HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-27-1931I 175- Minutes of an adjourned regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Rochester, Minnesota, held in'the'Council Chambers, in the City Hall, in said Cit at 7:30 o'clock P.M., on April 27th,1931. Meeting called to order by President Liddl b. Roll Call. Present: Liddle, Amundsen, Dallman, Hicks, Miller, Moody, Vihstadt. .Absent: None. Mr. Dammann, AAd jutdiit of the 'Looal American Legion Post, and Mrs, Elmep Kruger, of the American Legion Auxiliary, . each asked that Rochester 'Veteran, organizations and their auxiliaries be given quarters in the New City Hall basements provided that there is extra room available for that purpose. Harold H. Crawford, John MoG. Miller, and E. W. Buenger for Elerbe: & Company of St. Paul, each presented and explained sketched and proposed floor plans for the new City Hall, F. H. Moose, who was invited to be present at .this meeting in connection with the selection of an Architect, did not appear. The following communication was read, and President Liddle ordered the same placed on file: "April 27, 1931. To the Members of the Common Council, City of Rochester, Minnesota. Gentlemen: - I believe that .the members of the Common Council desire to serve the"best.interests of the community and its citizens. And it is with this thot. in mind that I wish to offer the services of the Architectual firm of Walter Conley and D. W. Carlson. As many of you no doubt remember, Rochester was may home for many years. I am an Alumnus of the Rochest,er,High School, a tax payer, and have business interests here. My interest in Rochester.is such'that I am prompted to write. this lette`� in the hope that the members of the Common Council will see the fairness of submitting to limited competition such an important lJob as the planning of the new City Hall. If euoh a method of, selecting an Architect is used for this job, and the final judgment left in the hands of a jury competent to judge, I would be glad to have the opportunity'of submitting free sketches for the new City Hall to be erected in the City of Rochester. If personal interview is requested, I will arrange to meet with your building committee at any time. Respectfully submitted, Walter, Conley." The following proposals relative to architectural services on the new City Hall project were read, and President Liddle-ordered the same.plaeed on file: "April 27, 1931. The Honorable Common Council City of Rochester Minnesota Gentlemen: For the preparation of plans and specifications. for your new City Hall, we propose to furnish architectural services as follows; We will assist in.=*Ing survey of your requirements, assist in making sketches & Developing the scheme. We will prepare complete structural,, mechanical and electrical plans. In consideration for the above mentioned services we shall be paid a fee amounting to. two per cent (2%) of the general, mechanical and electrical contracts. We assume in the above. mentioned service that the council will select an architect who will prepare complete architectural plans &,specifications & supervise the erection of the building. Very truly. yours Ellerbee & Co. Archts. By .Edgar '11. Buenger ." "April 27,1931 Hon. Mayor and Common Council, Rochester, Minnesota, Gentlemen: I hereby offer my services as ­an-4rchitact for the construction of the new City Hall for -'the ,.City of ARochester, and agree to furnish complete plans, ape cificst .ons_.and supervision for &- fee equivalent' to, 6% of !the''lawest ,total bid. The total bid including the Arehit:;ects .fee shall not exceed $180,000.00 Five per cent is the standard fee :whioh. has been charged and paid for all Architectural—service on all,:public buildings in the City of Rochester for many years. Respectfully' submitted, John MoG.Miller." "April 27,1931 Common Council and Honorable.Mayor City of Rochester, Minnesota. 1jent lame n: I hereby offer my professional services to act as Architect for the City Hall Building for Rochester,Minnesota as follows:. The Architect's professional. s.ervi oee= oonsist of the necessary conferences, the preparation of preliminary studies, working. drawings, specifications, large scale and -full size detail drawings; the drafting of forms of proposals and contracts, the issuance of certificates of payment; the keeping of accounts, the general adminis- tration of the business and supervision.of the work. mil. a'w.k s� .1 .J ^i > f- fi. x .i fir Y# The work shall ?consist of the moving of all ' of the existing office equipment, :records.,, furniture, etc. ,..'from the present City Hall into temporar�r'quarter;' the �rreoking and removal front the side of all parts of the existing ;Cit�r,:_h�11;. the, construction of the new City, Hall; the furnishing and installation of'.stationary equipment as required; and the moving back-1hto the, -anew City Hall all of the .aforementioned existing_ office equipment, records furniture, etc. The Architect agrees that if the total cost of the building designed by him, including the costs of other work above mentioned, including costs of advertising for.; bids and. Architect's fees exceeds the sum of $l80,000 00 that he will make such revisions in the plans and specifica- tions as are neoessary to reduce the total cost and bring it within this limit without extra charge. The Architect agrees to perform the above services for a charge, based upon the total cost of the work complete, of five per cent. The Architect further agrees that his total fee for the work complete will not exceed` the - sum of $8.500.00 (which : is five per cent of $170, 000.00) . 1.77 l Respectfully submitted Harold H. Crawford. Registered Architect." Upon motion by Miller, second by Moody, and all voting in favor thereof, John McG. Miller, was informally selected .as Architect for the new City Hall and the(*: City Clerk was instructed to draw proceedings for formal selection and action thereon at the meeting of this Common Council which is to be held at 2:00 o'clock P.M., May 4, 1931. Upon motion by Dallman, second by AnWrdsen, the City Clerk was instructed to serve notice upon Mr.' George. Lemke,that he shall on or before July lat. 1931, Ivacate the public comfort 'station as She same will be torn down to make way for the new City Hall. The following request was made and upon motion by Hicks, second by Dallman, it was granted: "Rochester, Minnesota. April 23rd, 1931. Honorable Mayor and Common Council; City of Rochester, Minnesota, Gentlemen: The William T. McCoy Post No. 92 of the American Legion requests permission to block off South Broadway Street between the south line of Center Street and the north line of Fourth Street from August 16th, to August, 19th, 1931, both dates inclusive, during which time Rochester is to.have the State Convention of the American Legion. We ask that all parking and traffic be @xolud@d from that part of Broadway Street above mentioned and that only necessary fire, ambulance and street cleaning automobiles be allowed in the zone above described.. We also request permission to control all concession stands.on all city owned property during the convention period. r3■ ., Respectfully, WM. T. MCCOY POST NO. 922 B# J. M. Pruett Chairman Gen'l Convention Committee." The report of the Clerk 'of the Municipal Court for the week ending -April 27th,1931� showing criiiiinal .,fines coll.ed0ed:$65.00, civil. fees received $2.00, .$201.55 received from Olmsted 'County, for March.19311, Municipal Court fees.and $13-.20 as being, dur.:Olmsted: County for fines collected, was read, and President Liddle referred the same to the City Attorney. Upon motion by Vihstadt,, second by Hicks', the* sum of $13,20 was appropriated from.the General Fund ftd it was ordered that the same be paid to Olmsted County., Minnesota., for local * Municipal Court fines collected due to Olmsted County, J, The applications of Franc Is- W. Brennan,.F. R. Mastenbrook., Andrew Chafoullas and Bernard G. Mayou for�o.oft.,drink: 4,o4-ler:','Iioenses were read, and upon motion .by Vihstadt, second by licks,, licenses were granted. The application of the Yellow Cab Company for the transfer of taxicab licenses on two 49). Chevrolet five passenger sedans to two Auburn safety cabs, was read, and upon motion by Miller second by Amundsen transfers were granted. The recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee and the City Engineer relative to sidewalks that shall be constructed during.1931 was read, and upon motion by Dallman, second by Amundsen the said recommenda- tions were accepted and the City Clerk was Instructed to prepare a resolu- tion making formal order, for.act ion thereon May 4thol:J9311 Upon motion by Dallman, second by Nlic, ks $ the sum of $28.00 was appropriated from the Fire Protection Fund and it was',ordered that the same be paid to Ben R. Lewis for insurance premiums on $5,,000,00 tornado Insurance on the Central Fire, Station and'$2,000.00 tornado --insurance on the contents of the Central Fire Station, and the sum of $20,0.0 was appropriated from the General Fund and it. was ordered that; the. said '-su;be,.paid to J. T. Collin for $23,000*00 Fire Insurance on the City 182-1;bulljd'ding. The following claims for Insurance premiums were each read, and upon motion tV'Dallm,an, second.by Miller and favor thereof except Alderman Hicks,, who voted. "Nay" -„;the -said claima were not allowed and the insurance policies concerned were 're j I �ctgd,'together with order that the' renewals for the insurance be'. made by' Mr. O;�W. Sch�r oeder: T. F. Kennedy $27.64 for $4,500.00 Fire insurance on the ld ty Hall,contents policy No. 5022; $10*00 premium on $2,000. 00 t oriad o oji'.' P Oy--.coveting band stand in Mayo Park,, Policy No. T.S. 10148; -$4&, 5.0 for premium dn$2,000,00 fire insurance .policy covering band stand. in �Srk,,,policy 5315; k� r'. !'t. rf �;A t" F-.. 179 1 Brown' Kriopp.Agency .? 22.20 for insurance premium on policy No.C.A,1402098 covering the ,1920 Dodge. Truck for $10,,0,00.00 to $20,000100 public liability and $5,000.00 property damage; J. T.. Collin: $24 ,00 for insurance prgmium on Policy T110352 ,covering the Central Fire Station.with.$6,000.00,tornado insurance; John E . McGovern: $8.00 insurance premium on policy T 274 covering contents of Central Fire Station for $2,000.00,tornado insurance and $17,42 insurance premium on policy OWWO covering City Hall building for $2,000,00 fire insurance. The following r.ecdmmendations relative to' clean-up day fAReread and upon motion by Bihstadt, second .by Am-gndsen, the recommendation was •anproved and the days mentioned were,designated as Clean -Up days for the City of Rochester,Minnesota: " April 23, 1931 Hon. Mayor and Common Council . Gentlemen: Alderman Miller and Mr. Strifert, Sanitary Inspector, and the writer beg to recommend that the Annual Spring Clean-up of the City befixed 'as' follows: • North of -Center Street; East of Broadway May 4th, 1931 North of Center Street, West of Broadway May 5th, 1931 South of Center Street, West of Broadway May 6th, 1931 South of Center Street, East of Broadway May 7th, 1931 Respeetfa lly submitted, C. H. Armstrong, City Engineer." The following petition was read, and upon motion by Hicks, second by Vihstadt, it was granted and the City Engineer was instructed to secure the Necessary labor and material and comply therewith: " Rochester, Minnesota April 23rd, 1931. Mr. A. F. Wright, City Clerk Rochester, Minnesota, - Dear Sir: t The undersigned herewith petition for the placing of Calcium Chloride .,on the full width of street in front of their respective properties, to wit: Wallace H. Hays, 1213 Sixth Street S. W. - 80 foot frontage Dr. C.M.Anderson,1219 Sixth St.S.W. - 90 foot frontage It is agreed by these signers that all legal proceedings will be waived and that the cost ofthis project will be paid for by the respective 'propart'y owners: involved. Yours very truly, • Signed Wallaee.H. Hays Signed C. M. Anderson." 1180 • The claim of Arthur Simonds for eighty-one (81) hours labor at the City Dumping Grounds, was read., -and upon motioh;-by Hicks, second by Amundsen, it was allowed and paid tt the rate of 480.00 per month. or $27.68 for nine days at $3,076 per day. The following claims were read and upon motion by Hicks., second by Dallman, the same were allowed and the Mayor 'and City Clerk were authorized and directed to draw warrants upon the .City Treasurer and make payment accordingly: From the General Fund: C. -He Armstrong $4.88., Weber Judd Company $2.50,, Wm. Re Jones $9,00, Wm,, Re" -'Jones $50.00,- Hack & Goetting Printing Company $46,00., Bureau of Public Personnel Administrat ion $,14,92; From the Street and Alley Fund: Witte Transportation Co. $.78.%T.E. Barber $32100;1 M. From the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund: Dinah G. Olin $5.18; From the Park Improvement -Fund: Witte Transportation Company $1.22., Rational Bushing &_ Parts Co. $2.05, City of Rochester, Light Department $14.22, Re C. Drips Grocer Company $8,66,, Schmidt Printing Company $2.50. The following offers for;rent'al of temporary office space during the construction of the new City Hail building, Weie.--iead, and' President Kt Liddle referred the same to the Public Grounds Committee, the City Clerk and the City Engineer for their consideration along with other locations heretofore proposed: SCHUSTER REALTY CO. Rochester Minn. April 24/,,31 ........ City 'lof,Rochester The Heidelberg Bldg- late Ave. So. 19 x 80 115,00 per month. The Anderson Tire shop. Dld,.20 x 60 lot Ave. South $iOO'per month .Respectfully submitted Scbust.erdRqalty Co, "Rochester, Minnesota April 27, 1931 Honorable Mayor and Common Council City of Rochester;.minnOBOta I submit for your approval�the -following rooms for rent in the second floor of building #230 - South Broadway, formerly known as the Rochester National -Bank:NBaltillng'O' This "ace is divided .into four roome, 2he"firot room Is 19 x 33 and -included a fire proof vault. the inside dimensions of which,are 4 x 6. It contains two steel doors' the outer door being equipped with a combination look. The other rooms are 19 x 18, 19 x 18,, and 19 x.10. The rent ..Is $50-00,.`per month, Respectfully yours, .JMN:meo JMjforton':,432' StN W 4 E::ll ru ' �jkf �5.� .•SF, 1 4... _;err k� ri r� 18'1 The Lighting Committee and the City Clerk submitted plans,,,.--,' specifica- and estimate of cost tions/'for the furnishing and installation of. a traffic signal system which were considered by the Common Council; the said estimate of cost being $3254.50. Alderman Hicks introduced the following resolution,' mhieh was read: "HHEREAS, It is deemed expedient and necessary that new traffic signals be purchased and ipstalled for. the interseotion of Broadway Street North and .South and Center Street East and West, .Broadway Street South and Ftret Street Southwest and Southeast and Broadway `Street South end Second Street Southwest and Southeast, an for the Lighting Committee and the CJ�T rk. WHEREAS, The Superintendent of the Electric Light Plant has prepared and submitted plans and speoifiostions and estimate of cost for the said traffic signal system; 50 THEREFORE, Be it resolved by the Common Council of the City of Rochester, Minnesota: That the said plans and specifications be adopted for the furnishing and installation of the said traffic signal system and.that the'same be placed on file in the office of the City 'Clerk of said City, and that the estimate of cost be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City, and that the said improvement be made and done, Be it further resolved by the said Common Council: That the City Clerk of said City be and he is.,hereby authorized and directed to advertise for' sealed proposals -for the furnishing of all Tabor, materials, etc.., necessary for ..the furnishing and installation of the said traffic signalsystem in accordance with the plans and specifications for the same, , which sealed proposals will be received and opened at.a meeting of thi$ Common Council, which is to be held at 7:30 o'clock P.M., on the llth day of May, 1931. Each bid must .be accompanied by a certified check upon some reputable bank drawn payable to trhe Mayor of Rochester, Minnesota, for at least 10 per cent �of the amount of the bid, which check and the amount of money specified therein shall be forfeited to the , City of Rochester, Minnesota, as liquidated damages if the bidder upon the letting of the contract to him shall fail to enter into the contract; so let; the said Common Council reserving the right to reject any and all bids. A surety bond written for the full amount of the contract by a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota,, will be required with the contract. (Personal bonds not to be accepted.) All proposals must be addressed to Mr. A. L', Wright, City Clerk of Rochester, Minnesota, and shall have endorsed thereon '(Proposal for furnishing and installation of traffic signals"." Upon motion by Hicks, second by Dallman, that the said resolution be adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Liddle declared the said resolution duly passed and adopted. Alderman Amundsen introduced a resolution appropriating $1005.40 from the Park Improvement Fund and ordering payment made to the Mayo Trust Fund for payrolls for labor during the period of the week ending April 24th,1931, which was read. 9 Upon motion by Hicks, second by Dallman, that the said resolution be adopted as read, and all voting in favor.thereof, President Liddle declared the said resolution duly passed and adopted. 14 J 182 Alderman Dallman introduced a resolution appropriating $219.08 from the General Fund and ordering payment made to tlie'Rochester Poe%.., Bulletin Company for official printing during the period March 3rd, 1951, to March 30th.,19319 inclusive, which wins read. Upon motion by Hicks, second. by Amundsen, that the said.resolu- tion be adopted as read, and -all voting in favor thereof., President Liddle declared the said resolution duly passed ana a*dopted. Upon motion by Hicks, second by Miller, the Common Council was designated as a Committee of the Whol6­,to confer with the Architect for the new City Hall as ,to where new city halls have been built, with the latentlon tiff visiting those places to secure modern municipal building features to be incorporated ;ih- the'' new.,,. local-. City Hall. trans - The City Clerk / -i.i'L)mitted:the,.,Teco=ondation:,of the Zinking Fund Commission that the $180,,000.00 of ImprovementPhonds for the erecting and constructing of anew City Hall be put on the market in blocks of such amounts as may be needed to meet the contract obligations, the start of which shall be $50,000,00 to 'be offered for" sale ,on May 25th3, 1931. Upon motion by Dallman, second by Awindsen,* the Common Council adjourned. t