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I.Iinutes of an gdioi.irnPd regular meeting of the Comilion Council
of the City of Rochester, Minnesota, held in the Council Chambers, in the
City TTall, in said City, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., on January '21,1935.
Meeting called to order by President Liddle.
Roll Call. Present: Liddle, 1,mundsen, ?"Fryer,' r*,!reen, Le -moron,
'killer, )I.Toody. Absent: None.
Upon motion by 'filler second bx- -oo-�y t1le minutes of tre meetinr
held on January 14th,1935, were Approved.
This being the time and place fixed for tile opening; of proposals
for the furnishing of a two ton track !,nd equipment for use of the Street
and Alley Department, the following proposals were opened and read:
Rochester Auto Market: Studebaker model T-641 ��1395.00, with a
trade in allowance of �'60.00 for the city owned 1930 Dodge truck, net
'Et 134 5.0 0 ;
Ellis Motor Company: Dodge model X-.45 �11.551.36, with trade in
allowance of '1�151.36 on the city owned 1930 Dodge true'.-., net `f".1�?-00.00;
Roy A. Banta: Model 311C Diamond f!' trurI P1857.50 , with trade in
allowance of '400.00 for the city owned 1930 Dodge truck, net "1457.50, On
this proposal the provision that the highest bid .for the city owned 1930
Dodge truck m.i�,ht be accepted by the Con-ffnon Council regardless op- whether
the bidder was awarded the contract :for the new truck or not was stricken
out by Mr. Banta.
President Biddle referred the above mentioned proposal: for
the furnishing of a two ton truck to the City Engineer for tabulation and
The report of the Clerk of the Municipal Court for the week
ending January 21,19359 showing criminal fines collected w^354-90, civil
fees received <' 13.05, and conciliation court fees received 1.1.00, was read,
and President Liddle referred the same to the City Attofney.
The following applications .for public dance permits were read:
T. V. Nag-le,fcr the Woodman. Ball January 26th and ''ebruary 2nd,
United ?corkers Association of Olmsted Count y,I:linnesota, for the
Woodman K-all January 2'rd91935
The applications of Win• R. King,Alan Ferglzson and Richard Lehman, for
drivers licenses were each read, and upon motion by Green second by Amundsen,
licenses were granted.
The official bond of Stanley Co Planning as Constable of tr.e Third
Ward_ with the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company as surety thereon in the
of $500.00 was
reed, and upon motion by T.,emmon
second by Amundsen,
was accepted,
the said bond was approved, and
it was ordered that
be placed on file.
Natural gas tests ta'- en by the Sioux City Gas & Electric Company, furn-
ished by James L. Griffin, Measurement Engineer for the Northern Natural Gas Comp
showing a BTU average for the week ending January 9th91935, of 1002, and 1005 BTU
average for the week ending January 16th919359 were each read, and President Liddle
ordered that the same be placed on file
The following copy of communication and reply thereto were each read
and President Liddle ordered that the same be placed on file:
" January 169 1935.
14r, Wm. N. Carey,
State' Engineer, Pt9A
Dear Sir:
In my letter to you of January lbth91935, I steted that I had hopes
to give you some definite information after the proposed joint meeting of the
Common Council, Public Utility Board and Library 9oard9 but, as the Library
Board were unable to attend the meeting scheduled for January l4th,19359
nothing of any consequence was accomplished, so this leaves the library build-
ing and trunk line sanitary sewer construction in question, but do not let
that situation interfere with your pressing approval on our application for
PWA grant on electric light building, alterationsand additions.
Be assured that when we have any information on the Library or
sewer that will interest you w6 will at once transmit it to you.
' Yours truly,
A. F. Wright ,
City Clerk."
State Engineer, PWA
205 Uptown P.O.&
Federal Courts Bldge
January 17,1935
Mr A.F.Wright
City Clerk
Rochestcr,. Minnesota
Ref: Proposed new application of the
City of Rochester
Dear Sir:
We acknowledge receipt of your letter of January 16 , in
which you advise tbat, nothing further can be done with reference to
the application for the library building and trunk lir..o sewer at the
Present time. We will, therefore, await your further advice on this
sub j ect. .
We understand that additional information is now being
Prepared in connection with the application for the power plant
addition, which application will be forwarded to Washington as soon
as the information is supplied which is necessary in order to complete
this application and our report thereon.
Yours very tr,)1y,
71. No- C AREY
State Engineer, PWA "
The following copy of communication was read and President Liddle
ordered that the same be placed on file:
State Advisory Board
State Engineer,PIVA
2C5 Uptown P.0.* &
Federal Courts Bldg. ,
St.Paul, Minnesota
January 19, 1935
Mr: A. J. Lentfer, Secy. ,
Board of Public Utilities
City Hall,
Rochester, Minnesota
Re: 1pplication for f7rant for
Power Plant Improvement s -
Dear Sir:
We acknowledge receipt of your letter of Jan. 17th and the
information requested under Sections 11 and IV of Circular Not.
We are,now completing our examination of this application
and will forward our report and the application to Washington within
the next few days.
In connection with this pr�;.ect, it is necessary to know what
your plans are for the installation of the boilers and other equipment
-which is to be placed in the building addition proposed in your appli-
cation. Is it your intention to make application for a grant on the
equipment installation at a later date.2 It appears that the install-
ation of the gquipment Is properly a part of the im..0rovement project
and that the project as a whole would not be completed until the equip-
ment is installed. If the boilers, pipingq etc. are to be .erected in
this building addition before the building is completed and during the
time construction of the buildinc addition is under P.W.A. supervision,
it would be necessary that the equipment installation be nade a part of
the P.W.A. project and be erected subject to P.W.A. reE_ulations. It
would not be acceptable to the P.W.A. for the City to carry on the
erection of the equipment in the building at the seine time that P.W.A,,_
contracts were being perpoW�A.I,renulations.less the egTfpthetbuildin�;aaddition
ion was
also erected subject to
could be fully constructed and completed before any equipment is in-
stalled, the City, of courwould
they desiredproceed
aft er the
mechanical equipment insta lla tioninany manner
P.W.A. project was fully completed and accepted. This point is that
°. W. A. policy required that all work carried out at arty one time on
any one project must be performed subject to'Y.W.A; regulations, which
means that all plans and specifications must be examined and approved_
by the State Engineer, ?yids r-eceived and contracts awarded to the low-
est responsible bidder :Oubject to P.W.A. approval and that all work
must be performed under P.W. A.-, regulations.
Please let us have a prompt reply on this subject in, order
that our report on the application may not be delayed.
Very truly yours,
The City Clerk read a statement showing project costs under P.W. A.
Docket No.1473 Pnd suggested that an application be made for additional grant allow-
ance in that 301% on the total expenditures would have been �1,271,300.319 while the
grant was for only $24,000000, and also called attention to the fact that when the
,12061.43 withheld on the Christensen Contractors, Inc., contract, and the .1,536.32
withheld on the Fraserk Feller contract, both as 5% for street maintenance guarantee
onrthose two sanitary sewer contracts, sire paid, there will be a deficit in the P.W.
Docket No.1473 nand of $1231.22.
Upon motiun by Libmmon second by 'Miller the ",1fayor,and City Clerk were
authorized and directed to make application for additional grant allowance on P.;,;`.A.
Docket 110.1473 projects.
The -:application;: of Eileen fTealy and Geraldine Pur.ve:3 for appointment
as Realth Office Stenographer, were each read,and President Liddle ordered that the
same be placed on file.
Upon motion by Lemmon second by Amundsen, the sum of 13.0^ was appro-
priated frum the General Fund and it was ordered that the said supra be paid to D.L.
ti'i Lli 4s, Postm-ster, for postage st .rsps for use of the City Clerk.
U,-)on motion by Green, second by Fryer t r_e following sums were appropriat d
from the General Fund payable to the persons mentioned for fire and tornado insuranc
)rem_iums:on the Witherstine property building: J. T. Collin 84.0O3 T.F.Kennedy '13. 0.
Alderman Lemmon introduced a resolution appropriating ,f269.60 from the
Protection Fund and ordering payment made to W.S.Nott Company of Minnea>>olis,
Minnesota, for 500 feet of one and one half inch Arab,easy .fold,double jacket,fire
dose coupled with rocker lug couplings, per their invoice of J-Wnuary 12,1935, which
was read.
Upon motion by Amundsen second by Fryer that the said resolution be
adopted as reed, and all voting in favor thereof, Pre,>ident, Liddle declared tht saic
re3ol-ation duly pi-vised and adopted.
Alderman Tiemmon introduced the following resolution.which was read:
"Be it resolved by the C0111mon Council. of the City of Rochester,
That the sum of '1431.99 be A.nd the said sum is hereby approPria,
ted fr.o.n" Code 29, General, Fund of said City and ordered raid to Midland
Co -Operative Oil. Association of T-linneapolis, Minnesota, for 3,193 raalcns
gasoline furnished in PARX Car *Tumbor 447 - T'�360'.91 plus -" 66.37 freigbt
equalization and less A3.69 discount, for cash in ten days, the said carload
of gasoline having been purchased from Co -Operative Oil Company of Rochester,
nnesota, who sub -let the business to the said Midland Co -Operative Oil ,
The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and. directed to
draw a warrant" for said sum upon the City Treasurer in accordance b.erewith,
and cause said payment to be made. "
Upon motion by Green second by Moody that the said resolution be
II adopted P.s read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Liddle declared
the said resolution duly massed and adopted.
`Alderman Green introduced a, resolution appropriating T,481.50
from the Street and Alley. Pund L,,nd ordering payment made to the Baker
Manufacturing Company for the furnishing of one model 4-B Paker 10 foot
Ireversible/blade, auto truck snow plow complete with equipment, serial No.
4B-5140, end push frame No. PF-20, billed under.invoices Nc.2500 and '.475,
which was read.
II Upon motion by Moody second by Fryer, that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, 'resident Liddle declared
the said ret ol.ution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Green introduced a resolution-uthorizing the Public
Utility Board to pay G. Schwartz & ComparV ,1720.32 as extras on contract for
mat and foundation for northeast boiler room at the city electric light plai-4
in accordance with resolution request passed and adopted by the Public Utili
Ity Board January 14th91935, which was read.
Upon motion by Amundsen second by Moody that the said resolution
be adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Liddle
IldeelA.red the said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Fryer introduced a resolution making appropriations for
supplies used between departments during December,19349 iNhich was read.
Upon motion by Green second by Lemmon• that the said resolution
e adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Liddle
declared the said resolution duly passed andadopted:
645 j
Alderman Amundsen introduced a resolution granting public dance permit
to T. V. Nagle for the Woodman Hall January 26th, and February 2nd;1935, and fixing
the fee at 36:00,whibh was read**
Upon motion by Moody second by Miller that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Liddle declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted:
Alderman Amundsen 3.ntroduced a resolution grafting public dance permit
to the United Workers Association of Olmsted County, for the Woodman Hall january
23rd,19359' and fixing the fee at $$3.00 , whioh was read.
Upon motion by Green second' by Moody that , the said resolution'be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Liddle declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Miller introduced a resolution appropriating $1349.91 from
the P.W.ADocket 'No.1473 Fund and ordering payment made to C.C.Pagenhart and
M.E.Souther, Inc. , as balance in full on final estimate for. the construction of
a bridge on Fourth Street Southeast over the Zumbro River, under Job No.1805, which
was read.
Upon motion by Lennon second by Amundsen, that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Liddle declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Alderman Moody introduced a resolution appropriating $165C.5E3 from the
P.WA.Docket Na1473 Fund, and ordering payment made to Christensen Contractors,
Inc, as further partial payment on final estimate for the construction of a trunk
line sanitary sewer in Broadway Street North and South from Fourth Street Northeast
to Third Street Southeast, under Job No.18079 which was read.
Upon motion by Miller second by Moody that the said resolution be adopt(
as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Diddle declared the said
resolution duly passed and adopted.
A3:derm4n., yer introduced the following resolution which was read:
"WHEREAS, after the payments made January 21st, 1935, from P-.W.A. Dock
Number 1473 Fund, there remains certain Budget balances on hand, and
• -
WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient and necessary that these Budget balances
be transferred to make the same available for payments of items due from other
Budget divisions, .
SO THEREFORE, Be it resolved - by the Common Council of the City of
Rochester, Minnesota:
That the sollowing transfers be made withing the P.W.A.Docket Number
1473 Fund:
$437e76 from Code I. (Fourth St..S.E.Bridge) to Code 2 (Fourteenth
Street No-W. Bridge) ;
$15.00 from Code 4 ( South Broadway Trunk Line abandoned) to
Code 2 (Fourteenth Street Northwest Bridge); '
$923.67 from Code 5 (Siphon section of Trunk Line Sewer) to Code
2 (Fourteenth Street Northwest Bridge);
$1583.14 from Code 5 (Siphon section of Trunk Line Sewer) to
Code 3 (North and South Broadway Trunk Linel, and
Be it further resolved by the said Common Council:
That the sum of A1267.80 is hereby appropriated from P.W.A.
Docket Number 1473 Fund and it is ordered that the said sum be paid.to"
C. C.Pagenhart and M.F. Souther, Inc., as balance in full on Final Estimate
for construction of Bridge on Fourteenth Street Northwest, over Cascade
Creek, under Job Number 1806, and
Be . it further resolved by the said Common Council:
That the sum of S752:93 be appropriated from P,W.A.Docket
Number 1473 Fund and paid to Christensen Contractors, Inc., as balance in
full on final estimate for construction of trunk line sanitary sewer in.
Broadway Street North and South, from Fourth Street Northeast to Third
Street Southeast, under Job Number 1807�
The Mayor and City Clerk of said City are hereby authorized
and directed to draw warrants upon the City Tre_surer and make the said
transfers and payments accordingly."
Upon motion by Lemmon second by Green that the said resolution
be adopted as read, and all voting in favor thereof, President Liddle
declared the said resolution duly passed and adopted.
The following claims were read and Rpon motion by Moody second
by Lemmon the same were allowed and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized
abd directed to draw warrants upon the City Treasurer and make payments
From the General Fund: Sharp & Dobme, Inc. $720329 Vm- R. Jones
$15V00, Rocb.ester Grocer Company $4 20, John Ploof $13:20, Sam Moore
$26.40 , William McConnell $26.40, Ambrose Kelly $26.40 , A. F. Wright
$10.15, Louis J. Claude $8.55, J. T. Lemmon $2 10, James TiSpillane $10.60,
Ethel Oesterreich 020.909 Henry C. Lindberg & Joseph J. -Schuster $6000,
Be J 9nithman ComparW $1.80, Dodge Lumber & Fuel Company $69.40, R.0 Drips
Grocer Company $10,159 R. Dornaek $8:009 Vm- Behnken $21-0509 Foster-Mrachek
Electric Co: .9244'431
From the Street and Alley Fund: Goo. Befort $4.389 Paper,
Calmenson & Company $2 24)
Promt�the Fire Protection Fund: Southeastern Minnesota Volunteer Fire
Department Association f3 00, Foster-Mrachek Electric Co. <$.95, John St.George $1.001
Bawer Fund: City
of Rochester,
Light Department'$55.10;
Park Improvement
Fund: Dr. J.
Knox Gibson 412.00;
From the Frank E.Williams Estate Fund: We Behnken $1.00, L.F.Milostan
The following claim was read and upon_ motion by Green second by Fryer
the same was, referred to the City Attorne®:
"City of Rochester, Minnesota
To R. F: Brown Dr.
233 - llth Ave. S.E.
Jan. 15 - 4 hrs. Labor shoveling snow
.60 per hrs
Jan. 16 - 8 hrs* labor shoveling snow
.60 per hr
Jan: 17 - 8 hrs. labor shoveling snow
® i60 per hr.
Total, _
12.00 "
On the invitation of the Mayor several persons on S.E.R.A* relief,
direct or work, were before the Common Council with complaints that the direct
relief.was not sufficient to take care- of --rents, coal,,,foods etc., and that in
work relief cases they were not allowed to work sufficient time to gain funds
sufficient to take care of their living costs, and Mr. Ray Emmerson, local S.-E.R.A.
Director,who was present, explainied.: Ithat the budgets for direct and work relief
had to be kept within the funds available,at which the Mayor suggested petitioning
Congress for additional relief funds.
The Mayor also recommended that the County Commissioners of Olmsted
County create Sq,iE.R:A6 project or P WeiA: project fer. the construction of at least
one hundred homes for the housing of persons who find it necessary to/relief funds,
which would relieve relief funds from the drain for rentals, and he also suggested
the mediate completion of the plans for a bridge over Bear Creek on Tenth Street
Southeast, in order to create work for the umemployed at this time.
Upon motion by Lemmon second by Miller, the Mayor and City Clerk were
authorized and directed to petition Senator Shpstead and Representative Andpsven:
asking for their support of legislation in congress that would create additional
relief funds to take care of the'local situation.
The following recommendation of the City Engineer relative to the
purchase of truck for use in the Street and Alley Department was read, and President
Liddle ordered that the same be placed on_ file:
; re
"Rochester, Minn.
Jan. 25, 1935
Hon. Mayor & Common Council
I herewith submit tabulation of bids for furnishing to
the City of Rochester, One Two -Ton, Manufacturers' Minimum Tonnage
Rating, Truck, with Two -Cubic Yard -Dump -Body, and Hydraulic Hoist-.
Contractor Ellis Motor Co. By Earl B. Ellis.
Address City K 45 2-3 ton
Truck complete as specified, 1551438
Allowed as trade-in value, or purchase price of
City -Owned Model 30-1� ton Dodge Truck -Motor
DD 27-28-29- Serial 8471368 151.38
Net amount of bid after deducting trade-in
bid of 30-1, ton Dodge Truck $ 140040
Contractor Rochester Auto Market
Address City T 641 - 2-3 ton
truck complete as specified, $ 139540
Allowed as trade-in value, or purchase price
of City -owned Model 30-1i ton Dodge Truck -
Motor DD 27-28-29 Sfcial 8471368 500'00
Net, amount of bid after deducting trade -In
bid of 30-1� ton Dodge Truck A 134540
Contractor -R. A.. Banta 311- B- 2 ton
Address Specifications modified to disqualify bidder.
�i, Truck complete as specified
0 1357050
Allowed as trade-in value, or purchase price
of City -Owned Model 30-* ton Dodge Truck -Motor
DD 27-28-29 Serial 8471368 $ 400:00
Net amount of bid after deducting trade-in
bid of 30-1� ton Dodge Truck 1457*50
I beg to recommend that the bid of the Rochester Auto Market in
the amount of 11345 00 for a T 641 w 2-3 ton truck be -accepted'.
Ce H;i Armstrong
City Engineer. "
Alderman Amundsen introduced the following resolution,which
was read:
"Be it resolved by the Common Council of the City of Rochester,
That the bid and proposal of Rochester Auto Market for the
furnishing of a two ton truck9 Manufacturer's minimum tonnage rating,
with two cubic yard dump body, hydraulic hoist and steel cab, for use of
the Street and Alley Department in accordance with the specifications
for the said two ton truck which are now on file in the office ofthe City
Clark of said City, namely:
Studebaker - Model T-641 truck complete as specified 139540
Trade in allowance City Truck 50.00
Net Bid. after deduction of allowance $ 1345V00
be and the said bid and proposal is hereby accepted.
hereby fixedTIR a%u460$ft#f3ftr6bT"bond to be given by the said contractor is
Upon motion by Miller second by Fryer that the said resolution be
adopted as read, and' all voting in favor, thereof, President Liddle declared the
said resolution duly passed and adopted.
Upon motion by Moody second by Amundsen, it was ordered that the
certified checks of the unsuccessful bidders for the furnishing of a two ton
truck for use of the Street and Alley Department, be returned to them.
Upon motion by Amundsen, second by Moody., the Ci�ryy Engineer was
authorized tb contract for the use of a tractor snow plow for 8 hours at $7:00 per
hour $560,00.
Upon motion by Lemmon second by Amundsen the Common Council adjourned.
�( o 0
City Clerk: