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Ordinance No. 4281 - Second Reading: Pedestrian/BicycleCommittee.Ordinance
ORDINANCE NO. ______ AN ORDINANCE CREATING AND ENACTING SECTION 19.05 OF THE ROCHESTER CODE OF ORDINANCES, RELATING TO THE PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE. THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROCHESTER DO ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 19.05 of the Rochester Code of Ordinances is hereby created and enacted to read as follows: 19.05. Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee. Subdivision 1. Statement of Legislative Intent. The City wishes to provide a forum for users to help inform policies and priorities to ensure a safe, connected, convenient, and comfortable pedestrian and bicycling system in the City that contributes for the City’s Mode Shift Goals, and a culture of active living and equity in transportation demonstrable of what it means to be “America’s City for Health.” The City’s adopts this ordinance for the following reasons: A. The City of Rochester supports increased bicycling and walking for commuting, general transportation, recreation, and healthy living. B. Rochester has been recognized as a Bicycle Friendly Community by the League of American Bicyclists. C. Rochester has been recognized as a Walk Friendly Community by the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC). D. A safe, connected, convenient, and comfortable network of pedestrian and bicycling facilities contributes positively to quality of life, equity, and health. E. Increased walking, bicycling, and access to transit is needed to support transportation solutions needed to support the Destination Medical Center initiative. F. Walking and bicycling trips contribute to energy efficiency, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and better air quality. G. Walk- and bike-friendliness are key economic drivers for cities of all sizes, strengthening the local economy by attracting business investment and skilled workers that have the option to locate anywhere. H. Virtually every trip includes a portion taken as a pedestrian. 1 I. Walking is the most common and accessible form of transportation and physical activity. J. The community values safe, accessible, pedestrian and bicycling facilities and networks inclusive and welcoming to all including walkers and those using strollers, wheelchairs, and other mobility aids. Subd. 2. There is hereby established a Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee (“Committee”). The Mayor shall appoint, with the Common Council’s advice and consent, nine members of the Committee who shall serve without compensation. To the extent practicable and possible, Committee membership shall be as follows: A. Four members from the bicycling community. B. Two members representing pedestrians. C. Three members representing one or more of the following areas: transit/transportation sustainability/public safety/public health. Subd. 3. Upon creation of the Committee, three members shall serve a three-year term, three members shall serve a two-year term, and three members st shall serve a one-year term. Each initial term of office shall expire on December 31 of the year the term is scheduled to expire. All subsequent appointments will be st made for three year terms effective on January 1 of the following year and shall st terminate on December 31 of the third year. Each Committee member shall serve the appointed term until a successor is appointed and qualified. Subd. 4. Within 45 days of a vacancy, the Council shall fill the unexpired term of the office. If a vacancy occurs in a term with less than 45 days remaining, the Council may allow the term to expire without appointing a successor. Subd. 5. The Committee shall meet jointly with the Public Works and Planning Departments at least four times a year. The members shall adopt rules concerning the following business: A. Time, dates, and places of future meetings; B. Election of officers; and C. Voting and quorum requirements. Subd. 6. The Committee shall elect from its members a chairperson and 2 such officers as it may deem necessary. The Committee shall make such rules as it may deem advisable and necessary for the conduct of its affairs and the for the purpose of carrying out the intent of this section. Subd. 7. Committee participation is intended to inform the City Public Works and Planning Departments of priorities and needs of user groups, and be a conduit for users to understand the contexts of constraints and opportunities for improving public and private transportation systems serving pedestrians and bicyclists. Subd. 8. The Committee will serve as a resource of citizens, facility users, and persons experienced in non-motorized transportation to provide input on policy, funding, and design issues as determined by the Directors of Public Works, Parks and Recreation, or Planning. Examples of topics include: A. Capital improvement programs; B. Policies related to planning, designing, operating, maintaining or funding the transportation system, and recreational trail; C. Grant opportunities; D. Annual pavement striping program; E. Street, path and trail projects and alternative designs; and, F. Identification of funding sources to cover costs of additional striping, signage, and other expenses needed to carry out modifications. Subd. 9. The Committee may make policy and procedure recommendations to the Public Works and Planning Departments, and to the Common Council, and may engage in educational initiatives that may be of benefit to the public. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law. 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROCHESTER, MINNESOTA, THIS __________ DAY OF _______________, 2017. ___________________________________ PRESIDENT OF SAID COMMON COUNCIL ATTEST: __________________________ CITY CLERK APPROVED THIS _____ DAY OF ______________________, 2017. ________________________________ MAYOR OF SAID CITY (Seal of the City of Rochester, Minnesota) Ord15/19.05 4 `011t1114AFICE No,42814281 A.VOW members from the i AN ORDINANCE CRE, btcyclingcomr€unity, ATING AND ENACTING A, TWO mambors repro- SECTION 141,05 OF THE slnitngpedestrians, ROCHESTER CODE OF C. 7laroe members [of).ORDINANCES, Rf:t AT• ros.enting ono or more of PE ING TO THC DE3TRI. Iha_folloWal) areas: trap•. SORY AN AND COMMITTEE .ADV(. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION rr lxs porlation sustntn. THE COMMON yy plibik snfely/public THE COf,r1INCN COUNCIL .sllh. O1=THE CITY OI ROCH• Subd•.3. Upon creation ESTER 00 ORDAIN: State Of Minnesota County Of �ilflSteCi of Iho :commiltee, three seciton 1.8octon I%0ilof r monitions shall serve a the Rochester Code o!Or. three-year form, throe 3 dinarrces Is hereby created members shall soive a and enaaledlo read as lot. Lisa Schell, being duly sworn, on oath that she is the publisher or authorized two•yoaf form, and three Intvs: members shelf serve a 19.05. Pedestrian and 1311 agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as the Post- one-year term. Each lnE. cycle Advisory Committee.` Bulletin, and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below: flet tem)of office shall ox. Subdivlslca 1,. pfre on December,31.01 the Statement of Legislative,' Year Iho term is scheduled Intent. Tho City wishos to 10 oxplro• All subsequont , provide a forum for users (A) The newspaper ties complied with all the requirements constituting aPpo niments Will be made 10 help Inform oficloe and for three year terms dltoc, prior(tles to ensure a safe, qualifications as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute five on January I of lllofot- connected, convenient, 331A.02, 331A.07 and other applicable laws, as amended, lowlffg year and slialf for- and coniforlable pales- minato on December 31 of Irian and bicycling systam 1110 third yosr, Each Cont. In the Ci�ty that coninbutos M11169rnembor sf iat serve .tor [Ito.City's Mode Shill (B) TI>e printed notice 1110 appointed faint uritif a Qualls, add a culture of slfccossor Is appolntod and active.living and crluity in: qualified, transportation domonstm• Which Is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was Subd• h• Vfitfiln 45 (lays bre of whol it means to be of a vacancy, the Council America's City for heath^ printed and published 1 time(s); it was printed and published on the following shall fill the unexpired form TI)o City's adoills this ordl•" of the office. if a varanoy nance for the following ran• dales. occurs Jn a form with less sons: than 45 days iematntng, A, The City of Roches.. pg 02�26�2017 the Coundt may allow.the tersuppoils Increased bl• IPB 02125/2017 lomi to airplre without tip. cycfing and walking for Pointing a successor. conirnuting, general frons-, subd, S. The Committee poflalloti, fecreal€ort, and Shell meet Jointly with tie Iteal€hyIlving. Printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from a to z, both inclusive, PPuebiIlo(works and nlanhIng B. f3ochaslar has been which is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used its the p monis at leas( four (mos a, oar. Tho.mom- recagntzed as a Bicycle; bons abaft ado I rules con. Friendly Community by colnposilion and publication of the notice: camtup the teCiowlnQ Irusl- i lba Leagtro of American 131 cyclists. ness G. A,Tt Rachsslorhasb9onrec• mo,dates and abodelghtj;ctmnopqul+mv ni Iahrro meeiin�s places ognized as a Walk Frlondly 13;Eleclton of ofiIcefs and cowmunrtyy by the Pedes. POS = `U(L\Ll=7O-00@ANY LL L C. c.Votln aril u E€Ian and Bicycle lrtforrna• BY,`L V Jt �. _� vti _ qufremens q Drum re- tun Center(PBIC), Subd, 6. The Committee D.A safe,connected.Cort• # shall elect from its stem voniortt, end comfortable here a 'oha6 arson. end network of podesl las and TITLE: Media Sales Manager p g such officers tzs bl nnn bicycling facNlles conlrib• , y utos positively to quality of 111 �'�� ' dears necessary, Tito + Comntt(ea .shaft make trio opal€y and heath. Subscribed and sworn to me on J Jt:,AN BILIBLITZ C Increased walking bJcy , " t: , such rules as t may doom cling,and access 10 transit This )da - of t?N-, 20 NOTARY PU13LIC•NIWNESQTA l yy advisable and necessa Is neoded 10 support trans / k Conini.DI) Jan,31,?.1120 for the conduct of Its affairs Fortation solutions needed ` �u� Y 1 and the for the purpose of io support the Destination �� 8 �34P� 91d1&cAtlltjlAflt car In out Ili©intent of ftiledicat Center initiative, U F. Walking and hioycling; No ry PUblic 11113.40tion. tris contnbuto to energy Subd.7.,Cornrnil(aa parllel- pp t]Y RATE INFOR f N patlon is Intended to Inform house reduced green the City Public works and house flee quality. emissions,and_ Plaoning Dopartments of bolter air gantity. 3) Lowest classified rata pall by commercial user $21.9fi priorities and needs of use€ o. walk and hikconon o, For comparable space (per Inchiper dayldisplay rate) gaups,And be a conduit (moss are key of all srz- far users to understand the drivers for cites of all s€z-, conlexis of constraints and as :strengthening the to- 2) Publication Fee $503.h3 o ppooitunitles for Int rovIn Cat economy by eliracttn{11'- ppublic and rtvalo lrgns o g btrsinGS5 Irivestrneat fnd lotion s stePtis sowing P r ` sidled %Yorkers that have f y g po. , destrians and b?c clisls. 1111:.option to locate fny- ; I witare, Ail ff 20057$:ORDINANCE N0.4281 AN dRDINANCE CREA Sutfd, E1..7tta.�ommlltfe 1 Will serve as:a resource of t' H. Virtually ovary trip In- r ctlizem,taCilll users,Arid cludfs a pprlton taken as_a persons exportsncod la ppedes In i non.molorizod trans o I:walfcin is bh1 most coni, tion la rovldo In ul on ria nion'and accossiblo form P p pal- of hansporiallon and physi , Icy,funding,and Juslpn€s- sues as dolaniilned b the Cal acthtty. Y Directors of Publzc works, + J. Tho communty values Parks and Recreation, or i sate,`accessible; pedesid. Planning. Examples of an and blcycling facilities topics inudo; p f and nolworks Inclusive and A. Capital Improvement vre1wriling to art Including pprograms; slrotlafs,whoid©Itohssi�ainr3 ' L3.ng Policies minted to plan• other moblffly aids, slap,dnInQ 1. .ridingoperamp, $ubd. -0:There.Is horeby i mat[nt orlagf or.(unem, tis established a Podesfdan [ lr croatf nal li system,and � reeroatonal troll; end Vloy G__11 Advlso .eom•,. mhtee'i commbteo Tho: O.Grant opporluultlas; Mayor.shall appoint, urfth D�Pogaalnpavements(rip- the C9ni[non Council's: ridvtao and convent, nine'. members of the Commit too who shall serve vrilh ' oat compenaation. ro..lhe! I extent practicab10 and pos- siblo,Committee me bar. stile shalt be as 10116WS: € AIKH