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Minutes of an -adjourned regular meeting of the Common Council of the
City of Rochester, Minnesota, held in the Council Chambers," in the second floor of th e
Chamber of Commerce building, in said City, at 7: 30 o'clock P.M., February 16th,1932.
Meeting called to order by President Liddle.
Roll Call. Present: Liddle, Amundsen, Dallman, Nicks, Miller, Moody,
Vihstadt. Absent: None.
Alderman Vihstadt introduced the following; resolution, which was read}
"WHEREAS, The Common Council of the City of Rochester, Minnesota, deem
it expedient and necessary that local public improvements, the cost and expense of
which shall be paid for by special assessments levied as provided by law, be made in
said City of Rochester, Minnesota, the said improvements being described as follows:
The construction of a sanitary sewer in Third Street Northeast from
the State Sewer, 63 feet east of the east line of Fifteenth Avenue Northeast to a point:
44 feet West of the East line of Morningside Addition a distance of 257 feet.
90 TIHEREFORE, Be it resolved by the Common Council of the City of
Rochester, Minnesota:
That a public hearing of all persons and parties interested in the
said improvement will be held at 2:00 o'clock P.M., on 11arch 7th,1932, in the Council
;f Chambers, in the second floor of the Chamber of Commerce building, in said City, at
which time and place the persons and parties interested in the said improvement may
appear and be heard by said Common Council in relation to the said improvement.
The City Clerk of said City is hereby authorized and directed to
cause to be published in the officia& newspaper of .said City, a notice to all inter- „
(jested persons and parties of the time and place and purpose of said meeting and hearing.'
Upon motion by Dallman, decond by Amundsen, that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Liddle declared the said
resolution duly passed and adopted.
The City Clerk submitted the $82-089 check from the Franklin Heating
Station paying the one half ,cent per thousand cubic feet rate agreed upon for their
use of 1695799000 cubic feet of natural gas, and upon motion by Hicks, second by
Amundsen, the said 882:89 was accepted into the General Fund in the City treasury.
The following copy of communication was read and President Liddle
ordered that the same be placed on filet
" C 0 P Y
" State of Minnesota Department of Health
February 159 19320'
Mr. Charles Armstrong,
City Engineer
Rochester, Minnesota
Dear Sir:
We have your letter of February 8 regarding the sewer plans recently
submitted to this Department for approval.
These plans were evidently misunderstood when the report was prepared.
If you will examine the plans you will see that no elevation is shown on the
outlet side of the upper siphon manholes, and that the detail plan of the
manholes distinctly indicates the differmoe in .elevation between the inlet and
outlet pipes. This construction is a general practice in such cases, and the
plans were so read.
If it is your desire to construct the work as indicated in your
letter of February 89 we would suggest that you revise the plans so that the
point in question is made clear, and then send duplicate copies of the plan i
to this Department: We would also suggest that the plans and report which
were sent to the City Council, in care of the City Clerk on February 119 be
returned so that the revised plans may be substituted.
Yours very truly,
Executive Officer. "
The following communications were each read, and upon
motion by Hicks, second by Amundsen, the exemptions therein requested
were granted with the exception of marble setters and the setters helpers:
General Contractors
Rochester, Minn.
Honorable Mayor and Common Council
Rochester, Minnesota
The ornamental plastering on the City Fall, which
contract was awarded to Brioscbi-Minuti,Inc., of Saint Paul,
requires the services of capable ornamental men, of which there
are only two available in Rochester at the present time. We
would therefore request permission to import the required help
from Saint Paul. It is the intention of employing four ornamental
men from Saint Paul and using two local men from Rochester to
assist them and there men will all be used on the work for about
five weeks.
On the modeling and casting work which will have to be
done, no local capable help is available, and they will require
two men from St. Paul for a period of about four weeks, with two
expert helpers w7:-,o understand this class of work.
On the plain plastering.none but local capable plasterers
will be employed, five of them being at present employed on the
building. with the probability of using two. more as soon as conditions
warrant doing so. As ornamental plastering requires very good
mechanics vec.o follow this line of work only, and in order to secure
0. first class job, we feel that it is necessary to import the proper
help., and trust this meets with your approval, and that permission
will be granted.
Yours very truly,
G.Schwartz "w Company
GS:MC By G.S. "
General Contractors
Rochester, Minn.
February 16 91932
Hohdtable Mayor and Members of the Common Council
Rochester, Minnesota
The tile, marble and terrazzo contract on the City Hall,
which contract was awarded to the Drake Marble Company of Sail*
Paul, requires the services of mechanics skilled in this class of
work, of which there are none available in Rochester, and we request
permission to import the necessary help from Saint Paul and.Minneapo-
lis. They will require about eight terrazzo workers for this job
for a period of five weeks. The marble work will require six marble
setters and probably the same number of expert helpers _for a period
of five weeks. The tile work will require about two the setters with
helpers for about three weeks. One of these tile setters however is
a resident of Rochester, and will be used on this work.
Trusting that permission will be granted to import these
mechanics, we are,
Yours very.truly,
G. Schwartz & Company
} Gl:MC By G. S. "
Employment certificate showing the employees of G. Schwartz &
Company on the new City Hall building, was read, and President Liddle ordered that
the same be placed on file.:.
This being the time and place fixed for the opening of proposals
for the construction of a trunk line sanitary sewer cutover in parts of Tenth Street
and Sixth Avenue NorthWest
Northwest, as adjourned from February 15th,1932, the following proposals were opened ;
and read:
C. G. Fraser: 15" Vitrified pipe sewer furnished and laid $1070 per `
ft. $ 14" class "A" cast iron pipe furnished and laid``$12400= per ft., 12" vitrified
pipe sewer furnished and laid $1040 per ft-9 manholes with rind; and cover constructed;
$55,00 each, 6" on 15" Y's $2460 each, 6" on 12" Y's, 01075 each, loose rock excava-
tion 12.75 per cubic yard, sand rock $5.009 solid rock $7.75;
Feller Brothers: i5" vitrified pipe sewer furnished and laid $2.00 pier
ft., 12" vitrified pipe sewer furnished and laid �$1.45 per ft., 14" Class "A" cast
iron pipe furnished and laid 011.50 per ft ., 'manholes constructed with ring and
cover $55.00 each, 6" on 16" Y's $2.50 each, 6" on 12" Y'S $2.00 each, loose rock
excavation $3.00 per cubic yard, solid rock $8.00;
DeGraff Wolff: 15" vitrified pipe sewer furnished and laid $1.85
per ft., 14" Class "A" cast iron pipe furnished and laid $13.50 per ft., 12" vitri-
fied pipe sewer furnished and laid $1.50 per ft.., manholes constructed with ring
and cover $55.00 each, 6" on 15" Y' S $3.00 each, 6" on 12" Y' S 200 each, < 2.60
cr cubic yard for loose rock excavation, $4,90 for sand rock, and 07.40 for solid
President Liddle referred the above quoted proposals to the Sewer
Committee and the, City Engineer for heirtabulation and recommendation.
The following report relative to the above proposals was read and
President Liddle ordered that the same be placed on file:
" 2-16- 32
Hon. Mayor and C� Co. -
We herewith report tabulation of bids for construction of
trunk line sanitary sewer in loth St. N.W. if extended from alley in Northern i
Add.'to 6th Ave. N.W. and loth St. N.W. in Manley's A-1d. as follows: j
DeGrapht Wolff, complete 2212.85
Feller Bros. 2164,65 j
C.G.Fraser, 2031.55
Est. of City Eng. 0.2150.97
Low bid 2031:55
119.42 1
C.H. Armstrong,
H.F.Vihstadt, City Engr.
Alderman Vihstadt inty-Ot uced a resolution accepting the above
proposal, of C.G.Fraser for the construction of a trunk line sanitary sewer cutover
part of Tenth Street Northwest, and Sixth Avenue Northwest, and fixing the mount of
the bond to be given by the said contractor at the sum of $2050.00, which was read.
Upon motion by Hicks, second by Amundsen, that the said
resolution be adopted as read, and all. voting in favor thereof, President
Biddle declared the said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Upon motion by Vihstadt, second by Amundsen, it was ordered
that the certified checks of the unsuccessful bidders for th.e construction
of the above mentioned sanitary sewer be returned to them.
Upon motion by Miller, sec,.,nd by Amundsen, the sum of D2500
was appropriated to Jobn McG.Miller, Architect, .for the preparation of
new specifications for the electric fixtures for the new City 1-.All for'
use orith the original plan for these fixtures.
President Liddle referred to the Sewer Committee and the
City Engineer the condition of the Chas. W. Tlastman sanitary sewer service
on Fifth Avenue Northwest with instructions that they make report thereon
at their earliest convenience.
Upon motion by Vihstadt, second by Miller, the City Attorney
was instructed to draw a resolution protesting the action of the State
Railroad and Warehouse Commission as to the hearing that is going forward
relative to the Saint Paul district telephone rates without a considera-
tion of the subject as it effects the City of Rochester.
Upon motion by Miller, second by Moody, the Public Utility
Board was requested to install. -a street light at the intersbetion of
Center Street East aid Fourteenth Avenue.
Upon motion by Hicks,second by Vihstadt, the Common Council
adjourned to 7:30 o'clock P.M., February &4th,1932.