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Minutes of an adjourned regular meeting of the Common
Council, of the City of Rochester, Minnwsot a; held in the Council Chemberst
in the City Hall $ in said City; at 7: 30 o *clock P:M. s on January 22ndt 1.9344
Meeting tilled to order by President Liddle4
Roll Cal.14 Present: Liddle, Amundsen, Hicksi Miller,
Moog, Norton4 Absent: Dallmana
Upon motion by Amundsen; second by Moody- the minutes
of the meetings held on December 27th919339 and January 2nd9 19349-,. were
app rovedi
Alderwan Dallman 'cecme in at `this time, and took his
Chairs I
Alderman Moody introduced an ordinance regulating
the sale of intoxicating liquor within the City of Roohester, providing
for such sales by duly licensed persona, establishing .regulations for the
operation of places where, such intoxicating liquor is ,sold, providing regula-
tions for the granting of such licenses; setting license feest providing
penalties for the violat'ioh thereof; `and repealing all: inconsistent ordinances,
being an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of
the public p,eaee, heelth and safety,, which was ,given its first readings
A motion by Norton, second by Moodyt that the rules
be suspended, and that the said ordinance be given its second readings lost
by the "Nay" vote of Alderman Amundsepi
Alderman Miller introduced an ordinance prohibiting
any minor misrepresenting his or her age and stating that he or she is twenty—
one years of age or over to any public place in the City of Rochester having,
"On Sale" or "Off Sale" liquor licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquor;
which was given its first readings
A copy of a telegram sent by the Rochester Chamber of
Commerce to Harry L4 Hopkins, Director of Relief at Washington; Dj .0 , relative
to continuing C. W. A4�� C. W. S. relief; was read, and upon motion, by Miller;
second by D&ll*&n; the Common Council expressed approval thereof.
The report of the Clerk of the Municipal Court for
the week ending January 22nd, 19349 showing criminal fines collected $113009
civil f6es received $7459 and conciliation court fees received in they amount
of $3.25; was read$ and President Liddle referred the same to the City
The application of the Cooperative Oil Credit Union
for public dance permit at the Woodman Hall$ February 6th; 19349 was read:
The application of W4P4 KlaSel for soft drink dealer
license at 1120 Fi ft eenth Avenue Southeast (The Green Lantern) was read, and
upon motion by Norton, second by Hicks, this application was referred to the
License Committee and the Chief of Poli cep
The following applications for transfer of licenses were read,
and upon motion by Dallman, second by Anundsen; . the transfer requested was
granted, all voting in favor th,ereoP, except Aldb%ndn' who voted "Nay":
"Roehebt er, Minne§o to
January 51'9 1934-1
Honorable Mayor & Common Council
City of Rochester' Minnesota:
Gent l emen:
The Grand Caf et eria, Inc: 1 having disposed of its
business, desires to have its "on sale" license for the sale
of non -intoxicating malt beverages transferred to George
Very respectfully yours]
Grand Cafeteria, Inc: {
a 7
Roy'jiiMasuda._ .. t
Roy T. Masuda, President
Rochester, Minn:
January 159 19341
I hereby make application for the transfer of "On Sale" license
#27 heretofore ibsued to Grand Cafeteria; Inc.l to mee
i r Resp eetfuI17 aubmitttedy
George Masud&4 "
The following applications for transfers of licenses were read,
and upon motion by Norton, second by Dallman; the transfers requested were granted:
t "Rochester, Minnesota
January 159 19344
Honorable Mayor & Common Council
-City qg $o9hester, Minnesota
r �
e Gentlemn:
Having been granted an "off sale" and an "on sale" non -
intoxicating malt liquor license by tie Common Council of the City of
Rochester and desiring to make application for an "off sale" liquor
license, I desire to have my "on .. sale" and "off sale" beer licenses
heretofore received by me transferred to Earl T w Huey of Ro chest er;
Very respectfully yours
Leo A. Huey.
Rochester,, Minn*
Jani 20 1934,
I ber6hy make application for the transfer to me of the'said "On Sale" and
"Off Sale" licenses effective at once
Respectfully submitted,
Earl T. Huey:"
f s
The following copies of correspondence between the City Clerk
and the State Engineer, P.WA. were read; and President Liddle ordered that the
same he placed on Pile:
"January 11- 19344
Mr. Van: N. Carey;
State Engineer, P: W: A: ;
429 Post Office Building,
Sty Paul, Minnesota4
Dear 81 v
As a matter of definite accounting for the receipt
of the $24,000.00 30% grant under P:WiA4Docket No':14739 will
you please see that we are. -furnished with Washington's divi-
sions to each project, so that we may credit the accounts
In our application for grant the 30% petitionvrwas
a total $26,10509 based on the City Engineer's estimates -
which we used for making the appropriation of the 70%9 which
30% total was divided into $6600%00 fto the Fourth Street
Southeast bridges $39900000 for the Fourteenth Street North-
west bridge, $810434.50 for the Bo radway Street North and
South trunk line sewer from Fourth Street Northeast to Third
Street Southeast'9 $4528.99 for the Broadway trunk line sewer
from Third Street_ Southeast to. Sixth Street Southeast and
Southwest, and 02642: 30 for the siphon section of the trunk
line sanitary sewer in parts of Third Sti-eet Southeast and
Third Avenue Southeast:
If the figures are not confidential, we would
appreciate its if you would tell us what your recommendatians
to Washington were on each one of these divisions*
Thanking .,you very much for early attention to the
request eoncerhing' Washington's decision that $249000400
was adequate, I wish to remain
AFW/l s
Yours very truly;
A F: Wright.
City C1erki "
State Engineer; P,&WiA,
429 Post Office Bldg,
St: Paul, Minnesota
January 172 1934:
Mr. A. F. Wright, City Mar,
Rochester, Minne sots
Sub j ect : Do ck et " No :1473
Dear Si r:
Your letter of January llth requests that we furnish you with
the Washington division of a grant for the above -mentioned project,&
In our report on your application to the Administrator; we did
not determine the a mount%of the grant for each sub-divieion of the pro-
ject, but gompiXted the grant on the basis of the total amount of labor
and material estimated for the entire project and recommended a grant
of $25900000; the Administrator approved a grant of $249000000 We,
therefore, have no definite sub -division of this grant, which whould--be
set up for the purpose of yodr accounting system and in any event, the
exact amount of the grant will never be known until the work is completed
and an accounting has been made4 As the actual cost of the work varies
considerably from the estimated amount, the amount of the grant will vary
in the same proport ion, • except that in no event will it exceed the amount
of $24,000*00 which has been agreed uponi
On December 20, 19339 we received instructions of the AdministYa
for clarifying the matter of the determination of the amount of the grant,
stating that where the work is done by contract, the base of the grant is
the aggregate of the payments made by the public ibody pursusnt to, the con-
tract for the construction, repair or improvement of the project, plus its
cost of the construction and supervision in they field. These instructions
supersede the previous instructions, Mich were to the effect that the grant
was to be computed on the basis of 30% of the net cost of materials and lab-
or. If the new, method were followed it might "sulit in a material increase'
in jrour grant. However, in view of the fact that a grant agreamt71% has been
made with Sroura city and that the new instructions probably will not be made
retroactive, it does not seem probable that your grant will exceed 0,24;0006;
which has been allotted.
< r r
Yours very t ruly;
y Thin: N. Carey
r p
The following request by the City Engineer for correction of
r a _
descriptions heretofore furbished by him;- was ready and President Liddle ordered
that the same be placed on file:
" January 18; 19344
Vro A4 F. Wright;
City Clerk;
Please make eorreetion, of -the following error in. description
of sewer in 3rd StS;E., Ve.iz;
s 365 ft4 northeasterly to a point 50 ft:
?3 ofthe south line of 3rd St*S„E4
• ! f 3
Corrected should read: northeasterly
365 fte to a point 50 fte, north of the r
south line of 3rd Stir SZi
C4 H Armstrona „^
CHA:ad City Engineer:
The following recommendation by the City Engineer was read;
and President Liddle ordered that --the same be placed on file:
" January 190 1934
Hon;; Mayor & Common Council
In the matter of tabulation of bids and recommendat ions $
for construction of Trunk Line Sewer in Broadway Street, North
and South, from 4th Street North to 3rd Street South; and from
3rd Street South, to 6�h, Street. South, wjiich, was submitt6d to
Mr. Wm. N. Carey, State, Engineer P.W.A., at Sty Pain.,, Minnesota;,
Jan: 18t h, for ex/aminat ion and recommendations we beg to submit
our findings as follows:
That the section from 3rd Street South to Sth Street
South, be not included in thepresent program: Mr
Carey states;, "that this will be agreeable to his offices
provided the following program is carried out."
Complete bridge construction; contracts $3595740
Contract, North b,nd South Bdwyi Trunk
Line Sewer-- --'-------------- O•_-.6--" 39928,400
Contract 3fd St. and 3rd Ave. Sewer, if
reasonable id is tendered, at ; or near 11000:00 - ,_
Probable total construction costs $86,885:00
To meet the costs as listed above; there are, or will
be, upon approval of contracts by the NWOAos the items as follows:
Appropriation of P.U.B.; original $60915051
Appropriation of, P:U.B., Additional 2993460
Available from Federal Grant, 30 % pf
102 d of cont act and costs of en sneer'
r g
ing and inspection; not less than 26280110
Tot al 90 -tiv 21
r• r
The $26,289019 carries a part of the costs of engineer"
ing and insp ect ion, and is 30,i6 % of contract price and not 25%, as
has been previously assumedW
The difference between the available monies $90189421
and the costs herein assumed,' viz: 86885:00
Leaves to the city, a margin of safety of 3304421
Acting under instructions from Mr . Carey;
State Fngineer, P'0W4A#�, I have this date
notdfied the two lor bidders, on the north
and southsections of the Broadway Trunk -Line
Sewer, to submit to Mrs Carey, the necessary
instruments as to their qualifications' as
Co nt raot o rs:
We beg to make the following recommendation, which will
supersede and cancel therecommendation under date of January
15th, 1934,i '
We recommend that the Honorable Common Council; accept,
the proposal of Christenson Contractors, Inc:, subject to the
official approval of the State Engineer P.W;,A., and' discontinue
proceedings in the matter of construction of the sewer section
from 3rd Street South -to 6th Street South for the present 4i That
the necessary resolutions be prepared and forwarded t o -Mr: Win. N:
Carey, State Engineer P.WAi, together with a Certified Copy of
the proceedings of the Honorable Common Council; -and a Copy of
this Recommeridat i ono
C: H: 'Atmstrong
CHA: ad -- City':Reer "
(seal of Registered '
Professionl Engineer)
The following copies of correspondence were read; and
President Liddle ordered that the same be placed on file:
"8arnmary 190 1934
Woodrich Construction Co:
404 Natl: Bldg.
Minneapolis, Minn.
Gent 1 can on:
The writer was in conference with Mr: Win: N.
Carey, State Engineer N%A49 at Room 429 P:OV,Bldg:;
St., Paul, Minnv, on Thursdays the 18th inst \
Mr. Carey requested, that you be not1f i ed to
file your qualifications as contractor in his office; and
that you do so at your earliest convenience..
Yours very truly,,
C.H. Armst rung
CHA: ad *City Engineer. "
-- i "J pnu ary 19 , ' 19 34 : r
Chri st en son Contractors, Inc.
17 E. 5th Stv T
5to Paul; Minn. .
Gept 1 emen:
The writer was in oonf erenc a with Mr• Wm: li.
Carey, State Fngineer, P:W:A , at Room 429, P40i Bldgi
St'j Paul; Minn: , on Thursday, the 18th;'
r 4 . }
Mr: Carey requested, . that you be notified to
file your qualifications as contractor, in his. office
and tNLt you do so' at' ybur earli est eonveniencei'
Yours very truly;
C.�. Ajnstrong
CHA: ad City Engineer: "
Alderman Norton introduced the following resolution, which was
• r
r "WHEREAS; CharAss H. Armstrong, City Engineer, has prepared and
filed the following recommendation relative to the proposals received January
15th,1934•; for the construction of p6 trunk line sanitary sewer in Broadway
Street North and South, from Fourth %reed Northeast to Third Street Southeast, and
in Broadway Street South, from Third Street Southeast to Sixth Street Southeast and
= r
"January 19 19 34
Hon. Mayor & Common bouncil
In the matter of tabulation of bids and recommendations;
for construction of Trunk Line Sewer in Broadway Street, North
and South, from 4th Street North to 3rd Street South, and from
3rd Street South to 6th Street South,. whiih was submitted to Mr. 1m. Carey]
State Engineer_P W4A.i at St. Paul, Minnesota-, Jan,*.18th's for examination and
recommendation, we beg to submit our,findings as follows:
That the section from 3$d Street South to 6th Street
' South, benot included in the present program4 Mrqlp Carey
states,"that this will be agreeable to his office, provided
' the following program is' carried • out:"
Complete bridge, construction 0 contracts 35957400
Contract, North and South,Bdwy. Trunk
Line -Sewer ------------------------------------ 39928:OOr
Contract , 3rd St and 3rd Ave. Sewer, if
reasonable bid is tendered, at or near r 11000400 ' -,
Probable total construction costs $ 869885.00
To meet the costs as listed above, there are; or will be$ upon
approval of contracts by the PliW A., the. items as follows:
Appropriation of POiB:; original 60915i51
Appropriation of P iUiB. , Additional 299340
Available from Federal Grant; 30% of
102,,t of contract, and costs of engineer-
' ing and insp eet ion $ not 1 es s than 26280 410
Total $ 90189421
The $24 9280.10 carries a part of the costs of engineering and
inspection, and is 30 6% of contract price and not 25%j as has been previously
f The difference between the available monies $ 90189421
and the costs herein assumed, viz: 8688500
Leaves to the city, a margin of safety of 3304.21
Acting under instructions from Mr. Carey, State Engineer, P.WiAviq
I have this date notified the two ldw-bidders, on the north and
south sections of the Broadway Trunk -Line Sewer, to submit to Mr.
Carey, the necessary `instruments as to their qualifications as
We beg to make the following recommendation, which will supersede and cancel
the recommendation under date of January l th,' 1934 .
71 766
We recommend, that the Honorable Common Council$ accept, the proposal
of Christenson Contractors, Ync.•, subject to the official approval of the
State Engineer, PiWv Ai and discontinue proceedings in the matter of
construction. Of the sewer section, from 3rd Street South to 6th Street
South for the Present. That the necessary. resolutions be prepared and
forwarded to Mr. Wb. N. Carey, State Fngineer Po%A., together with a
Certified Copy of the proceedings of the Honorable Common Councia; and a
copy of this Recommendations
Co H- • Armstrong
' City Engineer
So therefore, Be it resolved by the Common Council of bh
the City of Ro the ster, Minnsota:
That; provided that the Public Works Administration
will allow the City of Rochester, Ml=eebta, to use the $199680650 that it
has on hand for 70% of the construction costs of a trunk line sanitary
sewer in Broadway Street North and South, from Fourth Street Northeast
to Third Street Southeast , the $10i567,i63 that it has, on hand as 70% 6f
the construction cost of the trunk line sanitary sewer in Broadway Street
South, from Third Street Southeast to Sixth Street Southeast and Southwest;
and the $6,165438 that it has on hand for 70,1% of the construction costs of
a siphon section of trunk line sanitary sewer in parts of Third Street
Southeast and Third Avenue Southeast, or a total of $369413*51 toward the
cost of the con st ru ct ion of a trunk line sanitary sewer in Broadway St rebt
North and South from Fourth Street Northeast to Third Street Southeast, and
the construction of a siphon section of trunk line sanitary sewer in parts
of Third Street Southeast, and Third Avenue bloutheast, and abandon the con—
struction of a trunk line sanitary sewer in Broadway Street South, from
Third Street Southeast to Sixth Street Southeast and Southwest, then, in
that case, this Common Council approves the recommendations made bar Charles
Hs Armstrong; City Engineer, as above quoted, and hereby makes request
upon the Public Worlts Administration for ouch a'waiver'for such use of
funds for trunk lino sanitary sewer construction, and
Be it further resolved by the said Common Council;
that upon receipt or the said waiver as t o use of funds , t his Common
Council will; upon approval of Ar. Wme, N. Carey, State Engineer, P.W�A,�,
award the contract for trunk'line sanitary sewer construction in Broadway
Street North and South from Fourth Street Northeast to Third Street South—
east, to Christensen Contractors, Tnc., under their bid and proposal of
$39-928425, and abandon and reject the bid -and proposal of IT. FI. Frantamp
$199387150 fbr the construction of q6 trunk line ganitary: sewer in Broadway
Street,South, from Third Street Southeast to Sixth Street Southeast and Southu
west* "
r Upon motion by Hi cog, , socond by Moody, that the said
resolu# ion be adopted as read, and all vo�jng In favor thereof, Ptesid ent
Liddle'declared the said resolution duly tsssed and adopted:
Alderman Amundsen introduced' the following resolution,
which was read:
„WHEREAS; Due to lack of funds to pay for the three
sections concerned, it is deemed expedient and necessary that the proposed
construction of a trunk line sanitary sewerlin Broadway Street South f.r=
Third Street Southeast to Sixth Street Southeast and Southwest be
abandoned, and that only the trunk line sanitary sewer in Proadway Street
North and South from Fourth Street Northeast to Third Street Southeast;
and the siplson section of trunk line,sanitary sewer in parts of Third
Street Southeast and Third Avenue Southeast be ,constructed at this time;
' WHL'REAS, the sum of $36,413:51 has been appropriated
by the Pubrlic Utility Board.fxom Public Utility Funds, payable to the
Sewer Fund of said City, in amounts specifically for the sections of
trunk line sanitary sewer construction and siphon section construction
above described;
SO ,THEREFORE; Be it resolved by the Common Council of
the City of Rochester, Minnesota:
That tin the event the Public Works Administration will alelow
the abandonment of the construction of a trmA line sanitary; sewer in Broadway
Street South,- from Third Street Southeast.to Sixth Street Southeast and South-
west's and will allow the use of the $10s567:63 on hand for Oat purpose, to be
used toward the construction of a trunk line sanitary sewer in Broadway Street
North and South, from Fourth Street Northeast to Third Street Southeast, and
the construction of a siphon section of trunk line sanitary sewer in parts of
Third Street Southeast and Third Avenue Southeast , then in that case; this
Common Council hereby respectfully request of the Public Utility Board of said
City that they pass and adopt the proper resolution to change the pWose for
the j10,567.63, which is now on hand in the Sewer Fund of said City' thereby
amending their-fesolut ion of August 23rd9 1.933,i to that -,extent and effect:"
Upon motion by Moodyi second by Dallman, that the said
resolution be adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof $ President
Liddle declared the said resolution duly passed and adoptedi
A proposal by Otto Haling relative to repair of the infltot
driven sprinkler -flusher was read, and President Liddle ordered that the same
be placed on f ilea
The following appointment was read; and upon motion by Hicks,
second by Amundsen' the same was confir If
rmed: .`
.r -
t "January 20 , ' 1934.
Honorable Common gouncil of the
City of Rochester, Minnesota,&
Subject to your confirmet ion; I hereby appoint Austin
A. Kennedy as a member of tho Police Civil Service Commission of the
City of Rochester, Minnesota, to fill the unexpired t enn of
William A. Fitzgerald, resigned., -
Respectfully submitted;
Julius J. Reiter.
Mayor of said City. "
The appointment by the Mayor of Carlton E. Anderson, as
Special Patrolman, January 19th to 25th9 1934' inclusive; at a compensation of
$2.00 per day, was read, and President Liddle ordered that the same be placed
on (ilea
Copy of requisition by the Health Officer upon St. Marys
Hospital for the isolation of Maxine Croson; aged 13,years, residing at 938
Twelfth Avenue Northeast, diagnosed to be suff eying from poliomyelitis, was
read, and President Liddle ordered that the same be placed on file*;
r r r
A communication from David R. Arundel,,Liquor Control
Commissione-, mentioning that he will furnish "Off Sale" license applications
� P •
and affidavit forms, was read, and President Liddle ordered that the same be
placed on file:
A model intoxicating liquor ordinance Prepared by the Staff
Attorney of the League of Minnesota Municipalities, was laXd- before the Common
Council, and President Liddle ordered that the same be placed on file.
r� 768
The following communication from the Industrial
Commission was read, and President Liddle ordered that the same be placed
on f it e:
"Department of Labor and Industry
State Office Building
Saint Paul
January 179 1934;
City of'Rochester,
Ro chest er, Minnesota.
Geat 1 em en:
Re: Charl es Randall vs. City of Ro ch est er
File No: 295166
Attached is copy of sward entered by the Commission
dated January 159 19349 calling for the payment of compensation
at the rate of S1080 per weeksto Mrs. Linda Randall; effective
November 16, 19331 in no event to exceed $7500400 0 subject to
the provisions and limitations of the acts
Yours very truly,
CC -Charles Randall; (Mrs*'-).
CC-J.T. Spillane
Compensation Counsel.
Copies of applications for old. age pensions made to
the Board of County Commissioners by: Mrsd Catherine Agnes Porter, George
H. Fordtam, Gertrude M. Burrows, J. F. Brennan, Gertrude Krebsbach9 George
Washington$ Johanna C. McE.11igott, Dora M. Currier, Catherine PV Crawford,
Mrs. John Franklin. Rush, Robert Holden Fairbank, Mrs. Lena K. Fa&land
Elisha Dexter, Mrs. Charles McLaughlin, Frank Li ebenow, Sarahr Catherine
Harwiek, Frank Fdson To on- Henry Lovejoy, Frank A. Phillips, Caroline
Moore, ' Charles McLaughlin, L: E: Hagen, Mary Ellis, Maria Anna Olvany,
John J. Rettinger, Mrs* Rasa Ehnilie Prinz, Carl Magnus Mattson, Henry Lv
Giems Ole C. Mathison, Mrs.Flla J. Ross, Edgar Boardman, Edward Alonzo
Popple! Bnil DeWitz* Mazon O'Neill;- Johanna O'Neill$ Galen James Ricker,
T: M. 11illiven.,31.' J. Pattiftson; George Kelly- George J. Felz; Thomas
B. O'Connor; John Benton Dieter, Torger OiEnderson, Edh-F,,rd Sween't were .read;
and President Liddle ordered that the same berplaced on,file4
The following claims were read, and upon motion by
Hicks, second by Moody, the same were allowed and the Mayor and City Clerk
were authorized and directed to draw warrants upon. the 41ty Treasurer, and
make payments accord3ng1k:
From the. General Fund: General • F4xnd .1106; Carlton E. Anderson
$56 00; ice,: R: Jones, $n.00; F:: Harwood Powers; 1�[.D: $64130! Geoff, T. Joyce
$9050; General Fund 0160-809 k:C+Drips grocer Co $4:45; J.D.Kelly $160509 Henry
C. .Lindberg and Joseph J. Schuster S2400; 4
From -the Street and Alley Fund: Standard Oil Co. $6.72;
From the Fire Protection Fund: Chicago. Northwestern Railway
Co. $20.809 Bach Music C®. $O.i75, C.E:Ginther $419309 The Ahrens -Fox Fire Engine
Co: $10 00, General Fund 2:66:
From the Sewer Flpnds• H. H. Frankamp $1540; Christensen
Contractors, Inc: 0154-004
From the P.IV R4 Fund: W. H. H. Greene $30'06is
Alderman Dallman introduced a resolution granting Public
Dance Permit to Co-Operatlye Oil Credit Union for the Armory$ February 6th;19349'
and fixiiigAhe fee at $3400; which was read:
Upon motion by Hicks; second by Moody; that the said resolution
be adopted as read, and all voting in favor,thereof, President Liddle declared
the said resolution duly passed and a,dopteda
Alderman Amundsen introduced a resolution authorizing the r—
chasing Committee to purchase a carload of coal for use at the Sewage Disposal
Plant and the City Warehouse at a cost not to exceed $49940; which was read:
Upon motion by Miller, second by Hicks; that the said resolution
be adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Liddle declared
the said resolution duly passed and adopted:
Alderman Moody introduced aXA resolution appropriating $296025
from the Park Improvement Fund, and ordering P&�ment made to Mayo Trust Fund for
payrolls for labor during the week ending January 19th, 19349 which was read.
Upon moti®n by Moody, second by Amundsen; that the said resolu--
tion be adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Liddle
declared the said resolution duly passed and adopted:
Upon motion by Amundsen, second by Hicks, the City Clerk was
instructed to prepare a resolution for acceptance of the recently delivered Fire
Department equipment at such time as the Fire Chief furnishes him with a
statement of the equipment received:
Upon motion by Moody$ second by Miller; the City Clerk was
authorized and directed to collect a $1500 deposit on each set of plans taken
by contractors for the siphon section of trunk line sanitary sewer; with
arrangement that if they bid on the projects the whole 115.00 will be refunded
upon the return of the plans, but if they do not bid, the $15.00 will be retained
by the City; and further the City Clerk was instructed to file copies of the
siphon section trunk line sewer plans and specifications with each of the
Builders Exchanges in St. Paul and Minneapolis, at no cost to the Builders
1 Upon motion by No rton., second by Dallma,n; the �
(common Council adjouaned to• 7: 30 o' clock PO,M.., JAmary 29th, 1934,� ,
5 667;::
City Clerks
r r