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Minutes of a regular meeting of the Common Council of the
City of Rochester, Mir_nesot,a, held in the Council Chambers, in the City Hall, in
said City, at 2:00 o' clock P.M. , on _March 5th,1934.
'_A3r,oting called to order by President Liddle.
Roll Call. Present: Liddle, Amundsen, Dallman, Hicks, Miller,
Moodv, Norton. Absent: None.
Tlie application of Geo. R. Schultz for an do Sale liquor license
at No.313 First Avenue Southwest ,} was read, and in that connection Theodore A. I chael
presented and read the following affidavit:
"State of Minnesota,
County of Olmsted, ss. '
To the Honorable " ayor and Common Council of the City of
Rochester, County of Olmsted and State of Minnesota:
Ray Arend being first duly sworn deposes and says:
That he has been iriformed that George R. Schul tz o the City
of Rochester, Minnesota, has made application to the Common Council
of the city of Rochester, County of Olmsted and State of Minnesota,
for a license to sell intoxicating liquors on the premises known
as No. 313 First Avenue Southwest in the city of Rochester, Minne-
sota, said premises being; :commonly known as 'Old Heidelberg'.
Deponent further says that he is. not in any way interested
either directly or indirectly in said application nor the premises
nor the business which the said George R. Schultz expects to conduct
thereon; that he makesthis affidavit for the purpose of furnishing;
this information to said Common Council.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this third day of March, 1934.
Theo. A. Schacht
Theo.A.Schacht, Notary Public,Olmsted
County,Minn. My Commission expires
July 20, 1938. "
Upon motion by Amundsen, second by Hicks, an On Sale liquor
license was granted to Geo. R. Schultz, for No.313 First Avenue Southwest.
placed on file.
President Liddle ordered that the above : uoted affidavit be
The On Sale liquor license bond of Geo. R. Schultz, with the
Sdaboard Surety Company as surety thereon in the amount of -$3,000.00 was read,
and upon motion by Hicks, second by Amundsen,,the said surety was accepted ,the
said bond was approved and it was ordered that, the same be placed on file.
The Health Officer's report on his inspection of the City
Lockup was read, and President Liddle ordered that the same be placed on file.
The report of the City Treasurer for the month ending February
28th,1934, showing $3219660.77 as beinu on 14and was read, and President Liddle
ordered that the same be placed on file.
The annual report of the Financial Secretary of the
Library Board for the year ending December 31st,1933, was- read, and Presi-
dent Liddle ordered that the same be placed on°file .
The report of the City Weighmaster for the month of
February,l9349 showing $64030 collected for weigliing, and `..i.6.40 turned
over to the City Treasurer for January,1934,s,_ortage, was read, and Presi-
dent Liddle referred the same to the Finance Committee.
The application of A.- G. Berndt for a Public dance ,
permit at the Woodman Hall, March loth, 17th, 24th, and 31st, 1934, and
the application of T. V. Nagle for a public dance permit at the Woodman
Hall, March 7th,19349 were each read.
The applications of Ole's Linoleum & Shade Shop, and
the Rochester Amusement Company, for sign permitsn-were each read, and
upon motion by Hicks, second by Dallman, permits were granted.
The following request for cancellation was read, and
upon, motion by Dallman, second by Ficks, the licenses mentioned therein
were cancelled:
Rochester, Minnesota,
February 269 1934.
Honorable Mayor and Common Council
City of Rochester, Minnesota.
Due to the fact that we have sold our business to
George R. Schultz, we Present herewitn On Sale License No.54
and Off Sale License No 96 to sell non -intoxicating malt
liquors at 313 First Avenue Southwest, heretofore issued to
H.L.Thurber and transferred to us October 9th,19339 for
Respectfully submitted,
Sevirt `Lee
For the partnership..'"
A petition asking that Sixth Avenue Southeast from
Eleventh Avenue Southeast to Twelfth Avenue Southeast, be sprinkled with
water or treated with calcium chloride during the sprinkling season of
1934, ways read, and upon motion by Hicks, second by Amundsen, it was
ordered that the said description be added tc. the proceedings for the
1934 sprinkling and treating.
Program of the Minnesota Tax Conference March Bth and
9th,1934., at the Nicollet Hotel, Minneapolis, Minnesota, was read, and upon
motion by Miller, second by Amundsen, such City officials as may find it
possible to go as del cgates were authorized to attend at the City of
Rochester, Minnesota's expense:
The following - recommendation was read, and President
Liddle ordered that the same be placed on file:
Health Department
Phone 2220
March 5, 1934.
To .The Honorable Mayor
and Members of the Council
Complaints having been received in regard to insanitary Practises
around places licensed to sell beer for consumption on the premises, I
would respectfully recommend that provision be made by regulation or
ordinance- that "On Sale" Beer and Lietuor Licensees be required to provide
suitable water closets for the accomodation of their Patrons, both male
and female. ,
I would also respectfully draw your attention to the fact that all
such licensed places are either 'restaurants or places of refreshment'
as defined by, Mason's Minnesota Statutes of 1927 - Section 5903, and as
such in Section 5907 are required to be properly plumbed, lighted, ventilated
and fly -screened; and by Regulation 2489' Section 1 of the State Board of
Health, they shall be provided with an adequate supply of water approved
by the State Board of Health for drinking, culinary and other domestic
Therefore, I would respectfully recommend that all °On Sale' Beer and
Liquor Licensees be required to comply with such laws and regulations,
especially, in regard to plumbing and water supply.
I would also respectfully recommend that only block tin beer pipelines
be allowed, and that it be required that all such pipe lines be sterilized
at least weekly by steam under 15 lbs. pressure, and cleansed daily with a
cleansing solution approved by the Health Department.
D. C. Lochead
D. C. Lochead, M.D."
Upon motion by Norton, second by Hicks, it was ordered that
hereafter all On Sale liquor and non -intoxicating liquor license applications shall
be accompanied by the certificate of approval by the Health Officer as to the
sanitation facilities at the location to be licensed.
The following committee report was read, and upon motion by
Miller, second by Dallman, it was approved, and Mr. Christenson was employed for
the period mentioned:
" Rochester, Minnesota,
March 59 19344'
Honorable Mayor and Common Council
City of Rochester, Minnesota.
Your Committee appointed for the purpose of a conference with Mr. Hen
0. Christenson, as to his continting the supervision of the Frank E. Williams
Estate property, we have to report that we met with Mr. Christenson at 4:00 P.M.
March 2nd,1934 , at which time he agreed to continue the supervision over the
property mentioned at U-compensation of $25.00 per month, and we engaged him
for the months of March and ApYil, 1934, subject to your confirmation on his
appointment for that periodi
Respectfully submitted,
A. A. Hicks, Chairman.
James T. Spillane,
Johnn .M:I3o rton,
A. F. Wright . "
The following communication was read, and President
Liddle ordered that the same be placed on file:
State Engineer, P.W.A.,
429 Post Office Bldg., j
Saint Paul, Minnesota,
March 3,1934.
Mr. A• F. Wri ght ,
City Clerk,
Rochester, Minn*
Re: Rochester - Sewers and Bridges.
P . W. A. Do ck et #147 3 .
Dear Sir:
We acknowledge receipt of your letter of March P-nd,en-
closing, duplicate copies of the contract and bond duly executed
on the part of the City of Rochester with Fraser and Feller, con-
tractors, for the construction of the siphon section of the trunk
line sanitary system. The project file on this project, Docket
1473, is now clear, and this office has no objections to your
notifying the contractors that they may proceed with the construc-
tion of the project.
In,proceeding with the work before your grant agreement
has been signed, you may be taking some risk as was'outlined in
paragraphs 2; 3,and 4 of our form No.l, which already has been
mailed to you. When the contractor starts work on this project,
kindly notify this office the date thereof.
Yours very truly,
W. N. Carey
The following circular letter was read, and President
Liddle ordered that the same be planed on file:
Room 159 University Library
Minneapolis, Minnesota
February, 27, 1934
To League Members:
At the meeting early last week in St.Paul with State P.W.A.
engineers end advisory boards, Colonel Waite, assistant public works
administrator from Washington, announced the dismissal of the
advisory boards and directed the engineers to discontinue receiving
applications from local governing bodies for grants and loans. There
is no prospect of further federal assistance of public works until
additional moneys are appropriated by Congress, and no municipality
should spend money now on plans, in the hope of federal aid.
Out of the original $3,3OO,000�:000, only .571',000,000 has been
allotted to non-federal project:, i.e., to aid 6f local units of
goverment within the states. This has' involved 1800 projects. There
are now 7,100 projects in Washington that would require an allotment of
three and one-half billion dollars to complete. In the majority of
these, projects endless details of information have been prepared by
municipalities, and the' state P.W.A. engineers' staffs have carefully
reviewed them and in cases acted on them favorably. Still the
greater Portion, of the funds originally appropriated were allotted to
other purposes such as rivers and harbors, army ca-::ps, ships, railroads
and re -lief while these projects were being prepared. Over 112009000,000
was appropriated to railroads.
It is expected that, there may be additional moneys appropriated by
congress to take care of some of the approved projects, but there is no
certainty as to that. Eighty-nine allotments have been made on linnesota
projects. Fifty-one remain in Washington and twelve additional applica-
tions are in the engineer's office in St.Pa.).l. If an additional appro-
priation is.made it should be re .-tricted entirely to non-federal projects;
6,nd in this case they should be defined to be those under the direction of
a local political subdivision.' It is suggested that 'eny municipalities
'that are interested in the matter should write to the members of Congress
from Minnesota urging an appropriation with such a restriction upon it.
Yours very truly,
Ambrose -Puller -
ActinE Hecreta.ry• "
The following certificate relative to abatements was read, and
.ipon motion by Moody, second by Miller, the City Clerk was instructed to adjust his
tax records accordingly:
" Abat ement s affecting 1932 Tax Levy
June 1..1933, to December 30, 1933
City Revenue ..................................
,Bridge .................0...........0...........
Fire Protection ...............................
Interest .....................................
Library .......................................
Lighting .......................................
Musical Entertainment .........................
Park Improvement ..............................
Pension �1k Relief ...................... ..... ....
Sewer ...... ..... ............................
Sinking; Fund ......................................
Street &.Alley ................................
Total ............................
Amiel L. Glabe
Reported March 2, 1934. County Auditor. "
Upon motion by Norton, second by Amundsen, the City Clerk was
in.�tructed to prepare a resolution appropriating $427.50 to Saint Mary's Hospital
as refund and reconsideration of the Comnon Council's decision to credit isolation
hospital services to the Saint Mary's Hospital account for share in sewage disposal
i plant opPratior costs.
Appointment by t i-:e Mayor of Carlton F. Anderson, as a Special
Patrolnan during the period March 2nd,to 3th,1934, inclusive, at a compensation of
2.00 Per d .y, was read, and President Liddle ordered that the .same be placed on file,
Copies of requisitions by the Health Officer upon Saint Mary's
Hospital for the isolation of Joan Hy(ie, age 10 'months; res'i 'Anj_r at 9325 Seventb
Street Southeast, diagnosed to 'J, sal2erin`, fi,om measles; and for the isolation of
Theline Myron, age 21 years, residing; at Kahler Hall, diagnosed to be stiff. Bring from
scarlet, Fever, were each read, and President Liddle ordered that the swue be placed
on file.
The following Partial estinngtes wcre read, and
President, Lid.d.l e Ordered that the were be.placed on file:
"Ro cr est er, Minnesota
March 1, 19354 •
Honorable Mayor P,_ Common Council
Gent 1enen:
I herewith sm.bmit Partial. Estimate No.?, in .favor. of C.C.
Pagenb.srt Ir_J., and M.F.Souther, Inc. .for construction_ of stePt and
concrete bride.e in 4th Street Southeast, over the ZumUro Fiver, F.W.A.
Project No.1473.
Crushed rock, cu. yds.
Winona Sand, cu.yd5.
Reini'orcing Bars,
Cement Barrels
Class "A" Concrete
Stone G 63 101.62
Sand 0 48 101.62
Reinforcing Bars, # @ 22
Cement Bars
1aterial at 'site: 02019.27
Used in construction 750.86
Balance of rtat eri_al U1266.41
at site
Construction in place:
Class "A" Concrete, cu.. yds.
Reinforcin�7 Bars, #�
Rock Excavation, cu. yds.
Removal of old structure,
9450 $1,75
726 1.50
41602.00 Lump sum
282.00 2.50
11.46% of above estimate on bomj�l_eted work
Balance of material at site
0 165.37
$2019 .? 7
. r335
17.00 'n'
15C .00
126 ._41
Less 15% 3 589.23
Less Partial 1473.23
Reported at Partial rstimratc NO-` 2455.03
Respectfully submitted,
C.U.Arm st r_ ong
City En`Jinee r• "
" Rochester, Minnesota
March 1, 1934
Honorable Mayor &- Common Council
Gent 1emen:
I herewith revort Pnxti�,J Fstkmr).te T?o.2 in favor of
C.C.Pagenhart Ind. cmd1A.r.Souther, Inc. for construction of
steel and concr-te bridge in 14th Street Northwest, P-VT. A.
Project No.1473.
Accompanying this est im�iit e is a ' r'o rce Account Estimate'
in the amount of �500.24.
MAT 7Pl Af.j .1, `,=*-
Rat e
Crushed rock, 1112 cu. yds.
Local Sand, 1k,=_ ,cu. yds.
Pit -Run -Gravel., 'cu. yds.
Reinforcing, Steel, ; lump sum
lump slum
Coke and coal
Winona sand, ton
Material used. out*
Class "C" Concrete, Stone @ 92-413
Class "C" Concrete, sand @ 46-413
Class "A" Concrete, stone L 83-137.25
Class "A" Concrete, sand @ 48-137.25-
Reinforcin7 Steel, lbs.
Cement sax, 141.38 X 6.4
Balance of unused material at site
N.B.: Piling as plan
Dry Earth Excavation, cu. yds.
Dry Earth Excavation, channel
;het Earth Excavation, cu.yds.
Rock Exca,va,tion, cu. yds.
Class "A" Concrete, cu. yds.
Class "B" Concrete, cu. yds.
Reinforcing Bars-lbs.
Aid 19.65% as increase of contract, above est imat a
Balance of material at site
497.30 ,
Less 15% $ 604.30
Less Estimate No.l 1580.07
Reported as Partial Estimate No.2
C. II. Armstrong,
•City Engineer. "
The following report by the City Attorney was read, and President
isdle ordered that the same be placed on file, and that the reports of the Clerk of
he Municipal Court, mentioned therein be placed on file:
"March 5th, 1934.
Honorable Mayor and Common Council,
Rochester, Minnesota.
I have examined the reports of the -Clerk of the ?Municipal
Court from January 23rd,1933 to February 12th,1934 and find same to
be correct .
Respectfully submitted,
James T. Spillane
City Attorney. "
�1. 26
The following quotation was read, and upon motion
by Norton, second by Moody, it was accepted and the .purchase of the
ballot boxes was approved:
• Sheet Metal Works
' 428 South Broadway
Rochest erjfinnesota.
Mn,rcb. 1,1934
City of Rochester
Mr. A.F.Wright, Clerk
Rcchester, Minn.
We hereby propose `to furnish 15 lavender ballot-17oxes, such as
are now'in use, complete with padlock, pdinted knd lettered,
for th.e'sum of '
• Fifty-seven and 75-100----------------- --------Dollars ($57.75)
Yours very truly,
Woodhouse Bros.
By E. E. Woodhouse
• The -following report and recommendation was read,
&.t which motion by Flicks; second by Amundsen. -carried that the claim
mentioned be allowed and'that it be paid, and that the City Engineer be
instructed to take out the post mentioned:
" Rochester, Minnesota.
March 5th, 1934.
Honorable Common Council,
• Rochester, Minnesota.
Having had referred to us and investigated the claim
of Dr. Chas. T. Granger for damages to his automobile caused by
his running;. into an iron pipe in the street in front of No.107
Seventh Street Northeast, with a total damage of $35.60 to his
car, we recommend that the same be allowed and paid. Proper
steps are being taken to. remove said pipe from the street.
Respectfully submitted,
C. H. Armstrong
• City Engineer
James IR. Spillane
City Attorney. "
Upon motion by Moody, second by Hicks, the City
Attorney was instructed to order Fred Rranfranz to remove the iron post or
pipe mentioned in the report and recommendation quoted above, and pay the
bill for damages.
motion by Hicks, second by
Moody, the
Council reconsidered the
above motion allowing the
Dr. • Granger
bill and
instructligthe City Engineer to take out the iron pipe or Post.
9 i
Upon motion by Hicks, second by Amundsen, t-he -sun of �3.62 was
appropriated from the Park Improvement Fund and it was ordered that the said sum
be paid to the Street and Alley Funds for use of grader and drivers time, December
Upon motion by Norton, second by Miller, the $24.10 charge
against the Park Department for disbursements made by the City Engineer .from the
General FXnd for the preparation of a plat of the Silver Lake area was cancelled; the
said map carrying property ownership, boundary lines, etc., being headed, "This
map is respectfully dedicated to the members of the North Rochester Civic Association
C. H. Armstrong, City Engineer."
The following claims were read and upon motion by Hicks, second
by Moody, the same were allowed and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized and
directed to draw warrants upon the City Treasurer and make payment accordingly:
From the General Fund: Carlton E. Anderson $40.00;
From the Frank E. Williems Estate Fund: Jacob Olsen $40.00, L.P.
Milo :tan '8.859 City of Rochester, Light Department $6.08.
The following claims for insurance premiums were read, and. upon
motion by Moody, second by Norton, the same were allowed, and the Mayor and City
Clerk were authorized and directed to draw warrants upon the City Treasurer and
ma'_e payments accordingly:
From the Park Improvement Fund: Holt & Perry 057.201, C04Brown
Agency $41.68, C. 0. Brown Agency %121.21.
The City Engineer submitted specifications and estimate of cost
for the furnishing of 180 tons to 300 tons calcium chloride , the estimate of cost
being A- 26.20 per ton, F.O.B. Rochester, Minnesota.
Alderman Moody introduced the following resolution,which was
read: .
"WIaERE.AS, It is deemed expedient and necessary that 130 tons to
300 tons of calcium chloride be purchased .for use during the sprinkling season of
1934 , and
Wf3'�RFAS, The City Engineer has prepared and submitted specifica-
tions and estimate of cost for the furnishing of the said calcium chloride;
SO TTirREFORE, Be it resolved by the Common Council of the City
of Rochester, Minnesota:
That the said calcium chloride be purchased under and in
accordance with the said specifications, that the said specifications be adopted
and placed on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City, and that the said
estimate of cost be accepted and placed on file in the office of .the City Clerk of
said City, and
Be it further resolved by the said Common Council: That the City
Clerk of said City, be and hie is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for
sealed proposals for the furnishing of ,the s ,,id 180 .tons to 300 tons of calcium
chaoride, F. 0. B. Rochester, Minnesota, which sealed bids will be receive. -I.
and opened at a meeting of the Common Council which is hereby fixed to be
held at 7: 30 o'clock P.M*,
on March 14th,1933. Each bid must be accom-
panied by a certified check upon some rePlItable bank drawn Payable to the
M.-:,,yor of Rochester, Minnesota, for at least 10 per cent of the amount of
the bid, which check and. the Amount, of money specified therein shall be
forfeited to the City of Rochester, Minnesota, as lig7aidated damages
if the bidder upon the letting of the contract to him shall fail to 'enter
into the contract -so let; the said Common Council reserving the right to
reject any and all bids.
A surety bond written for the full amount of the
contract by a surety comr_�any autborized to do business in the StatR of
Minnesota, will be required with the contract. (Persona] bonds not to be
All proposals must. be addressed to 11r• A.r.Wrigh.t,
City Clerk of Rochester,Minnesota, and shall have endorsed tbereon, 'Pro-
;osa.l for furnishing calcium chloride.
Upon motion by Hicks, second ley Amundsen, tb.o,t the
said resolution be adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereon,
President Liddle declared the said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Dallman introduced the following resolution,
which was read:
"iPJEREAS, The Public Utility Board of the City of
Rochester, Minnesota, did on September : 7th,19339 appropriate $3,283.00
from funds belonging to Water Department operation in the Public Utility
Fund, to the Street and Alley Fund of said City, and did on November 14th,
1933, appropriate $ 19 , 744.97from Water Department operation funds in the
Public Utility Fund to the Street and A.� ley T+lund of said City, both of
which sums were for repaving of streets, and
Street and Alley F►znd for that
of February 2Bth,1934, and
At this -time there remains unexpended in the
purpose and from that money, $2656.62, as
TP.HEREAS, The City Engineer has made request upon the
Public Utility Board, that although the particular improvements proposed are
in the original program covered
used fa rmentioned
repe:vingroftions, their
Pirst Street
authority be given. that this surplus
Southwest between Second Avenue Southwest and Fourth, Avenue Southwest,
SO THEREFORE., Be it resolved by the Common Council of
the City of Rochester, Minnesota;
That request is hereby made of. the Public Utility
Board of said City for their authority to use the surplus funds above
mentioned for the repaving of the above described part of first Skreet
Southwest. "
Upon motion by Moody, second by nicks, that the said
resolution be adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President
Liddle declared the said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Upon motion by Hicks, second by Moody, the City
Engineer was instructed to prepare plans, profiles, specifications and
estimate of cost for the repaving with No.l �2w paving brick of First
Street Southwest, from the west line of Second Avenue Southwest to the
west line of Fourth Avenue Southwest.
Alderman Norton i� troduced the following resolution, wb.ich was
re ad:
"Whereas, upon reaching his one hundredth birthday anniversary,
Dr. W. A. Allen of Rochester, Minnesota, a former Mayor of said City, is .not only
one of the oldest public officials in the country, but the oldest practicing
physician in the United States, and
Whereas, the Common Council of the City of Rochester, Minnesota,
in its capacity as the official representative body of said city feel that the long,
faithful and unselfish service of Dr. W. A. Allen, not only as a public official,
but also as a physician and a citizen, should not pass unnoticed on such an occasion;
Therefore, Be it and it is hereby resolved b-,r the Common Council
of the City of Rochest er,Minnesot a:
That said Common _Council take official notice of the one
hundredth birthday anniversary of Dr. Allen and on behalf of the citizens of the
City of Roc,-h.este_r.,Minnesota, extend to him its congratulations with the added wish
and hope that he may be able to receive the good wishes of his many friends for
years to come.
Be it further resolved by said Common Council:
That the City Clerk of said City be and he is hereby directed to
forward to Dr. W. A. Allen a certified copy of this resolution."
Upon motion by Hicks, second by Amundsen, that the said resolu-
tion be adopted as read., and all voting in favo r thereof, President Liddle declared
the said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Dallman introduced a resolution appropriating :.`045`;.03
from the P..W.A.Docket #1473 Fund and ordering payment inade to C. C.Pagenhart and
M.E.Souther, Inc., for the partial estimate No.2, quoted above,which was reL:1,
Upon mot ionhy Moody, second by Amundsen, that the said resolution
be adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Liddle declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Dallman introduced a resolution appropriating, A1844.31
from the P.W.A.Docl:et #1473 Fund, and ordering payment made to C. C. Pagenhart and
M.T.Souther, Inc., for payment of partial estimate No.21, quoted above, which was
Upon motion by Miller, second by Moody, that the said resolution
be adopted as read, and all Voting in favor thereof, President Liddle declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Amundsen introduced a resolution granting public dance
permit to T. V. Nagle for the Woodman Hall, March 7th,1934, and fixingg, the fee at
$'3 .00 , wni ch was read.
motion by Norton.,
by Amundsen, that
the said resolu-
tion be adopted as read,
and all voting i-n
thereof, President
Liddle declared
the said resolution duly passed and adopted.
3 0
�I Alderman Amundsen introduced a resolution r;rant n.a
public dance permit to A. G. Berndt, for the Woodman 7all, March lOth, 179
24, and 31st,1934, and fixing the fee at .112.00,which was read.
Upon motion by Dallman, second by "j. cks, thatthe said
resolution be adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President
'. Liddle declared the said resolution duly passed and adopted..
AldermanMoody introduced a resolution authorizing
the City Engineer to expend not to exceed $499.00 for the overhauling and
repair of the Tiffin Motor driven sprinkler -flusher, which was read.
Upon motion by Amundsen, second by Norton, that the
said resolution be adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof,
President Liddle declared the said resolution duly pas;;ed and adopted.
Alderman Hicks introduced a resolution authorizing the
City Engineer to expend. not to exceed 1400.00 for the overhauling and repair
or the Russell m*tdr driven grader No.l, which was read.
Upon motion by Amundsen, second by 11filler, that the
�I said resolution be adopted as read, and a1.1. voting in favor thereof,
President Liddle declared the said resolution duly passed wnd adopted.
Alderman Miller introduced a resolution authorizing
the City Fnr-ineer to expend not to exceed w400.00 in t .e overhauling and
repair of the Russell Motor Driven Grader No.29which was read.
Upon motion by Hicks, second by Moody, that the said
resolution be adopted as read, and all voting in .favor thereof, President
Liddle declared the said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Miller introduced a resolution authorizing
the City Engineer to expend not to exceed 499400 for the overhauling and
repair of the Model #54 International truck, which was read.
Upon m,-.tion by Amundsen, second by Moody, that the
-- said resolution be adopted as read, and all voting in favor ther.eof., Presi-
dent Liddle declared. the said resolution duly pas-sed and adopted.
4j Alderman Hicks introduced the following; resolution,
j w'ai ch was read;
"WHEREAS, It is deemed expedient .wnd necessary that
the Model 24 International Truck, the 1930 Dodge "ruck, the 1920 Dodge
truck, the 1929 Dodge sedan, and the Austin Western road roller, in use
of the City Engineer's Department, be overhauled, repaired and- painted, in
ordor that the said e"'uipment may be in condition to operate efficiently
during the ensuing; year,
4 SO TE'ERFFORF, Be it resolved by the Common Council
f �� of the City of Ro chest er, Minnesota:
That the City Engineer of said City, be and he is hereby
authorized to secure the necessary labor, materials, and repair p:darts and .to
overhaul, repair and paint the said pieces of equipment, wb1ch expenditures shall
not be in excess of �$1 150.00 for the ':Model 24 International Truck, 31150.00 .for the
1930 Dodge, ,n50.00 for the 1920 Dodge truck, 4199,00 for the 1929 Dodge Sedan, and
50.00 for the Austin Western Road roller."
Upon motion by Ricks, second by Amundsen, that the said resolution
be addpted &s:'.tead -.:and.!al1 voting in favor•thereof, President Liddle declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Upon motion by Miller, second by Moody, the Common Council
adjourned to 7:30 o'clock P.M., on March 14th,1934.
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City Clerk.
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