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4inutes of a special meetincr of the Common Council of tbe.City of
Rochester, 1%,2innesota, held In the Council Chambers in the second floor
of the Chamber of Commerce Diilding in said City at 7:30 o'clock P. M.
on July 29th, 1931.
Meetina called to order. by President Liddle.
Roll call. Present: T,iddle, Amundsen, Miller, Moody, Vih.stadt,
Absent,: Dallman, Hicks -.-
The call for the special meetinn was read; .the said meeting
being, called for the purpose of adopting plansj� profiles, and spe cificationS
for the New City Hall, and fixing date for opening of bids for the con—
struction of sam,* and any other business that the said Common Council might
deem pruner.
John McG, Miller, Architect, submitted plans, profiles, speci—
fications, and estimates of cost for the Genedral Contract for the cons—
truction of the City Nall, for the painting and decorating, for the
Jail equipment, for the plumbing and heating, for the electrical wiring,
hand for the ventilation system, which were considered by the Common Council -
his estimates being -�128, 000.00 for general, construction, -4, 600,00 for
painting and decorating, '�N7,500.00 .for jail equipment, �.11212000„00 for
plumbing and heating, �5000,00 for electrical wiring, and �3,900.00 for
the ventilation system, a total of ftl70,000.00,
Aldermen Dallman, and Hicks came In at this time, and took their
Upon motion by Miller, sedond by Amundsen.., it was ordered 1 }gat,
'the dirt from the excavation for the New City Hall be Placed on Sixth
(Street Southwest between Broadway Street South, and Second Avenue South—
st, under the supervision of the City Engineer.
Alderman yihstadt introduced the following resolution., which
as read:
"WI[EREAS, the le aRl voters of the City of Rochester, Minnesota,
ve authorized the issuance of. A180,000,00 Bonds for the construct14
a new City Hall Building, and
WTMrrAS, John MCC, Miller has been duly appointed architect for
he said building, and he has prepared and submitted plans, profiles,
pecifications, and est-mate of cost for the general contract for the
onstruet ion of the new City Hall Building,
SO T 41-TEFOPE, Be it resolved by the Common Council of the City of
ochester, jfinnerota:
That the said new City Hall Puilding be constructed upon such carts
---------------------- ---------------------------------------
of lots 101 11, and 1? in plock 19 in Orisrinal. Plat, as may be required for that
purpose, a,n_d the said plans, profiles ., and specifications are hereby adopted for
the general cont-ract for tP.e construction of the said new City Fall Building
rand It is ordered tbn.t the same be placed on file in the office ov the City
Clerk of the daid City, and it is ordered that the said estimate of- cost be
accepted, ,and that it be placed on 'file in the offi.ee of the City Clerk of
said City. /
SO TIMPEPO??, n6 it resolved by the Common Council or the City of I
Rochester, Minnesota:
That the Citjr Clerk of the said City be, and he is hereby authorized
and directed to advertise for sealed proposals for the furnishing of all labor,
materials, equipment, tools, etc., necessary for the construction of the New
City Hall in accordance with the said plans, profiles, and specifications, which
sealed bids will be received and opened at a m eting of thib Common Council which
is to be held in the Council Chambers in the second floor of the Chamber of Commerce
Building in said City at 7:30 o'clock P. !A. on August 20th, 1931.
Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check upon sane reputable
bank drawn payable to the ?dayor of Rochester, Minnesota, f(-r at least 10 per cent
of the awounu of the bid, which check and the amount, of money specified therein
shall be forfeited to the City of Rocle ster, Minnesota, as liquidated damaged
if the bidder upon the_. , letting of the contract to :him shall fail to enter into
the contract so 1 et ; the eaid Common Council reserving; the r i bt to re jest any
and all bids.
A surety bond written for the full amount of the contract by a surety
Company authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota, will be required
with the contract. (Personal bonds not to be accepted.)
All proposals must be addressed to Mr. A. F. Wright, City Clerk of
Rochester, Minnesota., and shall have endorsed thereon "Proposal for ger_eral
contract on construction of New City Hall." "
Upon motion by Miller, second by Amundsen, and all voting? in favor
thereof, except Alderman Hicks, who voted "Nay", President Liddle declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
.Alderman Miller introduced a resolution adopting the above mentioned
plans, profiles, and specifications for the furnishing and installation of plunbirg
and heating in the New City Hall, and, ordering that the same be placed on file in
the office of the City Clerk of said City, ordering that the said estimate of cost
be accepted and placed on file in the office of the City Clerk, and'ordering ad-
vcrtisement, for bids to be received and opened at a meeting of this Common Council,
wh+.ch is to be held at 7:30 o'clock P. M. on August 20th, 1931, which was read.
Upon motion by Vihstadt, second by Moody, that the Said resolution be
ado,)ted as read, and all voting in favor thor•eof, Pee sident T,iddle declared the
said resolution. duly passed and adopted.
Alderman -.Miller Introduced a resolution ado,! -,tin,,- the above mentioned
plans, profiles, and specifications for the furnishing and installation of electri—
cal wiring for the new City Hall, and ordering .that the sauce be placdd on file in
�g 324
he office of the City Clerk of said City, accepting; the said estimate
,f cost, and orderinm thati the same be ;.)laced on file in the.. office of,
he City Clerk, and ordering advertisement for'bids to be received and
ened at a meeting of this Common Council, which is to be held at
:30 o' clock P. M. on August 20th, 1931, which was read.
Upon -motion by Moody, second by Vi.hstadt, that the said resolution
e adopted as read, and all voting In. favor t.bereof, President T,iddle decl-
red the said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Amundsen jintrodueed a resolution adopting the above
Mentioned plans,/and specifications for the painting, decorating, etc., of
he New City Hall, and ordering that the same be placed on file in the
ffice of the City Clerk of said City, accepting the said. estimate of
ost and ordering; that. the same be placed on file in tho office of the
ity Clerk of said City, and ordering advertisement for/ bids to be
eeeived and opened at a meting of this Common Council, which is to be
eld at 7:30 o'clock P. M. on August 20th, 1931, which was read.
Upon motion by Amundsen, second by Moody, that the said resolution
e adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, Pt esident Liddle
ola.red the said resolution duly passed add adopted.
Alderman Moody introduced a resolution adopting the above mentioned
and, profiles, and specifications ,for the furnishing and installation
f jail equipment for the new City Hall, and ordering that the same be
laced on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City, accepting the
aid estimate of cost, and ordering that the same be placed on file in
11 111 1 the office of the City Clerk of said City, and ordering advertisement
. or bids to be received and opened at a. meeting of this Common Council,
hich is to be held at 7:30 o'clock P. M. on August 20th, 1931, which
as read.
Upon motion by Vihstadt, second by Moody, that the said resolution
�e adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Liddle
i Jetilared the said resolution duly passed' and adopted.
Alderman Moody introduced a resolution adopting the above mention-
d plans, profiles, and specifications for the furhi.sh.ing and ir..stallation
wf a ventilation system for the New City Hall, and ordering that the sa.rue
>e placed on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City, accepting
,he said estime,te of cost, and ordering that the came be rlaced on file
.n the office of the City Clerk of said City,, and ordering advertisement
for bids to be received and opened at a meeting* of this Common
Council, which is to be held at 7:30 o'clock P. M. on August 20th, 1931, which
was read.
Upon motion by Amundsen, seoond by 1foody, that the said resolution
be adopted as read, a,nd all voting in favor thereof, President Liddle declared ►
the said resolution duly passed and adopted.
' I
Upon motion by Moody, second by Amundsen, tit was ordered that the
City Clerk shall collect a�/ deposit of 125.00 on each set of plans given out
for the general contract with the understanding that a refundment of ''20.00
will be made upon the return of the save in good condition, with the �'5.00
difference to go to the Architect , for the cost of blue printing, etc., and
it was ordered that, the City Clerk shall collect a deposit of 1110,00 for er,ch
set o.L plans, r-riven out for the electric wiring conteaet, the plumbing and j
heati.n" contract, the jail equipment contract, the ventilation system contract,
and the painting and decorating contract, with the understanding that $7.00
of this deposit will be returned when. the plans are handed back in good
condition, the 13.00 difference in each case to go to the Atchiteet for the
cost of blue printing, etc',j
Upon motion by moody, second by Amundsen, thy; City Ulerk was in—
structed to provide for the blue printing of five sets of plans for the -Sewage
Lift Stat ion, and that he shall collect a deposit of '5,00 for each set of plans
giver_ out, with the understanding that the whole amount will be refunded upon j
the return of the plans, in good condition.
Thq appointment by the 11ayor of JnArs. T. R. trawler, Mrs. W. F.
Braasch, and Carl Prank, as Directors of the Public Library Board,for the j
three year term, ending on the third Saturday in July, 19,34, was read, and upon '
motion by Vihstadt, second by Moody, the appointments were approved,
Upon motion by Vihstadt, second by Amundsen, the Common Council
City Clerk.