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Minutes of a special meet-ing-of.the Common Council,
of the City of Rochesters Minnesotat held in the Council Chambers, in the
City Hall; in said City, at 7:30 o'clock P�Moij August 23-d91934.
114 et ing called to order 'by President Lidd.le4
Roll Call. Present: Liddle, Fryer, Greens T-remmoni
Miller; Moody: Absent: Amundsen;
V The call for the special meeting was read; said
meeting having been called OW Mayor Reiter for the purpose of reconsidar-
atiork-of the Common Council action on the Public Utility Doard's 'request
that the Common Council direct the vppropriat ion of $38,54552,, from
Public Utility Funds, for,the construction of a new Library buildings and
any other business that t#e said Common Council might deem proper.
A copy of the reqoikution passed and adopted by the
Public Utility Board during 91934roPriatirg
the afternoon of August 23rd,9 apo
$386450--52 from the Public Utility Fund to a Special Fund for the Construc-
tion of a new Library buildings as attached to the voucher for pa*ent.
was read.
Upon motion, by.,-Moody.14sepond by -.Pryer, it was ordered
that no -further action be taken on the subject .of authority -for,.the aPPro-
Priation of 038645.a52 from Public.Utility Funds,) to at special fund for the
Construction of a New lAbrary Building,, as this Common Council has
already authorized such an appropriations
Alderman Amundson came in at this time and took
his Chairi
The report of E. J! Pea�rloveq Comptrollers on the
examination of the books .and affairs o f the, City .of Rochest er*$ laimfted
9 during the fiscal County Minnesota, kears-iending March .31st'1933% and
March 31st.1934, with the date of audit as of April !30ths 1934 s was laid
before 'the Common -Council, and upon motion ;.by.,..;L emmon second by Green,
it was - ordered that the same .be placed 'on T ileQ
Alderman 'Amu:ndsen's6bj eibtleA to 'the Public ExaZineis
comment on his unpaid balance "on a Westinghouse Electric Refrigerator,
.:on a. discussion in which- it becWne� known that other City officials
i0ring delinquent accounts with the Public"Utility Departments were not
mentioned in the Examiners c omm, ent t. . and' ac co jrdifigly motion by Moody
second by`•' ili!dsen 'carried that 'all 'aii dountsl•for'electric lights powers
water andheatIng services and for merchandise'--f-urnithed agai nst ill, 'City
officials, both elective and ,appointive and City employes, as of March 31st919349
Y be published and acco rdingly.:the,City,, Cl,erk..msde ._request of. the Secretary of the
Public Utility Board that this.:info Ymation be;furriished for publication, in a letter
' as follows: r .
"August 24, 1934'
Public Utility Board; ,
City of Rochester, Minnesota.
�Attent'ion: A: J: Lentter, Secy.
Pursuant to action taken by the Common Vouncil of this City,
at a special meeting thereof held August 23rd9 1934, at whicly time they
ordered the publication of all the accounts for electric light, powers
water, and heating service,' and' for merchandise furnished, against all
City officials both elective and appointive, and City' employes,ttyour_yvill
please furnish me ivith a list of those accounts taken from your records
.as of March 31st, 19349 making a division thereof whowing such as may be
due April 5th919349 end a division for those that were delinquent at
March 31st, 1934; in other words your statement will show two columns,
those that were delinquent at March 31st , 19349 and the other for those
that were due on or before April 5th,1934:
II Your early attention to this request will be appreciated.
_ Yours truly,
A: F: Wri ?ht
„ City Clerk: "
The City Engineer voiced protest against the Public Examiner's
comments relative to the Engineer certifications for payments to C.G.Fr.aser and
T„M:Fel].er, on their contract for the Broadway Street North trunk line sanitary
sewer, and asked that he be priviledged to confer with the Comptroller on the
subjects and also promised full publicity regardless of the result of the debate,
at which motion by Lemmon second by Fryer carried that the City Engineer
be authorized to confer with the Comptroller on the subject of payments made for th
Broadway Street North trunk line sanitary sewer'
Upon motion by Miller second by Green the 'Public Grounds
Committee were given power to acts in', repair of the furnace at the Witherst ine
} property at a cost not to exceed $4000. '
r Upon motion by Lemmon second by Fryer reconsideration was taken
of the action August 20th919349 ;on the proposals for the construction of fttface
drainage sewer in parts of Fourth Street Southwest and Tenth Avenue Southwest, afte
the City Engineer had reported that the application for 1 E•R:A. funds for use in
the construction of this sewer had been granted.
.Upon motion by Miller second by Amundsen the proposals for the
construction of a surface drainage sewer in parts of Fourth Street Southwest
and Tenth Avenue Southwest., were rejected and it was ordered that the certified
checks of the bidders be returned to. them.
Upor. motion by Yiller secon(I. by. ?!00d- Vhp City
Fnrline('r Wfir, llutboi-1-7-ed 8,nrl. directed t!O recurs the rvcr—ss�,-r�r I-abor,
rn i 7A.'s, tools, ptc., necrpsp,r y for Vic conrtr.iction of the above
described surface d.raine.ae sewer, and corstrilct, the 89,Tre b.. City 7orcc,
account and. S.7-R.A. relief woricP-r-9.
Upon motion bMoo dy second bi,
"Ile's of the Mavor that he increase the ES 0 0 4 0 0 -m-ergency author. i,7,:-tion
L �Cl r tot a 3. t o o.
t'-p construction of a barn on the City Dump i n �7 rounds.
of ;"62F.00.
Upon motion by Moo(+,r, second by Amundsen the Common
Counci-1 adjourned.,
City' Clerk*