
2750 ft. 2 conductor loom cable)
1.7 cook c.•ns Jnst^lied In vaults L' ,1.�0
300 ft. _'lexible conduit in: t-1,11 ed in vaults `:, .OS
497 anchor bolts inst^.i.led in vaults :.10
�00 ft. i 14 Duplex Trilled in vaults C. .02
,)verhead-- Ins-u-?nee, etc.
TOTAT �(1TTTTR rl'? ?'trill i��r�'i�
Total Additional Cost ('do,tcrial 8, Labor) 050.03
T111t, '_f t•I1e tiro addition-1 boles at " uily Ciq;ar
Story --nd try; Ar.-,.ory cornL;r: are; installed, it
will cost extra, ahi ch Is:
7;Ully C1_gar Store Corner (Service .nd Dox) .6.00
The Armory Corner (Service n.nd bo_-0
TOT,% 70TI rArP ?7'; 1r 7';.,� nr�z �,�� I-T-rp'-T T�_�'D 5, 03-6 4a
ri'OTM., 11PI) T TIO_R ``.L C', '1' (tJIrCJ: 'MO nTRT BOK v Iit'ST.' TJT,FD )
L. A. Cowles. "
The report of the City Engink or for the month of A;ovember,192 7,
'ho:•rinr- ehnenditures from the General Funci. for labor�geinrn "41.31, from the
Street ^•nd Allay Fund !2153.73, from the Severer Fund ;>>23..35, from the Drid,_,e
Fun ''�S.U'��:, from the Permanent Improvement Revolvin ; Fund. "1,25, and from
Perr,xMt;nt In)rrovQmunt Fund oS'.a5, was rte•d, r.nd President Weeks ordtr�d
that the se,;ae bt; -laced on file.
AJ.deriaan Adler introduced resolution determining; tb adhere; to all
of the, provision of resolutions passed and adopted in t..he proeeedin�-s for
the ennstruction;of a sanit^.ry sewer and tke laying of a water mein in Sixth
Avenue Southeast, from the Center of Eleventh Street SoutrtaGt -to the canter
of Twelfth Street Southeast, which was read.
TJpon -Notion by Adler, second by Erickson, that the said resolution
bC, adapted ss read, rnd 1.11 voting; in favor 71bereof, President- Wt;eks declared
the s.-id resolution duly passecL and adopted.
Alderman Adler introduced a resolution ace;.r,ti.ng the above quoted
proposal of Wm.. C. Frazer &. Son, for the construction of a, sariltary sewer and
the laying oi' a, water main in part of Sixth Avenue Southeast, e.nd fixing th:.
amount cf the bond to be r-it en by the said contractor at the suer of '1875*00,which
ilras read.
TIT) or_ motion b-. Rommel, second by Schroeder, that the said resolution be
ado-s read, and11 voting in favor thereof, President �fi7ee'ks declared the said
resolution duly passed -nA adopted,
The re7,ort of the City Treasurer for the ;month endin:; 7ovember 30th,19'-
sho-r ins thc; sum O-L '3 7,710.70, as bei_ za on r nd, was read, and President Weeks
ordered the same placed on file,
"he report of the Build!.ny and Electrical In:-teetor for the month of
November, 1:)2'7, sho ,in? huildi.nc; .inspection fees collected in the amount of t"1f;0.00,
-rid c.lectricnl inspection fees collected in the aiuount of :.',20.50, was read, and
President Vleeks refe--rQd the scarce to the Finance Committee.
":he a-oi)lication of °'. TO Lee, for ; icense to sell soft drink-- at 413
3i o ,d��J �;r Street PJorth, -t:as reed, nd upon mot -ion by Adler, second by Eri cl--on,
lic::rnse was granted.
he --'cllo.rin- pplieat;-one for permit. 'to hold, 'give ,.nd con'duct public
d �,nces ,, ere rc ad:
"erry '.`hc-Lpson (Sunshine Club) ';Joodma,n mall, Dece;::ber l6tb, -,nd ^7th213227;
C. L. Steuart, for ":IIoodiaa,: ball, December 3rd, loth, 17t1:, 24th and 31st,
RechesteR Pe,t-:il Grocer's Association, at Armory, 7th, 8th, 9th,
a -rid 10th$ 1927;
,-,-,ha a -plica.tions of the Capitol Eat Shop �.nd Luber-Duur Company, for
pt:.!--mits tc ,)lace and m-7,i.n tin sirrns, ,Vvere r•ea,d, -nd upon motion by Adler, Second by
Roans 1, pdrmi,ts sere -anted, <
Upon iaot.i_on by Adler, second bf Erickso-r_, tnu City C .erk was instructed to
rtquest .-, ::export from the State Board- of T?eal-,h on their e..auination r(;lative to the
pollution o' local strE;-I s.
he follo-iin ; co.xsnunieation vas read, and President ?Meeks ordered �:he saa.e
r,iaced on rile:
Rochester, 'iinr_.
2'),3) `? 7 Nov. .
A.',+'.,`Jri^ht,Ci 6y Clerk, }
Rochester PM. in~n,
Dear Sir: -
•:.e „rc in receipt of your letter of NJovember 21st,
rela--ive to the. council's di :position of the• City's Com-pensation
t she U.S.Casualty Company has been advised of this action,
Y C C }
Youre very truly,
P. D. HAryesheimer
The 'following communication was read, and upon motion by Adler,
second by Erickson, it was referred to Wm. C. Fraser ar Son, contractors,for
the laying, of a water main in the part of Sixth Avenue Southeast mentioned:
To the Counsel of the City of Rochester, County of Olmsted,
ITInnesota '
PLEASE TA'T NOTICE: That the under -signed, Fred Roba•n, claims
damages against the City of. Rochester by reason of the injury
and damage to his automobile which happened on the 22nd day of
?'ovember, 1927 al -)out half past one P.M. 'of said day; caused by
the obstruction in a hi-hv,,ay to wit: A length of water p:L-11e so
placed that it mashed 'the lower part of his engine on his automobile
and that by reason thereof, his car was dar tied inthe sum of about
A _
'%0 and the loss of the use of the car to a damage of about ".1Q.
- ;
That the same occured on 6th Ave. between ninth and tenth streets
n .
in raid city and that the under signed willhold and claim damages
against the said city in the sum of 15
r -
Fred Roban
Dated Novemi er 30 1927 "
A bond given by L. A. Kepp business at Kepp Electric Compare
d r.:
covering; the ma.intcnance of pavement removed and replaced by him in connection
system .-
with the construction of underground duct/for the Light Department, for the
period of two years from and after the 15th day of November, 1927, with 0. V.
y � A
- ..
Ha• son and Austin A. Kennedy, as sureties thereon in the amount oi' $28 O,Ofl,
was read, and upon motion by Hicks, second by,Erickson, '►--,hc said sureties
r f
were accepted, the said bond was approved, and it was ordered ,that J h(: same be
placed on ,file.• -
The following copies of resolutions passed and adopted by ,.he
Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, were read, and upon motion`by Romiiel,
second by Adler, the•aetions set forth therein were -pproved and it was
ordered that ttie said copies' of resolutions be p1r ced on file:
"Be it resolved by the Commissioners of thc; Sinking Fund i0f the City
of Rochester, Minnesota:
That the sum of "',3112.47 be •-'nd the said sum is hereby appropriated
rom the Sinking Fund of said City and it is ordered that the same shall be
aid to Lane, Pier Jaffray Inc., for $3000.00 State of Mir_neso-ta ^4 pur cent
ural Credit Bonds due December 1st, 1939, on a 3.851,110 basis, or 103.8151 less
/8 %; �3000,00 thereof being principal on,the said bonds, :;,"110, r0 thereof
ein,g premium on the said bonds and t$1,77 thereof being interest on the said
onds December 1st, 1927, to December 6th,1927."
"Be it resolved by the Commissioners of the Sinking: Fund of the
ith of Rochester, Minnesota:
That the sum of .$5,284,18 be appropriated from the Sinking Fund of
aid City, and it is ordered that the same be Maid to Lane, Piper & Jaffray,
nc,, for $5,000.00 State of Minnesota, 4t- per cent Armory Certificates of
ndebtedness,tdue Jamuary 1st, 1935, on a 3.85 per cent basis or 103,996, less
per cent; '$5,000 00• thereof to be principal on the said bonds., "�-187.30
hereof being premium, one the said bonds and $96,88 thereof being accrued inter-
st on the said bonds,,•• ;Julyz l�• 01927 to Deeemp'er .6th,1Q?�:" '•
• �`a�a.�ii..., ,3_;•,,•.-`;A">#'.;a 4n'3'�4^:a»~r. .# �`•s•;�iti'2-:t-'V-rs.�".'r=.rse;•?�;}±ne.•
"Be it resolved by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund of the City
of Rochester, Minnesota:
That the sum of 122,452024 be appropriated from the Sinking Fund of the
said City and it is ordered that the same -be paid to First National 'Bank of Roches-
ter, .'iinnesota, for ' 20,000,00 State of Minnesota, 41 per cent Rural Credit Bonds, duE
February,,15th,1944, to yield 3,R5 or a basis of 110,7966; 120,00n.00 thereof to be
for princin r�l on the said bonds, 12159,32 thereof to be for premium on the said bonds,
and '' 29,?.92 thereof to be accrued interest on the said bonds August 15th,1927, to
December 6th,1927,linclusive."
Vtom,mo uion by Schroeder, second by Miller, the sum of $70.9=: was appro-
priated from the Street and Alley Fund and it ordered that the same be paid to Fred
S. Brown, for compensation for injury durinn the period October 23rd, 15127, to
December 3rd, 197.
An option oi' purchase ive'n by J. F. Volz, to the City o" Rochesterc, : inne-
s ota, fi.,inr.;• the pi ice of ,"3600,00 for thirty-two acres of 1 ,nd in the Northeast 4
of the Southwest 4 of Section 7, To-vinship 106, Range 13 West, which said property
lies South �,'nd West of the State Trunk Highway No. 20 in s�.id' Section, and one ice
house IF by 26, nd one garage 12 by 18 ft., which lie agr,c.s tc, deliver to the City Ho
Farm, was read, -�.nd President Weeks ordered the same placed on file.
r"he following r�,eommendations of she Public Grounds Co-!iuLittee, were read,
and President Weeks ordered that .he s,=me be p1Q�ced on file:
" Rochester, Ifinn.
December 5V-, 1927,
Honorable Common Council
City of Rochester, Minnesota.
Gentlemen: V
We, the co:,,mittde appointed to investigate the matter of
the sale of the Witherstine property and also the purchase of additional
land nuar the Hog Farm report as follows, to wit:
We recommend that tha Witherstine property be not sold at
thin time;.,
We recommend that uhe City acquire by purchase the thirty-two
132) _acres of land adjacent to the Hog Farm as an extension to the said
farm as more room is needed there, the said land to be paid for out of
Hog Farm profits.
Respectfully submitted,
Tollef Erickson
A. A. Hicks
P. L. Rommel. "
r'he City Clerk submitted a statement showing$96,68 additional premium
due the U. S. Casualty Company because of the retro-active compensation insur-
ance rate during the period June 15th,1927 to September 30th,19270 and upon
motion by Rorwnel, second by Adler, he was instructed to credit the said amount
to the Insurance Company by charges to the proper departments and City Force
I r�
Account jobs, except that. where the City Force Account jobs were paid for by
special asseSSnienta this addi ti_onnJ premium shall be charged to the overhead
accounts, and t',erehy ellydir_a,te the necessity (Of a re -assessment for th(c
smell amounts concerned.
The following estimates prepared by the City Enrrinee=r in favor of the
contractors mLntioned were read, and President Weeks ordered the.,t th(, sn,,nje be
placed on file:
,,Iartin Paulson J"'121.25, for construction of surface drainage sevrer
in Seventh Street ITorthvtiest, Sixth Avenue Yort'1west to Cascaue Ct-eek;
Martin Pa-- l •on "336.1(for surface dr^,:'nane sewer in Pifth Avenue
Northwest, F:iEhth Street to "'inch Street;
?dm. C. Fraser '--",or- '"577.02 for laying; of water m-Jn in 86 tenth
Avenue Southeast, Eleventh Street to Twelfth Street;
lift. C. Fraser - Son ":798.34, for construction of sanitary sewer
in Thirteenth Street Trorthvvest, Broadway Street to Second Avenue;
Vhri. C. Pra,ser Son "396.673, fcr construction of a sanitary Sevier in
Third. Avenue Southua.l:t, Tenth Street to Fourteenth Street;
Wm. C. Fraser Son `'60''.09, for construction of sanitaLr;% st ;:Xr ;-nd
layin�- of-' a viater main in Tenth Street Smither,:st, Si,ith Stre:,t 1--o Seventh
Street, land in Seventh Avenuu Southeaot, Vinth Street to Eleventh Street;
:Vm. C. Fraser Son :�97.90, for construction of a sanitary sewer
in parts of Tenth Street northeast and Second Avenue `Northeast;
�,im. C. Fre.ser Son '"318.5'11 for construction of sanita,r�,r sevrer in
Fourth Avenue Northwest, from Ninth Street to 100 feet Nortl- of the Korth
line of Ei,- hth Street -
Win. C. Fraser ;;on `343.94, for the construction of a sanitary
se-aer in Fifteenth Avenue Southwest, Fifth Street to Sixth Street.
Alderman Adler introduced a resolution �;ra.nti.n�r public dance p�,r-vi-b
o Gerry Thompson for a public dance in the Woodman Hall December 16th,
nod December �7th, 19._:7, vnd fixing; the fee at the stun of "1C.00, which was
Upon motion by Ro:n��� 1, second by Miller, thatthu said resolution
r e adopted as read, and �-.11 vot?nr, in favor hereof, President Weeks decl�red
,-e said resolution duly passed and adopted,
Alderman, Hicks introduced a :,-esolution ara.ntin-% public dance pera,it
r' o the Rochester Retail Grocer's Association for the Armory December 7th, 6ths
th, and loth, 1927, and 1'ixin,- the fee at the sum of ".20.ro, wbieh was read.
,7pon motion b- Nicks, second by .dler, that the said resolution_ be adopted as
, rea,d;i= and all votinrr in favor thereof, President Weeks declared the said resolution
duly pa.sstd and adopted.
Alderm n "Ji;llur introduced a resolution 7rantinr public dance ptimit to C.L.
Sty :•inrt for thf, 'Noodman Hall, December 3rd, 19th, 17th, 24t1,, and 31st, 19'37, and
i i min - the fee at "26-00, which was read.
-'~ion motion by Eric' -,son, , second by Hicks, that the said -resolution be adopted
asrread, and all votin-,, in favor thereof, President ;'leeks declared the said resolu-
tion duly q -.ssed end adopted.
Alderman Rommel introduced a resolution appropriating ';`30 .F7 from the
Permanent Iulprovement Revolving; Fund , amd ordering, payment made to Wide C. Fraser °- Son
for -ihu construction o_' a sanitary sewer is Third Avenue Southeast, Tenth Street -to
Fourtee,ith Street, which,was reed.
Upon ..otJon by Adler, second by Erickson, that the said resolution be adopted i ,
as re -id � _.n i !.11 votin!c in favor thereof, President j'deeks declared the said resolu-
, tion duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Rcmimel introduced a resolution appropriating 1'798.34 from the
"trm .r nt Improvemtnt Revolving, Fund and ordering payment m^.de to Wm. C. P .•aser y. Son
for the construction off' a s9.nitarj se.:er In Thirteenth Street P•:orthwae--t, Proadwa_y
Street North to Second Avenue 7�,'ortb,vest, which was read.
Upon �.otion by Erickson, -second by Adler, that the: said resolution be adopted
as ru di -.nd f-.11 votin ; in Favor thereof, President Weeks declared the spid resolu-
tion duly- passed and adopted.
.'alderman Schroeder introduced a resolution appropriating ,'602,09 frow the
Perin�,nent Improv.,iat,nt RevolvIn�, Fond, and_brderin; payment made to Wm. U. Fraser '. S.
for construe*,ion of a sr=,ita.Ly sewer ?nd the laying; of w -water :Main in parts of
',.,nigh Street Southeast. ,,.nd `7,eventh Avenue Southeast, which vias re:,,d.
Upon motion by `Miller, second by Hicks., that the said resolution be adopted
votinrr in favor thtreof, Prc;silient Weeks declared the ^n.id resolu-
tion duly pressed -nd adore -,Ld.
Aldoriu.,.n Seh..o,der Introduced a resolution e•ppropriatin:: `?`07,.)0 from the
Permanc,nt I: inrovemen Rcvolvin- Fund and orderins� p�•ymcnt aide to tii,:i. C. Fraser °
Son Par the construction of A sanitary sewer in p-,.rts of Tenth Street northeast, and
Second Avenue Ptorthuast, which -.;as read.
Upon notion by Ro�Lnc;l, second by Erickson, that th,_ spid resolution be
"`.dopted a� rt_.ci, real ..11 votin,-, in favor thuredf, President Weeks declared the said
resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman 'filler introduced a resolution appropriatinrT '"318.55
from tl�e Permanent, Improvement, Revolvinr- Fund and ordering payment made, to
Nm, C. Fraser °- Son for +•be construction. of A. sanitary sewer in Fourth Avenue
"orthwest, I'inth Street to ??i,;blh Street, ,"rhi ch was read,
Upon motion b7f Adler, second b-, T-ricks, that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting, in favor thereof, President Weeks declared
the said resolution duly passed ?nd adopted.
Alderman ;.filler introduced a re; oluti on appropriatinrr :';:343.94 from
the Permanent Improvement Revolving Punrl and orderings payment made to Vnn. C.
Fraser °• Son for the construction of a sRnitary sewer in Fifteenth Avenue
Soutbweg;t, Fifth Street to Sixth Street, which was read.
Upon ,,)dtion bar Erickson, second by Adler, that the said resolution
be adopted n,s read., ^,nd 0.11 voting in favor thereof, President Weeksdeclared
the; said resolution duly passed a,nd adopted. '
Alderman 'ifiller introduced a, resolution apnropriatin,rT .`577,.02 from
.-he Permanent Imnroveinent Revolvin Fund and ordering payment made to Wri C
Fraser `�• Son for the laying of a water main In Seventh Avenue Southeast, Eleven
Street to Twelfth Street, which was read.
'Jpon Motion by Schrneder, second by hicks, that the said resolution
be i,dopted as read, -,nd all voting- in favor thereof, President free- s declared
the s i"1 resolution uuly passed and adopted. ,
Alderrca,n Adlc.r introduced a resolution ^*ppropriating 121: from
the Sewer Fund and ordering; payment made to !Jartin Paulson for the aonstruetion
of a storm sewer in Seventh Street P;orthivest, Sixth Avenue Yorti vest to Cascade
Creep, which wac; read.
Upon motion ►by Rommel, second by Schroeder, that the said• resolu-
tion be r,donted as reld, P,nd all voting in favor t-bereof, President Weeks
declared the said resolution duly pasted and adopted.
Alderman Adler introduced a, resolution �•ppropriating':�6.1G from
hc. Sewer Fund nd ordering n_ ayment made to 14artin Paulson for the cars true-
(_.ion oC a surface drainage sewer in Fifth Avenue Korth -vest, Ei; ,hth Street to
inth Street, which was read.
upon motion -•by Rommel, second by Adler, that the said resolution be
dopted as re- 1, - . 11 vnt,,n; in favor thereof, President WeeKs declared the
aid resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Erickson introduced a resolution appropri.atin'r; '4'36v.30 from
he Sewer Fund and ordering pa iarent made to the r i ty of Roches tc;r El cctr is
Sight Department, for power furnished for local sewarfe disposal plarit, wl-.ich
a: read.
Jpo Upon motion by Adler, second by Rommel, that the raid resolution be adopted
is read, and all votinr_ in favor t.-"e reof,
President Weeks ,declared the said resolutio
duly passed and adopted.
Alderman ?licks introduced a, resolution appropriatin,f "'3'"0.30 from the
Ce �er�al Pund and ordering payment made to the Rochester Post-Dulletin fbr official
publJc^.-ions and printin7 durinc; November, 1.27, which was read.
Upon motion by Wicks, second by A filer, that the said resolution be adopted
as read, 'Lnd all voting,,, in favor thereof, President 7'feeks declared the said resolu-
tion duly passed F.nd adopted.
Hicks introduced the,
- e: olutior_,
,vhich was read:
"13e . t resolvedby
the Commot+
Council of
the City of
Rochester, 'NIinnesota:
rat th, sw:a of ";3:�'a.�J7 be <�.nnro7;riated and it -ts orderedth'-',t the s^.id
sa,u be p,!-? to the Olmsted County Oil Compiny for �*asoli� (-,, kerosene, �-ree.se and
alcohol fitrnil'hed durin_; the month of 'ovembev, `,17,37 thereof to be from the
Ceneral Pitn -n1 ?1G.1G thereof to be from the Streut and �:llc;y Fund.
+,.,!rvor an! the City Clerk are herebv authorized and directed to draw
a warrant for said sum upon the City Trea,urt,r in accordr.nce,here':Jth, ^.nd cause
said p'.ylLent to be made. It
Upon motion by RoLdmel, second b_/ Schroeder, t,)-,at the said resolution be
adopted as read, -rid ^.11 votinc; in favor thereof, President V1ueks declared the said
i tsolution duly passed ,nd adopted.
Alderman Adler introduced a resolution fi_:ins 2:00 o' cloc'_c P .',{. ,'•onday
6thl 1:�`:C3,
�,: t-�e title for a
hearing; on
the petition for the
...11 y extundin-
throit �h Block 22
in Ire,,,d
' cTM-hon's Addition,
rncJ Block
5, in
lrt'ly ^,nd Cornforth's Addition, arhich was read.
TTpon motion by Hicks, secrnd by Adler, t}i"Rt the said resolution be adopted
zs rc a nd all votin7 in favor thereof, President Weeks declared ,the paid resolutic
duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Mlillur introduced tilt folloivinZ resolution, which vas read:
"'NIE R?AS, A. H. Sanford, as President, and R. W. Chadwick, as Clerk, of
Indep :}dent School District 'Niivdber S, of Olmsted County, MinnE rota, and Carrie Hanson
being_; three; fourths of t'w ov:ntrs of the property abutting; on thu lint, of the alley
her,fn-,fter desej.i_ed, buink that par"i, of the ^.11ey in ''lock 19 in Plead tc.`ahon's
Addition to �hL r- o� n, nevi City of ROchestul's ffiinnesota) deocribed as follov:s, to -wit:
C o.'Lii�ncin * in thu r?ar t,i: line of said Block between lots _"O. and 6 therein and
running thence South 17=J fE,et and runninrr th. nce West to the West line of Tots 3 and
1. t.I,,rLin, have presented their petition to t•ht. Co..!mon Council of the City Of.
. ochestu-r, Minnesota, prPyin for the vacation of the said alley, n.nd
"•':;: 3� �:=�, It is .ie�.��ed e=c2-)edicnt that the matter bt: proceeded with;
'O iT .'0". , pe i.L r'e.,olved by thu Common Council of the City of Rochtster
"'hat ti1e sand pctj.tion be riled o.' r,.cord vrjth the City al`eri of said City
and th=,t the: :,aid Coi,,,_ion Council gill hear a,nd consider the:. rune in the Council
Ch wibur"- , in the City Hall, in said City on Monda.y,February 6th, 1926, at 2:00 o' clo k
nd t%i_,t the City Clerk of said City be, �.nd he is here'ry orcierc _ and directed
to rive notice thereof as required by r, e Charter of' said City"
Upon motion by Adler, second by Erickson, that the said resolution
be adopted ti,s read, ^,nd all voting in favor thereof, ?resident ":�eel,-s declared
the said, resoliiti on duly pa; sed and adopted.
Alderm- nn Erickson introdnced a resolution fil- in,,, 7:30 o'clock
December ' f;th, 1' r7 as the ti;u�, for r hee,ri.ng? on, and the .l.evyinn of sneci.al
assessments for the construction of the following described sanitary sewers;
The construction of a sa-itRrr,r se;.,er co:mienci.nc7, tat the center of
the intersection of Second Street Southua,-t and, Tirelfth Avenue Souther.st, if
extended, Ind iunninn thence ?-,north on a line with the center line of Twelfth
Avenue Southeast to a. point 135 feet South of the South line of Cent�-r Street
The construction of n sanitary sewer co:i.mencinn ^,t point in the
center' of Tenth StreL t `dortrea; t, 4(' feet Vest of the West line of Second
Avenue orth.k aUt z•nd i-urinin - Southeasterly to a point 10 feet East of the
Northec.; t, corner of T,ot 1 in Block = 0 in �TorV-ern Addition, s,nd thence South
65 feet parallel i.th said West line of Second Avenue Yortheast and there
The construction of a sanitary se%•ter in Third Avenue: South�,e,st com-
mencinr? at, the center of the intersection of Tenth Stref t 'SouthLast and Third
Avenue Southeast and running; 'thence Southeasterly 35 feet to a, point, 13 feet
West of the East link of Third Avenue Southeast and 10 feet ;:orth of 'thy; South
line of Tenth Str(.et Southeast, and rennin; thence Southerly alon?; line 13
feet West of the East line of Third Avenue Sout:hea,st to the intersection with
t-hE; center line of Fourteer.th Street Southeast;
The construction of a sanitary sevxr in Fifteenth Avenue Southwest
from the center of Fifth Street Southwest to the center of Sixth Street South-
The .;onstruction of a sanitary sewer in rourth Avenue Northwest, from
the center of Ninth Street Yort'iwest to lro fe(,t ATorth of th, horth line, of
J Eighth Street Northwest; ,
That a sanitary sewer be constructed in Thirteenth Street T%TorthweSt
described: Coiim.encin!: at P. point in the center of Thirteenth Street North-
west 30 feet West of the center line of Broadway Street North and runninry
thence West :1.lonr the center line of Thirteenth Str<_Et Nlo. triwest 1•0 a point
feet lest of the Bn.-t line of Lot 17 in Block 217 in Northurn Addition, whi+.:h
was read.
Upon motion by Erickson, second by Adler, that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and wll voting in favor thereof, President Weeks declared the said
resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Hicks introduced a resolution -fixing 7:30 b'clock P.M., December
28th, 10'?7, F,s the time for a hearing on and the levying of special assessments for
the following described sanitary sewers and the laying of the following described
water mains, which was read:
The construction of a sanitary sewer commencing at a point in the center of
Fifth Avenue Southeast said Tenth Street Southeast, and running East in the center
of Tenth Street Southeast to the ee-.iter of Sixth Avenue Southeast and Tenth Street
Southeast and thence ruhnih;; South along the center line of Sixth Avenue Southeast
to the center of Eleventh Street Southeast, and also commencing in the center of Tent
Street Southeast and Sixth Avenue Southeast and running North alon; the center line
of Si�rth Avenue Southeast to a point 165 feet South of the South line of Yinth
Street Southeast and the laying of viater main in the said parts of Tenth Street
Southeast and Sixth Avenue Southeast;
The construction of a sanitary sever commencing at, 'the center of the inter-
section of Sixth Avenue Southeast and Tenth Street Southeast and running East along
the center line of Tenth Street Southeast to the center of Seventh Avenue Southeast,
and thence South along the center line of Seventh Avenue Southeast to the center of
E leve,ath Street Southeast and also dbmeneing at the center of the intersection of
Seventh Avenue Southeast and Tenth Street Southeast and r!-mning North along; the
center line of Seventh Avenue Southeast to a point 135 feet South of the South line
of Ninth Street Southeast and the laying of a water main in said parts of Tenth
Street Southeast ,and Seventh Avenue Southeast.
Upon motion by Adler, 'second by Erickson, the following resignation was
4 +
read, and upon motion by Hicks, second by Adler, it :;as accepted:
" 11-29-27
fir . C . N . `Arms tr ong,
City 1:n-inner,
Bui ld inig .
Dear Sir: `
I be-► to tender my resignation from the position
of City En-jncer'Secretary and Pookkeeper to take effect
on December 31st, 192-7. ,
Mary BE ake . "
The following appointment was read, and President Weeks ordered the same
placed on file:
11onoranl u mayor
and Comfuon Council,
" 11-30-27
I beg to advise that Miss Mary Blake is
resi ling her position December 31st,1 1927.
Subject to the approval of your Honorable
Body, I will appoint Miss Celia Madden as City Engineer's
Secretary and Bookkeeper to serve until the second Monday
in April, 1926,
C , H. Armstrong,
City Engineer. "
The following report of the License Committee was read, and
President Weeks ordered the same placed on file:
" Rochester, Minnesota,
December 5th, 1927.
Honorable Common Council,
Rochester, Minnesota.
The License Committee recommends that the taxi -cab
licenses heretofore _granted to the Town Taxi gompany for three
Hertz Sedans be transferred to three Safety Cabs under the name
of the Tovm Taxi Company ,,nd that the name Town Taxi be p�.inted
on each rear door of the said three cabs.
Respectfully submitted ,
A. E, Adler
A. A. Hicks
0, 'W, Schroeder, "
Upon notion by Adler, second by'Hioks, the above mentioned transfer
of licer�ses'-was granted, i. e., the licenses heretofore granted the
be transferred
Town Taxi. Company for three Hertz SedanW to. three Safety Cabs.
Alderman Hicks introduced the following resolution,' which was read:
nVMR,-,AS, the City of Rochester, Minnesota) has heretofore entered
into contract for making local public improvements in said City �Uring the
year 1937, which improvements are to be paid for out of the Permanent Improve-
ment Revolving Fund of said City, from the proceeds of the special assessments
levidd by the said Common Council of said City during the year 1927, and
RF;�S, there is not sufficient money in said Permanent Improvement
Revolving; Fund to make the payments for the said local improvements as the
same become .due,- andz
WIMMEAS, the. Common Council of the. City of Rochester, rinnesota,
deem it necessary for the purpose of maintaining the said permanent Improvement
Revolving* Bun.d and providing money in advance of and in anticipation of the
collection of special assessments levied by the said Common Council of said
%:'i-rpi':"3S: .y�t?�.,�,YA in,�'�'y; �"�e.��'.,T •�,�.'3 '�_qr�:
• d.i ..ST'^[94.s1t "�.3'�`C4`'•'..�,io - . tlr•S ..._ .� �i�'! �:N - �• .s
,�•�� `:G',i ,'•f ;. +•7.."' '?�„"+4',.y,h 'i; ,_�.�'.fn''�?.i �F=:^-`r. tk.�.`^4:�`c"CG'
f�•;1�,.•t F��,.":F .t�-,�i1'�`'+arF: •i1x�.•..� .`•t :"�_ a.,X7'y�i�{ �t .<*.
t•,:�X';h-�,�,�st�,'•;r=. � tee...-y�y.
r� fir' ••`� �-
i fi,y of Rochester, to issue neotiate and sell the bonds of said City of Rochester t�
the aagrer,-tte Yi:ount o 117,000.00. '
NOT:T Be it .end it is hereby resolved by the s^_id Common Council:
That said Corunon Council, for the purposes aforeaaid, do hereby issue the
bonds of the said city of Rochester, Minnesota, in the aggregate mount of ''�17,000.00,
rvh' car sc-.id bonds shall be enominations of .')1000.00 each, numbered forty-nine (49)
1,0 siXty-five (65)0 both n imbers inclusive, all payable to bearer, S�.nd the sum of
Al 000.00 of the principal of the said bonds shall be due and payable on Decc;rflber
1st, as off' ire years 192R, 1936, and 1937, end "2,000.00 of, the principal, of s id
bonds shall be due ,nd payable on December 1st, a2 of the years 1929, 1930, 1�Q3,1932,
19339 134 and 1935t Said bonds shall bear date December lst, 1911r, and interest at
the rate of our and or_e uarter (44) per cent per annum, from said date, payable
vrith the interest to be
semi-annually on June 1st, Arid December 1st, of each year,
evidenced by coupons attached tp said !_-fonds.
Allt princip^rl end interest shall be payable at the office of the City
"reasurer in the City of Rocheanddeif there -be not sufficinnesota$ out of ient Permanent
money insaidImprovement
Revolving;Fund of said City, n
t'E,at pui•,pose, then out of the General Fund of said ality.
he said bond and interest coupon thereto attached shall be substantially in
tilt f'olloming form, viz:
C OUN' ':: 0,q' OLIHS"T'ED `
'Pe rmanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bond.
No. Ap 1000.00
KNOB -.m, °.47,-N BY -THESE PTMSEITTS: Thatthe City of Rochester in the County
of Olmsted and State of °finnesota, acknowledges and tcoertifies thatoitD s indebted
r firsts
to, and for value received, hereby promises pay
the sum of One Thousbrd. (vo1000.00) •Dollars, together with interest on said
sum from the date hereof until paid at the rate of four and
�Tone-ouar,tand e (4-er ')mber per
in each
e�nt, per annum, payable semi-annually on the first
of year hereafter, both principal and interest payable in lawful money of the T:nited
States of fit._.=erica., at the office of the City Treasurer of the City of Rochester,
': L.-:nesoty, out of th, Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, of said Cit`,, or if
-there shall not be Iu,
fficient moneys in said Fund to r•ay the same when due, then out
of thu Gen-ral Fund of sra•id City, and for the Prompt payment of this bond at maturity
with interest as �tfo-csaid, the full faith and credit of the said City of Rochester
is hereby pledged.
'-his Bond is issued for the .purpose of maintaining the Permanent Improvement
-� r� and for the purpose of n-rovidi�r fui.ds in advance of,
IL e v o 1v i_z'. Fund o : � �,. i.,_ City, P P
gin-j i.r_ �.,Iticipation of the collection of moneys to be derived from special assessiaent
h;;reto-,ore levied, but not paid, for the raking of local improvements in the year
19.--17 .
In witness whereof the City, of Rochester by its Common Council has caused
thisbond to 'be si.;r;ned by the "dayor and attested by the City Clerk and the corporate
se -1 of the City to be affixed hereto ,nd has caused the annexed' interest coupons
to be signed by said I'layor and City Clerk by their respective fac-simile signature,
and'said Mayor and City Clerk'do, by the exebutionihereof, adopt as and to their
own proper signatures, their fac-simile signature, appearing on said coupons,
,-,11 this December 1st, 1927.
• A
if Mayor tof said City.
City Clerk of said City. -
No. On the First day of June (December), 19_„_1 21.25
The City of P.ochester, in the County of Olmsted, and State of
Hinnc, ot,a, promises, to pa-- to bearer Twenty-one Dollars and Twenty-five
cents a•t thy; office of the City Treasurer of the City of Rochester, for
interest due on that d^,y• on its Revolving Fund Bond, ~?o.
DatedDecember1, 101-17.
City Clerk.
Mayor of.said City.
.Be it, further resolved by the sr -Ad Cori.�on Council:
That the Mayor and City Clerk of said City are hereby authorized
and directed to make, prepare and execute the said bonds of the City of
Rochester, Minnecota, in accordance herewith, r`,nd to make delivery of said
bonds to the City Treasurer of the said City, who wil L in turn deliverthem
to the purchaser thereof, upon the payment of the purchase price, and place
the funds realized from the sale tn� The Permanent Improvement Revolving
Fund of said C I ty, for adtibursement for tie purposes stated herein.
Be it fi:rther resolved by the said Common Council:
That the Cit,T Clerk of said City be and he is hereby directed to
publish a, notice, vi.s required by lay;,, of a meeting of the• Common Council of
said C',y, which is directed to be held in the Council Chambers, in the Tity
Hall, in said City, on the 2P-th day of December, 1927, at 7:30 D.M., for
the purpose of opening and considering ;,ids for said -onds, in the Rochester
Post -Bulletin, a' loce•1 newspaper printed and published in said City, and the
official • newspaper thereof; the said advertisement for bids to carry pro-
vision that proposals for the purchase of a part of this issue will be con-
sidered; it being hereby provided that this Common Council may at its discre-
tion divide the sale of these bonds to those which will -be for the best
interests of the said City, and the said Common Council reserves the rig
to reject any and all proposals; all proposals to be accompanied by a ,
certified check drawn upon some reputable bank, payable. to -the City Tre ,surer
of the said City, for at least two (2) per can-t- of the prinelpa.l in the, pur-
chase price proposed which said certified check shall bo Lubmitted and filed
without condition except tha.tif the bid for the saki bonds; is accc;pted the
said check shall be applied to the purchase price of said bonds, otherwise to
be returned to the unsuccessful bidder -or bidders &?.
Upon motion by Hicks, seeond*.by Adker, th�V the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Weeks declared the
said resolution duly pa6sed and adopted.
The following claims were read, and upon motion by Hicks, second by
Adler, the same were allowed, and the Mayor and the City Clerk were authorised
and directed to draw warrants upon the City Treasurer, and make payment
From the General Fund: Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Co. 08.75,
` J. W. Anderson 7.00, S: J,. Hauck
,Sheriff Missouri Kansas Chemical
Corporation 14.90 , Star Laundry $,15,Rochester Post -Bulletin "',3,06, Nelson
Tirq Service ��46.10, Alderson Brothers � 3.60, Hanson Hardy e,re Co. "�2.40,
Schmidt Printing Co. `"78.75, The Wigwam $210-75, LaVon Davis $2.081, Mrs. Louise
DeRosia S8.33, E. R. Terry 16.00,- F. J. Lehner $17,50, Service Motor Co. '3r'.4C
Standard Oil Company ,�p18.54, Rochester Dray Transfer -1.50, Anna Millerl"'.18,
� ,�.. _ _ _ ss�,. •L' "i i5 �. � 't; z'r'r%'r•r'i�""3�5^'�e4- }i.v.-»=asr y*ni,
tr A: 0.T. -�,:i.` r^r"t,it�" y•: ..c , F'
•-f ; , . r. — ,,Y,:; ,.34_ _ �`: ,sa,. �i+ ' � 4Et ,J •. i.:i.-'J'•'� rs�'.•n . , r - ' � v-'MY
d*. •' � ".`S.. -t'" -�f- - y. ,.5'C�„' .'hY ?'" 3+.t :'if, ;+,�M. •fr, Y1 a�. '.t". �t �1��uo-4
'�- ,r. ,9j�: y^"''t r•. '„�-�,',��, ,'i,�'s��g fia' :�v, -� •- �.� `e q -
_ }�- , ' � �-^ y� L'ti'Y�r�3y�'•.S vts.';-i .'.�1r�'��C �- 'rL�li.
e . - ',� ';}•i•Y �' t'fS-•#`�' w3' : t,}r.'�-Y "'CCy ii it
` — �'�-"s ";'i-,'gt, �"Y4}., f�', �'^ �•':.`. TM�,ti 'r r -
a',!. _, f^,r�,.:' "4,'' Y.•xtt "-Y •..s.. ..! rL� ,,ci LS •.. 4.Yt`•.n4 .C.r„'•,'•$ t
t.t - 4,�,::-� -£'Gf �`..t- r• :�wy�`:+h.- j„-�».� '"�,i."-�`-3,"F: �$.ti. �'•. .r.rigx� �
sy-+• :^'�c?}a�w T'yr �vtvF�-:���;'f.+y.X.� 'fP
a,t �•J.�,�`'��,�:�4�`,[�('�;,Sw�y'yFr +,y,�;�`����5
»'Y.+f''nia ^,".ftrnF*":.�a;.+��v,;':ns> F:.'N�!., .!.t. kT:
-'-;ti `�y'.fie d: •�r'.
Af'�r`�'r�tz it i�+�•`�� ..-i `Y:r � -i. i �a
t• : '._4�.•.: Ai .
j t�'y�a+vC�}`" ^
. t
17 •
F. J. Lehner ' 3.50, AAcElligott Welding Co. 175;
From the Street and Alley Fund: Ellis: -Motor Co. 117.05, Hart Oil Co. ,13.25
Botsford Lumber Co. "'18.60, Star L-rurdry a3.69, Standard Oil Co. ?136.68, Woodhouse
Rro i'_�ers =�1.28,' West and Postier Co. ?2.40, F. J. Lehner `6. ;0, Standard Oil
�r �o c;'12r 00, Hanson Hardware Co. -'6.22,F. J. Lehner 1y11.10,
10.00, Sta Standard Oil •
cElli Cott Weldinn Co. e1son ".25, Rochester Oil Company
From the Sevier Fund: Botsford Lumber Company ;,122.409 Star Laundry .'53.00,
,Am. C. Fr,�.ser Son '�'�>.95, r'ri-State Telephone Tele aph Co. `" 5.75, Max Hargesheim
r l
5t-,nd9rd Oil Co. `y%?.1£�, Ed. Ranfranz `'�,37.33, Hanson Hardware Co. '�.85,Rochester
Oil Co.P,45,129;
From the Park Improvement Fund: Woodhouse Brothers "9020f Tri-State Telepho
and _'`elefire,ph Company '';11.75, Hanson Hardware Co. 11,109 Wm, Enke �15.49, Olmsted
Country Oil Company `"�59.602L. F. 11ilostan 163.06, D. D. dilne 657.00, Ellis- Motor Co.
,',_,75, Botsford Lumber 00'. ',r113.60, H. S. Adams 1�5.70, Post -Bulletin '"•3.06, Hugh
t t ( r
VincCp_t Peehan '� 5.00, Liddle Hardware *10085;
From the Permanent Improvement Fund: Hanson dard°,^rare C o . 4 1.00 ;
From the Bridge Fond: Hanson Hard:vare Co. °;7.11,' clelson ",3.20.
ITpon ruotion by Adler, second by tiller, tha Chair was requested to appoint
a co:ia-mitt�,d for consideration of the sale of the -�Iitht;rstine Property and the
Public Library site, and the building of a new City Hall,, the Chairt be included as a
membar of the said committee, the said Co!;mittee to be: instructed that they make
report not later t`,an Laareh 1st, 1928.
Upon motion by Rommel, second by Adler, Council Adjourned to December ltith,
10+?7, at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
r•00 Q
City Clerk
1 r